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Beyond Type 1 Camping Meetups

Beyond Type 1 and Connected in Motion are partnering to bring you THREE North American Slipstream Weekends (think, camp for adults!). If you’re an adult (18+) with Type 1 diabetes seeking community, connection, and continuing education – a weekend set against a backdrop of fresh air adventure – look no further! 

Ontario, Canada - September 28-30, 2018
California - September 14-16, 2018
Maine - June 8-10, 2018

Registration is now open. (It's not free but it is cool) Click here to choose the weekend you’d like to attend. This is not an ad.

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Daddy's Blog Scott Benner Daddy's Blog Scott Benner

Babysitter Resource for T1D

A resource for parents of children with type 1 diabetes and their sitters

I was approached by diabetes legend Hope Warshaw last year and asked if I could contribute a few tips to a babysitters resource that she was writing. I immediately agreed but then a lot of time passed and I thought perhaps the project went away. Just the opposite it turns out... she was just taking her time and building the most complete resource on the subject that I have ever seen.

I want to share it with you because it is so well done and absolutely invaluable. Bonus, it's free.

For parents, being away from a child with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is tough— so tough that most avoid it altogether. But spending time apart is important for the whole family. Parents need time to themselves and children need space to just be kids, while growing more independent with their diabetes tasks.

SmartSitters covers essential information about T1D to help families and sitters manage T1D together, wherever they are.

The downloadable guide is full of wonderful information, thoughts from people living with type 1 and even has fantastic artwork so it is pleasant to read and use. Check it out!

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Scott Benner Scott Benner

Dexcom Alerts are now User Definable!

The Dexcom G5 Mobile App version 1.7.5 adds user definable alerts...

If you rely on your Apple or Android device to view your Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System glucose readings, you will see new features when you update your Dexcom G5 Mobile App to version 1.7.5. These updates are a result of requests from our valued customers, like you. We hope they help.

We know that your life runs on more than one schedule – and now your Dexcom G5 Mobile can, too! The new Dexcom G5 Mobile App feature, Alert Schedule lets you schedule and customize a second group of alerts that only apply during the hours you specify. For example, set the schedule to match your work hours, active Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.

The first time you turn on Alert Schedule in the app’s Alert Menu, you will be guided through setting up your schedule and choosing days and times for which the schedule applies.

We’ve also added a setting to Alerts called Always Sound, which replaces Mute Override and is on by default.

Use Always Sound to ensure Alerts sound when your device is silenced or on Do Not Disturb. For example, you want to silence your phone during school, but still hear your Low Alert. To do this, turn on Do Not Disturb in your phone settings, turn on Always Sound in the Dexcom App, and choose a sound other than Vibrate Only for your Low Alert.

For safety, turning off Always Sound won’t silence:

  • Urgent Low Alarm
  • Transmitter Failure Alert
  • Sensor Failure Alert


  • On Android, all Alarm/Alerts are silenced when using the most restrictive Do Not Disturb setting.
  • On Apple, your Signal Loss can’t sound in Silent or Do Not Disturb.

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Daddy's Blog, Type I News Scott Benner Daddy's Blog, Type I News Scott Benner

Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan Chase join forces to tackle employees’ health-care costs

By Carolyn Y. Johnson January 30 at 8:31 AM - Washington Post

Three major employers, Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JP Morgan Chase, announced Tuesday they were  partnering to create an independent company aimed at reining in health- care costs for their employees.

The independent company would be jointly led by executives from all three companies and would be focused on technology that could increase transparency and simplify health care, according to the joint announcement. It will be free from the need to deliver a profit.

"The ballooning costs of healthcare act as a hungry tapeworm on the American economy. Our group does not come to this problem with answers. But we also do not accept it as inevitable," Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway chairman said in a statement.

Few details were available about the new initiative, described as in the initial planning stages. The announcement comes amid anticipation that Amazon could disrupt health care as it has in other industries -- sending tremors through companies that make and supply prescription drugs.

“The healthcare system is complex, and we enter into this challenge open-eyed about the degree of difficulty,” Jeffrey P. Bezos, Amazon founder said in a statement. “Hard as it might be, reducing healthcare’s burden on the economy while improving outcomes for employees and their families would be worth the effort. Success is going to require talented experts, a beginner’s mind, and a long-term orientation.”

the original article can be found here

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Scott Benner Scott Benner

News: Justice Sotomayor ‘fine’ after treatment for low blood sugar

By Associated Press January 19

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court says Justice Sonia Sotomayor is “doing fine” after emergency medical personnel treated her at home for symptoms of low blood sugar. Sotomayor is diabetic.

The court’s public information office says in a statement that Sotomayor experienced symptoms of low blood sugar Friday morning. The court says she later came to work and “resumed her usual schedule.” The justices held a private conference Friday. The court said Sotomayor will be “participating in planned activities over the weekend.”

Sotomayor, who is 63, was diagnosed with diabetes as a child.

The incident was first reported by Politico.

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