FDA Approves Dexcom SHARE

I just received a note from Dexcom letting me know that their long-awaited SHARE device has been approved by the FDA

The note went on to say that Arden was nominated by a Dexcom employee to receive the device as a gift which was an absolutely wonderful surprise that, even though I've never once accepted anything free in the eight years that I've written this blog, I am happy to accept. After reading the email I immediately watched this quick video about the device and had a rather unexpected response.

I was smiling as the video played, excited to try SHARE and happy that the FDA approved the device when out of no where the voice on the video said, "Telling parents where their glucose levels are... allowing a good night's sleep". I burst into tears. I am so incredibly tired from eight years of diabetes and broken sleep that the thought of overnight relief caused me fall apart for a moment. The mere idea that I won't have to get out of bed and walk across our house to check Arden's CGM is elating. From what the video indicated the SHARE does much more but at the moment, I'm just happy be able to stay in bed. The announcement from Dexcom isn't all good news as I am left with an amazing but now unless skill. You see, I can make turns in the dark without bumping into walls by using the indicator lights on our smoke detectors as my guide. Do you have any idea how long it took me to become proficient at that? 

I'll be posting an in-depth review for you as soon as possible (Dexcom did not ask me to do that, actually the only thing that I was asked to do in exchange for receiving a SHARE is complete a short survey after using the device for 30 days). My upcoming review will include a detail disclosure.

In the meantime please join me in celebrating our new lives full of unbroken sleep and unstubbed toes. I can't wait to unburden myself from the anxiety of wondering if those three beeps mean a falling BG or just a fantastically stable number that is hovering a few points below Arden's indicator threshold.

The SHARE costs $299. You can find more information, see an overview, read frequently asked questions and browse all of the details about the SHARE on Dexcom's site

Today is good day... I'm going to go watch that video again!

10/23/14: Arden's SHARE arrived today - see the unboxing pics here!

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Children who have had enterovirus infection are around 50 percent more likely to have type 1 diabetes


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