Dexcom Adds “Hey Siri, what’s my glucose?" and MORE!
DEXCOM G6 MOBILE APP version 1.4.0 released!
“Hey Siri, what’s my glucose?”* – iOS device users will now be able to ask Siri to read Dexcom glucose readings aloud and display graphs directly on the lock screen, eliminating the process of unlocking the phone and manually opening the Dexcom app; the launch of virtual assistant integration is a first-of-its-kind innovation in CGM
More followers** – Expanded Share function, allowing users to share glucose readings directly with up to ten people, versus five in the previous version; this update is critical for pediatric patients and others who rely heavily on their family and diabetes support network to help manage their disease
24-hour sensor expiration reminders – Automatically receive a 24-hour reminder before it’s time to replace a sensor, in addition to 2-hour and 6-hour reminders
CLARITY app right at your fingertips – Launch the Dexcom CLARITY app directly from the Dexcom G6 app for more retrospective glucose reports. If a customer does not yet have CLARITY, they will be taken to the App Store to download and install the app
Submit technical support inquiries – Submit technical inquiries through a browser launched through the app, versus the auto-populated email in the previous version
Apple Watch Series 4 face complication – iOS device users are offered a new Graphic Circular complication specifically for the Apple Watch Series 41
Integration with Google Fit – Android device users will have a new integration with Google Fit to display Dexcom CGM data on a 3-hour delay
Dexcom users can download the app update today from the iOS App Store and it will be available for download soon on Google Play. For more information on Dexcom G6®, please visit my link.
For complete device compatibility chart visit
[1] Smart phone required to display readings on watch
[1] If your glucose alerts and readings from the G6 do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions.
** Separate Follow app required
*Compatible with iOS 12
Type One Nation: Phoenix
Type One Nation: Phoenix
I want to thank the Phoenix Arizona chapter of the JDRF for inviting me to speak at their Type One Nation event. I met so many people who all just want their lives to be less about managing and a lot more about living. I didn’t want to waste a moment while I was there so I did a Bold With Insulin breakout session, sat in on a Q&A and talked more about the ideas from the Juicebox Podcast on the main stage during lunch. I wished that I could have stayed longer but I needed to make a flight so I could be at my son’s first college baseball game in the morning.
I am already receiving emails and pictures from people who where ready to be bold and immediately began making changes to how they think about using insulin after they went home. It was a (too short) but terrific trip and I would love to go back in the future when I have more time to spend with the D-community in Arizona.
HUGE thanks to Vickie for recommending me for the gig and to the chapter leadership for being bold in how they bring good information to their members.
If you were there and have any pictures that I don’t please send them so that I can share.
Insulin Assistance Programs - Programas de Asistencia con Insulina
We are grateful to be insured and to have access to affordable insulin.
If you are uninsured, underinsured or struggling to pay for insulin... there are programs that can help.
Desplácese hacia abajo para la traducción al español
from Eli Lilly - If you have no insurance, are underuninsured or affected by the Government shutdown and would like more facts about Lilly’s patient assistance programs.
There are live representatives at the Lilly Diabetes Solution Center to help people find cost saving solutions for their Lilly insulins based on individual circumstances – including government employees. Call the Solution Center at 833-808-1234 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. EST. or visit their website.
from Novo Nordisk - The Novo Nordisk Patient Assistance Program (PAP) is our continued commitment to people living with diabetes and the Novo Nordisk Triple Bottom Line. The Diabetes PAP provides free medicine to those who qualify. If approved, a free 120-day supply of medicine will be sent to the prescribing health care providers’ office to be picked up at the patient's convenience. Novo Nordisk will automatically contact the health care provider prior to your next refill to approve the medication reorder. More info on their website.
from Sanofi - Our passion is to improve access to medicines and healthcare. Patients are our number one priority, and to meet their needs more efficiently, Sanofi US offers an integrated patient support program titled Sanofi Patient Connection (SPC). More info on their website.
If you have more or different links please contact me and I will add them to this list. Thank you!
"Because of your podcast (Juicebox), I have significantly reduced the amount of spikes that I get."
Estamos agradecidos de estar asegurados y de tener acceso a una insulina asequible.
Si no tiene seguro, tiene un seguro insuficiente o tiene dificultades para pagar la insulina ... existen programas que pueden ayudarlo.
de Eli Lilly: Si no tiene seguro, no tiene seguro o está afectado por el cierre del gobierno y le gustaría obtener más información sobre los programas de asistencia al paciente de Lilly.
Hay representantes en vivo en el Centro de Soluciones para la Diabetes de Lilly para ayudar a las personas a encontrar soluciones económicas para sus insulinas de Lilly según las circunstancias individuales, incluidos los empleados del gobierno. Llame al Centro de soluciones al 833-808-1234 de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 9 p.m. EST. o visite su sitio web.
de Novo Nordisk: El Programa de Asistencia al Paciente (PAP) de Novo Nordisk es nuestro compromiso continuo con las personas que viven con diabetes y la Línea de Triple Beneficio de Novo Nordisk. El Diabetes PAP proporciona medicamentos gratuitos a quienes califican. Si se aprueba, se enviará un suministro gratuito de 120 días de medicamentos al consultorio de los proveedores de atención médica que prescriben para que lo recojan a la conveniencia del paciente. Novo Nordisk se comunicará automáticamente con el proveedor de atención médica antes de su próxima renovación para aprobar el nuevo pedido de medicamentos. Más información en su página web.
de Sanofi: Nuestra pasión es mejorar el acceso a los medicamentos y la atención médica. Los pacientes son nuestra prioridad número uno, y para satisfacer sus necesidades de manera más eficiente, Sanofi US ofrece un programa integrado de asistencia al paciente titulado Sanofi Patient Connection (SPC). Más información en su página web.
Si tiene más o diferentes enlaces, por favor contácteme y los agregaré a esta lista. ¡Gracias!
Juicebox Podcast in Diabetes Forecast Magazine!
Diabetes podcasts in the spotlight!
A huge thanks to Diabetes Forecast Magazine for spending some ink on the podcasts dedicated to people living with type 1 diabetes. You can listen to my show below or follow the link to Diabetes Forecast to see the others highlighted.
Apple Podcasts -
Android -
Spotify -
Google Play -
Check out the latest edition of Diabetes Forecast Magazine… on your newsstand now.
Statement from FDA Commissioner on Insulin Pricing
The FDA has issued a statement intended to spur competition and lower prices. I’ve pulled out and included a few passages that are about insulin. You can read the entire statement as written here.
Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on new actions advancing the agency’s biosimilars policy framework.
“There are currently no approved insulin products that can be substituted at the pharmacy level. One reason is that it was hard to bring a substitutable generic insulin to the market under the conventional drug pathway. The biosimilar pathway should make this kind of competition more accessible. Once an interchangeable insulin product is approved and available on the market, it can then be substituted for the reference product at the pharmacy, potentially leading to increased access and significantly lower costs for patients.”
We’re going to be monitoring these markets. And we’ll be taking additional actions. We’re actively evaluating how we can make it easier for biosimilar manufacturers to use reference products from outside the U.S., where prices may be cheaper and reference products more accessible.
We’re also releasing today two critical guidance documents that describe how the agency plans to implement Congress’ direction that we transition certain biological products currently approved as drugs under the FD&C Act to be licensed as biologics under the PHSA.
Transitioning these drugs to the PHSA will let them to be treated as biologics under that law. And that means opening them up to competition through the biosimilars pathway. This includes insulin, which has been historically regulated as a drug and not a biologic.
Starting in March 2020, the approved marketing applications for the small subset of “biological products” such as insulin and human growth hormone – which for complex historical reasons were previously generally approved as drugs under section 505 of the FD&C Act – will be deemed to be biologics licenses under section 351 of the PHSA. Sponsors have known about this transition for a decade. They’ve had time to prepare.
“As a result, we’ve heard frequent reports of patients rationing insulin, and in some cases dying because they can’t afford the injections they need to survive. These tragic stories aren’t isolated occurrences. And they’re not acceptable for a drug that’s nearly a century old.”
Today, we’re laying out our policy on how these products will transition from the drug pathway to the biologics pathway, and in so doing, how we intend to use this new framework to promote competition. The two guidance documents we’re releasing today, one final and one draft, describe how the FDA intends to accomplish the transition of these products under the “Deemed to be a License” provision of the BPCI Act. The final guidance deals with “Interpretation of the ‘Deemed to be a License’ Provision of the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act of 2009,” finalizes the FDA’s draft guidance from 2016.
We’ve shaped these policies to implement the intent of Congress, and to make sure a few things happen. First, that the anti-evergreening provisions under the biosimilars legislation – meant to prevent sponsors from being able to game the exclusivity provisions to forestall biosimilar entry – will apply to these newly deemed products, including insulin.