#1345 IDU: Inner Monologue

Arden and Scott discuss inner monologue and other things. 

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Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome back to another episode of The juicebox Podcast.

Today, Arden and I are going to talk about inner monolog and some other thinking related stuff. I don't want to get too technical. Please don't forget that nothing you hear on the juicebox podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your healthcare plan or becoming bold with insulin. Are you an adult living with type one or the caregiver of someone who is and a US resident, if you are, I'd love it if you would go to T 1d exchange.org/juice box and take the survey. When you complete that survey, your answers are used to move type one diabetes research of all kinds. So if you'd like to help with type one research, but don't have time to go to a doctor or an investigation and you want to do something right there from your sofa. This is the way t 1d exchange.org/juice, box. It should not take you more than about 10 minutes. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy earth.com. All you have to do is use the offer code juice box at checkout. That's juicebox at checkout to save 40% at cozy earth.com

this show is sponsored today by the glucagon that my daughter carries, gvoke hypopen. Find out more at gvoke, glucagon.com. Forward slash juicebox. This episode of The juicebox podcast is sponsored by AG, one drink. AG, one.com/juice box. When you use my link and place your first order, you're going to get a welcome kit, a year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs. Today's episode of The juicebox podcast is sponsored by OmniPod and the OmniPod five learn more and get started today at omnipod.com/juice box. A hard and what's up? Are you having fun making the podcast with me? I

Arden Benner 2:15
like how you started that. Like we haven't been talking to each other for the last 10 minutes.

Scott Benner 2:19
People need to know where the conversation begins. We can't just be in the middle of a conversation when start recording. We went over a lot of important things before we started. Yeah, we did. How's school going? Let's talk about it for a second. How long have you been there now?

Unknown Speaker 2:35
What like four weeks? I

Scott Benner 2:36
think it feels kind of weird. Yeah, you know what?

Arden Benner 2:41
I was talking to mom, and I learned that I'll be home

Scott Benner 2:45
every month, except for February, really.

Arden Benner 2:49
So I was home in September, right? October is my fall break. November's Thanksgiving, December's Christmas. January is New Year's. I'll be here February. March is spring break. And April, I'm done.

Scott Benner 3:06
And that's really odd, because at your last institution of higher learning,

Arden Benner 3:10
I wouldn't see you for like, six months straight. Yeah,

Scott Benner 3:13
you'd be gone for a really, really long time. You know, interesting. All right. Well, you know what we're going to talk about today? Nope, today we're going to talk about internal monologs.

Arden Benner 3:23
Oh, actually, I was talking about that in my psych class today.

Scott Benner 3:26
Where are you? Yep,

Arden Benner 3:28
we're learning about consciousness, and we just started learning about sleep.

Scott Benner 3:31
Okay, well, what did you learn about consciousness and sleep today?

Arden Benner 3:35
Well, we were talking about consciousness last class too. So it's like we learned a bunch, but basically we were just kind of learning, like, is, well, you would like this, like, dogs technically aren't conscious.

Scott Benner 3:50
I mean, I could tell that from basal, yeah. But I'm

Arden Benner 3:53
saying, like, you're always saying, like, he has no idea what's going on, like, I got you're kind of right. I'm right, right. Um, yeah, but there's like a couple Adam like, some mammals that do know they're conscious. So it's like humans, when they're like, 18 months old, know they're conscious. Chimpanzees know they're conscious. Elephants know their conscious. And dolphins know. Because we all have like a, like, a higher, advanced, like frontal lobe, or something like that, something like

Scott Benner 4:18
that. What does that mean? How does that like? What's the definition of I understand?

Arden Benner 4:24
So basically, there's something called the mirror test, and you place someone in front of a mirror, and if they they either react like some like something else is in front of them, or that they're or they understand that they're in front of them. So basically, they put, like the chimpanzees to sleep, gave them some drugs, and then placed like a red.on their forehead. And then when they woke up, there was like a mirror. And they so, like, they have no idea this thing's on their head, there's a mirror. And they walked up to the mirror, and instead of, like, going to touch the mirror because there's another chimp in front of them, they touch their own heads. And we're trying to. Off the dot,

Scott Benner 5:00
okay, but most animals, yeah, most animals probably wouldn't do that. Gotcha? Dolphins, yes, dolphins know that they're interesting.

Arden Benner 5:12
Dolphins also, their brains are bigger than ours, and they like the part of the brain where it's like the emotional response is actually a lot more complex than ours. Is

Scott Benner 5:23
they're more advanced emotionally than we are. Yeah, interesting, huh? Yeah, okay, that has nothing to do with our topic, but I love it.

Arden Benner 5:35
Yeah, that's what I was I was learning about all that stuff today. I have a exam next week, so gotta start. Gotta lock

Scott Benner 5:43
in how you been doing so far on your the testing that you've encountered.

Arden Benner 5:47
I've only taken quizzes, but I've gotten 100 on all of them. There you go. Nice.

Scott Benner 5:51

Unknown Speaker 5:52
Thank you very much. Are

Scott Benner 5:53
you enjoying this more classic type of college? Yeah, yeah. Is it? Is it better than the more hands on thing at SCAD?

Arden Benner 6:08
I think so. Personally, okay, I would say, yeah.

Scott Benner 6:11
Okay, good. What do you like about it that's different? Is your schedule. Feel like I'm using my brain.

Arden Benner 6:18
I like to just sit down and take notes. I don't, I realize I don't really like, like creating stuff is more like something I would do when I don't have like, it's I don't want creating things to be a task.

Scott Benner 6:31
So when you're being creative, you like it to be for fun or recreation. Yeah,

Arden Benner 6:36
definitely learn that. Um, but, yeah, I don't know. I just want to come home, put on my pajamas, crack open a Mountain Dew, put on Bob's Burgers and take some notes. And that is what I do. That's your afternoon. Oh, my God, guess what episode came on today of Bob's Burgers? Which episode The one where they're teaching Tina how to drive in the parking lot?

Scott Benner 7:01
Oh, the thing you sent me the clip of, Oh, my God, it's so funny.

Arden Benner 7:04
I've seen it four times, and every time I'm like, Oh, this is so funny.

Scott Benner 7:09
What's is it, though? Is it the setup? Though, you like the way the actor spoke one of the lines, right?

Arden Benner 7:16
Yeah. It's like, they walk out of the store or something, and he's like, Oh, the parking lot's very empty. Gina, and she's so dumb. And she's like, uh, all right. He's like, You know what that means? And she's like, No. He's like, you get the keys. And she's like, why would i What do I do with the keys? And he's like, drive the car. And then they get in the car, and she it's the only car at the parking lot. Oh, my God, it's fantastic.

Scott Benner 7:40
I've never seen the Bob's Burgers. Are you telling me I have to listen or watch

Arden Benner 7:43
some episodes are amiss. Some are a hit. Okay, really depends. Every once in a while

Scott Benner 7:49
you're really very nice. Okay, good background, for sure. Yeah, good

Arden Benner 7:54
background. Okay. Anyways,

Scott Benner 7:55
so how did this come up in our house? We were talking about it one day, and you were surprised to know that, I

Arden Benner 8:04
think I had asked if your inner monolog was your voice or someone else's voice.

Scott Benner 8:11
And I said, What are you talking about? Yeah, right. So try to explain to me I don't understand what you're what you're experiencing. So why don't you first explain to me when? When are you most aware of it? Is it constant? If you take insulin or Sulfonyl ureas, you are at risk for your blood sugar going too low. You need a safety net when it matters most, be ready with G vo hypo pen. My daughter carries jevo hypopen everywhere she goes, because it's a ready to use rescue pen for treating very low blood sugar in people with diabetes ages two and above that. I trust low blood sugar emergencies can happen unexpectedly and they demand quick action. Luckily, gevok hypopen can be administered in two simple steps, even by yourself in certain situations. Show those around you where you store GEVO kypo pen and how to use it. They need to know how to use jivo kypo pen before an emergency situation happens. Learn more about why GEVO kypo Pen is in Arden's diabetes toolkit at gevok, glucagon.com/juicebox, juicebox gvoke shouldn't be used if you have a tumor in the gland on the top of your kidneys called a pheochromocytoma, or if you have a tumor in your pancreas called an insulinoma, visit gvoke, glucagon.com/risk, for safety information. Today's episode of The juicebox podcast is sponsored by OmniPod, and before I tell you about OmniPod, the device, I'd like to tell you about OmniPod, the company. I approached OmniPod in 2015 and asked them to buy an ad on a podcast that I hadn't even begun to make yet because the podcast didn't have any. Listeners, all I could promise them was that I was going to try to help people living with type one diabetes, and that was enough for OmniPod. They bought their first ad, and I used that money to support myself while I was growing the juicebox podcast. You might even say that OmniPod is the firm foundation of the juicebox podcast, and it's actually the firm foundation of how my daughter manages her type one diabetes every day, omnipod.com/juicebox whether you want the OmniPod five or the OmniPod dash, using my link, let's OmniPod know what a good decision they made in 2015 and continue to make to this day. OmniPod OmniPod is easy to use, easy to fill, easy to wear. And I know that because my daughter has been wearing one every day since she was four years old, and she will be 20 this year, there is not enough time in an ad for me to tell you everything that I know about OmniPod, but please take a look omnipod.com/juicebox dot com, slash juicebox. I think OmniPod could be a good friend to you, just like it has been to my daughter and my family,

Speaker 1 11:08
yes, but like when when you read a

Arden Benner 11:13
book, for example, this part, I can't wrap my head around that you don't have an inner monolog, because when I read a book, there's a voice in my head that is saying those words out loud so that I can take them in and understand them. And you hear the voice. I can hear the voice, yeah, not literally, but see, I'm

Scott Benner 11:32
already lost. I don't know what you're saying. I mean, my internal monolog, if I have one, is that when I'm thinking about something, I feel like I can hear my thoughts, but not audibly. I don't

Arden Benner 11:44
know what that like you were trying to explain it as like you feel your thoughts instead of hear them. Or that's that's what Liv had said to me. That's how Liv put it there. Yeah, that's how she explained it. She was like, sometimes I feel things as like, colors or moods. And I was like, what like? I don't understand. Like, you don't just like think. And she was like, no or like, when we were asked both to think of an apple, like, I close my eyes and I think of a real apple. And she said that she thinks of like a drawing of an apple.

Scott Benner 12:13
And if you ask me to do it, I can't do that. I understand how that's possible. I can't see an apple at all, like, I don't see it. You know what I see when I close my eyes, darkness, yes. And I don't even know if that's what blind people see or not. So I'm still kind of lost. But I just see black. I can't picture anything like, hold on, let's pick something really simple,

Arden Benner 12:35
an apple. I said, an apple. Okay, no, black. I

Scott Benner 12:40
just see, I just see black. The moon. The moon. Okay, can you see the moon? No, same, black. It looked like the apple. Do you see a moon when you close your eyes? Yeah, I imagine the moon, really. But I can't hold on. Let me imagine the moon. What the hell is the what? I don't know. I'm trying to try. I don't know. I don't I try to imagine. I don't see anything. I don't see nothing, nothing. I see black.

Arden Benner 13:03
It's not like the moon appears. It's like, yeah, like, you close your eyes and see black, but then your brain, like, makes the image of the moon kind of sitting in the center. Nope,

Scott Benner 13:12
nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Nothing. Did. Liv, listen. Liv, the one who told you that she actually sees red when she's angry.

Unknown Speaker 13:20
Yes, she

Scott Benner 13:21
does see red,

Unknown Speaker 13:24
the whole joke. Now,

Scott Benner 13:24
do you even understand that?

Arden Benner 13:26
Like I understand it. I don't see red when I'm angry, but I understand what she's saying.

Scott Benner 13:31
Is she saying that like her vision looks tinted,

Arden Benner 13:33
I think, like she literally sees the color red, but

Scott Benner 13:36
like as an overlay, or solid, I

Arden Benner 13:40
think, should I think a solid when people

Scott Benner 13:43
become angry, their body undergoes physiological changes, heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, adrenaline is released. These changes can cause flushing in the neck, in the face, making your skin appear red. Visual changes when people don't actually, while people don't actually see the color red when they're angry. Extreme emotions like anger can cause changes in perception. Adrenaline, for example, and stress can narrow a field of vision, give you tunnel vision, or even cause visual distortions, which can feel like seeing red metaphorically, wow, I don't have that either. I've been pretty mad. I

Arden Benner 14:20
don't have that. Yeah, you kind of go insane when you're a man. I don't have that either.

Scott Benner 14:25
Oh yeah, I guess so I'm better, yes. So, I mean, I'm trying to think that I get better as

Arden Benner 14:32
I get older. Do you or do I have to hold you back in certain scenarios? I

Scott Benner 14:36
have not had, like, a feeling like that in a while, actually, since you and I were pulling out of the Walgreens parking lot that one time.

Arden Benner 14:44
Yeah, and then before, or was it before or after that when, um,

Scott Benner 14:47
someone ran a red light. Oh, and would have, like, just,

Arden Benner 14:52
that was just t boned us, yeah, and you stopped, and I had to hold your arm so you didn't, like, run after them and kill them. Yeah.

Scott Benner 14:59
I'm sure I just would have spoken to them strongly about their not paying attention. You know what I mean? Yeah, all right, so you close your eyes and anything you think of, you see, yes, and I don't have that at all. Okay, so why can someone see an object in their mind's eye, which I think that's what that's called, and some can't. So does this make me more intelligent? What if I find out it makes you mentally unstable? Hold on a second lunch. Wait till you see I don't think that's true. The ability to see an object in a mind's eye or create a visual imagery is in one's imagination. Varies from person to person. Some people have a vivid mental imagery where they can clearly visualize objects, people or scenes in their minds as if they were actually seeing them. Others may have little to no capacity for it. It's a Oh, a phenomenon known as aphantasia, and afftasia. How about that? Affata is good.

Arden Benner 16:06
I have realized, oh, sorry, I'm I'm adjusting. I have a heating pad on under my butt, and it's like, really hot.

Scott Benner 16:14
Hold on. I think I turned it all the way up by accident. You always sit on a heating pad.

Arden Benner 16:21
Yeah. It feels so nice. It like makes my tummy feel good. Okay,

Scott Benner 16:24
nice. So some people may be naturally a more visual thinker, while others think more in words. So this is interesting. I think in words for sure. Do you think in pictures? No, I think in words. Want to hear something crazy. Wait, I

Arden Benner 16:39
don't understand if you can think in words, how can't you hear the words?

Scott Benner 16:43
I just know they're there, but I don't hear them also. While I'm a word thinker, I speak in pictures. Have you ever noticed that, like, I use a lot of imagery when I'm speaking? It's what people hate about me and my family and love about me on the internet.

Arden Benner 16:59
Oh, all right, wait. I was gonna say,

Scott Benner 17:03
go ahead. Mom describes my writing as flowery. What does that mean? She thinks it's too

Arden Benner 17:09
Oh, writing like words you'd like when

Scott Benner 17:11
I write, like, your like, actual like, signature, no, not, not my hand, my handwriting.

Arden Benner 17:16
I was like, That is not flowery at all. Maybe like, if it was wilting,

Scott Benner 17:21
I have terrible penmanship, like, if, if I ever, like, go crazy and, you know, do something insane, they'll point to my handwriting, and they'll say, we should have known this was coming. But what were you gonna say? I'm sorry. I

Arden Benner 17:34
don't know. I, like, had something I was gonna say in the night, and then the heat hit my butt, and I couldn't remember. Close your

Scott Benner 17:39
eyes, see if you can picture

Arden Benner 17:42
it. Oh, yeah, that was it. So I do find that like so if you want me to close my eyes and imagine something, I can imagine absolutely anything. I have a hard time remembering the exact features of people. So I can picture a person, but then I'll think about it really deeply, and I'm like, You know what? Like, now that I'm thinking about it like, I'm not sure if I have this portion of their face correct, and I think I kind of, like, mess up their face in my brain a little bit. I don't know why. Like, even like people I've known my whole life, like, like, even you, like, I can picture you, and then at some point, like, I'd be thinking about it so hard can see such a clear photo. I'm kind of, like, 3d like, going around your head. And I'm like, Wait, that's not right. Like, something's off, really,

Unknown Speaker 18:28
yeah, oh, I

Scott Benner 18:29
can't picture people in my mind at all. I can,

Arden Benner 18:31
like, rotate around a photo, like, it can, like, spin in front of me, so I can see the front and back and up of everything. So

Scott Benner 18:37
this is gonna sound crazy, but like, I'm using Cole as an example, because he's downstairs and I saw him 20 minutes ago with my eyes open. I this is going to sound stupid to you, because either we're describing something differently or we're having two completely different experiences, but I know what Cole looks like. Yeah, I know what Cole looks like, too. I can't picture him, but I'm aware that I'm thinking about him, and I can describe him to you right now, but I'm not seeing him. Yeah, I don't understand that at all. Yeah, I had a dream the other night about mom, and it was like a like a beat for beat lunch that we had together when she was, like 20 and she was in college, like I could picture the restaurant we were in and like her sitting across from me and like this whole thing,

Arden Benner 19:30
I had a dream last night that I had a professor, no one. I like, just a random person I made up in my head, and they were like a killer, and they like kidnapped my class.

Scott Benner 19:40
Wait, a random pretend Professor kidnapped your class. Yeah, where do you take you? Like

Arden Benner 19:47
a house, like some sort of house, like cabony house. I don't know. I don't have all the details. I remember waking up and then thinking, Am I going to go to psychology or not? Psychology philosophy is

Scott Benner 19:59
that the 10. She sent me this morning. A lot of you might get your energy in the morning from coffee or soda, but I love drinking, ag one first thing in the morning because it gives me an energy boost without that caffeine crash. And I also know that my body is getting the nutritional support that it needs to power itself throughout the day. Ag one contains pre and probiotics and gut support ingredients to support your digestion, reduce bloating and to help keep you regular, all of ag one's ingredients are non GMO, and it contains no added sugar. It just helps to fill my nutrient gaps and support my gut health all day long. So start with ag one and notice the difference for yourself. It's a great first step to investing in your health, and that's why they've been a proud partner of mine for so long. Try ag one and get a free bottle of vitamin d3, k2, and five free. Ag one travel packs with your first purchase at drink. Ag one.com/juice box. That's a $48 value for free if you go to my link, drink ag one.com/juicebox check it out. Yeah. And you know what? Let

Arden Benner 21:08
me just say, I think I made a great decision, because yesterday, in my recitation, I got a gold star because I was doing so well. And next class, I have this class again on Thursday. He literally spends the first 20 minutes recapping the class before and then goes into what we're learning that day. So I was like, and he puts the notes online right after class. So I was like, What am I missing here? Nothing. I'm missing 50 extra minutes of sleep

Scott Benner 21:36
feeling good about paying for that class too. No, I

Arden Benner 21:38
actually, I go to the recitation. I go. That is the second time I skipped that class, and it was the same day each time, and I've been fine. Okay,

Scott Benner 21:46
hold on a second. I want to look this. I've been looking at this word more, but I don't want to keep saying it incorrectly. So hold on. One second. Hold on. There's a word that begins with a that means that you don't have a mind's eye. How do you pronounce it?

Speaker 2 22:00
The word you're thinking of is a Fantasia. It's pronounced a Fantasia. It refers to the inability to visualize images in one's mind, a fantasy

Scott Benner 22:10
talking to you. That's chatgpt Four. Oh, that's my chatgpt app.

Unknown Speaker 22:15
That's a that's a woman. Yeah,

Scott Benner 22:17
I gave her a woman's voice. Why did you do that? I find it.

Arden Benner 22:21
Are you having marriage troubles

Scott Benner 22:24
with aphantasia? Aphantasia Sounds like a girl I met at a strip club,

Arden Benner 22:29
speaking of a things, I was today in the episode of Bob's Burgers, they're talking about, what is it called the Green liquor, Absinthe. And I was, like, looking into it.

Scott Benner 22:43
I'm like, did you know it's illegal? It can make you blind, right?

Arden Benner 22:47
Can you can, like, hallucinate people have, like, murdered people on it? Yeah. My god, that's crazy. Remember in New Girl when they drink it, is it green? Yeah. And they like, and what's her name? John mulaney's wife.

Scott Benner 23:02
John Mulaney is married to that girl that got famous on The Daily Show. I

Arden Benner 23:08
don't know why I thought her name is Minka Kelly, and it's not, oh, it's Olivia Munn. Olivia Munn, yes, and yeah. And she's, like, dating Nick. And then they, like, shoot a gun or something. Yes.

Scott Benner 23:19
Okay, anyways,

Unknown Speaker 23:21
all right.

Scott Benner 23:22
I don't know how that happened, but I'm getting off track. Don't forget, listen to this. Aphantasia is believed to be rare, affecting an estimated one to 4% of the population. These individuals have no mind's eye or their imagination is essentially blind. The ability to visualize events and images often plays an important part in people's lives. What am I missing? So

Arden Benner 23:45
are you like missing part of your brain? What's going on is

Scott Benner 23:48
aphantasia, a type of autism the internet's ridiculous. Hold on. Oh yes, aphantasia and autism linked by impaired imagination and social skills.

Arden Benner 23:59
Wait and you have aphantasia?

Scott Benner 24:01
I mean, I can't see the apple. Yeah, I don't know. Well, folks, Well, folks, what is yes? Are you on the spectrum? Dad,

Arden Benner 24:18
I don't spectrum is it's, it's broad,

Scott Benner 24:20
I don't believe so to remember

Arden Benner 24:27
one time I was watching Big Brother with Sanj and mom, and we're watching a show, and this girl on the show was like, saying, she was like, Oh, I'm on the spectrum. And Sanj was like, Oh, she's gay. Is

Scott Benner 24:42
that what she thought it meant? Are you sure you want to tell tell people that Sanj didn't understand that?

Arden Benner 24:46
And I was like, we were in like, eighth grade or something. And I was like, what? And she was like, she's gay, she's on spectrum. And I was like, no, she has autism, Sanj, and we had to literally explain that to her. Was, it was a great day. I was like, Wow.

Scott Benner 25:03
I missed, I missed eighth grade. I know, all right. Well, it has nothing to do with IQ. Apparently I just can't see pictures in my head. When you're speaking and you go on long like monologs, right? You're going to talk for a while to people, and it's, it's a couple of minutes of talking. Do you pre plan what you're going to say? Like, do you ever see people sit around real quietly and then all of a sudden they launch into something? Like, they've been thinking about it? I don't

Speaker 3 25:32
know. I guess it depends on the situation, because when I speak

Scott Benner 25:35
at length, like, if, if I'm interviewing somebody on the podcast, they're saying something. I'm I'm listening, listening, listening, and then when I start to respond, I really don't know what I'm going to say, and then I start going, and I build on it, and sometimes I'll get to the end and think, I don't know if that made any sense, but the person I'm speaking to was like, that's so perfectly said. And I'm like, I don't even know what I just said. That's

Arden Benner 25:57
how I feel when I write. Because when I write, I don't like, stop. I just, like, put all my words down, and then I realize that they make sense. Yeah, yeah, we're creative writers, not analytical writers. Yeah, I

Scott Benner 26:08
definitely couldn't. I couldn't write technically, for sure,

Arden Benner 26:11
yeah, I can't, and I have to do that soon. So I think my world may collapse.

Scott Benner 26:17
I burn a ton of calories when I'm speaking in public, like when I because I just did it this weekend, and it's it eats up so much of my energy.

Arden Benner 26:29
But like, so who told who told you that the calorie burning elf, how do you know

Scott Benner 26:33
I know? Because I'm dizzy when it's over and I have to eat well, or maybe you don't eat enough. Oh, I ate a fork. No, no. I ate before which you have a chip and a piece of a little slice of butter. No, I got up in the morning and I ate some fruit, some salt. Are you listening to me? A banana? Had a little, you know, like a scrambled egg,

Arden Benner 26:51
some fruit and a banana, some fruits like, those are the same thing, a banana. I

Scott Benner 26:55
had a banana, and I was gonna say fruit, and I remembered it was a banana, and then I

Arden Benner 26:59
saw, all I've heard is that you've had fruit in a banana. What else?

Scott Benner 27:02
Banana? Eggs. I had a couple of grapes and a piece of bread. Yeah, and then I spoke, and then when I'm done, I'm drained.

Speaker 3 27:12
Well, that's not that much food, Dad. Don't think so. No.

Scott Benner 27:16
I mean, it's protein and sugar and, like, fruity sugar, all that stuff. There is a little adrenaline too. I think there's kind of like a letdown afterwards from adrenaline, which I do think happens.

Arden Benner 27:30
But is that a, I think it's a come down on a letdown,

Unknown Speaker 27:34
uh, come down by fueling your own drugs.

Scott Benner 27:36
I think let down is pretty reasonable to say there. All right, we have to get back to the internal monolog thing. But I was going to tell you that, like, I know what I'm going to say, like, I got on stage this a couple of times this weekend. I just have to figure out how I'm going to start, and then I know once I start, I'll get through it, and that people will enjoy it when it's over, it won't be like, people aren't going to be staring, going to, my God, like, Come on, man.

Arden Benner 28:00
I'm not really given monologs, so I don't,

Scott Benner 28:03
yeah, I was just wondering, because I wondered if your inner, like I wondered, is a voice talking to you while you're speaking, if you hear the words before you say them, because mine come out of nothingness, that's what I was getting at. No,

Arden Benner 28:19
it's not like the words are said in my head and then I spew them out, like it's just like, if I'm talking, I'm just talking, but when I do speak, there is a voice in my head that's repeating the words. So the words are being repeated in my head by that voice while they're coming out of my mouth.

Scott Benner 28:35
Hmm, so you're saying that while I'm talking right now, it would almost be like an echo, kind of,

Arden Benner 28:42
there's like another voice on top of it. It's kind of like, you know, when you're editing something and you have, like, the sound from the video, and then you put music on top of it,

Scott Benner 28:49
yeah, it's kind of like that, okay, when I finished my book, I called the editor, or the the publisher, excuse me, and I said, I need some extra time. And they said, why? And I said, I want to read the book out loud to myself to see what it'll sound like when other people hear it. Because if I sat and read it, it didn't have like I couldn't feel anything about it.

Arden Benner 29:22
Sometimes when I was younger, if I had to read something, the voice in my head would, like, talk really loud when it was reading. So I was like, Oh, I feel like I'm not, like, understanding. So I would read out loud, because it kind of like took over the other voice. Like, sometimes I have to do that if I'm like, okay, whatever. Like, the voice in my head keeps repeating it that I'm not understanding it, that understanding it, then I have to read it out loud. So there's only one, like dominant voice talking. I

Scott Benner 29:47
want to go over a couple things that I've learned here. People have different cognitive styles. This says which refers to the preferred ways in which they think, learn and process information. Some individuals are more verbal. Thinkers, meaning they naturally think in words, or hear an inner dialog, which is weird, because I guess I don't think in words, then others might be visual thinkers who are process information through images. I don't do it that way, either or spatial. I do both of those things, okay? Or there's abstract thinkers who think in concepts or feelings rather than words. I think that might be what I am.

Arden Benner 30:22
Yeah, you're an abstract I think that's what Liv is too, okay, but I'm the first two. Inner speech

Scott Benner 30:28
typically develops during childhood, as children learn to use language to guide their actions and thoughts. For some this inner dialog becomes a dominant way of thinking, continuing into adulthood. However, not everyone develops this habit to the same degree, and some may rely more on nonverbal forms of thought. Okay, oh, this is interesting. Brain imaging studies have shown that Different people use different parts of their brain when thinking. For those who experience inner speech, the brain's language related areas tend to be more active, but in contrast, people who do not hear an inner voice may have less activation in these regions during thought, and instead engage areas related to visual processing or other cognitive function. So is that why I speak in like pictures?

Arden Benner 31:13
Is it like the thalamus or something I'm like learning about this stuff now the thalamus might be like a senses or something like Broca's area, b, r, O, yeah, broka, yeah. I'm learning about all that, but what's No, but what's in brokers? Oh,

Scott Benner 31:28
find out in a second. I took that passage, and I'm asking it if that could be the reason why you think and communicate more in imagery. Brain imaging studies, who suggest that people are more visual thinkers tend to activate differently different areas of the brain, such as those related to visual processing, like the occipital lobe, rather than the areas associated

Arden Benner 31:47
lobe is the lobe all the way in the back. It's for like vision.

Scott Benner 31:54
If you find your thoughts are more image based rather than word based, it might mean that your brain naturally favors visual spatial processing.

Arden Benner 32:00
If this lobe gets damaged, like that's when people go blind.

Scott Benner 32:04
Oh, really. Also, you know someone watching that

Arden Benner 32:09
it's a dagger in your eye. Then that could do it too.

Scott Benner 32:12
I could do it as well. This could be more inclined to think. This could make you more inclined to think in picture scenes or visual metaphors. It could also influence how you express yourself, often using imagery to convey ideas or emotions, that is what I do. The way I say it out loud is I kind of speak in pictures. I tell stories through I don't know that's crazy,

Arden Benner 32:34
but you the thalamus is um, for sensory and motor information, okay,

Scott Benner 32:41
the interesting thing is that you and I, I think we communicate similarly with other people, yeah, but you're coming from one part of your brain, and I'm coming from the other, and we're both doing the same thing when it comes out of our mouths.

Arden Benner 32:57
I guess that makes sense, though, because I'm, like, more introverted than you are. So we kind of like think the same, but we don't completely act the same, like when we're in conversation. I guess that makes sense. You use, the more like emotional part of your brain. I use, the more like words.

Scott Benner 33:13
Yeah, I do that constantly. I think it makes mom crazy. Sometimes

Arden Benner 33:19
mom just uses, like, wherever the numbers are,

Scott Benner 33:22
you know, because I'm like, This is how it feels. How does it make you feel? She's like, I don't know. Like, okay,

Arden Benner 33:27
Mom told me that she took a, like, a little quiz to, it's about, like, a emotional intelligence at work or something that they had to take. And I was like, well, it was empathy last and she was like, it was actually very high. So I think somebody needs to look over her shoulder when she takes the next

Scott Benner 33:41
she was lying. Oh, it's funny. You said something. I had a question about when you say that I feel more introverted. Like, how do you feel like that impacts you in your daily life. You okay? So

Arden Benner 33:58
when I get dressed and I go to class, I get in the elevator. I have my headphones on. I, you know, like, acknowledge people in the elevator. I don't try to make conversation with them. I go where I need to go. I sit down, I open my laptop, I do my work. When I go eat, I'll, like, watch it, like, watch a show or something, do all this stuff. If you were in that situation when you entered the elevator with someone, you would make a conversation. With them. When you sat down in class, you would probably turn to the people besides you listen to what they're saying and add to it like I don't I'm not doing that, but I bet that if we're listening to the same conversation or in the same elevator, we're having the same types of thoughts, but that our actions are completely different. Okay, so

Scott Benner 34:40
when you and I are in the elevator together, we're experiencing other people. You think that we are having the same exact reactions, or close to the same reactions, to what we're hearing, but you would never engage with them. That's

Arden Benner 34:51
not true. Like I might, but I don't like, I don't want to,

Scott Benner 34:55
not inclined to, yeah, but then it does that make you i.

Arden Benner 34:59
But if I told you, if I told you, like, Dad, you cannot engage with anyone today, you'd probably, like, start, like, going insane.

Scott Benner 35:09
I don't know, some days I don't talk to anybody. Well,

Arden Benner 35:12
I know. But if you're in a situation where, like, you want to talk to people, and I told you, like, you can't do it,

Scott Benner 35:18
oh, and I'm like, an excited kid who you're telling not to run away. Yeah, yeah, that could happen. I hear you have a lot of I have a lot of thoughts. Yeah, I know you do. When you have one of those thoughts and you don't release it or share it with somebody, doesn't it feel wasted to some degree? No,

Arden Benner 35:38
I realized, like, you know, ambi ambiverts, or whatever. It's like in the middle of It's like someone who's both introverted and extroverted. Okay, I think that's what I am. Because, like, after a long day, like, I want to come home and I want to sit here and do my work and be by myself, and then I can, like, gain my energy, sleep, watch television, whatever. But I do enjoy going out and doing stuff with my friends. But like, if my friends want to go to the club, I don't know something like that. I need to know that that's happening a couple days prior. I don't want to know that night that we're all going to go do something. Why? What happens? I need to know what's happening and build the energy to like, I need to know throughout the whole day that later tonight, I have something I'm going to do that's going to involve other people. Okay, because then I have enough energy to do it and enjoy it. But if you throw it at me after I've already done something and I wasn't expecting it, it's not enjoyable. But there are other things I like to do. Like, if my friends call me randomly and like, want to go on a drive or go do something, I can do that. But I think it's because I'm so close to them. So it's like,

Scott Benner 36:52
you know how mom can be a one event, one day person, yeah, like, we went through the movies now today is over. Like that, yeah, do you feel that way about stuff,

Arden Benner 37:04
about certain things, but not about that? Okay, but I am the type of person to be like, okay, like, if I have something big to do at like 5pm and I woke up at like nine, I'd be like, Oh, I can't do anything today. Like, I have something at 5pm

Scott Benner 37:21
I like to get up and, like, keep moving once I'm awake, which I think is to my detriment sometimes, because then I don't, like, relax. You know what I mean? Like, like, really, how many times in your life have you seen me take an entire day and sit on a sofa? Like, three times? Yeah, that doesn't like, I don't even

Arden Benner 37:39
when, even when you're sick, you're like, you're like, trying to get up and we're like, stay in here. Like, what are you doing? Yeah,

Scott Benner 37:45
it feels like there's so much to do. Or, actually, I take that back, it doesn't feel like there's so much to do. Like, I feel compelled to do things. There's so many things I'd like to do. I really I enjoy, like, being active. Like, when people say, like, when you gonna stop making the podcast? I'm like, that sounds ridiculous. Like, what the then? What would

Arden Benner 38:03
I do? I find it crazy that you say that. Because when you only really like to do the things that you enjoy, though, like, you don't like to do, like, different random things. Because, like, if me and mom were like, Oh, we want to go here and do this, you'd be like, oh, yeah, that doesn't sound fun. Like, Have you considered

Scott Benner 38:19
that maybe some of the things you want to do are just things that don't interest me? That don't interest me, yeah? But

Arden Benner 38:23
what I'm saying is that, like, they're things that my friends want to do that don't interest me, but because they want to do them, I'll get up and I'll be like, Okay, I guess I'll try something new. You

Scott Benner 38:31
don't think I go and do things with mom that I don't want to do? No,

Arden Benner 38:35
I'm sure you do, but you're not like, you, you don't express. You're not positive about it positive?

Scott Benner 38:42
Yeah, look who's talking.

Speaker 1 38:45
I never said I was positive person, but I try new things and I don't complain. You think I can? I just love the you like to complain. No, you like to complain. You don't think you enjoy complaining.

Unknown Speaker 38:58
No, oh

Scott Benner 39:00
well, there's a blind spot for you.

Arden Benner 39:03
I don't enjoy drama, I don't enjoy complaining. I don't enjoy more words than are necessary.

Scott Benner 39:10
What about when you have, like, lived through a thing, and you'll come to us and be like, let me break down for you what's happening, and then you talk for passionately, for many minutes or hours about what has happened and explain everything that went wrong and everybody that did everything wrong. And

Arden Benner 39:27
I'm not complaining. I just like to break things down and see why things happened like I'm interested in why people would do certain things.

Scott Benner 39:34
Okay, well, then I'm not complaining either.

Arden Benner 39:36
Oh, no, you just admitted you were and you completely are. Oh, I

Scott Benner 39:40
think my definition, I just realized my definition of complaining. If

Arden Benner 39:43
someone does something stupid, I don't come home and just complain about them. I come home and I question it. I'm like, why would they do that? I

Scott Benner 39:51
feel like that's what I'm doing too. But I also recognize at all what you're doing. I also recognize that is complaining, but maybe I'm. Um, ambiverted when it comes to complaining.

Arden Benner 40:02
That makes no sense. That sentence makes no sense. I think the editor should just take that out, because you look stupid. I was trying

Scott Benner 40:08
to say that like you, apparently can be ambiverts enjoy socializing, connecting with people, but don't feel the need to be around others all the time. They're equally comfortable spending time alone. And may switch between these modes based on their mood, energy levels or situations. I don't know that. That needs a name. Doesn't that just sound like reasonably normal

Arden Benner 40:25
me? No, because you're not like that. You're extroverted, not all the time, most of the time, you're extroverted. I'm ambiverted, like all the time, and like mom is introverted.

Scott Benner 40:38
That's true. What do you think Cole is

Arden Benner 40:41
a robot? I don't really know. He's introverted, right? Cole's introverted, but he like wishes that he could be like extroverted,

Scott Benner 40:49
because once he's around people he feels comfortable with, he is very open,

Arden Benner 40:53
but he's still introverted in that setting.

Scott Benner 40:55
He's still quieter, right? All right. So what did we figure out about this mind tie thing? And people that can't see pictures, do you think? Like, so, if I'm in like, a small percentage of people, like, so most people listening are like, Dude, I closed my eyes. I think Apple. There's an apple there. That's 96% of people.

Unknown Speaker 41:15
Why? I don't know.

Scott Benner 41:16
I mean, I don't know either. Like, it's seems weird. Did mom say she could see the apple.

Arden Benner 41:20
I don't think, I think we start talking, and mom just doesn't respond. I don't know, interesting. What about like, this kind of goes into like personality types. Like, do you know what your personality type is? Have you taken the Myers Briggs test? The Myers Briggs test? No, yeah. You should take it, and we should talk about that next time, because I know my personality type. Okay. I took it when I was like 12, and then I took it again, like at like 18, and my personality type changed completely. Okay,

Scott Benner 41:48
so you could be

Unknown Speaker 41:52
there's a lot of them, extroversion

Scott Benner 41:53
versus introversion, sensing versus intuition, thinking versus feeling,

Arden Benner 42:00
and then judging, judging versus perceiving. Yeah,

Scott Benner 42:04
there are 16 personality types. 16. Yep, hold on, I'm looking

Arden Benner 42:10
for the list. Really interesting too. Oh, do you, can you guess what I was when I was younger, and what I am now? All right,

Scott Benner 42:15
hold on, there's inspector, protector, counselor, architect, virtuoso, Adventurer, mediator, thinker, entrepreneur, entertainer, campaigner, debater, executive, Council, protagonist and the commander. I'm a lot of these things. You can only be one.

Arden Benner 42:35
Where's the egotistical asshole at?

Scott Benner 42:38
I was gonna say, actually, it's so funny. You said that because I was gonna say this says there's 16 personality types here, but I don't see asshole anywhere this list. Yeah, it's funny.

Speaker 3 42:52
See, we were both like, you're like, I'm the king the queen. No,

Scott Benner 42:56
no, I don't think that at all. Like, but, I mean, I could see fitting into a couple of these

Unknown Speaker 43:01
things. Wait. Let me look at them real quick. Can

Scott Benner 43:04
you guess what mine is, is now, or was when you were younger? Either or All right, I'll entertain this. The inspector is a practical, responsible, detail oriented and organized. This feels like, you know when people, and for everybody listening, who believes in this? I'm sorry already, but you know when people when people tell you about their like, birth sign, their like, what is that? Their zodiac signs, and then you read, you know,

Arden Benner 43:29
I think you would be an E, F, S, J, extroverted feeling,

Scott Benner 43:37
sensing, judging, wait, you can make your own up. Oh, that makes me mix of the four I'm looking now. That makes me the council warm, caring, social and detail oriented. Oh, you're not detail oriented. Yeah, that's why this feels

Arden Benner 43:54
but but basically you just have to put the two against each other. So are you extroverted or introverted? So I would say extroverted because it says could be described as talkative, not going like to be in a fast paced environment. And so worked out ideas with others, thinks out loud, enjoys being the center of attention. Okay, obviously. And then thinking or feeling, I would say, feeling for you, base your decisions on personal values and how your actions affect others. Value harmony, forgiveness. Like to be like to please others and point out the best in people. Could be described as warm and empathetic. I think that's more you, because thinking says level headed sensing and intuition. I said sensing focus on the reality of how things are, pay attention to concrete facts and details. Oh, wait, wait, wait, I'm gonna, I'm changing my answer to E, F n j,

Scott Benner 44:49
e, f n, j, the protagonist, charismatic, empathetic, inspiring and leadership oriented. That. Makes more sense to me. Okay?

Arden Benner 45:03
I think if you take the quiz and you get that, then I can graduate from this school already.

Scott Benner 45:07
They should just let you out. I don't really need to. I don't really need to go to this whole psychology degree. I think I got it figured out. My dad's an ENFJ.

Arden Benner 45:20
I don't actually think that you would guess what I got and what I have now.

Scott Benner 45:24
All right, so hold on. So inspector is practical, responsible detail, or

Arden Benner 45:30
do you see inspector you mean ISTJ do me to send you the list that I'm looking at. Oh, no, I see what you mean. I see what you mean. Okay, and

Scott Benner 45:40
then the protector, caring, loyal, meticulous, dependable. Okay, so that's not you practical, responsible, detail oriented. I don't think that's you insightful, creative, compassionate, idealistic, I don't think you're idealistic, strategic, independent, analytical and driven. That could be you. Which one's that i n t j the architect, the virtuoso, action oriented, adaptable, observant and practical. That's not you. The adventurer, gentle, artistic. I don't think you're gentle. You're not super spontaneous or flexible. The mediator, empathetic, I'll skip you there. The Thinker, intellectual, curious, logical and independent. No, maybe energetic, perceptive, risk taking and spot no sociable, playful, adaptable and practical. Social, no enthusiastic, creative, open minded and inspirational. Innovative, clever, argumentative and quick, winded, innovative, clever the debater, organized, efficient, outgoing, no, warm, caring, surgeon, charismatic, empathetic. You could be the debater. You could be. I give you the commander, but I don't think you're actually as confident as you appear. So, no, okay,

Arden Benner 47:17
I was taking this quiz like when I was 18, and then I took it again this

Scott Benner 47:21
year, charismatic, empathetic, inspiring and least leadership oriented. Uh, that could be you. Which one's that protagonist, the one you gave me, but I don't know if empathetic fits you completely. All right, so I've got debater. I've got counselor. Those are my two that I have for you. Wait which one's counselor?

Arden Benner 47:49

Scott Benner 47:51
I n, f, j, okay,

Arden Benner 47:53
that's what I got when I was younger. Okay, was the counselor which is, I'll read about it a little bit.

Scott Benner 48:01
But can I tell you something crazy, like, what? The way you figured this out is you looked at the like the I and the F and the J and all that stuff. Like, I don't know what any of that means, because I scrolled past where it lists it.

Arden Benner 48:15
Yeah, so you're not detail oriented.

Scott Benner 48:22
I wish I would decide that all up. I just,

Unknown Speaker 48:28
I just read the words, yeah, you did what you wanted to do.

Arden Benner 48:31
I got it, yeah, go ahead. Okay, so INFJ is what I got when I was younger, like in the middle school, and then when I took it again in high school, and now I got E N T J, which is the commander, which you said, I don't think you're as a I

Scott Benner 48:45
don't think you're as confident as you, as you portray. You're confident, don't get me wrong, but I think that sometimes you are like, I'm confident in this, and I'm not going to think too much about it, because I hope I'm right, but I'm not sure, and I don't want to start doubting myself. But that might just be your

Arden Benner 49:02
age, but I got e n t, J, dash a, so sometimes they add something at the end as you match it. So it says I'm 54% extroverted,

Scott Benner 49:10

Arden Benner 49:13
intuitive, 61% thinking, 61% judging, and 56% assertive, by

Scott Benner 49:21
the way. Here's the other problem. May I say that every time I take one of these quizzes, you and what's your name, look over my shoulder and tell me that I'm not I'm lying about myself when

Unknown Speaker 49:31
I'm like, well, sometimes you're just like, putting things down that like,

Scott Benner 49:36
like, just aren't sure how I see myself.

Arden Benner 49:39
Like, you'd be like, you have blonde hair, and you'd be like, Yes, I do No, that's ridiculous.

Scott Benner 49:43
Also, there's criticisms of this MBTI. It's popular, but it's also faced criticism, particularly from psychologists and researchers. Common criticisms include that it lacks scientific validity, that it's got a binary nature places people in. To one of two categories for each dimension, which may oversimplify the complexities of personality. Yeah,

Arden Benner 50:05
that I didn't say, you know, it was going to solve world peace. I'm just, I'm just telling you, okay, but here, but here are the people that I'm most like, the famous people. Ready? Steve Jobs,

Scott Benner 50:16
okay, I don't think his children liked him a lot. But go ahead. Gordon Ramsay, that crazy man who yells at people on the television. Yes, okay. Margaret Thatcher, Franklin D Roosevelt,

Arden Benner 50:32
Jim Carrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Harrison Ford Malcolm X, doctor, strange. Tony Soprano. Wait,

Scott Benner 50:41
did these people take Tony Soprano is not a real person, so they

Arden Benner 50:45
I'm not done. David Palmer from 24 Malcolm Merlin from the arrow. Mary Talbot from Downtown Abbey. Francis J Underwood, House of Cards. Jacqueline, a sharp House of Cards. River tan Firefly, my Lady Day winter, the three musketeers, Miranda, priestly, The Devil Wears Prada and Raymond Reddington, the blacklist.

Scott Benner 51:11
Okay, wait, no, we're Where did you get that? That's that web you've showed me this before that website, haven't you? Yeah, like,

Arden Benner 51:18
I like, have an account,

Scott Benner 51:19
and I have an account. They'll tell people that. Why didn't you just hold up your phone and say, I'm a douchebag?

Arden Benner 51:28
It tells you, like, career paths that are good for your personality. Oh, like I'm a born leader. Look at that here. Here

Scott Benner 51:34
are my weaknesses. I'm emotionally unaware, I'm impatient, a perfectionist that's

Arden Benner 51:42
true and domineering. What does that mean? Now, somebody may imitate colleagues.

Scott Benner 51:50
I've been told that before. You've you imitate your colleagues. What does that mean? I mean like

Arden Benner 51:55
people, people around, like you're just intimidating. Oh,

Scott Benner 51:58
wait you. Oh, I'm sorry, I misheard you. You're you intimidate people around you. Yeah, that does happen.

Arden Benner 52:05
It says My strengths are born. Leader, strategic mastermind, efficiency expert and ambitious.

Scott Benner 52:13
I have a list of famous people that may be associated with my ENFJ personality, which I'm accepting from you that I am okay, Obama, Oprah, Maya Angelou. I feel weird saying this. Martin Luther King, Jr, when I

Arden Benner 52:31
said Malcolm X, uh,

Scott Benner 52:34
Jennifer Lawrence, this one, I feel very strange saying Nelson Mandela, Mikhail, Gorbachev, Ben Affleck, like the drunk part of him, or the Emma Stone, Jennifer Garner

Arden Benner 52:49
stone, Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence and Obama, you win.

Scott Benner 52:53
Oh, those are your big, beautiful you love those people. Oh,

Arden Benner 52:56
I just threw Obama in there. But yeah, and John Kuzak, for some reason, see, like they're all like, they're all, like, pretty strong people, independent people, people like them, but they have, like, a silly side to them.

Scott Benner 53:06
Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love, known for her insightful writing, motivational speaking and fostering of personal growth.

Unknown Speaker 53:13
Yeah, look at this. I'm

Scott Benner 53:14
a genius. That is kind of what I do for a living. Sort of about that. Yeah, you're welcome. Jennifer Garner's kind. How do we know she's kind? She seems kind. I mean, from what I do, that from like the Capital One commercial, that's how I know where she's hocking

Arden Benner 53:30
that credit card still talks to Ben Affleck, after all

Scott Benner 53:32
he did. How do you know what he did? Well,

Arden Benner 53:38
oh my God, today we watched a video in Psych, and it was like we were talking about, but it's like this guy who, like, misspoke or whatever. Oh, we were talking about, what is his name? What is that psychology? Oh, fraud. Freud, worried. Yeah,

Scott Benner 53:57
him. This conversation is a fraud. You're thinking of Ziggy Freud, go ahead,

Arden Benner 54:01
all right, yeah, him. And we're talking about his theory that, like, basically no one ever makes a mistake, like everything that people do is on purpose. So, like, he would believe that, like, if you got in a car accident, that, like, your subconscious wanted you to get into that car accident, which is, like, a crazy thing, whatever. But our teacher showed us a video, and she was like, Okay, here's an example. Like worried would say that this man did this on purpose, and it's from like, years ago when, like, Jenny on the block, like that her album, or whatever, like, that thing came out. He's like, something about, like, oh, well, like something about curbs, curb a curb job, but now she's going to be giving blow jobs. And he goes, That's not what I meant to say. That's not what and he's like, on air, and he's like, I'm sorry i I won't make that mistake again or whatever. And we're all, like, cracking up in class. But, like, basically what Freud would say is that, like, That man meant to say that on purpose. Yes, which is like crazy.

Scott Benner 55:01
It's what he thought. And it came out even though he didn't want it to Yeah, right,

Arden Benner 55:06
which I guess isn't insane, but it's like, so like, if I lost my key, like, basically, like, he would say, like, Oh, if I lost my keys, and I can't go to class without my ID or something like that. But that was like, my subconscious, because I didn't actually want

Scott Benner 55:21
to go to class. Well, that's happened to you a number of times. Do you think that's

Unknown Speaker 55:25
true? No, I

Unknown Speaker 55:26
just think I lost my ID.

Scott Benner 55:29
So you think Sigmund fraud was a fraud? Yeah. Oh, bold stance. We don't believe I think we don't believe in Freudian thinking

Arden Benner 55:40
some of what he says is true, but, like, not everything you do is on purpose. I don't think that okay if I'm looking at my phone and I trip over something on the ground and fall on my face, like, did I do that on purpose? Now? But he believes that subconsciously,

Scott Benner 56:01
are you sure it's not possible that maybe he was, hold on? Oh, also, he

Arden Benner 56:05
was a big drinker, I heard. So there's

Scott Benner 56:08
the unconscious. All right. Do you want to put Freudian thinking on our list of things we don't understand? Nah,

Arden Benner 56:14
because I'm gonna have to learn about it so it's like I will understand it soon,

Scott Benner 56:17
maybe, oh yeah, that's true. I'm gonna write it here, because maybe you'll have something to say about it, but I'll put a question

Arden Benner 56:23
mark to my eyes. Look really tired,

Scott Benner 56:27
a little bit why?

Arden Benner 56:28
I'm just looking and I feel like you look tired. I kind of look like I have an allergic reaction.

Scott Benner 56:35
All right. Well, we're gonna go now, but I'm looking forward very much to talking about why Bridget Mendler has so much folklore around her where fat goes when you lose weight, and is Taylor Swift evil. Think she is. Did

Arden Benner 56:50
you see that video of her dancing with Travis Kelsey? And everyone's like, Oh my god, oh my God. Everyone dances. What are we talking about?

Scott Benner 56:56
I haven't seen that. I did see a picture of him dressed to watch tennis, and I thought maybe she's screwing with him, making him wear that. But

Arden Benner 57:05
we're like, right after she endorsed Kamala Harris, and he comes out, he's like, I support all that Taylor does. And I'm like, Damn man, you could just say like, yeah, I also support Kamala Harris. It

Scott Benner 57:17
gets what he meant, but he supports Taylor. Oh, well, we

Arden Benner 57:21
all soon enough, Taylor's gonna be the president.

Scott Benner 57:25
God, that would be horrifying, wouldn't it. Can

Arden Benner 57:27
you imagine Taylor Swift versus Donald Trump?

Scott Benner 57:32
What's her most favorite song from her me, yeah, what do you think her most favorite song or famous song, is? Oh, shake it off. I don't know. Shake it off versus the guy from the apprentice, who would win interesting? I don't know who would win that interesting. I'm

Arden Benner 57:52
not sure. I thought you asked me my favorite song, and I was like,

Scott Benner 57:55
What's your favorite? Taylor Swift? Do you have a favorite Taylor Swift

Arden Benner 57:57
song? Yeah, I think it might be invisible string, okay? Or I like mirror ball, or, um, you know, all those Taylor Swift songs, Dorothea, I like that.

Scott Benner 58:10
One is, is I stay out too late. That's the shake it off one, right? I think so that's all I know. There's

Arden Benner 58:18
nothing you know the part? Do you know the part where she says, shake it off.

Scott Benner 58:22
That's what people say. I don't know the whole thing. I

Speaker 3 58:26
don't like Taylor Swift, you have the worst voice in the world.

Scott Benner 58:29
Thank you. Yeah, I can't for a person with a pleasant speaking voice, I cannot sing at all. Who told you

Arden Benner 58:33
it was pleasant? A lot of people. Oh, all right, I don't have a good speaking voice. Oh, I

Scott Benner 58:38
disagree. You just think your voice is deep, and you think that's not good, right?

Arden Benner 58:43
Yeah, I have a deep voice, and I like,

Scott Benner 58:45
I mumble. You mumble? You do mumble. Mom talks under her breath a lot, too, but I think that's different.

Arden Benner 58:53
I think mom's just having a stroke. Half the time she's talking. Sometimes she talks on the phone with me, and I go, I don't know what you just said.

Scott Benner 59:02
You know she, she'll listen to this, right? Yeah, I know. And I tell her that, okay, all right, well,

Unknown Speaker 59:10
I think she, I'll call her right now and tell her that she's

Scott Benner 59:13
starting to do that thing that people do when they get like, I'm not saying She's old, but when people get older, they seem to do that thing where they start their sentence in their head, like, yeah, and then, you know, start it out loud about four words later, yeah, yeah. That's been happening a little bit anyway. Kelly, if you're listening, we love you, but you've been starting your sentences on, like, word five. I

Unknown Speaker 59:37
wonder why the ice maker, Mom, can

Arden Benner 59:38
I have an ice maker, please? Thank you. Can

Scott Benner 59:40
we already say yes to that, yeah, but I don't see it anywhere. Oh, you thought it was just gonna show up. I thought it was gonna appear in a thin air.

Arden Benner 59:50
I thought I actually cannot believe it's only Tuesday. Let me say that right now. Oh, I'm gonna

Scott Benner 59:56
put this on my list. I'm. While, why do people start speaking five words into their sentence? See if we can figure that out. I think that's a really good one, honestly, because I don't want to say that my mom used to do that, because I think mom will get upset if I say that. But I realized my mom used to do that sometimes, and I was like, What are you talking about? Then, then they say it again. And I'm like, Yeah, you didn't say most of that out loud. You know, what else I find really fascinating? Uh, let me guess. Go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:28
Oh, God, this is hard.

Scott Benner 1:00:30
Your eyes closed. What were you visualizing?

Arden Benner 1:00:32
There's so many. I was thinking about jelly, actually, peanut butter and jelly. But I was thinking about like, how they make jelly, like grape jelly, blueberry jelly.

Scott Benner 1:00:43
That's what I was wondering about today

Arden Benner 1:00:46
in class, she told she showed us a picture of a white elephant, and she said, Don't think of a white elephant. And the first thing I thought of was jelly the beans. Jelly. About jelly? A lot today.

Scott Benner 1:00:56
Did you say jelly the beans? Not

Unknown Speaker 1:00:59
just Jelly Bean.

Scott Benner 1:01:00
You said jelly the beans. No,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:02
I said jelly beans.

Scott Benner 1:01:03
Everyone rewind and listen. She said, Jelly the beans. No,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:07
I didn't. I said, jelly beans.

Scott Benner 1:01:09
Okay, we'll find out what I was gonna say and I'll let you go. Is, I think it's interesting when two people in a room together and one person thinks they said something and they didn't and then swears they did. I find that fascinating,

Arden Benner 1:01:21
or when someone swears they didn't say something and they did say it. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:01:24
I also think it's interesting when you hear something earlier in the day and then you talk about it as if it was a new thought that you had.

Arden Benner 1:01:30
You kind of look like you're, like, 45 years old and in a band, like, I feel like you're supposed to have like, eyeliner on right now. I

Scott Benner 1:01:38
don't know what you mean by that, so let's just go. All right, thank you for doing this with me. I appreciate it. Okay, yeah, bye. Bye.

A huge thank you to one of today's sponsors, gvoke glucagon. Find out more about G vo kypo pen at gvoke, glucagon.com. Forward slash juice box. You spell that, G, V, O, k, e, g, l, U, C, A, G, o, n.com. Forward slash juice box. If you'd like to wear the same insulin pump that Arden does. All you have to do is go to omnipod.com/juice box. That's it. Head over now and get started today, and you'll be wearing the same tubeless insulin pump that Arden has been wearing since she was four years old. A huge thank you to one of today's sponsors. AG, one drink. AG, one.com/juice box. You You can start your day the same way I do with a delicious drink of a g1 if you have type two or pre diabetes, the type two diabetes Pro Tip series from the juicebox podcast is exactly what you're looking for. Do you have a friend or a family member who is struggling to understand their type two and how to manage it. This series is for them seven episodes to get you on track and up to speed. Episode 860, series intro. 864, guilt and shame. Episode 869, medical team. 874, fueling plan. Episode 880, diabetes technology. Episode 885, GLP ones, metformin and insulin. And in episode 889, we talk about movement. This episode is with me and Jenny Smith, of course, you know, Jenny is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. She's a registered and licensed dietitian, and Jenny has had type one diabetes for over 30 years. Too many people don't understand their type two diabetes, and this series aims to fix that. Share it with a friend or get started today. I can't thank you enough for listening. Please make sure you're subscribed or following in your audio app. I'll be back tomorrow with another episode of The juicebox podcast. The episode you just heard was professionally edited by wrong way recording, wrongwayrecording.com, you.

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#1344 Screen For Type 1 with Dr. Blevins

Dr. Blevins discusses the importance of screening for type 1 diabetes.

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome back to the juicebox podcast.

My guest today has had diabetes type one for three years. She's using robbelsus, which is a GLP and a pill, and she talks a lot about food and her diagnosis in this episode. Oh, and they thought she didn't OmniPod. That's interesting. I'm sorry. I'm looking at my own notes. They didn't think she was going to live at diagnosis, and they actually sent her family out into the community to look for medication. This is a story that's really different, interesting. You should check it out. Please don't forget that nothing you hear on the juicebox podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your healthcare plan or becoming bold with insulin. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order@cozyearth.com All you have to do is use the offer code juicebox at checkout. That's juicebox at checkout to save 40 percent@cozyearth.com when you place your first order for ag one, with my link, you'll get five free travel packs and a free year supply of vitamin D drink. AG, one.com/juicebox,

this episode of The juicebox podcast is sponsored by the continuous glucose monitor that my daughter wears the Dexcom. G7 dexcom.com/juice box. Get started today using this link, and you'll not only be doing something great for yourself, you'll be supporting the juicebox podcast. US med is sponsoring this episode of The juicebox podcast, and we've been getting our diabetes supplies from us med for years. You can as well. Usmed.com/juicebox or call 888-721-1514, use the link or the number get your free benefits. Check and get started today with us. Med. This show is sponsored today by the glucagon that my daughter carries, gvoke hypopen. Find out more at gvoke glucagon.com, forward slash juice box.

Akshira 2:23
Uh, hi. My name is akshira. I am 29 years old, and I've been diagnosed with type one for the last three years. So I recently diagnosed. I'm learning new things every day. And I just wanted to come on and say hi, and wanted to share my story. Oh,

Scott Benner 2:39
I'm great. I'm I'm excited to have you. Thank you. So three, three years with diabetes. How old are you?

Akshira 2:44
I'm 2929

Scott Benner 2:47
and you, you just said I'm still learning. That's interesting. So has it been a consistent learning process over three years, or have you suddenly found different information and you're absorbing it now?

Akshira 2:59
Uh, no, I think it's been consistent learning through these three years also, because when I got diagnosed, I was, I think there were lot of things that was happening at that time in my life, just, you know, when I got diagnosed, and I think it's just been the last year that I've really focused on, you know, my diabetes, and I've come to accept the fact that I have, I live with it. I think the first two years, there was a lot of denial, and, you know, so that's I've been learning how to control, you know, my sugar levels, and, you know, just deal with it more consistently in the last year. What is denial look like, just not accepting the fact that I have diabetes, like, just thinking that's just something that's momentary, or it's just for a short period of time, and maybe it'll go away, you know? And, yeah,

Scott Benner 3:52
so while you're in that feeling you're not putting your full effort into it, because, you know what I mean, like, not I understand the Lego hopefully this will, like, maybe they're wrong, maybe it'll go away, like, that kind of thing. I understand all that. But what happens to you while you're doing that? Are you just sort of half heartedly taking care of it, or are you taking care of it very earnestly, and then suddenly you accept the fact that it's not going away?

Akshira 4:15
No, I Yeah. I think it's the latter. Like, I'm half heartedly taking care of it, like, you know, it's not that I would ignore my my numbers. I would not take the insulin, but it's more. I mean, I would just do the basic of what is required, right? Like, if I maybe I'll just take, like, five, six units, because I know that's the minimum that I would need, you know, to get through a meal or whatever, and I know that I have to take my basil at a certain time of day, and I would do that, but I was not correcting. I was not, you know, trying to understand why certain foods impacted my sugar levels the way it did. So I was just trying to, you know, just keep. My head up, but

Scott Benner 5:01
you weren't learning or digging deeper or anything like

Akshira 5:04
that. No, nothing.

Scott Benner 5:06
How did you get past the idea that hopefully this will just go away? Was there just time that did it? Was it a conversation you had a moment?

Akshira 5:16
It was time, definitely. And so I got diagnosed during covid. So it was in I when I signed from India. So we had a second wave of covid during 2021, I remember that, yeah, so where it was, like things were really intense. And, you know, there was, there was a scarcity of beds in hospitals, and, you know, it was a really difficult time getting that, you know, getting admitted. And that's when I got diagnosed. I was in the I got covid, and then in DK, and that's how I came to, I came to this new chapter of my life. So the first two years, I was dealing with a lot of after effects of covid, like, you know, still trying to come back to my strong like, like my old self, like, gaining strength. And, you know, I had lost my voice. I was doing vocal cord therapy and all of that large, a lot of other stuff was happening.

Scott Benner 6:08
Yeah, did you have or do you have long covid symptoms?

Akshira 6:12
I don't have any covid symptoms now, right? But I think for for from the year that I would diagnose, I think for a year from then I had a lot of covid symptoms. So, yeah, so I think the I think after that, like once you get back to routine, and get back to your life, and, you know, start doing everyday things, and, you know, I then I had, like, a new doctor, like a, like an endocrinologist, and then that's when I really learned what this means and why I need to take care of it, and I was, you know, paying more attention. So I think it was just time that kind of did it, and that's, that's how I came to term with the fact that, you know, it's, it's more real, and it's not gonna go away.

Scott Benner 6:54
Not gonna go away. Are you in a big city in India? Or where are you?

Akshira 6:57
Yes, I am in a big city. Yeah. What was that

Scott Benner 7:01
intake like through the hospital? Did they give you any technology? Is the technology wildly different there than it is here, that kind of stuff. If you take insulin or so faunal ureas, you are at risk for your blood sugar going too low. You need a safety net when it matters most, be ready with G VO, hypo, pen. My daughter carries gevok hypopen everywhere she goes, because it's a ready to use rescue pen for treating very low blood sugar in people with diabetes ages two and above that. I trust low blood sugar emergencies can happen unexpectedly and they demand quick action. Luckily, gevok hypopin can be administered in two simple steps, even by yourself in certain situations. Show those around you where you store GEVO kypo pen and how to use it. They need to know how to use jivo kypopen before an emergency situation happens. Learn more about why GEVO kypo Pen is in Arden's diabetes toolkit@gevoqglukagon.com at gvoke, glucagon.com/juice, box gvoke shouldn't be used if you have a tumor in the gland on the top of your kidneys called a pheochromocytoma, or if you have a tumor in your pancreas called an insulinoma, visit gvoke. Glucagon.com/risk, for safety information. Today's episode of the podcast is sponsored by Dexcom, and I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about the continuous glucose monitor that my daughter wears, the Dexcom g7 the Dexcom g7 is small, it is accurate, and it is easy to use and wear. Arden has been wearing a Dexcom g7 since almost day one of when they came out, and she's having a fantastic experience with it. We love the g6 but man, is the g7 small, the profile so much closer to your body, the weight, you can't really feel it. And that's coming from me, and I've worn one I've worn a g6 I've worn a g7 I found both of the experiences to be lovely, but my gosh, is that g7 tiny, and the accuracy has been fantastic. Arden's a 1c. Are right where we expect them to be, and we actually use the Dexcom clarity app to keep track of those things. That app is built right in to Arden's Dexcom g7 app on her iPhone. Oh, did you not know about that? You can use an iPhone or an Android device to see your Dexcom data. If you have a compatible phone, your Dexcom goes right to the Dexcom app. You don't have to carry the receiver, but if you don't want to use the phone, that's fine use the Dexcom receiver. It's up to you. Choice is yours with Dexcom, dexcom.com/juicebox, dexcom.com/juice, box. I don't

Akshira 9:43
remember much from when I was actually diagnosed, like, I don't have any memory of of those, of that, of those few days, but I was on MDI. They gave me like a sliding scale, like I need to take some eight units during breakfast. I. And some six units during lunch, sorry, during dinner. And I need to take some 12 units, which was my basil, so that that's what I was doing for, I think, a year. And then some friend of mine told me to this other doctor was, like, really popular in the city that I live in, and he and they have, like, this really big diabetes hospital, and then, so when I went there, that's when, this was just last year. So when I went there, that's when, you know, my I was taught a carb counting. I was taught what an insulin to carb ratio is. I was given a CGM. And I think since the last about eight, nine months, I've been on a pump as well. Okay, which pump I use? The ipso med pump, ipsumed,

Scott Benner 10:49
okay, yeah, so right now, ipsumed pump, yeah, CGM,

Akshira 10:55
freestyle, libre, libre, libre one. That's what you get here in India.

Scott Benner 11:01
They're all, yeah, there's no other one available right now.

Akshira 11:04
No, no.

Scott Benner 11:05
Does that come through a healthcare system?

Akshira 11:08
I know you buy it with cash. Cash, okay, yeah.

Scott Benner 11:11
Can you tell me? Would you mind tell me what it costs and how that translates to American money.

Akshira 11:15
It costs around 5000 rupees, which is 72 which is about $70 for one, for one, for one sensor, which would last you 14 days.

Scott Benner 11:28
What is that like, based on your income? Is that? Is that a heavy lift for you, though? Yeah,

Akshira 11:34
so, so if you do, if you do, multiplied by two, right? Like you would assume, in a month, I would need about two sensors. So that's like 10,000 rupees, which is a good portion of money for someone who earns, you know, like a who lives in a middle class lifestyle, or who has a nine to five job, that would that's, that's a good chunk of money,

Scott Benner 11:56
hold that amount up to me against, like, rent or food or something like that. Like, what? Yeah,

Akshira 12:03
okay, so in the city that I live, which is like a tier two city or almost a tier one city, doesn't matter, so it would be 1/3 of your of the rent that I pay in a month, and it would be like almost a month's worth groceries. And it would be like a month's worth of gas or pet like in India, we we say petrol, right? So it'll be a month's worth of petrol, one

Scott Benner 12:24
libre sensor, uh, two Libra. Two is the equivalent to a month's worth of of gas or a third of your a third of your more of your rent,

yep. Wow, that's crazy, yeah. Oh,

so that's like, so if you this is crazy in America, but you could pay $2,000 for an apartment American, no problem in some places. And that's like saying that the two libre sensors is like 800 bucks. Yeah, that's great. That's nuts. Okay, wow, all right, but you're doing it because, why? Because you like not having money or because you find it that necessary?

Akshira 13:05
No, obviously I like having money inspires me to work harder so that I have more money, so that I can afford the diabetes technology. And, yeah, of course the technology is important. And I think, yeah, I think I'm a I'm a lazy person, I wouldn't do too many, you know, fingersticks If I've given the choice. So I think having the CGM makes it easier. You

Scott Benner 13:28
think not wanting to do finger sticks is lazy? I don't know. I don't think that's lazy. I think that might be smart, you know, but, but this is crazy, so, but are you, I'm sorry. Are you married? Yes, I am You are okay. And do you have kids? No, are you planning on, planning on kids? No, okay. How about in your family? Is there any other type one in your family?

Akshira 13:53
No, there's no type one in my family, but there are couple of aunts who have hypothyroidism, yeah, but there's no, no one else that I know of who has any other autoimmune like celiac or type one or anything else.

Scott Benner 14:08
Getting away from autoimmune for a second. Do you have much type two in your family?

Akshira 14:12
Yeah, yeah, like some of my grandfather, I mean India. I mean a lot of people in India have type two diabetes because of our eating habits in our lifestyle and things like that. So yeah, not immediate family members, but yeah, extended family members do have step to diabetes, yeah.

Scott Benner 14:28
And that brings up a good question, like, well, first of all, did you adjust your eating? And if you didn't, would you even be able to living in India to get away from stuff like that?

Akshira 14:38
Definitely, yes, you can adjust your eating. You do get a lot of so you do get a lot of variety of foods, like, you know, which are not very carb heavy. It's just that the most affordable options tend to be white rice and, you know, some vegetables which are more heavy in carbs than other nutrients. But it's. Definitely doable. I go through phases where I'm suddenly like, Okay, I'm going to do low carb and I'm not going to eat any carb, and I do that for couple of months and and after sometime and just totally give up. And I'm like, Okay, I just want to eat my traditional food, which is very carb heavy. I would like to believe that I that I have a very balanced way when it comes to food, I think it tends to lean a little more on the carb heavy side.

Scott Benner 15:26
So let me ask you this, are you a vegetarian?

Akshira 15:30
Yes, I am a vegetarian.

Scott Benner 15:32
And so that's that makes it harder, right? Because you all the meat, you know, that would have very low or no carbs, and it isn't available to you, okay, yeah, yeah. And so you have to go maybe more towards vegetables if you're going to do that, I say, yeah, yeah. Tell people what is a classic kind of week of Indian eating look like, like in a home, like, you know what I mean? Like, what are some staple foods?

Akshira 15:58
So a lot of our food are very lentil based. So we have something called dal, which is like a lentil curry, basically. So, so a lot of your food types, like, or so, a lot of it is either like a roti or a chapati, which is like, which is like kind of a bread that's made with a wheat, whole wheat. Okay, so you have that with some, you know, some curry, which would either be like a lentil based curry, or it would be some vegetable based curry, or you would have that curry with rice, with white rice, primarily. So I am traditionally from the southern part of India, where rice is more prominent, white rice is more prominent, and we have that with different kind of lentil based curries and with one vegetable, one or two vegetables, right? So it would be like a fermentation combination, where your white rice or your whole wheat chapatis or rotis or, you know, non bread, as they say, you know, those kind of things with different curries and different.

Scott Benner 17:03
I was at a friend's house recently. It kind of like, we just dropped in, and she's like, you know, we have, I don't know what it was called, but she's like, here you want some food. And it's like, kind of like it felt like a flower pocket or dough, and inside of it was, like, rice and peas and some other stuff. And it was, I think it was fried maybe. And, yeah, was

Akshira 17:22
it like a samosa? Did she say, I

Scott Benner 17:24
don't remember what she said it was. I remember, like, eating it and thinking, like, wow, this is, this is a lot of carbs. And, like, just the thing that was just kind of sitting around to snack on or grab, you know, yeah,

Akshira 17:33
yeah, yeah. Did you go during tea time, during the afternoon time? No,

Scott Benner 17:37
it was in the evening. We were stopping by to my son could meet with her husband a little bit about something, okay? Yeah. She's like, Oh, look what we have. And I was like, Oh, great. And I was like, I don't know what this is, yeah,

Akshira 17:47
no. So a lot of our a lot of our snack time foods are all fried foods, which is more easily accessible. So you are like, like, the one that you said that's, it's usually, I think you're referring to a samosa, which has, like a potatoes and peas inside, like a pastry, kind of affiliate, like an outer shell. That's like deep fried. Yes, that's like a very common snack time, tea time, kind of a food that you have with Chai.

Scott Benner 18:13
How do you how do you bolus for that y'all

Akshira 18:16
get to that's good as mine.

Scott Benner 18:20
What have you been able to accomplish with your your outcomes and the food choices that you have? Like, where's your a 1c at? And what are your goals?

Akshira 18:28
My a 1c is definitely not the best. The most recent one that I had was a 7.2 and that's the lowest a 1c that I've had in the last three years that I've that I've been diagnosed, okay, so, yeah, I think I'm really moving towards, you know, like, I think for the for this year, my goal is to be in the low sixes, and then I would try, I would want to be closer to the five as time goes on. But, yeah, so I try to eat what is, what is more easily. Like, it's something that I can make more easily, so that, you know, it's, if it's too complicated, I'm I'm not going to make it, and then I'm not going to eat it. So I try to balance that. And I've also started the, I've recently started taking Ribes, which is like a pill. Oh, I know, sure. GLP, medication. Yeah. So that has helped a lot in terms of my insulin sensitivity and just the amount of insulin that I'm using on on a daily basis. It's just been a month since I've been on that medication, but that's helped a lot. Yeah, so tell me about

Scott Benner 19:35
that a little bit. Is that a pill, right? Is it daily? Yeah, yeah.

Akshira 19:40
It's, it's once it's, it's something that you take every day, okay, in the first thing in the morning, and you're not supposed to eat or drink anything half an hour after your at least for half an hour after you've taken that the pill. And then you go, go on about your day as usual.

Scott Benner 19:54
Are you on a seven or a 14 milligram pill?

Akshira 19:57
So I'm currently on a seven. I. G milligram pill. I started off with three mg, but now I'm on 17. Sorry, seven mg. But from next week, I will move to 14 mg.

Scott Benner 20:08
They'll move you up gastro stomach. Any issues from it? What did you get from it?

Akshira 20:13
Yeah, I think the first few weeks was a little difficult. I mean, I've heard some of your stories where you said that you feel the foot sits in your feels like it's up here in your chest, yeah. So, I mean, I did have those sensations in the beginning, but I think otherwise, it's been okay. There was just one time where I had, like, instant noodles and I couldn't keep it in. I threw up, and I've never I've not touched instant noodles since then, like, it haunts me now to even think about it, just like

Scott Benner 20:44
those, like pre made noodles, you put hot water in them, and, yeah, that you couldn't handle, but yeah, had you not thrown up? You think you could do it now that you've been on it longer? I

Akshira 20:53
don't want to think that. And I think more importantly, I don't feel that. I don't crave for for that kind of food, like, I don't feel like eating it, you know? I mean, I could take maybe two bites and I'm done, like, I don't want to eat more of that. So it's really working. It's working for you, yeah? Yes, yes. I'm also some Sorry, I just want to say one thing, yeah. I'm also somebody who's always thinking about food. Like, I wake up in the morning, think What's for breakfast? And, you know, I would when I'm eating breakfast, I think, what do I have for lunch? Like, that's how my brain works. And I can tell you, I've not thought about food in the last one month at all, and I've gone days having just one meal, and I'm totally okay. Have you lost weight? I've not lost weight. Maybe, like, like, one kg, okay, here and there, but it's helped a lot with just how much my insulin needs have gone down. It's gone yeah, by 25 30% like, my basil has gone down like crazy. And even my ISF, like, my sensitivity has improved quite a bit too. So in that way, it's really helped. That's

Scott Benner 21:58
excellent. Good for you. I'm sure over time it'll I mean, do you need it or want it to impact your weight? Or maybe you don't. I used to hate ordering my daughter's diabetes supplies. I never had a good experience, and it was frustrating. But it hasn't been that way for a while, actually, for about three years now, because that's how long we've been using us Med, usmed.com/g, usmed.com/juice, box, or call 888-721-1514, US med is the number one distributor for FreeStyle Libre systems nationwide. They are the number one specialty distributor for OmniPod dash, the number one fastest growing tandem distributor nationwide, the number one rated distributor in Dexcom customer satisfaction surveys. They have served over 1 million people with diabetes since 1996 and they always provide 90 days worth of supplies and fast and free shipping us med carries everything from insulin pumps and diabetes testing supplies to the latest CGMS, like the libre three and Dexcom g7 they accept Medicare nationwide and over 800 private insurers find out why us med has an A plus rating with a better business bureau At US med.com/juice, box, or just call them at 88872115141, 7211514, get started right now, and you'll be getting your supplies the same way we do. I

Akshira 23:28
do. I would like to, I initially read a lot about how it does, you know, affect we I was, I was earlier, wanting to take it on me for a week. I didn't even care about the all the side effects would have, like, good side effects on, you know, the insulin, yeah, on the insulin aspect. But I'm so glad, like, now I don't care about the weight, as long as, you know, my insulin is affecting much better and all of that stuff. Has

Scott Benner 23:53
it impacted your spikes at meals, yeah, it has, right? Yeah,

Akshira 23:58
it has earlier, just to be like a mountain, you know, like, up down, up down, right now it's more gradual. And it was already gradual, you know, listening to you guys in your podcast, and thank you so much for that, but I think it's much more smoother. The curve is more smoother now, right? GLP medication right

Scott Benner 24:18
before we recorded, to get we started recording. I actually sat in on Arden's doctor's appointment. Arden just got back from college, so she had a doctor's appointment today that was just virtual, and we went over her GLP, you know, her insulin, all of her stuff. Obviously, we're gonna try to cut her GLP dose back, because she is having trouble being hungry and and she's like, you know, she's lost too much weight at this point. So she's, you know, we're, we're like, well, we want to get this GLP down to where it will help her with her diabetes, help with the PCOS stuff, but not keep her from eating. You know what I mean. So, like, that's the spot she's in right now. The doctor asked her to, like, you know, she's like, let's try to put. Put like, seven pounds on, you know, kind of as healthy as possible, like, put, put seven pounds on. So that's what we're working on right now. What it's done to our blood sugar control is insane, you know. So, like, I mean, I actually showed this to the doctor, but I have it here. I'll show it to you as well. Now, this is, um, obviously injected mandarno, this is her last 24 hours. And that's a 70 to 120 blood sugar. Those two excursions up went to 160 and that was it. It's just crazy, you know, like, I mean, for people who can't see, it's super stable for I'd say 20 of the 24 hours between 80 and 100 and, you know, pops up to 120 once or twice, pops to 160 once or twice. It's probably looks better than most people's. Do you know, yeah, the glps are crazy, but I'm, I'm excited that the pills working for you. Is that the way they go there in India, with a robust or do you see people injecting glps as well?

Akshira 25:59
There are people who are injecting, who take ozempic, or I think ozempic is available in India, but it's more type two medication, and my doctor just couldn't give it to me. He said, I wouldn't. I don't want to prescribe it for you, so I take the pill

Scott Benner 26:16
every day. If he did, I don't know how your like coverage works. If he did prescribe it for you? Would it be paid for? So

Akshira 26:23
none of this is covered by anything I'm paying out of cash, out of my pocket for all of this. So it's my GLP. So the GLP medication is really expensive too. Yeah, the rival says, yeah. So the pill, the pill that I take, so it's once you need to take 30 pills, right for a month. So it costs the same as much as the sensors do. So it's like 10,000 rupees a month. Is what the pill also cost. Wow, for a month, it's very expensive. Well,

Scott Benner 26:51
no wonder you don't want to have kids. You already have one. Your Diabetes is a kid. Yeah, your diabetes might need to go to college one day, and you're going to have to

Akshira 27:00
save up, and if I'm gonna live to like, whatever, exactly, I need to have so much money in my account that I have to do this, whatever. So

Scott Benner 27:12
explain to me, so there's no like, you have a job. You work, yeah, okay, I do. And there's no like, here in America, you might get a job, and then your job might offer you health coverage. You pay for it. And does that exist there or no? Yeah,

Akshira 27:26
so insurance does exist, but it's it only covers hospitalization. So if you are admitted in hospital for something, you need to go through a procedure, or you have some operation, blah, blah, blah, all of that stuff is covered under insurance. You don't have to pay for all of that stuff. But your treatment so you so you have a disease and you're treating it by by any means that is not covered by insurance, no

Scott Benner 27:52
matter what. Like diabetes,

Akshira 27:55
it could be anything. Yeah, it could be heart disease, it could be diabetes, could be whatever. It's not covered.

Scott Benner 27:59
That's it. I see, wow. Well, so then everybody growing up in India is thinking about that. It could affect everybody at some point. And with the type two population, the way it is, which is massive, right? I'm not wrong about that, yeah, yes, yeah, yeah.

Akshira 28:14
But so for type two, it's they usually prescribe me for men, like 90% of people who are diagnosed with type two is prescribed Metformin, and metformin is really affordable. It's very easily available, and it's not that's not a very expensive they've

Scott Benner 28:30
been making it forever. It's basically free. Yeah, yeah, here too. It's not expensive either, yeah. Okay, so in your note, you said that you'd like to talk about dealing with some depression around your diagnosis. Can you tell me about that?

Akshira 28:46
Yeah, so, you know, just referring back to what I said, like, I was diagnosed during covid, and was so crazy. It was so intense, and I don't have any memory of it, because I was, you know, in the ICU, and I was admitted for like, couple of days, maybe unconscious.

Scott Benner 29:03
You were in DK, unconscious. Oh my gosh, did you almost die?

Akshira 29:06
Yeah, I almost died. So I had co I got covid here in India, when they, when they do your covid test, they give you, like, a number that you know is representative of how high or low your infection is in the body. Higher the number the most severe is your infection. So I think the highest it goes is about 20 or something. And mine was like 18. So so the level of covid, or whatever, the infection that I had, is

Scott Benner 29:37
that the viral load, maybe? Is that how they talk about that, okay, yeah,

Akshira 29:41
something like that. So that was, like, really high. And I remember when I got covid, I saw the the report, and I was okay, you know, I was fine. I just had some fatigue, and I was having some body pain. But apart from that, I was okay. But two days after that, I was just constant. Throwing up. I couldn't keep a bite of food down, and like, one week later, I wake up in the hospital in the ICU. I don't know what happened on those five, seven days. I have no How

Scott Benner 30:13
did your husband like describe it to you later?

Akshira 30:15
Yeah, I think more. So my parents also live very close by me i At that time they did. So, you know, they were the ones who were really taking care of me. My husband also got covid, subsequently, like, couple of days after I got it, so they were like, nobody could come with me. They have like, these crazy stories about how they make some 100 calls in a day to get a hospital to get a bed with a bed with an oxygen cylinder so that, you know, I needed to be on o2 so, you know, they they did like, a, like, a ICU bed, basically. So they were, like, making so many calls and pulling random people from their contact list and trying to find some hospital bed somewhere. And I think, after like, couple of hours, like, I think towards the end of that day where I went unconscious. I think that's when they found a hospital bed and they admitted me, and they couldn't they were they used to get, like, a whatsapp video call from my from the doctor who was taking care of me in the ICU, just to give updates about how my health was on that particular day. And you know, they would always say things like, Oh, her, you know, her organs are feeling or, you know, we're not able to revive her, or, you know, it's going to be really messy we need. And they would call, they would ask for a very specific type of medication, which was a treatment for covid. At that point in time, at least here in India, it was called Italy, zumab, or something like that, some steroid medication. I think, wow. So, yeah, so they would ask for that, and my parents were, you know, trying to source that medication again, from so many different like, they put up Twitter posts, on Twitter, on Facebook, and, you know, everywhere else, trying to find that vial of medication. How common

Scott Benner 32:00
is that like? So you're in a hospital dying, and your parents are on social media trying to find medication for you?

Akshira 32:06
Yeah, yeah, because the hospitals couldn't store it, there was such a dire shortage of that medication. And you know, it was such a difficult time for them, because they were really pulling the weight for the family and for me. So my husband was not feeling well. He was he was also subsequently admitted in some other hospital in another part of the city, right? So it was my parents and my sister, the three of them who were, you know, trying to do a lot of sourcing of this medication, and the and the and the doctors told my parents that you try if you can get this medication, because we are not able to get

Scott Benner 32:44
it. Is that common in India, or was it just specific around covid? No, just

Akshira 32:49
around covid. It was just around that time because it was so intense, the like the second wave that we had, was so crazy. You guys

Scott Benner 32:56
got crushed the second time around, I remember, yeah,

Akshira 33:00
from from April 2021, till, I think October of that year it was that. That's when I think the second wave was, and it was so crazy. It was really intense. And the India,

Scott Benner 33:11
India population is pretty, pretty equal to China, like you guys almost have, like, 1.5 billion people there, right? Yeah, yeah, yes, yeah. And in a much smaller area. I mean, we have maybe three 30 million people and, yeah, geez, that's a lot more. So that covid must have spread like crazy, right? Yes,

Akshira 33:33
it did also, because after the initial wave of covid, I think, I think that kind of went a little mellow, and then, so towards the end of 2020, a lot of places opened up. And a lot of places, you know, started like, like restaurants and hotels, you know, start were open to people to come visit and stay and all of that. So I think that triggered the second wave. And the spread of the second wave so crazy, sure that you know it was like widespread at that time. So now

Scott Benner 34:04
you when you get, first of all, you got through it. But how long did it take them to get you conscious and get you moving again? Yeah,

Akshira 34:11
so I think it took about like five, six days. I was in the ICU for about five days, and then I so when I like, it was a week of no memory, right? Like, so I wake up and it's a week later and I have no recollection of where I am. How did I end up in the hospital, and there's nobody around, because it was all isolated. Was a covid board, like OmniPod patients were there in that ICU, so, yeah, even doctors were wearing, like, those, those suits, right? That protected them from head to toe. And so I was like, I was like, Dude, what the hell am I doing here? You know, like, what happened? You

Scott Benner 34:45
didn't think I knew it zombies. It's happening.

Akshira 34:50
Am I in some rehab center somewhere? Like, what's happening? I believe

Scott Benner 34:53
you're describing episode one of The Walking Dead, by the way.

Akshira 34:59
Okay. It, and I was really mad at my parents for, like, abandoning me, and my husband for abandoning me, and I'm like, why am I in the hospital alone? Like, what's happening? And I was so delusional because of the amount of pain of medication I was on. I don't know what medication I was, just like, my body was so beat, I didn't have energy to do anything. I remember, like, they had to teach me how to walk after a couple of days after I woke up in the ice, they had to, like, like, a baby, yeah, the baby had a box. Like, that's how it felt. Yeah, I took like, couple of steps and Yeah, well,

Scott Benner 35:33
you're lucky to be alive. Obviously, I

Akshira 35:35

Scott Benner 35:36
But then how long after that, does the diabetes happen?

Akshira 35:39
So I woke up, and the first question, so when I met the doctor, the first time the doctor came to visit me after I became conscious, and the doctor asked me, So do you have diabetes? I'm like, what? I don't have any diabetes. What are you talking about? She's like, No, you definitely have diabetes. And I'm like, No, I don't, um, are you joking? You're joking right now, I definitely don't have diabetes, and the nurses and the ICUs come and give me insulin injections. I had no idea how much insulin they were giving me. What is the insulin that they were giving me? What they were giving me a basal? I remember my vision was so blurry, I couldn't see anything. Yeah, during the day, I mean, I would wake up and my vision would be so blurred, and then they'd give me, I think during before breakfast, they would give me some insulin. By 12 till four, maybe I could see a little bit, my vision would be back to normal. And then again, after dinner, it would be so blurry I couldn't see a damn thing. Yeah,

Scott Benner 36:32
that it's why I asked, like, when did the diabetes come? Because I thought that, did they just wake you up and spring it on you? But they also, I realized, then they might have just thought that you had it and just went to DKA, yeah, which

Akshira 36:46
nobody told me that I was in DKA until, I think a month after, like I was discharged. So this happened in April 2021, I think sometime in May, I went to meet, like a doc, like that doctor who took care of me, who was, like, my, you know, my primary doctor in the ICU, so she asked me to come and meet her, like, a month after, and that's when she's like, okay, so you're a diabetic. Now you need to be on insulin. You need to take this you need to take whatever X amount of units at this day, at this time, before, you know, before breakfast and before dinner, and just, you need to take in the morning after breakfast. After breakfast. And I was like, okay, yeah, cool, whatever. Like, I had no idea what I was doing. I didn't know why I was doing it. Pissed at

Scott Benner 37:28
your parents and your husband for leaving me in the hospital just all over the place.

Akshira 37:35
Oh, and, and I also lost my voice. I couldn't speak completely, yeah, like it was just air that would come out of my mouth. No kidding, I used to sound so it was so scary if someone would speak to me at that point in time, they were like, Oh, my God, what is wrong with you?

Scott Benner 37:53
Did they tell you? Why were you intubated?

Akshira 37:56
No, I was not intubated. Really. They don't know why I lost my voice, and so I was only worried, why is my voice gone, and when am I going to get my voice back? You know, like, I care about, Yeah,

Scott Benner 38:10
this guy says I have diabetes. I definitely don't have diabetes and, like,

Akshira 38:16
and I was abandoned the hospital. Please? Something good.

Scott Benner 38:20
Any good news? What's for lunch? Yeah, my gosh, was it a depression that hit you right away? Did it come over time? Was it like, like, a clinical depression, or were you sad? Like, how did it feel? Yeah, yeah.

Akshira 38:33
So I think I was really upset by the whole thing. I think losing my voice was something that really, I think that was, like the last, that was the last shot, yeah, that pushed me over and because I couldn't talk to anyone, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't like even, you know, I like the work that I do. I don't need to speak to people, you know, I couldn't do that. So I was like, Oh my god. Why? So I kind of, you know, I was, I was thinking, why am I alive? Like, you know, why did I make it through this? Because a lot of the doctors said that, you know, you're lucky to be alive. I'm like, What is, what am I lucky? What did I feel lucky about? You know, I can't

Scott Benner 39:12
talk, I can't walk, I have diabetes, yeah, I

Akshira 39:17
can't eat. What I want, no, so, like, what am I lucky? Like, what should I feel lucky about? You know, so I so I remember, you know, being like, so I don't want to say survivor's guilt, but it was like, why, why did I make it out? Like, I just couldn't figure it out, and how I did take, take couple of therapy sessions. But, you know, in therapy you need to speak, and I couldn't speak, so that didn't go really well for me.

Scott Benner 39:42
You just sat there and somebody told you how to feel.

Akshira 39:46
No, I mean, I would try to, you know, get involved, yeah.

Scott Benner 39:53
How long till your voice came back? 810, months. No kidding, really? Yeah.

Akshira 39:58
Wow. So I. Did vocal cord, vocal cord therapy. So the lot of exercises that involve you making different kind of noise and vibrations with your mouth, and, you know, so I saw vocal cord like a like, voice therapist, yeah, had to do that for some time. And is

Scott Benner 40:18
that, I think, like a common thing from, like covid or from, have you heard any? Has anybody given any explanation for it? No,

Akshira 40:27
no. Nobody could explain why that happened, or how did it happen? Is it common? Very, very, unheard of. I think, I think it was just me, or maybe I don't know. Sometimes they say it could be fatigue, or maybe you know you nobody knows, you know, nobody knows why it happened, and nobody knows how I got it back as well. Well,

Scott Benner 40:48
it's lucky. I mean, I guess you are lucky. Do you feel Do you feel luckier now that you've had time?

Akshira 40:54
I'm not lucky, is the right word, but I do feel grateful that, you know I'm that I had the support system, that I had people who, you know, who took care of me and were there for me, and you know, who could help me through it. And, you know, I think it was more difficult for my family than it was for me, because I don't remember a damn thing. And you know, they had to live through those few days where they had these intense calls from the doctor, and doctor was just giving them bad news. And, you know, yeah, so I think, I think I'm just grateful that I had those people who were taking care of me, and I made maybe I made it. Maybe I'm lucky because I have them. Yeah,

Scott Benner 41:30
I just well for sure, but it is really, it's such a good point, honestly, though, that not that I think people would have skipped over in your conversation, but your family is being told it's on you to go find medication. She's gonna die, and there's nothing we can do about it. That's I mean, have you talked to your parents about that? Yeah,

Akshira 41:51
I did. So this, this response they were given at that time was very common. A lot of doctors were giving that response because they couldn't find that medication, and it was so scary,

Scott Benner 42:01
but still, forget what's going on in the world. Like, on a personal side, somebody comes to you and says, Hey, you don't know how to get medication, but if you could do it, it'll save her. And if you can't, we're not sure what's gonna happen, right? Like, yeah, yeah, lot of pressure. I

Akshira 42:15
mean, yeah, they were, like, really stressed at that time too, you know, and I, even now, my dad says that I was so glad that that they didn't get covid at that time, because I think covid got everybody except for my mom and dad. You know, there were, there were the two people in my house who did not get covid, and because of that, they were able to, you know, do all of this running around and, you know, arranged all these, you know, all these medications, and, you know, get, they were able to visit in the hospital whenever they could, a lot of that stuff. So no,

Scott Benner 42:50
Jesus, really crazy. So I think I've kind of saved this last bit of our conversation, because you just, in your note said, like, existential questions. And I want to, I want to, I want to talk through that. That's That's really interesting. But first I have to ask you, I mean, you're sitting, do you want to share your location? Or no, you're sitting somewhere in Southern India, and I'm in New Jersey, like, how the hell do you know who I am? And I had that feeling, and then I went and looked. And today the podcast is number 62 in India, in the medicine category. So you're not the only one listening to it. I think

Akshira 43:20
I've heard you say that before that it's very big in India. I want to single handedly take credit. No, I feel like I'm your biggest listener. Like, that's what I mean, you know.

Scott Benner 43:34
No, listen, if you're out there telling people about it, I'm happy to give you credit. But, like, how does that initially? Listen? You're younger than me. And so the internet, I don't want to say that the internet is surprising to me. It's not but I grew up through all kinds of shifts in technology, like I know that there were things that I used day to day in my life that if I put it in front of you, you'd be like, I don't know what this is. I can't even imagine what this does, right? And so there's been these big leaps I've kept up because of my job. So to be perfectly honest, I might be on the bleeding edge of technology with everybody else, but it still somehow finds the 12 year old inside of me, and he goes, I don't understand how a lady in India knows who you are. Like? Do you know what I mean, like or like. So how does that happen?

Akshira 44:23
I think it's about last year, or maybe it towards in 2022 end of 2022 where that's when I was coming to terms with the fact that, okay, I do have diabetes. My voice is back. Now I have to focus on, you know, the other aspect of my aspects of my health, and, you know, get that into order. And like any millennial word, you know, there were, I was on Instagram trying to find people who also have type one. And I found somebody who said, Oh, talked about your Pro Tip series. And I think podcasts were becoming really popular in India around that time, during covid time, I think. And, yeah, so I. Started listening to your Pro Tip series, and yeah. So that's and from there, I have not listened to many of your older episodes. I do listen like maybe 800 and upwards. Is when it's when I started, yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's, that's when I started listening to your podcast. And I listened to it every day. It's what I listen to when I go to work. Because I think, I think when you upload is kind of coincides with when I'm going back from work, so, you know, time difference? Yeah, yeah. So

Scott Benner 45:28
I'm just gonna go get my kids after this and tell them, because they they just laugh at me constantly. It's very funny to see, like, like, right now we're having this conversation. Like, I seriously might be announcing a cruise for listeners like, like, next year, right? And I said that, like, in the house, and both of my kids were like, no one's gonna do that with you. And I was like, I think they might. And she both of them are like, you're out of your mind. And one of them started just laughing. And I was like, I wonder if I said to them, like, Hey, I just met this person. By the way, she listens to my podcast in India every day. If they'd be like, No, she doesn't. But, I mean, I'm aware, obviously, the podcast charts in 48 different countries, but it's limited by English speaking, like the ability to speak English. Can I ask you one quick question before I move on in your story? For me, we're researching right now. We have some back end work happening with putting the podcast into different languages, but like the the spoken word will be aI generated. Do you think that's listenable?

Akshira 46:32
Not really. I think, I think, I think in India, I think English is fine. I don't think that's it's not

Scott Benner 46:40
English isn't a barrier there. No,

Akshira 46:42
it isn't. And I didn't want to tell you this, but I listened to your podcast at 2x speed.

Scott Benner 46:49
I must be really fast at 2x speed. No, yeah.

Akshira 46:55
So the last week, I've been listening to it in normal speed, just so that, you know, I can understand your voice modulation, all of that other stuff better. But I don't think English is I did hear in in some episode, I think with Jenny, you were talking about doing it in translating it in Hindi, and you were saying that Hindi is the largest speaking language in India. So I don't think English has too much of a barrier. Okay, if I'm being honest, I think, I think English is fine. Okay, that's what

Scott Benner 47:22
I wanted to know. Thank you, because it's a lot of work and effort behind the scenes. Yeah, also, let me put this out to you. There will be a cold wind episode in the next couple of months with me and an Israeli doctor, and she talks faster than I do. So if you can listen to us speak at two times, I'll be very impressed. I It's not often that I'm recording with somebody and I think, oh my god, slow down. But she was so fast. Oh my god. Okay, all right. So what did you mean by like, existential questions, like, what's happened to you in the last couple of years? Yeah,

Akshira 48:01
yeah. I think I'm just going back to what I said, you know, in terms of why, why did I make it out like, you know, I went through such a difficult time, you know? And if the dka complications were really tough, and it was really hard to wrap my head around the fact that I'm here today, and, you know, my that I that I get to live, and I didn't know why. I honestly thought if I weren't here today, it wouldn't make any difference,

Scott Benner 48:26
had you felt like that prior to this?

Speaker 1 48:28
No, no, I didn't know. Why

Scott Benner 48:31
do you think you have that kind of like, because it's because you're not, you're not suicidal, right? No, you don't want to be dead. Like, right? Like, so something happened. You got close to the edge of death, and, yeah, you are suddenly seeing the bigger picture about life in existence. Yeah, I

Akshira 48:47
guess. So I just started really pondering about so a lot of people in India, like, I think, all around the world, right? Many people died during that time. So I was just wondering, why am I the lucky one, you know, why? Why am I here?

Scott Benner 49:02
Has it given you a different focus? Do you attack things differently now? Do you appreciate things differently, or is it just a nagging question in the back of your head?

Akshira 49:10
No, I think it definitely made me take my health a lot more seriously, and really wanting to do better, and wanting to, you know, just be there for my family like they were there for me. Yeah, I think, I think just gave me a lot of gratitude and a sense of appreciation for those around me. Yeah, mostly, yeah. How

Scott Benner 49:30
do you see that materializing in your day to day life? Have you noticed changes about yourself? Is it more about how you think about things, or are you are you consciously doing things differently.

Akshira 49:40
Yeah, I think I'm just a little bit more mindful, I guess. And I think a lot of that does go to the way, you know, I started really looking at my diabetes and, you know, started taking care of it. And I think, like, a year, year and a half ago, I really didn't care if I was sitting at 202 50. You. All like, you know, the whole night, yeah, I didn't think anything of it, yeah, but I think there are times now that I do, you know, that I do think about how difficult it was when I was diagnosed during 2021 and I really want to be more careful about those things. And, you know, really want to be on top of my health and of my diabetes, yeah, was

Scott Benner 50:22
my Pro Tip series helpful for you to make changes? Or did you know definitely it wasn't like you knew what to do and you just weren't doing it? Or does it like, does it give you a motivation, or does it give you knowledge? Or both,

Akshira 50:35
um, I Yeah, it was knowledge primarily. I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea what to do, nobody so until a year ago at my doctor's what I'm trying to say is that only a year ago in my doctor's office, they taught me how what is the carb ratio, but I learned it much before that, thanks to your podcast and your Pro Tip series. Wow. I think there was one episode that you did with someone who talked about the water method of fat and protein impacting in, you know, blood sugars, yeah. So that was like a game changer of Indian food is very fat heavy, yeah, has a lot of fat and a very common way when, when people go out to eat, a very common thing that you would see a buffet, and buffets would have, like, a lot of mixture of food from all over the world, like you would have into, like Chinese food, like Indian ice, Chinese food, and, you know, Indian food and and bread and all of that, you know. And I think, and I will always see that fat spike, like, four or five hours after I've eaten, right my food. And I never understood why I was like, What am I doing? Because three hours after I've eaten, maybe I'm in range, but then the fourth hour I'm just like, high, high, high, and it's not going down. I had no idea, yeah,

Scott Benner 51:50
so no one told you that. When you hear people talk about the direction they get from doctors in America, is it the same thing that happened to you? So

Akshira 51:59
I had like, three doctors in three years, okay, who were really not helping me at all, like not helping me on the day to day stuff, like, you know, they would like, if I would go to them once in couple of months, they would say, okay, increase two units, you know, of your breakfast. And so they would call it like breakfast insulin and lunch insulin, which is, like, so irritating now that, you know, look back on it. Nobody even taught me what a basal bolus regime is. Nobody taught me how does basal work? Nobody, you know, nobody educated me on all of these things. I think I learned a lot of that from the podcast and and just a year ago, the doctor that I go to now are the, you know, the hospital that I go to now that's where I, you know, get a little bit more help from, you know, from my from them, and they put me on the pump. And are

Scott Benner 52:51
you getting more help from them? Because you know the right questions to ask, yeah,

Akshira 52:55
yeah, yeah. And I know what to look for. And sometimes when I ask these questions, I already know the answers. But, you know, but you just, you just asked, you did

Scott Benner 53:04
ask it? Because I would give anything to be there in an Indian hospital when they're like, how did you know that you said there's a man named Scott on the internet. I would love to be there for that conversation. I just see the look on their face, yeah. So moving forward, do you think? Like, do you have goals that are out of the sevens with your A, 1c, and how do you think you get to that? Yes,

Akshira 53:27
there are definitely. I don't want to be in the sevens. And I think that was another aspect why I wanted to come on the podcast. Because all these so inspiring stories, like, within three months, you know, I came from an eight to a 5.2 and I'm just filling the corner and crying. I'm like, Oh, my God, no, I can't do it. I think in three months I can move it by point two. Like, so I've been so consistent. Like, I go from a 7.8 to 7.6 to 7.4 to 7.2 that's how my graph, you know, have been in the last year. Yeah. So my goal is definitely to be, like, I said this year. I really want to be in the like, that's that's my goal, and

Scott Benner 54:01
that's doable, you think, yeah, I think that's doable. What do you change to get to that? What do you have to do? Yeah, a lot

Akshira 54:08
of it has to be, you know, more diligent with, you know, pre bolusing for my meals and and the bumping energy and the corrections, like, you know, if I'm sitting at 141 50, I think I don't care about it during the day. I think I need to be more diligent about that. And kind of, you know, I ensure that I'm below 120

Scott Benner 54:29
at least. I see, what are your alarms set out on your Libra? Oh, they doesn't have alarms. It's the libre one. So,

Akshira 54:35
yeah, correct. So, so what? So what i So, what you can do is, there is this transmitter called the mm three or something. Okay, so it's, like a, it's a made in China thing, so you can add that,

Scott Benner 54:50
are you wearing it? Oh, I've seen that before, yeah. And

Akshira 54:52
then that, like, little box, yeah, correct, correct, correct, yeah, I've seen that before. So that works. Like that sends data to my phone. So I don't have to keep scanning up with the libre one, you have to scan it to your device. Right with that transmitter, it sends data to your phone, and you use a third party app that you know gives you those numbers. So I do have alarm set at 150 so post 150 I am, like, really mindful about it, and then try to push it down. But if I'm sitting between 130 to 150 I think I don't take too much action. I think I can be a model. I can be more diligent with that, okay. And secondly, I think the right, the GLP medication has literally helped as well. I wonder

Scott Benner 55:33
what happens when you go to the 14 milligrams too? If that, if that maybe does something as well. Yeah. And

Akshira 55:39
so, so I just wanted to, so I was also having insulin resistance and PCOD before I had covid, right? Like, so I, so I live like, 26 years of my life as a normal human being, right? Like, I didn't have, not that I'm not normal now a functioning pancreas, right? Yeah. So I did have PCOD at that time, and then did have insulin resistance, so, if any, so if I were, if I was not diagnosed in the way that I was, like, you know, I had covid and decay and all of that stuff, I'm 100% sure that I would have been diagnosed as type two diabetes, type two diabetic, and I would have been given metformin and all of that stuff, and I would have struggled for years and years, yeah, in a way, I'm really grateful that I did get diagnosed the way I did, because that that it clearly pushed me into the type one category. Then they quickly, then they did the JD antibodies test, and then the C peptide test and all of that. It was like it really indicated on the type one realm, whereas if I hadn't been if I hadn't had that diagnosed story, I would have definitely, you know, clearly classified into type two. I'm, I was always a little bit on the, you know, the not on, not on the leaner side, like I was a little bit on the heaviest guy, I would carry more weight in my stomach. So anybody would look at me, would, you know, probably think of me as, yeah, she has, you know, she would definitely have type two diabetes. Yeah. So India,

Scott Benner 56:59
I see here that type one in India is growing by 6.7% a year. Yeah. And actually type two only grows well only, but grows by 4.4% in India. So it's it's outpacing type two is in growth. That's really something. And then you have to go find all this information for yourself. And then you've got to self pay your stuff. Is your pump? Are you paying for your pump? Out of your pocket too? Your pocket

Akshira 57:23
too? Yeah, I did. I did, yeah, that's like maybe a year's worth in rent. Maybe that's like a one time cost for the pump, and then the supplies are additional.

Scott Benner 57:34
Yeah. So when you hear people in America complain about stuff, do you giggle a little bit when you're listening the podcast?

Akshira 57:42
I No. I mean, I understand the sure, like each system has their own struggles, I guess. Yeah, you know, I do understand the perspective. But see, the thing is, in India, if you can pay cash, things are easy, like a life is easy, like if you have more disposable income? Yeah?

Scott Benner 58:01
Well, you're describing the entire world. But okay, yeah,

Akshira 58:05
no, what I meant, no, no. So what I'm trying to say is, from what I've heard, like a while of insulin, just in clear monetary terms, is more cheaper to buy in India than it is to buy or in out of cash, in in the US, I would imagine. Okay, yeah, yeah. So what I'm trying to say is that if you have, if you have that disposable income, and then it is more easier to do it in India than it would be to do in in the US, sure.

Scott Benner 58:32
But you also just said, If I, in case I, unless I misunderstood, is that the ipsumed pump cost you the equivalent of a year's worth of rent.

Akshira 58:39
Yeah, right.

Scott Benner 58:41
So, you know, I'm just saying that's, it's insane, like it just Yeah, and you'll have to pay that. Are there supplies that you'll have to

Akshira 58:52
Yeah, yeah. So, so if you count the cost of the libre sensor, my rival, and the pump supplies. So that's so I'm paying like, I'm paying my rent, and I'm paying the equivalent of amount of my rent for for my diabetes supplies as well. Jesus, yeah, yeah, my gosh, a lot of money. Well, it

Scott Benner 59:15
is, and it's money that could be going towards your savings or your living situation, or, you know, any number of things, honestly, Yep, exactly. Wow, was this hard for your husband to accept? Yeah,

Akshira 59:27
it was. So we were married a year before I got I got diabetes, so, and we were dating for a couple of years before that. So it was definitely harder, and I think so. So I think a lot of it was more incremental. It was not like one day, it was 3x the expense that, like, initially, we started with MDI, so that was a little manageable. Then we moved to the pump, and that was like a little extra, a little more money. So that's okay, we could manage. And then now I'm on ribs, so that's like a little more money, and now to manage that as well. So yeah,

Scott Benner 59:59
are you guys? We. Guys arranged? Or did you meet on your own?

Akshira 1:00:03
No, we met. We met on a dating site, actually. So yeah, and we've been together for, I think, seven years now. Good for

Scott Benner 1:00:10
you. Congratulations. That's lovely. Yeah, gosh, is there anything that we haven't talked about that we should have, anything you wanted to bring up that I haven't gotten to? Yeah,

Akshira 1:00:18
so I just wanted to talk a little bit about the pump, and so we so I don't use, I don't have any looping system that I can use with the ipso med pump. If you have, I think if you have the Medtronic, you can do some, there are some, there are some ways to a loop with using the Medtronic.

Scott Benner 1:00:36
There's an APS that works with Medtronic, and a couple of other things that you

Akshira 1:00:42
can do, yeah, I think there's something called a Riley link, or something like that that also works. If you have that, you are able to loop with that, with that pump. But I, but my, my doctor asked me to go for this, and I, I, yeah, I think I just went for it without thinking too much about it. So, yeah. So I think using that, using the pump, is definitely really helped and just just, and again, thanks to, you know, the episodes that you did on the on the Pro Tip series on, you know, how to manipulate diesel, how to do extended, you know, boluses, and how to eat I didn't even know, like doing, you know, 2x you could increase your beetle by, you know, right, 100% for a period of time. All of those things were so helpful. Like, nobody told me that, nobody taught me that. So a lot of that was, you know, self learn, self taught, I guess I said I learned it from, you know, the podcast. So a lot of people in India, do, you know, kind of argue about, should they, you know, use the pump, or should they stick with the NDI because it's more affordable and it's, you know, it's more easily available, rather than the pump, yeah, and I think it's not just a mode of delivery of insulin. I think it really, you know, helps you understand how to adjust your insulin to the way that you eat food. So, yeah, that was, that was another thing that I wanted to talk

Scott Benner 1:02:08
about. I'm I was looking around a little bit here the my life, ipsumed pump does pair with the Dexcom g6 and the my life cam, APS, FX, which is an algorithm. It also goes to FreeStyle Libre three,

Akshira 1:02:22
yeah, I don't get, we don't get any of that in India, yeah. I mean,

Scott Benner 1:02:26
if you just have the one now, you could be years away from seeing any of the other generations of that stuff. The company's gonna have to stop making it so that you can probably so that they start giving it to you. That sucks.

Akshira 1:02:39
Oh, maybe you can put in the word, I'll

Scott Benner 1:02:43
call up. What I'll do is I'll call up Parliament, and I'll call up a couple of other places, and I'll get the whole thing worked out for you right here from New Jersey, yeah, yeah, that would be great. Somebody, somebody said something to me recently. They were like, How come you don't just get this? And I was like, I think you overestimate my power. I can't make that happen. That's funny, though, but, oh, geez, bumps, you know, because you would use an algorithm if you could, wouldn't you? Yeah, yeah, definitely. 100% you're way ahead of the curve for India, for understanding this stuff. Or do you know a

Akshira 1:03:14
lot of people, no. So a lot of people do low carb just because it's easier to manage with the technology that you have, and it gives you more stability, or, you know, more more predictability in the way that you're in your blood sugars look like. A lot of people who have diabetes do low carb in India, or that's what so any doc, the minute you go to a doctor and they see that you have diabetes, the first thing that's going to come out of their mouth is low carb, they're just going to tell you to do low carb. And I was, like, really frustrated by that advice, because I don't want to look up, yeah, you know. But, and that's also not addressing the problem, right? You're they're not teaching you how insulin works. They're not teaching you how to manage your diabetes. They're just telling you stopping the foods that you've eaten for the last 20 years and eat something completely different, and that's going to help with diabetes. But that's also not sustainable. I, for me personally, in the long term, right? So, but rather than spending time to educate people, they would, they give you give out the easier advice, which is to, you know, do low carb.

Scott Benner 1:04:18
I wonder why? I mean, there's got to be something I don't understand about the business side of this. But why, if I sold an insulin pump, would I not want to sell them in India? You know what? I mean? Like, there's a lot of you, and there's a lot of you who are having like, diabetes. Like, why would I? I wonder if India does India stop American companies from doing business in India, or, I don't know, but, like, it just seems like such an obvious thing.

Akshira 1:04:44
Maybe it's a one time cost that's associated with buying the pump is, like, really expensive. Yeah, I think that because it's not like, so insurance doesn't cover those that kind of expense, right? Like, you have to pay in cash. Much. So it's a lot of money, you know, like, the amount of money that I use for that I used to buy mine. So I can do it. I can, like, you know, put a down payment for a house in a very good area, right? Like, Well, what

Scott Benner 1:05:11
I'm getting at is, why would the insulin pump company not say, look, let's sell them cheap there. Because we're going to sell so many of them will be okay. Like, you know, because there's two ways to go to value your your your product. It's either I'll make something expensive so that we make a bunch of money off of it, or I'll make it cheap and sell a lot of it like there's those are basic business ideas. There's got to be, there's got to be a component there that I don't understand, because it just seems like an untapped market and and a very I'm generalizing, here a little bit, but a very technologically adept population in India too, you know what I mean? Like, this is the kind of stuff you guys would love if you had it.

Akshira 1:05:52
Yes, yeah, yeah, maybe, maybe it's the education aspect of it. Maybe there are too many people and not enough educators to, you know, help spend the time. I don't know

Scott Benner 1:06:03
feels like people don't want to make

Akshira 1:06:08
money to me, or maybe they should just send links of your podcast to everybody that. I mean, that would be simpler, right? Yeah, that would just be easy, yeah, because episodes are already there, all you have to do is press play

Scott Benner 1:06:18
exactly. Can you imagine if I do a talk in India one day, that'd be nice.

Akshira 1:06:22
I think that would be, yeah, well, thank

Scott Benner 1:06:24
you. I appreciate that. It is, I mean, in the end, just having people's best interest at heart and giving them the information that they need to grow and make decisions with is really most of it. It really is like it's, you know, there's, I'm not saying anything. I don't say anything on the podcast that's that difficult to understand or that crazy, like, you don't even mean it's not like I'm saying something. People like, oh my god, I can't believe it. Did you hear what he said? I should, I should bolus before my meal. Like, you know, like it's, I know, if you never heard it before, it sounds crazy, but once you're accustomed to it. This is not like brain surgery level stuff I'm saying here, like it just, I'm just, you know, I'm just the only one saying it, you know what? I mean, like on a big platform, yeah,

Akshira 1:07:12
yeah, you know. I remember very vividly the doctor, when they distract me from the hospital after I was diagnosed, literally said, do not take your insulin 10 to 15 minutes before you eat. You have to take it 30 seconds before you eat.

Scott Benner 1:07:28
I mean, then you're gonna have anyone seen anybody? Yeah,

Akshira 1:07:30
and I did, and I did have, and they even seen the age for, like, two years, two and a half years. And I was like, What am I doing wrong? I'm doing exactly what I was told.

Scott Benner 1:07:39
Yeah, no. I mean, it's, it's, it's obvious. And then you add the high carb, high fat, you could, you could easily get an eight or a nine, A, 1c, and be trying with that, with that information, and God, if you gave up, you could, I mean, it wouldn't be any trouble to have a 1214, A, 1c,

Akshira 1:07:57
yeah, definitely. That's true, you know, and, and I knew that I didn't want to do low carb, and I, and I still don't want to do it. I had, I had lost so much weight just before I was diagnosed, so, you know, and I gained so much of it back after I was diagnosed. And I think, I think in those so and I was never scared of insulin either, because I would never see, you know, I've heard stories of people telling how one unit, you know, push them to a severe low and they were like, drinking juice, allowed to juice, and getting it back up. I have not seen any of that like I have not seen those kind of effects ever in the three years that I've been diagnosed. I had so much resistance already, because maybe I had PCOD, I had insulin resistance, right, right? So that insulin didn't work like that. And I can tell you, after being on the on the GLP medication, I have seen one unit moving me like crazy.

Scott Benner 1:08:47
Yeah, oh, I bet. Listen, I swear to God, Arden's going to use 16,000 fewer units of insulin this year. Being on a GLP medication, 16,000 fewer units of insulin. It's just fantastic. But while we were sitting with her doctor an hour and a half ago, she's like, Well, we definitely wanted to be able to eat more frequently, and we wanted to not, you know, we wanted to put a little more weight back on very important nutrition, etc. Like nobody's saying no, but the next pause step was, but we got to find a way to keep this going. We can't give away what's happening with her diabetes here, like, this is, so we're going to back her dose off. If that doesn't work, we'll start spreading the dose out. Like, we're going to try all kinds of different things, but she's getting such a benefit that I'm not saying we want her to be, you know, underweight, obviously. No, just like, obviously, we want her weight to be good. We want her nutrition to be good, etc, and so on. And we're gonna, you know, make sure things are balanced for that, but at the same time, I mean, you saw her graph. We can't give that away. You know what? I mean, like, that's some sincere, long term health implications there. So, so we're looking for a balance. We're gonna move her, remove her dose again, a hell and. Anything, if rybelsis is is good for people, then let's go, I mean, you're gonna see the injectables be more aggressive and maybe work better if you know, overall weight loss, etc, everything else that comes with it. But my God, like if, if rybelsus is helping you, like this, then every type one should be taking one of those pills every day to see what it does for them, you know, yeah, see if they can help.

Akshira 1:10:23
Once, when I was eating something and I took, like, I think, two units extra, and I was like, in the 40s or something, I was like, Oh, my God, it's happening to me. Finally, that one extra unit that I took, it's the same thing that those other people on the podcast talking

Scott Benner 1:10:41
about, yeah, well, it's not do. It's not, not doable. Like, you know, people all the time think that it's, oh, that's for someone else. But, you know, listen, there's going to be situations where people can't do everything that somebody else does. But for the most part, using insulin correctly. It does what it's, you know, it does what I say, generally speaking. And for a lot of people who glps work for, they're going to see these kind of benefits. It's just what's going to happen. You're going to look back in a couple of years and look at all these people are right now going, Oh, type you or type one. You can't take a GLP and like, you wait till you see, like, how it changes. So, yeah, big time stuff. Yeah, I'm going to have to say goodbye. I'm running out of time. Also, I'm choking to death. I want to thank you very much for doing this is absolutely terrific. You were, you're fantastic.

Akshira 1:11:25
Thank you so much. Great time.

Scott Benner 1:11:28
Oh, good. I'm glad. What time is it there? By the way,

Akshira 1:11:31
it's 1050 at night. Oh, well, also, you

Scott Benner 1:11:33
got to go to bed, so but Hold, hold on one second for me. Don't go away. Okay, thank you. Yeah, you

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#1343 Mini Scott

Adalia and Scott's brains work exactly the same. 

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Welcome back friends to another episode of The juicebox podcast.

My guest today is 18 years old. Was diagnosed with type one diabetes when she was 15. Adalia wanted to be an astronaut before her diagnosis, and she and I think, oddly alike, this is her story. Nothing you hear on the juicebox podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your healthcare plan. Are you an adult living with type one or the caregiver of someone who is and a US resident, if you are, I'd love it if you would go to T 1d exchange.org/juicebox and take the survey. When you complete that survey, your answers are used to move type one diabetes research of all kinds. So if you'd like to help with type one research, but don't have time to go to a doctor or an investigation and you want to do something right there from your sofa. This is the way t 1d exchange.org/juice box. It should not take you more than about 10 minutes. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy earth.com All you have to do is use the offer code juicebox at checkout. That's juicebox at checkout to save 40 percent@cozyearth.com

the episode you're about to listen to was sponsored by touched by type one. Go check them out right now on Facebook, Instagram, and of course, at touched by type one.org. Check out that Programs tab when you get to the website to see all the great things that they're doing for people living with type one diabetes touched by type one.org. This episode of The juicebox podcast is sponsored by the Eversense 365 that's a CGM that lasts a full year, ever since cgm.com/juicebox. One, year one CGM. My

Adalia 2:05
name is Adalia. I'm from Ontario Canada, and I am 18 years old, and have been diagnosed with type one diabetes since I was 1515. Three

Scott Benner 2:13
years, right? Yeah. 1518, Adalia. Adalia, yes, your parents make that up. Were they drunk? Tell me more.

Adalia 2:24
They founded a baby book supposedly, yeah, I don't know. It just kind of was something that they found interesting. And then I don't know if they made up their own pronunciation for it, or if, like, it actually said a pronunciation in the book or whatnot. But yeah, I've never met anyone with the same name as me, so I

Scott Benner 2:42
also don't think you're going to you have any brothers or sisters, like the Rio Grande day or anything like that.

Adalia 2:49
Yeah, I've got an older sister who's married, and then two brothers, one older, one younger. So I'm the third of four,

Scott Benner 2:56
and you're 18 now. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 2:58
do they? You

Scott Benner 2:59
don't need to tell me your your siblings names, but are they all very unique, or is it like, yeah, okay, it's not like, Mike, John, Pat and Adalia.

Adalia 3:09
No, we've all got pretty unique names. You

Scott Benner 3:11
don't need to tell me their names, but if you rate them one to four, where's yours on the hippie cookie scale? Oh, probably like two, okay, somebody else, somebody else has one that's wilder than yours?

Adalia 3:26
Yeah, a little bit. My sister's name starts with A J, but it's pronounced as a y.

Scott Benner 3:32
So are your parents? I don't know how to ask this. All right, you're 18, right? Yeah, okay. Are your parents weed smokers?

Adalia 3:38

Scott Benner 3:39
they're not they drink alarm,

Adalia 3:41
nope, no.

Scott Benner 3:42
All right, I'm okay. Do any of those siblings have type one diabetes or other autoimmune issues? No, none

Adalia 3:51
of my siblings have any autoimmune, anaphylactic allergies and a heart condition. But like, that's kind of it. Other than that, I'm the one with the most of the medical stuff.

Scott Benner 4:02
So how about your parents or grandparents down the line, stuff like that. So

Adalia 4:07
there's nowhere we can trace type one to but we do have, like, other autoimmune like some thyroid things, some like celiac and like different stuff like that. But like, no one in our family has type one. I think there might be one, like Great aunt, great uncle, or something that has type two. But, yeah, all right,

Scott Benner 4:27
well, that's not interesting. Then this was pretty surprising for you.

Adalia 4:31
It was, yeah, it was quite surprising. We were not expecting it. Yeah, it was just, it did kind of come out of the blue. And when we went in and I got diagnosed, like, my mom had thought, like, oh, maybe, like, you have mono or something. Like, at first we're like, covid or strep, because it was like, mid pandemic 2021, and then got tested for those, it was all negative. And then finally, my mom was like, Well, this is clearly not getting better, so we'll go into the ER. And she was like, you might have mono, because we had some. She's with a chronic mono with my younger brother, and then, surprise, it was type one. So I said,

Scott Benner 5:04
like, a little menagerie of issues. Do your parents have issues that aren't autoimmune,

Adalia 5:09
not really a little bit so like, my mom has had, like, a couple different things, like she had thyroid cancer, so she doesn't have a thyroid and had that removed. So she's on thyroid medication, but because she just doesn't have one. And then she also is kind of self diagnosed heliac, because she didn't want to go through the testing of eating gluten to figure out if that was the issue. So she eats gluten free and dairy free, because our body just doesn't respond to foods like that very well. She just figured

Scott Benner 5:39
that out. She's wandered outside one day, yelled to your father on the snowmobile, zebedia, I think I can't eat milk or like something like that.

Unknown Speaker 5:48
Oh, sure, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Scott Benner 5:50
It happened exactly like that, right? That's what I figured, too. How come you don't have, like, a real Canadian accent? Do I not is it gonna come is it gonna come out? I don't really wait a minute. This is messing me up. Can you give me an oh yeah,

Adalia 6:03
oh yeah,

Scott Benner 6:04
that's a little better. Okay. I mean, what a bummer. Sound like you're from, like, I don't know, the middle of America, you're screwing with me. I mean, there's, I know. I mean, listen, I accept your apology, I guess. Okay, that's fine. You're

Adalia 6:22
welcome. Was that Canadian for you? The story? No,

Scott Benner 6:24
you gotta go. Oh, sorry. It's Sorry, sorry. Do you not know how you're supposed to speak? Not really. No, I think the pronunciation of your name has messed up your Canadian accent,

Adalia 6:37
probably, yeah, so

Scott Benner 6:38
how does it sound when your mom says your name,

Adalia 6:40
like, Adalia, I don't know. Oh, Jesus, really so boring.

Scott Benner 6:44
Oh, my God, never mind. Don't you live, like, near a strip club in the Yukon or anything like that. Usually, my Canadians have good stuff. What's going on?

Adalia 6:53
No, we don't really live anywhere. Like, super exciting we so I live, I will say I live in Ottawa, which is the capital of Canada, but everyone doesn't realize that it's the capital of Canada. Is that West kind of just boring? No, it's east. It's like, Central East.

Scott Benner 7:08
Okay? And you're supposed to say Odawa, like, I don't understand you. Like, it's like, you don't even live there.

Adalia 7:15
Well, oh my god, you said Toronto. Like, I don't pronounce the T in Toronto. You're supposed

Scott Benner 7:19
to say Toronto. Listen, I've been learning a lot about Canada over the years. It's Toronto, odo, oh yeah. And now you're just like, it's Toronto. Like, oh my God. All right, that's fine. We're gonna skip the Canadian part. You obviously don't own a penguin so

Adalia 7:32
well, I don't know who you're learning Canadian from, but I don't think it's right. Everyone that comes on the podcast, it's Toronto. You don't pronounce you don't pronounce it. It's not Toronto. God, I

Scott Benner 7:42
just want to put this out here. If you speak like you're from Idaho and you live in Canada, don't bother trying to come on the podcast. It's a freaking bummer and a half. So all right, we're just gonna get past it, I guess, and talking about your life. But jeez, Way to ruin things. Why would you settle for changing your CGM every few weeks when you can have 365 days of reliable glucose data. Today's episode is sponsored by the Eversense 365 it is the only CGM with a tiny sensor that lasts a full year sitting comfortably under your skin with no more frequent sensor changes and essentially no compression lows. For one year, you'll get your CGM data in real time on your phone, smartwatch, Android or iOS, even an Apple Watch, predictive high and low alerts let you know where your glucose is headed before it gets there. So there's no surprises, just confidence, and you can instantly share that data with your healthcare provider or your family, you're going to get one year of reliable data without all those sensor changes. That's the Eversense 365, gentle on your skin, strong for your life. One sensor a year that gives you one less thing to worry about, head now to Eversense, cgm.com/juicebox, to get started. What do you remember about your diagnosis? How did it come on? I

Adalia 9:03
remember a decent bit. So I was, it was February, so it's cold, and I remember in like, January, I had gone in to get a medical exam because I was working towards getting my pilot's license. So I had to get, like, it's called a Canadian aviation medical exam, and in it, they do test urine for ketones and sugars and stuff. And so I remember getting this, this test and being like, oh, like, that's kind of a silly thing for them to be testing for. Like, there's no way I had that, like, whatever at the time in January, I didn't, but then a month later, I'd gotten pretty sick. Yeah, we weren't really sure it was going on. I kind of, like, I'm the type of person where, if I'm not feeling well, kind of just tough through it, I'm like, it'll be gone in a bit. Like, it's fine. So I was, like, going to school and like, doing all these things, but I was just so tired, so thirsty all the time. Like, I remember being at my job and, like, literally, like, had forgotten my water. Bottle, and just was searching everywhere I could for like, something to drink, like I was so thirsty, and like, sometimes getting up in the night to, like, go to the bathroom and whatever, kind of all the typical signs that kind of point towards type one. Yeah, so kind of just like, not really sure what's going on. There's always like, there's always the fear, like, oh, it could be covid. Because whatever, we weren't really right. We weren't sure. So

Scott Benner 10:23
everything was almost covid, by the way, during covid, exactly, yeah, right,

Adalia 10:29
yeah. We just, like, had no idea. And obviously, with no type one in the family, we weren't like, that wasn't on our radar at all. And so finally got to a point where my mom was like, okay, like, something's not right, if you're still not feeling well, and you're actually coming to me and complaining about it, because I usually am just, like, whatever, like, I'm fine. And so she's like, we'll go get you covid tested and get a strep test, which I'd get within like, five minutes of each other, which I don't recommend. That was very

Scott Benner 10:57
awful. Wait, what's the strep test? I forget that. What that is they stick it

Adalia 11:01
into your like, tonsils and like, swab your like, swab your like, uvular you're taught, like, back of your throat, and

Scott Benner 11:09
it's just Oh, and then, and then the covid was up the nose at that point, right? Yeah.

Adalia 11:14
So, oh man, I just felt, I felt very violated, if I'm being honest. I was like, Oh, I don't like this, yeah. So at that point I was just like, I wasn't really. I kind of stopped being, like, having enough energy to go to school. So I was kind of like, whatever. And then we got the results back from those tests, and they were both negatives. We're like, Oh, this is like, something else going on. My mom's like, we'll wait a little bit and see. And then it came to that, like, weekend, and I think it was like, Friday night and I went to my mom's room. I was like, Mom, like, I'm not well. Like, I don't feel well. I think she's told me now that, like, that night, she was, like, very, very concerned. She's like, something's not right. But we didn't go in that night. We waited till the next morning and went into the Children's Hospital because I was still young enough to do, to go there. I mean, it was a pretty short wait, like, we went in, obviously, like I said earlier, thinking that I might have mono or just anything except type one was on our minds, right? Yeah, we go in and got triaged pretty quickly, and then we're waiting in a room for a while, and I remember falling asleep in like, one of kind of, like the still, the ER, like, rooms, but we're at least not in, like, the waiting room. And I'd fallen asleep because I was just so tired and and then they came in to take my to do blood tests and start an IV, because they're like, we're gonna get you some fluids and whatever. And they could not get a line in. I was so dehydrated that my veins just were not, like, there at all. And so they grabbed, like they had a special kind of, like ultrasound machine for your veins to, like, try to find them, I guess. And so they grabbed that they had, like, two, three people working on me trying to get a line in. And it was just like I was a little Pincushion. I was just lying there. Like, okay, like, please just get something in. I'd

Scott Benner 13:04
like to go back to the swab in my nose, please. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Adalia 13:08
So I just, oh, man, it was quite painful. And eventually they did get one in my arm. And so they'd taken some blood out, and then started a line of fluids. And then, like, I think I'd fallen asleep again or something. And then they came back. And when they came back, that was when they were like, okay, yeah, like, it's type one. And I had no idea what that meant. My mom's a nurse, so she had, like, somewhat of an idea, but like a textbook idea, right where it's like, don't know really what it means, but you kind of are like, okay, like, got, like, pancreas, insulin, all this stuff. And so I was kind of like, just a little stunned. And then, like, anyway, then eventually we did. I did get admitted, and I remember lying in that room, and then my line had burst in my arm, and so my arm just flew, like, filled up with fluid. And that was like, oh man. But then that meant that they had to go in again to try to get something else in.

Scott Benner 14:01
Did they did the vein burst or the no where they put them? Just like, came out. Oh, okay. And it pumped your and it pumped your arm full of fluid, yeah? Oh, good times, okay, yeah.

Adalia 14:12
Great times. I had a balloon arm, and I, like, couldn't lift it and, like, whatever. And I just, I had people coming in and out of the room, kind of like explaining different things to me and whatever, like a lot of that, I don't really remember what people said, but I do remember like people are coming in and out, and then eventually, not like current endocrinologist, but the endocrinologist that I had, basically, up until I turned 18, came into the room and we chatted. And at the time I had, I'd been really hoping to go get my pilot's license, and end goal was become an astronaut. And I remember sitting that lying in that bed, and the endocrinologist came in, and she was like, oh, like, just like, making conversation, and we were chatting, and she's like, so there's very few people, very few things that, like type ones, can't do. And then she asked me what I wanted to do. And I was like. I want to be an astronaut. And she's like, Oh, well, that's one of the things. And so that was just a really, like, devastating, like, having to process that at the same time is like, oh, like, I now have this, like, lifelong yeah thing,

Scott Benner 15:13
hey, and so Natalie, if it makes you feel better, I don't think Canada has spaceships. You're fine. You weren't ever, you weren't ever going to be able to do that anyway. No. I mean, listen, because everything there is made out of ice, and so when the rocket went off, it would melt. So you could never do that. But that's a nice dream to have. And if you came here to America, we have spaceships and stuff, but you don't have it, so it's

Adalia 15:37
okay. I would have fit in, though, right? Like with my accent,

Scott Benner 15:39
no one would have known you would have what they call pass. You know, pass, yeah, yeah. Wait, was it surprising to you at any point that your mom, who was a nurse, didn't seem to know much about it? And did that make you worried? It

Adalia 15:50
didn't make me super worried, because she didn't, she didn't present that she didn't really know a lot about it, like she was pretty good about like she would ask questions, like for me, which I appreciated, because I obviously was, like, I'm not mistake to, like, ask any questions, or, like, whatever. I was kind of just trying to process everything, okay, but like, I think she did have like, a decent knowledge of it, but like, there's just, like, I think when it came to the management of it, like, She obviously didn't know, like, had no context for that. But yeah, like, it didn't really freak me out that she didn't know, because I didn't realize that she didn't know. Okay, okay. But anyway, so sitting in sitting

Scott Benner 16:28
they broke your dreams about being an astronaut. Then what happened? I'm sorry if I'm

Adalia 16:33
being honest, I don't really remember a whole lot. I got moved at some point. They were still taking blood and stuff out. They eventually got another line in over the night. Though, like, I remember, like, sleeping, not Well, obviously, but the nurse that was doing all my night draws for my blood was just it was so painful. I don't know what it was, but, like, I just remember waking up every single time, and it was not a pleasant experience. And then finally, came to the morning, and they decided to scrap those lines. And then, because my arms were so, like, prodded at, they ended up taking my final blood draw out of my leg, because they're just, like, we can't get any other, like, good real estate, really, right? They'd like, tried everything. Like, they'd put wet, warm diapers on my hands to try to, like, I don't know, like, make you warm up the veins. Oh, okay, so no, like to get the veins going. So there's a picture of me with like, these diapers wrapped around my hands that they look like boxing gloves. Who took

Scott Benner 17:35
that picture of you? My mom did. A person who does not care about you. That's what that is, yeah. Okay, 50 and you're 15 years old. Yeah. All right, after they get you stable and they get your blood sugar to come down, how long does it take them to do that? Not

Adalia 17:51
too long. So by the morning, I was pretty stable, and I was off, like the IV like, fluids and insulin and stuff. And then for breakfast, I got my first insulin injection, okay, which was like, I think the nurse, like the actual nurse was like, a little like, okay. But my mom was like, no, like, I'll do it, which I was kind of glad for, like, it made me a little more comfortable. Yeah. So breakfast, I had my first insulin injection. And then after breakfast, had educators come into the room and, like, teach about, like carb counting and pre bolusing and like, all these, like, all the kind of, like basics I got, like, a binder with all this information they gave me my like insulin pens and information about, like, CGMS and stuff like that. Were

Scott Benner 18:43
your siblings, maple, Timbit and ulu there? Or were they, like, did the Oh, you couldn't. It was covid, right? I

Adalia 18:50
didn't have them in there. So my dad ended up coming that morning for all that education stuff. So my dad was able to come in, but my siblings weren't okay, yeah, nobody was really allowed to, like, visit, but I was only there for one night

Scott Benner 19:03
trying to get you out of there because of covid too. Yeah, yeah. So

Adalia 19:07
I was in for one night, and then I left at lunchtime the next day. So we went in, like, morning of Saturday, and then I was out by Sunday at lunchtime. So okay,

Scott Benner 19:19
and off on your new adventure. Yep, was this during and so school wasn't happening either. So you were, like, you were was

Adalia 19:27
for me. So I went to a smaller a smaller school a little bit further from where we live. And so we, like, stuck to, like, semesters. We didn't switch to quad masters or anything during the pandemic. And for at that point, we were in person, I think, and so I had missed about a week before, and then the next week I when I was home, we then had a bunch of zoom education meetings. So we met with, like, nurse educators, nutrition, all these different like my endocrinologist, like every. One. We basically had meetings every single day to, like, be taught how to manage and different things like that. So

Scott Benner 20:05
what insulin did they start you on? I was on Nova rapid and Lantis. What do you use now?

Adalia 20:11
Right now, I use Nova rapid in OmniPod. OmniPod dash in

Scott Benner 20:16
a dash, okay, and you have a CGM or No, I

Adalia 20:19
do so at diagnosis, I got a FreeStyle Libre, okay? And partially because we didn't have insurance, we didn't have medical coverage. And so that was the one covered by the Canadian government at the time. Yeah, so I was on the FreeStyle Libre, like the one, and then when the two came out, I got put on that, which I was grateful for, just to have some more alarms. And so I was on that, actually, just up until two months ago, when I switched to the Dexcom g6

Scott Benner 20:46
okay, this, uh, Ottawa. What province is it in Ontario? Ontario, right? So that's where you want to go get diagnosed everybody, because she got a CGM and modern insulin in Canada. That's pretty impressive. Yes, yeah. Okay. Do you think that was because of your age or because of the province and what they do? I

Adalia 21:05
think it's a province of what we do. Like, I haven't heard of anyone

Scott Benner 21:09
like, regular mph or anything like that. Okay,

Adalia 21:12
I've never heard of anyone be put on that.

Scott Benner 21:14
So my next question is this, we're gonna fast forward, jump around a little bit, okay? I am generally baffled when a person your age wants to come on the podcast, really, yeah. So how did you find it? Why did you find it? Why did you want to come on?

Adalia 21:30
My mom actually found it, and she sent me the episode you recorded with April Blackwell, the NASA engineer. Ah, that makes sense, yeah. So she sent me that probably, like, two, three days after being home. I listened to it, and I was like, oh my goodness, this is, like, incredible. Like, it was just really great to, like, hear stories from, like, people who, obviously, I was like, I didn't know anyone who also had type one. And so just to hear stories from other people, and also, like, learn how to better manage it. Like I, I love information. I love information seeking. And so I was like, Okay, perfect. Like, new strategies, different ways to, like, do things. And so at the time, I was working for a beekeeper, and so I was one of his, like, only employees, and would just work. Thank

Scott Benner 22:19
you. For finally saying something Canadian. I appreciate that. Go ahead. Keep going.

Adalia 22:26
Yeah. So I basically, I would just then stick my earbuds in and listen to the podcast while I worked, because I was the only one who I was the only one there, and so I didn't have to worry about, like, other people, like having to talk with other people. So I could just stick my earbuds in and I just listened to, like, a bunch of episodes of podcast. I would seek out the ones with people my age, because I don't know, it was just something different to have people who also were kind of in a similar stage of life. Like, it's one thing to hear from, like someone who has type one themselves and is, like, 30 or whatever, but then to hear from, like a parent, then it's like, okay, like, okay. Like, it gives me a little bit of perspective on, like, maybe how my parents feel. But like, then to hear someone like, my age, who has gone through it, then I'm like, okay, like, this is really, like, feels very personable. And so that's kind of why I wanted to come on. Because I was like, Well, nice. I loved hearing other people's stories, and so I'd love to share mine. Not that it's, like, super exciting, but like, at least there's maybe a bit more of a young adult presence in the podcast and whatever. So if you

Scott Benner 23:26
think it would make you more like relaxed, I could like, play the sound of buzzing bees in the background while you and I are speaking. Oh, it's okay. Please just tell me for a second, what does a beekeeper need to hire help for? What do you do for them? So

Adalia 23:39
I did a lot of his production. So I would, you squeeze

Scott Benner 23:42
the bees till the honey comes. I don't understand. What does that mean? Yeah,

Adalia 23:46
so the honey would already be extracted. We made like different flavors of honey, so we'd add different things to it, like lemon or cinnamon or like chocolate, like we'd make different flavors. So I made that, and then I would we also made like beeswax candles. So I'd make a lot of his beeswax candles, and then he would sell his products at farmers markets. So I would go and work at the farmers markets and stuff. So how about

Scott Benner 24:07
that? That's a living. You can, like, stay alive, doing that, pay bills somewhat. Yeah. I

Adalia 24:12
mean, I was 15, so my high school job, I

Scott Benner 24:15
meant him, but he, yeah, yeah. He was actually, it's

Adalia 24:19
kind of beekeeping becomes more of a like, retired people's hobby, I see. And so that he was like, 86 and so his like,

Scott Benner 24:28
yeah, geez, I'm gonna try cinnamon honey, 86 that's not bad, Yep, yeah. Okay, all right, so you were doing that. That's nice. Do they pay you in loonies? Or how do you get paid? Yeah, loonies and two knees only. That's what I would figure because of the silly names, yeah, damn, yeah. And then how do you get to the job?

Adalia 24:48
He's our neighbor down the road, so you could walk, yeah, yeah.

Scott Benner 24:52
Do you wear snow shoes to get there? Or is that not necessary? I

Adalia 24:55
mean, it depends on the time of year, but Ah, see, no. It was usually. Own

Scott Benner 25:00
snowshoes. We do own snowshoes. Yep, people think I'm kidding, but I know what's happening. Yep, snowshoes. We

Adalia 25:06
don't use them on our street, necessarily. We do live in a suburb, but yeah,

Scott Benner 25:10
where the roads get plowed? Are you making the little quote fingers when you say suburb? Like, what does that mean? Like, there's a tree near you? Or what are you saying a suburb,

Adalia 25:21
I'll tell you my my view right now is a tree. I know a house. Oh, our car, our garbage bins. It's garbage day. I don't know

Scott Benner 25:30
cars, a tractor, though, right? Be honest, it's not a real car. It's a like a pickup from the 70s. Yeah, sure. You know fun at all. Okay, that's fine. Whatever. So upsetting. Like, you started off with the name, and I'm like, Oh, this is going to be great. And then nothing else was weird. Now, one other thing was weird, you're like, Oh, I had a nice after school job working for a beekeeper. I'm like, yeah, just casually, yeah, it's fine. You know, I went to school for math, millionly. What are you going to do in what they call University? Undecided.

Adalia 26:03
So I've just come out of a gap year where I was in New Zealand for six months, and then I'm going into another gap year.

Scott Benner 26:17
All right there. What do people call you like, add or add a or like, give a nickname.

Adalia 26:23
I don't actually, okay, all right. I do kind of just make people call me my full name. Nobody

Scott Benner 26:28
calls you. Leah, nope. What would happen if it happened? Would you be pissed? You think maybe a little bit. You correct them. Okay, all right, okay, I hear you. It doesn't matter. Um, it makes me think of that song, Cecilia, okay, you know that song? I

Adalia 26:43
don't think I know the song, but a lot of people do reference Cecilia and Adelaide when I tell them my name, yeah, because of

Scott Benner 26:49
it's the song. It's not the name. It's, first of all, it's Simon and Garfunkel. Do you have any idea who that is? I do know who that is. Okay, okay, so Cecilia and then it's Adelie. I think it just, it's musical like that. I can't sing, so it's hard for me to replicate it, but you get what I'm saying. Isn't it weird that I have, like, such a nice, deep voice, but I can't sing. That's a little disappointing. It is. I've been disappointed by it in the past. Oh no, I can't skip to this because I have to ask you, what do you mean? You took a gap year and you went to New Zealand,

Adalia 27:18
kind of just that. So I, I I left in September, end of September, I did go to I went to Australia for two weeks and visited some friends that I knew. And then I went to New Zealand for a three month like outdoor Ed adventure experiential learning program. Was supposed to come home after that, and then decided not, I'm going to stay so I went back to Australia for Christmas, stayed with my friends there, and then came back to New Zealand, and kind of just like lived and existed in New Zealand for three months, and then I came home at the beginning of April.

Scott Benner 27:50
Listen, are your parents rich, or was somebody grooming you to human traffic? You what was going on? Exactly, no, I

Adalia 27:57
actually paid for all of it myself with the B money. Yeah. I mean, I also lifeguarded, so I had two jobs. Were you stealing from

Scott Benner 28:04
that old man? Be honest? Is that what? You know, how much is it? How much this is not in my business. But, I mean, that's ridiculous. It's a podcast. I ask people things constantly that are none of my business. How much does it cost to go on a trip for a gap year? Like, how much did you spend the whole time? So, like, say it in real money, so we understand, like, American dollars. Go ahead, I don't

Adalia 28:24
know American dollars, American Canadian dollars aren't that different. But my plane tickets were about 2000 each way, so that's already like four grand. And then the tuition at the school was, like, pretty typical to like, a, like, university tuition. So it was like seven grand. How many second beans

Scott Benner 28:45
did that guy have? What were you doing? For Jesus, yo, he wasn't taking pictures of your feet or something while you were doing this work, right? Nothing. Okay, all right, okay. Wow, you're like, you're a little like, adult,

Adalia 29:00
yeah, I tried it.

Scott Benner 29:01
No kidding. You're like, you know, I just took my $900,000 that I saved, like helping the bees and went on a world tour. Like, do you curse Adalia? Do I? Yeah,

Adalia 29:14
I don't know, but

Scott Benner 29:16
what you're the worst Canadian? Have you ever stabbed anybody? No. Oh my God. What a mess. Okay, all right, hold on a second. You people run into someone if I snowboard, but heck, yeah. Okay, that just sounds like a I don't know what generation you're from. I don't, I don't keep track of that. What is your generation called? You know, I have no idea. I was gonna say you don't know. You're busy off scrolling away, 30,000 loonies or whatever. The hell. Holy, seriously. Okay, you're freaking me out. Okay, so you see, you did this whole thing. What did you do? It for personal enrichment to get away because you didn't know what to do in university. Like, what was the onus personal

Adalia 29:53
enrichment? I think New Zealand's always been like a bucket list destination, and then this program was kind of like exactly what I was. Looking for because I was like, I don't know what I want to do for university. And then, at first, it appealed to me because it was only a semester long. So I was like, Okay, perfect. I can do a semester in New Zealand, come home and then work for another semester. Spoiler alert, I ended up doing, like, seven months there, but it was like, it was personal enrichment. And then I stayed because I met really awesome people and had great opportunities to just do a bunch of volunteering. I had an older couple that I'd met offer for me to live with them. So I lived with an older couple. I

Scott Benner 30:27
see what happened? You became a concubine. Sure you don't even know what that means. You do. What is it? Wait a minute. I don't understand. Let's go backwards for a second. What's your IQ?

Adalia 30:39
I have no idea. You've

Scott Benner 30:40
never had your ID test this. No, you have the emotional intelligence of a 97 year old woman who has 53 kids. That's all so okay, you're never going to college. Well, no, I think I will when you're going to take another gap year. Where are you going now? Greenland, what's happening?

Adalia 30:59
I have no idea. It'll be interesting, because when this, like, releases, I'll probably be like, I don't know, in Europe or something working, or whatever. I have no idea. Wait,

Scott Benner 31:07
like, the astronaut things make it more sense now, because before, I just thought you were like a kid who was like your parents, like, what do you want to do Atala? And you're like, I want to go to space. But it's not like that. Like you have like, that wanderers, lost, yeah. Oh, yeah, oh, okay. All right. Oh, do you have a boyfriend? You don't. Do you? I don't, yeah, because they would just hold you back. Big, dumb boy everywhere you're trying to go, right? Yeah, exactly. You know, I'm seeing it now. Okay, all right, I get what's going on here. I'd like to set you up with my son's too old for you. We'll find somebody I care about and get you set up. Oh, you're perfect. I didn't realize. How did you become a perfect person? This is why God gave you diabetes. Because you were so perfect, they had to, like, make you dinged a little. Yeah, okay, no, no. How did you actually,

Adalia 31:54
like, thought that though? Because I'm like, I had no issues growing up. I literally, like, nothing.

Scott Benner 31:59
I just want to say when I say stupid, and people are like, That's ridiculous. I know what I'm talking about. I knew you thought that. Okay, all right, so we slow down. I'm too excited. Now hold on, give me a second. I'm figuring you out. It took me a half an hour to figure out, but it's because it's early in the morning, by the way, if it wasn't so early, I'd have figured this out 12 minutes ago. I just want everybody to know. Okay, so, all right, so you're, you have wanderlust, and you don't know what you want to do in college, because none of it seems attractive to you. Yes, okay, and you figured out you can make money, so you don't have any pressure to make money. Yeah, I

Adalia 32:36
mean, a little bit, but not really. Also, you're from

Scott Benner 32:38
Canada, so, like, how much do you need to live in Canada? Really? Like, got it, you know what? I mean, not a lot. It's well, well, you could just go to Saskatchewan if you needed to, and live there for like, I don't know whatever it costs to live there. I don't know anything about Canada. I want to be clear about that. I really don't know a goddamn thing about Canada. Well, the first time I realized there weren't penguins in Canada. I just played it off like I was being sarcastic.

Adalia 33:05
There are polar bears, I promise. Oh, I

Scott Benner 33:07
know there are. Don't you worry. I'm aware of everything that's happening. Do you know about the houses hippo? House hippo? Yeah. Oh, wait, let me try to think it through. Is that a muskrat? No, all right, I

Adalia 33:19
don't know what that is. It's a pet hippo. We just call them house hippos. Wait,

Scott Benner 33:22
people have hippopotamus in Canada. Are they like pygmies?

Adalia 33:27
They're like little mini, like little mini hippos.

Scott Benner 33:30
What is wrong with Canadians? This is ridiculous. The House hippo is a fictional creature from Canadian public service announcements that aired in the late 1990s look at you lying to me. You know, I believe that, right? Yeah, I don't care. God damn it, has become a beloved and memorable part of Canadian pop culture, and the PSA remains a nostalgic place for many Canadians. Well, I hope you know Adalia that you just named your episode house hippo. So good job. Okay, so you don't have a plan. Your plan is, what grab life by the balls and see where it goes. Yeah, kinda Okay. Well, it's gonna run. If you squeeze hard enough, it'll run around. So there you go. Oh yeah, you'll be all set. Wow, okay, and your parents are cool with this. Yep, yeah.

Adalia 34:15
I mean, like it was actually so I, I have dual citizenship, so I have a Dutch passport, so it's very easy for it would be very easy for me to, like, go over to Europe and work without having to, like, apply for visas, right? And it's actually like my dad who suggested that. And I was like, Oh, I thought you wanted me home now, since I've been gone for so long, yeah, he's like,

Scott Benner 34:36
You got to get the hell out of here. Your mom and I have been having way more sex than you left. So get the out of here. How do you get dual citizenship? Three

Adalia 34:44
of my four grandparents are immigrants from Holland, and because my dad's mom had kept hers, he was able to get his. And then you only need one parent to have theirs in order for you to get you. Ours. Okay? So then me and my two older siblings, we all have ours. Have you been there?

Scott Benner 35:04
I haven't. I've actually never been interesting. Do you own wood shoes? We do, yes. Have you ever worn the wood shoes on the snow shoes in Canada? I can't say I've done that. No. Then how adventurous, very uncomfortable. You're not as adventurous as I thought you were, then never mind. Okay, so now it makes sense why you're on the podcast. Because basically you're like 36 in your head, sure. Well, now do you not think that? Don't agree with me if I'm wrong.

Adalia 35:32
No, I do. I just think it's funny that other people think that sometimes

Scott Benner 35:36
you understand sarcasm, which is a very un Canadian thing, really? Yeah, what do you mean? Really? Do you not live near Canadians?

Adalia 35:45
I do, but I've been away for so long, I don't know. And you're

Scott Benner 35:49
just gonna go again, and you don't even know where, and that's not even important. It's just that you're going that's important. Yeah. Okay, so now I have to listen to all the people who I can hear screaming in my ear who are listening to this. I'm like, Scott, talk about how she manages her diabetes while she's obviously really well. First of all, where's your a 1c, what's your variability? Like, tell me about that.

Adalia 36:08
Yeah, so I was on MDI for a year and a half after my diagnosis. Because of where I was, you have to wait a year before you can go on a pump, and then the pump waiting list is really long. So after a year and a half, I got put on the OmniPod. And while I was on MDI, my ANC was 5.1 okay, like between 5.1 5.4 and then I got put on the OmniPod in June of 2022, and was on that for a year and a bit. And my ANC, I think it hopped up to, like, the high fives, just because I wasn't actually really using it in terms of, like, entering carbs and, like, having all my carb ratios. I just was like, this looks like it's five units. This looks like it's three units. This looks like it's 2.5 units. So that I was kind of using it the same way I used MDI. And so it was great to have more basal control. But my ANC did hop up a little bit to, like the high fives, low sixes. And then when I went to New Zealand, I actually switched back to MDI, and you're doing a five

Scott Benner 37:16
on MDI. Yeah, you have an eating style that's specific.

Adalia 37:21
No, not really eat whatever.

Scott Benner 37:25
Oh, my God, wait a minute. Is this the moment? Did I teach you how to do this? Yeah? Oh, I didn't know this was gonna happen. Oh, excellent. Oh, oh, hold on. A second. Give me a second. I feel good about this. I've allowed you to travel the world and keep a five, a, 1c, yeah. Oh, my fucking hero. Oh, okay. All right. All right. This is good. Okay, okay. All right. How did I teach you that? What did you learn that in the podcast that helped you do that?

Adalia 37:50
A lot of it, like, I don't think there's anything like specific it was just like hearing how other people did it, like, like the Pro Tip series and all that incredible. And I listened to a few of them. But like, when I was just thrown with, like, all this information, I was like, okay, like, this is great, but, like, how do I do it? I would just pick and choose different things from different people's like interviews and like, someone would say, Oh, I do this, or oh I do this, or oh I do this. And I'd just be like, Oh, let me try that. Let me try that. And so I kind of just pick and chose from all the different, like strategies that different people used, and then it ended up working. Like, granted, I was taking like, maybe, like 12 injections a day. It was like kind of crazy, like they recommend what, like one per meal, plus like one in between. But I was probably taking like 12 to 14 injections a day. Oh,

Scott Benner 38:37
my God, I know why you like the podcast, why you and I think similarly, right? I yeah, I think so, oh, my God, you're like my daughter, except like, from Canada, and not really from Canada, more like the Netherlands. But you understand what I'm saying. Okay, all right. Oh, this is super interesting. You don't want to go to college. Well, I

Adalia 38:58
think I do. Though. I just like, I don't know what for. I don't know I had applied, like, last fall. I'd applied to go for like, this September, but you're not doing it. No, I'm not. I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I applied to like, six different programs. Like, I had no clue what I wanted to study.

Scott Benner 39:15
Finish this sentence, I would choose a college direction. But I'm afraid that if I picked one, then I'd be locked in. Yeah, when I think about doing the same thing every day for the rest of my life, it sounds like torture. Oh, my God, you and I are the same person. Oh, this is so crazy. Okay, all right, hold on a second. You would have never made it through the astronaut thing. No, no, no, it would have been too specific, yeah. Oh, your IQ is in the 130s you should get it tested. Okay. Oh, no, no, seriously, I got you. Oh, okay, hold on a second. I'm not telling anybody my IQ, but I. Ah, but here's yours. No, I'm not telling you mine. It would embarrass me, because I don't understand anything, so it makes it seem like I'm lying, like I don't, like, you know algebra, yeah, I don't. Oh, my god, yeah. Oh, you have the thing. Are you thinking all the time? Yeah, right. Do you have like, these great ideas when you're in the shower sometimes? Okay, most of the podcast I dream up while I'm taking a hot shower. I Yeah, that's fair. Do you need to write anything down, or do you just work out of your head? I

Adalia 40:35
used to work out of my head, but now I need to write things down. I can't just, like, I'll remember something, and then be like, oh, I need to write that down. And then 10 minutes later, be like, What did I say? I need to write down. Like, okay, I there's just now so much in my head that I'm like, Okay, I do have to write things down. When

Scott Benner 40:52
you decided you were going to New Zealand, did you do much like, I mean, you knew where you were going and you were gonna stay with friends and everything, but did you think about it much past that?

Adalia 41:00
No, I was like, I'll just go, like, yeah, yeah. I like, thought out all the details. I was like, Okay, well, I'll make sure I know, like, how I'm gonna get here, and like, all these, like, book a bus and, like, do all that stuff, like, all the like, logistical things, like, okay, making sure that I'm not, like, stranded on the side of the road. Other than that. I was like, well, let's just see where it takes me.

Scott Benner 41:18
The things that you understand, do you have to methodically go through them, or do they just make sense to you? Things that

Adalia 41:24
I understand, I think I they kind of just make sense. But there are things where I do have to, like, kind of methodically. I'm a very like, I like it. It makes sense, but then I'm like, Hey, but then why does it make sense? Like, that's the question I asked.

Scott Benner 41:35
You do care about that? You care about? Why? Why you think? But that's because you're young. You're still doubting yourself. Sure? Yeah, people call it narcissism when I do it, but I'm like, Yeah, I'm just, I'm just really sure I don't need people laughing while they're listening to the pie. Like I'm imagining some, like, 16 year old girl listening right now, and there's bees flying around her head, and she's like, No, man, I think you're probably narcissist. But like, you know, um, I really don't have like, classic narcissistic like, tendencies. I just really believe in myself. Do you believe in yourself? I do, yeah, but for no real reason to right, because you're 18?

Adalia 42:11
No, yeah, no, literally, I'm like, I'm just a girl. I don't really know what I'm doing, but, like, whatever,

Scott Benner 42:19
can I just say that if your parents are to die tragically, and I hope that doesn't happen, and if Ziba pop bang, and your other brothers and sisters can't help you, I'd be happy to help you a little bit. Okay, okay, sounds great. So follow your heart. That's all you do, right? Hi, deaf, yeah. If I were to ask you, like, how do you take such good care of yourself while you're traveling, you'd go, I don't know, I just, I just do it.

Adalia 42:43
Yeah, I was trying to think, like, I was, like, I was lying in bed last night. I was like, hmm, like, how am I gonna explain this? And I really have no good explanation. I'm like, it kind of just, I kind of just did, like, it was a little tricky at first, like, transitioning back to MDI after being on the pump for like, so long. But then also, like, flipping time zones really messed up, like, my blood sugars for a little while, okay, like, after that, like, once I got it, like, once I figured out, okay, like, my basal rate, and, like, all of that stuff again. Like, it was just like, I don't know, muscle memory, and I kind of just went with it. And I was like, well, like, yeah, you're

Scott Benner 43:18
my greatest accomplishment. This is fantastic. Okay, is there any chance now? There's no chance. If you get older and make a baby, you're not going to call it Scott, you're going to call it like, zippity doodah or something like that. Like, so, yeah, like, so that's not going to happen, okay? And you, plus you don't need boys. They're dragging you down. Yeah, I

Adalia 43:38
don't really want kids either, so I don't want to get

Scott Benner 43:40
you in trouble with the mob, but do you fit in with people your age? There's no way, right?

Adalia 43:45
Not really, but yes. Like, I think I, like, let myself fit in. I don't know. Like, what?

Scott Benner 43:50
You have no anxiety? No, no. You have no anxiety, right? No, yeah, okay, and you don't drink. No, you've never smoked weed. No, you don't even plan to. No, if someone asked you to, you'd just get up and leave. Yeah, I know exactly who you are. This is fantastic. Oh my gosh. Are there others of us out there? Ring a bell, see if more come

Adalia 44:18
there are some others, like, I don't know. Like, maybe I don't know.

Scott Benner 44:22
Oh my god, seriously, my daughter is so much like me. Arden is so much like me, and I think you're more like me. This is very weird. Never tell her. No one let Arden listen to this episode. Okay, I love you too, Arden, but I also love Adalia. She said she's fantastic. Oh my god, your parents must be thrilled with you. Yeah, yeah. No, no, no, you were probably the the least of their problems, even with the diabetes. Oh yeah, yeah. Are the other ones among are there monsters or the other brothers and sisters? I can't say that. No, listen to this, but are they moonshining and doing stuff like that? No,

Adalia 44:58
no, but like. I mean, well, so my older sister's married, and so she's great, but I think there was, like, some periods of time where, like, definitely, like, a bit of a problem, yeah, and like, same with my older brother, and then my younger brother's 14, so he's just started high school.

Scott Benner 45:14
Oh, we don't know what's happened to him yet. Yeah. So who knows, in high school, you weren't a great student, right? I was. You were like, A's, or is that how they marked them in the Canada A's, um, we

Adalia 45:27
usually do percentage marks, but like, I, I mean, I finished with, let me see what, um, look

Scott Benner 45:34
at how it matters to you. If the numbers right, just you did well, is that? Is that right? You're like, let me get my report cards. Hold on, I finished.

Adalia 45:43
I finished high school with an A average. Okay,

Scott Benner 45:45
okay, so you have, oh, my god, maybe it's because you're a girl, because I can't overcome the feeling that I don't want to be tied down by anything. Like, I can't overcome that. Like, if you try to tie me down to something, I'll, I'll say, I don't see the value in that. And then I walk away from it. I don't want to be and people are like, that's ADHD. It's not ADHD. I I am not wasting my time with something I know I can't do. Oh my god. Arden just started talking to me about school last night. She said all this to me. Oh my god, am I gonna have to let her do what she wants to do? I already paid so much money though, I don't know. Um, okay, all right, I'll have to think about that. Oh, my God, this is so interesting. Did you know this about yourself? Did you know we were like, like, brothers from another mother when you came on? Or did you not really,

Adalia 46:35
like, I think, like, I knew maybe that, like, we kind of thought, like, similarly. But then I'm like, okay, but then I'm like, okay, but do I just do that? Because I'm like, have I've just become a minion to the podcast.

Scott Benner 46:44
Hey, listen. If that's what's going on, I gotta say I'm down for building an army. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, yeah. Because I might transition this whole thing into a cold at the end if I need to pull some money together. You know what I mean, fair enough.

Adalia 46:58
Yeah, so. But no, I don't think I really, I don't think I really knew. Like, there were things that I was like, okay, like, this is a little interesting about myself, but, like, maybe I just didn't really have a way to describe it. Yeah, I don't know.

Scott Benner 47:10
Wow, you got rid of the hippo title. Good job. Now this episode's called mini Scott, or maybe mini Canadian Scott, Canadian mini we'll figure it out. This is lovely. Are you like your parents? I think so. Your dad has it a little bit, right?

Adalia 47:29
Yeah, my dad does. But like so my family's also riddled with ADHD, so it's

Scott Benner 47:36
like he said that you said that like you had mold in the bathroom, and we all know it's too cold in Canada for you to have mold. So, like, so what do you mean? Like,

Adalia 47:47
okay, so my dad and then my two older siblings all have, like, some sort of add ADHD. My dad is a very like. He is a very like. Think it through logical, like, methodical person. He does like software, programming and stuff and so, like, all of but then, like, he really likes the, like formulas and when it all works, and like, all of that stuff. And he's very smart. And then my mom is, like, a very, like, academic kind of person, like, so she had gotten a master's degree, had four kids, went back for nursing school, and then now is also getting a second master's degree. And so she just, like, she's never stopped learning, like she's always, like, trying to, like, gain new information. Your

Scott Benner 48:32
parents are methodical thinkers, yeah, but are you? I can be, but it's not your default, no, not really. If I describe to you that thinking about something to me was just telling myself a story in my head till my brain gave me the answer. Does that sound like something you understand? Yeah, so my son was explaining to me about being like a methodical thinker and going through things like line by line, almost like writing or reading code, right? But when I think about big ideas, I just think about the question until the answer arrives, but I don't step through it with any words or solid thoughts, yeah, I never know how to explain that to people. Like, I end up saying something flippant, like, No, I just know what the right answer is. But I don't really just know what the right answer is. I just think that while I'm thinking about it, the words aren't available to me. The answer is, yeah, this sounds ridiculous to people. Don't you think?

Adalia 49:34
I think it would like, it sounds ridiculous a little bit, but then I'm like, wait, but that's the exact same way that, like, I think as well sometimes where I'm like, well, it's clear. It's clearly not ridiculous, if we both think that way, like, so

Scott Benner 49:47
if you really listen hard to the podcast, I like that. It's just because you and I agree you're like, obviously it makes sense. If you really listen hard to the podcast, I make the most sense when I get revved up and I get going, yes, because. Words. I don't know where the words come from. Like you think, like you might think. Scott knows all this stuff. It's all written down in his mind. He's pulling from it because he knows that today he's gonna get on a an episode with Erica and talk about resilience. And he must know a bunch about resilience. I don't know anything about resilience. I don't know anything about people, how their brains work. I know none of it, but when you get my brain warm, and I literally mean warm, I warm up while I'm making the podcast, my body gets hot when I heat up and I start going, I don't know what I'm about to say next, and I always make sense, and I'm freaked out by it. If I'm being honest with you, I don't know how it happens, or where you can't just call it intelligence or like, people do that. They're like, Oh, it's a it's IQ, it's emotional intelligence is, I don't know what the fuck it is. I have absolutely no idea. I can't even quantify it. I just know that if you get me going, I will be entertaining, and I will make sense, and when I'm done, you'll go, That guy seems to know something. And I don't know where any of it comes from. But you know what I'm talking about, don't you?

Adalia 51:03
I do my issue. I think you have an advantage where, like, all your conversations are recorded, whereas, like, I have found, like, I'll be like, I do it when I'm driving. I'll like, start getting, like, really excited about a topic, or, like, my friends will bring something up, and I'll just start talking like, and I'll just, like, continue. And I'm like, I don't even know where these things are coming, where these ideas are coming from. Like, what? Like, whatever. But then at the end of the conversation, like, dang, I wish I could remember what I just said. Like,

Scott Benner 51:27
I have no idea what I've ever said. Like, that's like, that's why, like, I'll have there are people who help me, like, wonderful people who are like, group experts in the Facebook group and and Isabel, who's very, very like, if you enjoyed the last two years of the bowl beginning series, that's pretty much Isabelle. Was like, You need to have an episode about this and this and this, because this is what people are talking about. I'm like, okay, like, I never would have thought of it like that. I would have just That's why even, like, the Pro Tip series, I made it up, like I said, I sat down one day and I was like, what's important about diabetes? And I made a list, and then I sent the list to Jenny, and I go, Hey, I want to make a series about this. And she goes, Okay, would you mind if I put it in a better order? And I was like, I don't care. And she's like, she moves stuff around. She goes, that's the order. And I went, all right, whatever. That's fine with me. Like, like, that's and I was like, Okay. And then, have you listened to the Pro Tip series? I've listened

Adalia 52:19
to some of them. I can't say I've listened to all of it all the way through, but I've listened to bits and pieces, but it's

Scott Benner 52:24
helped you. Yeah, yeah, with of what you've listened to, of it, did it feel like haphazard or thrown together? Not at all. No. Do you know that every episode of that series started with me getting Jenny on, like I got you on, and saying, Hey Jenny, today I think I want to talk about this one. And she goes, Okay, and then I just start talking about it.

Adalia 52:45
Yeah, I did know that partially because maybe just mentioned it a couple times. I mentioned

Scott Benner 52:48
it because I'm freaked out by it. Even when I do public speaking, I don't know what I'm going to talk about. Yeah, I put slides up because the people who invite me out to speak seem to think it's important that I bring slides, but I don't need those good slides. I'm like, I'm like, I don't like, like, I just stand up there and I go, all right, diabetes. And I look at people, and I go, what do they need to know? And then I tell them. But if you ask me five seconds before that, what do people need to know about diabetes, I'd be like, I don't know. I gotta start talking about it to get it out. Oh, my God, I'm so upset. I'm upset for you, because you're gonna live your whole life like I had to, like, not knowing why you know something. Yeah, it's I really it does bother me. Sometimes Me

Adalia 53:31
too I yeah, I find sometimes I'm just, like, I really do wish I knew where this was coming from, or, like, what? Like, yeah, I don't know. Even in conversation with my parents sometimes, like, I was talking to my dad the other day about something, and then he's like, you're holding yourself better in this conversation and about this topic than, like, a lot of adults that I've talked to, and I'm like, it's not that difficult. Like, I feel bad for saying it, but like, it doesn't seem that difficult. People aren't going

Scott Benner 53:55
to believe this, but I feel bad for saying it too, like I really do because, because I don't feel like it's something I can actually take credit for. Yeah, it's not like I had to sit down and learn about a topic or something like that. Like, that's when I talk about common sense. I'm like, well, that's just obvious. And then I finally had somebody say to me one time, like, Scott, it's not obvious to everybody. And I went, Oh, okay. Like, I'm not mad at people for not having common sense, like having the answer's not like popping into their head or something like that, but I'm also older than you significantly. Like, I'm like, I'm 30 years older than you, aren't I 32 years older than you? 34 years Hold on a second, 2838 48 and then 4950 I am. I am 34 years older than you. I can look back and tell you that the things I decide to do, generally speaking, go, Well, yeah, that's all I know. People in my life come to me for advice all the time, and it's been happening since I was in my 20s. Like people will come to me and say, What would you do in this situation? And I go do this, and they're like, Okay. Okay, and then they just do it, like the tug of war thing, about the pre bolus thing. I made that up on the spot. I had never thought of it once in my life, and it just popped into my head. And then I just said it out loud. And then the girl was like, Okay, I understand. Thank you. And I was like, Okay. And then I said on the podcast, and then Jenny came to me one day and goes, that's the clearest explanation of pre bolusing I've ever heard in my life. And I was like, Really, I made it up on a phone call. Yeah?

Adalia 55:23
Well, it's because you didn't think about it. I feel like when you do think about those kinds of things, sometimes it just becomes so jumbled and like, so many words are used. And it's like, really, when you don't think about something like it comes out in the simplest form for you and me.

Scott Benner 55:37
Yeah, right. Because I don't know. Why isn't that interesting? Very interesting. This has been a lovely self reflection conversation so far. Okay, see, because I got I figured out, like, 25 minutes ago, if I asked you about your diabetes management, you're not going to know what to tell me. Yes, yeah, no. Arden's the same way, like people are like, have Arden come on to talk about she takes care of her diabetes. I'm like, she doesn't know. She just does what makes sense to her after what I told her was important. Yeah, I don't know, because my endocrinologist

Adalia 56:08
hate it, maybe, but it's okay. Yeah, we don't care what they think.

Scott Benner 56:15
Can you imagine you have an A, 1c, in the fives, and your endocrinologist has anything bad to say about you at all? You'd be like, listen, they couldn't do better for you. No, no, not at all. Do you have any plans on having children? No, I didn't think so. Okay. Do you date, like, casually? No, bump into guys in bars and you know what I mean, like, just that

Adalia 56:39
kind of thing I did. Like, I dated a guy for like, a year and a half, but like, I haven't since. It's

Scott Benner 56:45
insight time tell everybody why you don't date him anymore. There's a lot of reasons I know I want to hear what they are, because they're your reasons, and they're going to be very specific, and unlike other people's reasons. So go ahead.

Adalia 56:58
I just, I mean, one, I was not like me leaving was a reason, but I was just like, I couldn't predict, or like, I didn't know what to expect for when I went away. And then I was like, well, then clearly this isn't a secure relationship. And so, like, that's not good. Well, I mean other things,

Scott Benner 57:16
because the answer is, if my brain told me to keep dating him, I would be, yeah, but the reasons aren't important. You just knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Yeah, and you're happy. I'm very happy. I know I can hear it in your voice. That's crazy. When you got diabetes, did it phase you? No, not really. Did you have a plan? Or your brain just did the same thing. It just did the Well, now it's time to do this. Yeah, my

Adalia 57:43
brain was just like, Okay, well, perfect. Like, this is just something else I have to do. But, like, not in a negative like, oh, there's something else I have to do. It was just like, Okay, well, like, this is just another part of life now, like, relearn how to do it and then just move on.

Scott Benner 57:56
I thought I felt that way because I grew up hard. I thought it was, Oh, that's so interesting. Maybe it's just because, if I have you heard me describe that I wake up every day hopeful, like the whole world's reset.

Adalia 58:08
I don't think I've heard that. No, do

Scott Benner 58:10
you feel that way? Sometimes, I

Adalia 58:12
don't know if I've ever thought about it like that, but do you wake up

Scott Benner 58:14
in the morning and feel burdened by what happened yesterday? Or do you feel like new day start over Groundhog Day? Sometimes

Adalia 58:20
feel burdened, but I A lot of times just like,

Scott Benner 58:23
No, it's interesting. The worst thing in the world could happen to me, and I don't wake up the next day thinking about it, yeah, because I've already thought about it. I know what I know about it already. I don't need to think about it again. Yeah,

Adalia 58:37
it's not worth the brain space or energy. Sometimes,

Scott Benner 58:40
do you ever think about something to the end of your understanding of it and then spend time wondering what exists beyond your understanding? Yeah? Oh, God, really.

Unknown Speaker 58:54

Adalia 58:56
Sometimes scary though. Yeah, to do that,

Scott Benner 58:59
I explain that to people, and they're like, I don't know what you're saying. That's saying. And I'm like, There's something beyond what I understand. What is it? And they're like, if you don't know what it is thinking about, it's not going to help you. And I was like, I know, but the but just by the way, a very accurate description of why it's a waste of time. But like, it's the wondering, what's there I'm waiting for my brain to fill it in. And sometimes it does, yeah,

Adalia 59:26
and sometimes there's like, well, though, like, the question of like, well, if I know up to this part, like, why don't I just know that much more,

Unknown Speaker 59:33
right? What's

Scott Benner 59:34
out there that I don't that's why you wanted to be an astronaut, yeah? Oh, boy, is this interesting. I'm so sorry. It took me a half an hour to figure all this out about you. But okay, I also want to say, let's be honest, there's very few people who would have drawn any of this out of you in one hour. I am. I'm almost amazing. Yeah, I'm quite impressed. Oh, you should be, everyone listening should be you should, right now, be going like I don't do enough to. Spread the word of this podcast to other people, like, if you're listening right now, you're letting me down. Just so you know, even if you're trying really hard, you're not trying hard enough. Because these are the kinds of, I'm just being sarcastic, but these are the kinds of, these are the conversations. La, when I get up in the morning and I think, why is my podcast not more popular? It's this episode, and episodes like this, where I think this has nothing to do with diabetes and everything to do with diabetes, and everyone should be listening to this. When I put out the after dark episode about the woman who went to prison, did you hear that?

Adalia 1:00:31
Oh, I It's on my list. I literally was gonna listen to it on my drive. I have to drive back to I'm working at camp right now, and I have to drive back to camp. It's like two hours. So I was literally gonna listen to it

Scott Benner 1:00:42
right after this. It's gonna shrink your balls to the size of raisins. Do you understand what I'm saying? Like, it's getting it's gonna throw you for a loop. But when it, when I actually listened back to it, because some I got so many notes the day it came out, I was like, Man, I should go listen to that. So, like, I put it on listen to myself, which is weird. I understand, yeah, but I got done, and I was like, that's a good podcast. Like, forget diabetes. That was a good podcast. And I got stuff out of that lady. Like, Wait, do you see and do you know the other night? Like, literally, it might have been two nights ago, she emailed me and she said, yeah, yeah. Hold on a second. Let me find it. Let me find it, everybody. Hold on a second. Chill out. If you're driving, keep looking at the road, stuff like that. If you're at the grocery store, now might be the time to figure out what kind of peanut butter you're gonna get. Hey, thank you again, Scott, for giving me the opportunity to share my story with you. It meant the world to me after we got done. This is a private note. I'm probably not supposed to be sharing this on anybody after we got done. I assume people know if they share something with me could end up online, right? Yeah, surely, yeah. Okay. After we got done, I cried happy tears. I felt like a part of my inner child was healed after years and years of negativity, given the chance to speak, to share my voice to so many living with a condition was not only an amazing experience, but healed so much inner trauma. I hope my story touches the lives of others, and I will continue to support your podcast. I talk about it all the time with my family and friends. If you ever want another jail story, don't hesitate. I've got plenty. How great is that? That's incredible, yeah? Like, I'm done for the rest of the day. I've already added to the world. If I don't do anything else today, I'm good, yeah? And after I had that recording with her, like I didn't know I did all that for her, like I didn't know the experience did that for her. And you can be like, Oh, Scott, you didn't do it. She just wanted to voice her. I made the thing where she could do it, like I did do it. The whole thing's my idea, but it's not really my idea. It's my brain's idea. And I'm not joking about that. When I was writing a blog and people stopped reading, I thought, I don't want to lose the ability to talk to people. And then my brain actually said to me, this is a quote from my brain. Katie Kirk said, You were good to talk. You were good at talking to people. You should start a podcast. Wow. And I only knew what a podcast was because of Kevin Smith. You must know Kevin's Jay and Silent Bob. I think so. Okay, so Kevin Smith had a, I don't know if he still runs. He had this great podcast called smodcast, and I loved it. I loved like, the way he he almost felt like he was rambling, but everything made sense, and there was no beginning, middle or end to what he was talking about. I enjoyed that, right? So I, I knew about podcasts because of Kevin Smith. I know about talking to people because of Howard Stern. Like, because I know these are names that mean nothing to you, but like, I like, I like morning radio, okay, like, so I like getting up in the morning and listening to people talk to each other, people who I feel like I know somewhat their story and who I like, the way they talk or think or feel or whatever, the way they the way they communicate, generally speaking. And so I was like, Oh, I'm gonna start a podcast. That was 10 years ago. And for years I made that podcast to nobody, like, seriously, like, three years in, it took me a year to get the amount of downloads I got this month. And, like, so I was doing it because I was like, this makes sense. Like, this is going to work. It's going to get bigger if I just do this, if I just do that. And like, people in my life will be like, you're too focused on this. And I'm like, no, the answer is out there somewhere about how to make this more valuable for people, how to make it so that more people can find it, and more people like this, person who sent me this email can have this feeling, I don't know the steps. And if you go to like the internet, or, you know, you go to chatgpt, and you ask it like, how do I make a successful podcast? Everything it tells you is useless. I believe that it's it's just the banal stuff that people say when you ask them questions about that. But none of it's real. It's not actually how you grow something like this. But if you ask me how to grow it, I have no idea. You wait. You wait till your brain tells you the right thing to do. Then you, does it sound like I'm boasting? I don't think so. No, because I don't mean it that way. Yeah, yeah. There's plenty of things I suck at. Yeah. Like, if

Adalia 1:05:15
someone didn't know that you didn't mean it in a boastful way, then maybe they could interpret it that way. But like, I don't know. I think you're it to me, it just sounds like you're kind of just explaining.

Scott Benner 1:05:24
I am just trying to explain how my brain works. Yeah, yeah. And literally, I don't feel like I can take credit for it. And there are plenty of things I'm absolutely terrible at, so if you'd like me to tell you about those, you'll see that I'm not boasting. Okay, the interesting thing here is, is that you're gonna, you're about to live a whole life like this. Yeah, is that exciting to you, or is it scary?

Adalia 1:05:43
It's a little scary, yeah, I don't know. I think, like, already, like, realizing, like, all, like, the, I don't know, like, the typical path, like, whatever it was, like, that's not for me. I don't think it's for very many people, actually, unfortunately, yeah, I don't know. After realizing, like, life could be just kind of whatever I make it to be is exciting and scary, because then it's like, Well, I actually, like, the not knowing. I think used to be really scary for me, but then now I'm like, Oh, whatever. Like, that's just great. Like, I why stress about something I don't know about. It's also there are times where, like, I would love to just be able to, like, maybe have somewhat of an idea, but, yeah, I don't know it's a bit of both. So stability, you're worried about stability, maybe, yeah.

Scott Benner 1:06:29
What about like, diabetes supplies?

Adalia 1:06:31
Yeah. So that is one thing where I just am, like, unfortunately, it is like, Okay, well, I know that I have to set myself up well, in that I either have a high enough paying job that I can, like, afford diabetes supplies, or one that has enough coverage. It is something that is always kind of the back of my head where I'm like, Okay, well, I do kind of have to go and do something a little bit more but, yeah, I don't, I don't know. Like, I what that looks like. I have no clue.

Scott Benner 1:06:58
Yeah, there's no way you're never gonna know. It's so interesting. Do you ever work on something, start doing something, and get to a point where you say to yourself, my brain's not wired this way. I can't do this. Do you just bail on it and go in a different direction? No,

Adalia 1:07:13
I wouldn't necessarily bail on it. I definitely like to see things through, whether I enjoy it or not, like I hate to leave things unfinished.

Scott Benner 1:07:21
Okay, does it cause you, uh, disappointment? If you do sometimes,

Adalia 1:07:26
yeah, I feel like, even with like, within myself, disappointment, but also like, then it's like, well, now I'm like, making someone else have to do it. And so then I'm like, Oh, well, I hate to do that. So Okay, all right, what

Scott Benner 1:07:39
if it's just a personal thing, if dropping it doesn't hurt anybody else, but it's like, you, I don't know if you got up one day and you're like, This is what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life. And you're like, six months into it, you're like, I don't like, jive with this well, like, could you just pivot away from it, or would you hammer through it? Do you think?

Adalia 1:07:55
No, I think I could pick. I would pivot away from it. I would not like, if it was something to that extent, like where it was, like my life, and maybe, like what I was doing, or like the job I had, like, whatever, if I, if I didn't jive with it, I would, nah, I wouldn't stay, okay. It's

Scott Benner 1:08:11
interesting. Would it cause you pain to stay, like, actual, like, mental anguish? Possibly, yeah,

Adalia 1:08:19
yeah. I don't know. Like, I I'm trying to think of different things, but like, I've lived such a short life, but like, I don't know there's nothing I can think of right now where I'm like, oh, like, I did leave that or like, I stayed in this too long. Like, I don't I try to not stay in things that aren't right for me. Too long. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:08:38
I forgot that you were 18 a while ago. So you even know that your life's been short. Most people your age think they've been living forever. Nah. It's also interesting. And you're Canadian, but you're not really, yeah, yeah. I didn't know people from Canada thought like me, yeah, I thought, I just thought you guys drank beer, like, worked in like an oil rig and stab people in a bar like I didn't really know anything else happened there, but apparently, there's other things going on. I'm learning

Adalia 1:09:06
there are other things going on. Yeah, I've

Scott Benner 1:09:09
never been to the Netherlands either. Yeah, me neither. Well, yeah, no, my son came to us the other day, and he goes, I've been talking to somebody about the possibility of working in the Netherlands, and I went, really, I don't think it's gonna happen. I was like, okay, like, I never had a conversation like that in my entire life. Yeah, super interesting. So if I told you my son and my wife are very, like, methodical thinkers, like, does that isn't that weird.

Adalia 1:09:36
It's weird, but it's not at the same time. Like, I think that, like, I don't think people who aren't methodical thinking thinkers could like, if I was thinking about marrying someone, I would not think about marrying someone who thinks the same way as me. Oh yeah, we'd

Scott Benner 1:09:49
be dead if I always say people, if I met someone like me and we got married, we would just die. Yeah, one day we'd be like, Oh no, where's the food, but yeah. But once I. Yeah, with security, I can take very good care of myself, but if you left it to me at 18 to find a way to make a living, I would have been in trouble. And was what's wrong? Okay, are you being abducted? No, oh, I thought I heard you talking to somebody. I heard I thought you were sorry. I said, interesting. Oh, okay, sorry. How did I put it to my wife? Like, so my wife saved me. Like, my wife went to college and got a, like a, like an adult job, and that gave me time to follow. Oh, God, I am gonna have to let Arden do the thing. She said, okay, all right, so that gave me time to follow my head and, like, let it see where it took me. And in the beginning, I just pointed it at my kids. I was a stay at home dad, so I was able to, like, very like, seamlessly raise my I'm like, Can I be honest, a fantastic father. Oh, I believe it, but it's only because it's like, all the stuff is obvious. Like, you know, like, if it had been raining for four days, and then I woke up on Thursday and the sun was out and it was warm and I had plans, or I had to do the laundry or go shopping, I would just go, Oh, that's not important. We'll move that over and let's go take advantage of the of the weather. And I didn't have any probably didn't sit around all day thinking, Oh, God, I was supposed to do this. So I was like, I'll just take care of that another time. Like, Oh, do you do the reordering your to do list thing? Oh, yes. Oh, and it's, it's effortless, right? It doesn't matter. Like the most important thing becomes the fourth most important thing. Who cares? It gets pushed down. It

Adalia 1:11:32
gets done when, when it really needs to get done. And, yeah, my wife

Scott Benner 1:11:36
yells at me for that. Her brain can't make sense of it like she put stuff in order. I hate to do lists in general. I just, I hate it when she hands me a list. Do you know, if she gives me a list for the grocery store, she has less chance of getting what's on the list, and if she just tells me what to get? Really Yes, because when I walk around the store, I do it with no purpose. I don't think, Oh, my God, I'm sorry. I wish you were older, so we could be friends, but you don't want to be friends with a 52 year old guy from New Jersey. So I don't like that's gonna happen. That's I mean, how bad does that sound? I don't know. I'm friends with my dad. So are you? Yeah, why do tell me about you and your father's relationship? Oh, we

Adalia 1:12:22
just my dad. It was always when we were kids, like, very intentional about, like, doing things that we were all interested in and so and, like, even if we were doing something and he didn't know much about it, he would learn about it. And so I don't know it always like, yeah, there's just like, little like quirky things too, where, like, we've bonded over random things. Like, I think back to like, in the pandemic, when we were both like, like, I was doing school from home, and he was, he's always been working from home, like, he's worked from home since, like, before the pandemic. But we just, like, would always, like, grab like, we bonded over like, potato chips. It was probably really bad for us, but it was just like, I don't like little things like that, where, yeah, I don't know. Like, I can have a conversation with him and not feel like I'm being always being told what to do or how to do things, or like, whatever. Like, it's actually like, I'm treated like a person, and so I'm like, well, we can, like, I have no issues telling my parents things, like, I'm I'll just I don't know. I don't really. I not that. I don't hide things, but like, I don't, like, I'm not, like, afraid to tell them things, because I'm like, well, like,

Scott Benner 1:13:27
Yeah, they'll accept it, right? Yeah. Wait, were you making the potato chips, or did you go out and buy a bunch of different brands and just

Adalia 1:13:33
get them and try a bunch of different flavors and, like, whatever. What's

Scott Benner 1:13:36
the best potato chip? Oh,

Adalia 1:13:39
there's one. Well, I really like lime and black

Scott Benner 1:13:43
pepper. Lime and black pepper. Yeah, is that, like, is that a company that makes it, or it doesn't matter? It

Adalia 1:13:49
doesn't matter. I think there's a couple different ones that make it. And it's tasty, spiced, spicy ketchup chips. But you guys don't have ketchup chips, so I think

Scott Benner 1:13:58
we do. Do you? Yeah? I think so. I mean, it's America. We have everything true, yeah, and if we didn't make it, we'll get it, or we'll just take it. We'll just take it from you. Doesn't matter. Yeah, you probably did take the ketchup chips. Yeah, we'd be happy to just come up there and take your ketchup chips and be like, shut up. We're taking that. Yeah, yeah, no, we can do that. We've been doing it for like, hundreds of years. Don't worry about it. How do you think of America? I

Adalia 1:14:22
don't know. I don't really think of it as, like, sometimes I think of it as, like, a super far away country, and then I realize I'm literally, like, two hours from the border or but then, like, other times, like, it just seems like the same, like, very similar, at least,

Scott Benner 1:14:37
like, warmer Canada, yeah, yeah. When you think of Canada, do you think of it as, like, the greatest place in the planet? No, no. When you think of other places, do you think I don't want to go there because it won't be as good as here? Yeah, that you do think, okay, yeah, was, did New Zealand hold up? Or was there like a jumping spider in your bed? And you're like, why am I? Here,

Adalia 1:15:00
no New Zealand was incredible. There's New Zealand is the one that doesn't have, like, any predators. Like, they don't have any dangerous animals, really. They like, maybe, like, two species of, like, poisonous spiders, but, like, yeah? Like, they just have a bunch of birds, birds.

Scott Benner 1:15:16
Yeah, that's because there's nothing to eat the birds, right? Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's

Adalia 1:15:21
interesting. So, yeah, no, New Zealand was incredible. And, I mean, I stayed twice as long as I was supposed to already, and so it was just,

Scott Benner 1:15:30
where are you right now,

Adalia 1:15:32
I'm at home, but I'm working at camp for four months. So I've been at Camp since the end of April. What kind of camp? And I'll be there a summer camp, like a place

Scott Benner 1:15:41
where Canadians drop their kids when they're sick of them after school. Yeah, yeah, I get what you say. You said sure. Do you mean no, or do you mean yes? You got that exactly right, and it's kind of that okay, but

Adalia 1:15:54
yeah. So I worked there, so I got home from New Zealand, I had three weeks at home, and then I moved to camp, but I'm at home right now, and then I'm driving up to camp after we're done here. What's

Scott Benner 1:16:06
the scam at camp? Did they tip you at the end of the season? The parents?

Adalia 1:16:09
No, I actually don't get paid that much. Oh, my God, then why are you doing it, my friends, and it's a great experience, and it's just really fun, like I so I'm a lifeguard, and so I'd much rather be lifeguarding at the beach than to be lifeguarding in a inside a pool during the summer.

Scott Benner 1:16:25
Why are you lying and saying there's a beach in Canada, we have lakes. Oh, okay, that's not real. But okay, I hear what you're saying. Okay, so

Adalia 1:16:34
yeah, and I get to do canoe trips. So I love to go out and do, like, extended, like, week long canoe trips where, like, we're out in the wild and, like, no, like, completely isolated. And so I get to do that through camp as well. Listen,

Scott Benner 1:16:49
I don't mind that there's a hole in Canada that filled up with water. It's fine. And I like that you're there, but don't call it a beach. It's ridiculous. The Beach leads to the ocean where the sharks are. That's that, yeah, do something for me. Okay, you said your friends at camp. So you have other friends who are working the camp too. Yes. What do you guys do for fun?

Adalia 1:17:09
It kind of depends. As a group, we'll kind of like, sometimes we'll go for hikes. Sometimes we'll kind of just like, walk and walk around and talk like, I don't know, like we kind of board games. Some of my friends don't like board games, but I do, by

Scott Benner 1:17:26
the way, I thought this was your answer. Like, you guys just hang out and talk about the world sometimes and your lives. Yeah? And you find that very fulfilling, yeah, yeah. And when you meet people who would prefer to be, like, at a bar or screwing around or something like that. Like, there's, you can't find any value in that, right? No, not really. Yeah, all of your friends, do they have direction? Are you the only kind of rudderless one? Or are there, like, are you all very similar in personality? No,

Adalia 1:17:58
I'm kind of, I'm kind of the odd one a little bit.

Scott Benner 1:18:02
You're the hippie in the group, yeah? Okay, the rest put it that way, yeah. The rest of them are like, in university, they have a plan, yeah, yeah. I wonder if you'll end up being the most successful one of the group. Can you keep up with them for 20 years? And then get back to me before I lose my mind and tell me, because I want to know,

Adalia 1:18:19
I'll do my best. I would love to keep these friends around. So, yeah, excellent.

Scott Benner 1:18:23
Oh, my God, your parents must be so proud of you. I think so. Yeah, seriously, and have your sister for pulling it together. You think I remember that, but I remember, yeah, well, she's

Adalia 1:18:38
the one who now lives far away. So, oh, oh, on purpose. Like, she's

Scott Benner 1:18:41
like, I gotta get out of here. Yeah, well, she followed a boy to school. Uh, you can't do that, girls. You can follow a boy somewhere, because, well, what? Tell everybody, why? Well,

Adalia 1:18:51
sometimes, well, then you get you're stuck. If something wrong go something goes wrong, then you're just stuck in this place that you don't actually have any interest in because you followed someone else there,

Scott Benner 1:19:03
right? And boys are limited, right? They can only do so much. Yeah, can't only do so much Exactly. You're 100% right, by the way, oh my god, yeah. There's like, moments where I'm like, I don't know. I'm just, I don't know I'm a boy. I don't think about that at all. I had this great conversation yesterday with this returning guest, and we talked a lot about, like, kind of culture, and we got down this rabbit hole about talking about how people apologize before they share something about themselves, which I find very woke, I guess, in the bad sense of the word woke. I think there's good senses of the word too, like, but that idea of like, you know, you're about to say, like, I don't know how much you pay for insulin, and then, but first you have to spend 15 minutes going, I understand. I have been very privileged to have insurance and be able to afford my co pay and, you know, like, I'm housed and like, you know, you have to do all that before you say out loud, like. You know, I own a pair of shoes. And then, because, if you don't, you know, as soon as you go, hey, check out my shoes, somebody's gonna run up and be like, you know, there are people who don't have, like, Oh my God. Like, I know. Like, I don't know what that has to do with my shoes. So we were having that conversation, she's also, like, a very anxious person, and we got to the end where she was like, I don't know. I feel very bad for people with anxiety, like, I wish I knew how to help them. Like, it seems torturous, and she's like, I wish I could just take yours somehow, like, your confidence. And she's like, because I know when I'm anxious. I know it all doesn't make sense, and I can't not feel that way. Anyway, it was just this really interesting conversation, and then today's conversation is so completely different, because you, like, you just went to New Zealand. Yeah, yeah, I would do that. I know I would. The other day, this woman contacted me, and she's like, I'm a travel agent, and I think that you have, well, she's a travel agent who has type one diabetes, and she listens to the podcast. And she's like, you know, we do these things where, like, people, like you, who are, like, oddly famous, but not really, do these cruises so people who, like, can get together. And, you know, she explained, I obviously went through all the details, but like, my brain was like, Okay, that'll work. Like, I just knew, I was like, this will work, and if it doesn't work, I said, Is there a refund period? Like, I don't want to screw people, like, you know, I don't want them to have a bad time. I don't want them to be, you know, on some, like, rickety boat, like, you know, like, that kind of thing. Like, it needs to be, like, a big cruise line, like, that whole thing, and they have to have a good time. It can't cost too much money. And if, for some reason, you're wrong, and I don't have the the motivated people that you're saying, I do. I want to be able to give their money back, you know? And she goes, Okay, none of that is a problem. And I was like, Okay. And then I went through it in my head, and I was like, Okay, well, let's do it. And I was talking to my brother, and he goes, You think that's gonna be all right? I was like, No, it'll work out. And he goes, How do you know? And I'm like, I'm not sure. It just it'll be okay. It just will Yeah, yeah. I know it's gonna be fine. And he goes, where does the cruise go out of I'm like, Galveston. He goes Texas. And I was like, Yeah, I don't worry it'll be alright. And he was like, Okay. I was like, oh, like, a lot of cruises go out of there. And he goes, they do. And I'm like, yeah, the lady told me, anyway, I made, like, that giant decision. I know it's gonna be okay. Yeah, I'm not worried about it at all. And a lot of other people in my life are like, Oh my God. Like, this is nerve wracking. I was like, No, it's not. It's fine, but I know nerve wracking things, but even those things don't make me feel anxious. They just they somehow, like, slide onto another list in my head of like, things that might not go right. Does that make sense to you? Yep,

Adalia 1:22:42
yeah, it does.

Scott Benner 1:22:43
Oh, my God. All right. What? What have you not said that you want to say anything at all. Let

Adalia 1:22:47
me see I did make you have a list, but it wasn't you made a list, yeah, but it wasn't like anything crazy. I can't even remember what I emailed you about. Like you want

Scott Benner 1:22:59
me to find it Sure. All right, hold on a second. It won't be hard to find your name. All right, here we go. Yeah, it's so interesting. It's also, like, it's a short note, which is what I would have done, too, my name, my name. You want me to read it? Sure you can. I don't remember what I said. All right, hold on a second. It says, Oh, hey, Scott. It says, My name is adelaya, and I am an 18 year old Canadian living with type one. I found your podcast almost immediately after my diagnosis in 2021 and I went searching for the episodes with people around my age. There were a few, and the ones that I listened to were incredibly inspiring, as I recognized those were people who were living with the same day to day struggles that I had just begun experiencing. I've had a lot of things change in my life post diagnosis, not necessarily because of diabetes, if I'm being honest, the diabetes has become a bit of a blessing. I am currently traveling around Australia, New Zealand, on my own while taking a bit of a break from school. Adventuring is one of my favorite things to do, and I haven't let my diabetes diagnosis change that I would love to share my story with you so that other teenagers and young adults can feel related to when it comes to type one. Thanks for the opportunity. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Okay, why has it been a blessing?

Adalia 1:24:22
I think part of it, like we kind of talked about it earlier, where I just, like, realized that, like the astronaut thing would have was not for me, and it was like, needed, like, something outside to like, because I gotten really stuck in it, I think because it became something that other people expected of me. So I was like, Well, I just have to do this now and then. It kind of gave me an out, like, I was like, oh, like, I don't have to do this. It led me to working at camp. It led me to being able to canoe trips, which I now have done, like, pretty much every summer since my diagnosis, yeah, just like, it's let me discover more of my interests and things that I love to do, instead of feeling. Like, bogged down by like, this, like, unreasonable expectation for myself that I didn't even have anymore, but I felt like other people had for me, and

Scott Benner 1:25:08
because you said you were gonna do it, yeah? And now you're like, I don't want to do that anymore, but I don't want to let people down. Yeah? So interesting. Wow, I can't believe that you and I are having this conversation. Like, 12 hours after Arden and I spoke about what we talked about last night, which I can't tell you about, because it's none of your business, but now it's not, and it's not you. I would tell you there's a lot of people listening to us have this conversation which you don't even give a shit about. Do you it doesn't bother you at all, really? Yeah, I know people say all the time, like, how do you talk in front of all those people? I'm like, I don't know. I just stand up there and I talk like, and they're like, it's not nerve wracking. Like, I don't care. It's like, I really, like, I really don't like. It doesn't matter to me how many people are there, like, few or many? Like, although I would tell you that if I showed up to speak at something and there was like, nobody there, I'd be embarrassed, yeah, yeah. But because I've seen it happen to people, and watching them try to pretend that they're not embarrassed by it makes me uncomfortable. It sucks. Like you fly across the country to speak at something, and they give you, like, an hour, right? And you're like, Oh, I'm speaking from 10 to 11, and then, like, I'm walking around because I'm not speaking from 10 to 11, and you walk past a room that this room is set up to hold 200 people, and there are like, four people in the front row, and it's like they're having a private conversation. And, you know those persons like, oh my god, I flew here for this, yeah, and no one came. Like, it's got to be devastating. I would I pretend to be sick? If I walked in that room and I saw four people, I'd be I gotta go. I don't want someone taking a picture of me talking to four people at this event. Do you ever notice how they do it on social media? They they find one table with people in it, and then they get somebody to take a picture of them on stage from that angle, with the heads in the front that so that it looks like the room's full. It's my favorite it's my favorite thing they do. That's why I always take the camera, I turn around, I take the picture of the room behind me, over my shoulder. I'm like, check it out. Not a empty seat in here. That's just me being petty. But I have to have things, you know what? I mean. Yeah, everyone does Aliya, you're fantastic. You know this though, so I'm not gonna bother telling you. I appreciate you doing this very much. You had a good time. I talked too much, but you really got me, like, worked up. Yeah, that's okay. Also, you're 18. When I let you talk, you've like, pissed out pretty quickly. Do you know that? Do

Adalia 1:27:34
you know that? Yeah, I do realize that sometimes it's

Scott Benner 1:27:38
a limitation to talking to younger people. That's why I feel I so what will happen later is people will be like, he talked too much. He didn't let her talk. I let her say every You said everything you want to say, right? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I know. I know how to do this. Is what I'm saying, Yeah, especially with the little kids. So like, he didn't let him talk. I'm like, what if you think he was gonna say? He's nine, he's got four thoughts. He's out of the market. Yeah? No, yeah. What are you gonna launch into what you think of the conflict somewhere like you don't give a All right, you're terrific. Hold on a second, okay?

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Unknown Speaker 1:29:00

Scott Benner 1:29:04
I can't thank you enough for listening. Please make sure you're subscribed, you're following in your audio app. I'll be back tomorrow with another episode of The juicebox podcast. The episode you just heard was professionally edited by wrong way recording, wrongway recording.com, you.

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