Diabetes Dance Dare
Dancing is way better than dumping ice on your head...
This is Arden and her friend Nadia doing the Diabetes Dance Dare for the American Diabetes Association. The ADA does so many great things fort he diabetes community including providing legal counsel for children who are being treated poorly at school. #DiabetesDanceDare
I can't dance so I enlisted Arden...
Make your own video today, share on social media and tag #DiabetesDanceDare, @amdiabetesassn and dare three people to make a video of their own.
I'm daring you!
ESPN Commentator Speaks Ignorantly about Diabetes
ESPN commentator Stephan A. Smith apparently doesn't like Chicago Bears quarterback and person with type 1 diabetes, Jay Cutler
I'm not a guy who watches ESPN 24/7 but I do know that Stephen A. Smith has been in the center of more than a few controversies - probably by design. Normally we'd want to ignore people who say inflammatory sh*t just to get noticed but in this situation... maybe Stephen needs to hear from the diabetes community.
At some point in this clip Mr. Smith will say - speaking about Cutler - something to the effect of...
And I understand... they'll be people out there that say type 2 diabetes... the way I look at it we live in an advanced society where there is medicine everywhere to help you out.
Now I don't care if Jay Cutler is a good quarterback, nor do I expect for everyone to be a diabetes expert. But we should not allow someone with a platform like this to flippantly dismiss diabetes as if it were something that you take an Advil to clear up. Shouldn't we expect at the very minimum that if an ESPN employee is going to dismiss a serious diseases and the person who has it... Shouldn't that callous idiot at the very least, make sure that they are maligning the disease that the person actually has? I mean how difficult is it to find out that Jay Cutler has type 1 diabetes?
Stephen A. Smith should get himself educated, publicly set the record straight, and apologize on ESPN First Take where he made his ridiculous remarks. As for ESPN, maybe they should choose more carefully who they allow to speak on their behalf.
If you watch the video please start at the 4 minute mark. You do not want to suffer this blowhard for any longer than need be...
I'm just going to leave these links here along with a hashtag...
Stephen A. Smith - Twitter
ESPN - Twitter - Facebook
ESPN First Take - Twitter - Facebook
ESPN First Take Today 8-4-16 Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman are Live at Washington Redskins Training Camp. Stephen A. Smith Super Angry Rant On Jay Cutler! Stephen A. Smith Super Angry Rant On Jay Cutler! Stephen A. Smith Super Angry Rant On Jay Cutler! ESPN First Take 8-5-16
Adam Lasher is back on American Idol
And he made it through to hollywood week with his Dexcom receiver (again) clipped to his guitar strap.
Adam Lasher is back again performing a samba version of "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" a Bob Dylan classic.
I'm working on finding a time to get Adam back on the Juicebox Podcast...
VIDEO: Nick Jonas/Crossfit Diabetes War featured on Good Morning America
Ignorant Crossfit CEO and his stupidity is still making news...
Crossfit CEO Greg Glassman recently tweeted, "Make sure you pour some out for your dead homies. _ Greg Glassman #CrossFit #Sugarkills @CrossFitCEO". The tweet was accompanied by an image depicting a Coca Cola bottle that included the words open diabetes.

The diabetes community, including Nick Jonas, fired back at Crossfit and it's CEO and today the folks at Good Morning America picked up on the story and aired this piece.

See what readers of my book Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal have to say...
It was an easy read with several funny laugh-out-loud moments. Yet, beyond the funny antics throughout the book relating to life, marriage, and raising children it is a reminder that life will undoubtedly fail to go as you plan it. It’s what we learn from our struggles that ultimately help us become more understanding, compassionate, and remind us to embrace life and loved ones. Erin, Amazon review
Dexcom CGM on American Idol (Video)
Dexcom CGM citing on American Idol!
Not sure how many folks are still hanging with American Idol in what feels like it's 900th season but if you were watching last night - you would have seen the Dexcom CGM make an appearance.
A musician named Adam Lasher was asked, "Is that your phone" when judge Keith Urban notices something clipped to his guitar strap, Adam responded by saying, "no I'm diabetic... it's my robotic pancreas you could say". It seemed to me that Adam was trying to explain what his CGM was without going into a long description when he called it a 'robotic pancreas' but then he does a very good job of describing what his CGM does, though he never calls it by name. The judges go on to say that Robotic Pancreas would make a great band name.
After the chatting is finished Adam plays an original song. Oh and by the way... he's Carlos Santana's nephew. Enough of my describing something that you can just watch, get clicking and see for yourself. Spoilers, Adam makes it to the next round so maybe we'll be seeing more of his Dexcom CGM on television again.
Don't miss my new podcast interview with Adam!
Facebook was abuzz with parents talking about how great it was for their kids to see someone on TV using the diabetes tech that they do, I wonder if Adam knows how many children and parents he made happy tonight by not hiding his Dex? Thanks Adam!
Adam Lasher - Audition - American Idol 2015
Pretty cool seeing the Dex on American Idol, can't wait to show Arden!
Adam Lasher is on Twitter @AdamLasher.