#1275 Crunchy with Kelsey
Kelsey was diagnosed at 33 years old.
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Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome to episode 1275 of the Juicebox Podcast.
Kelsey is a former health coach who has type one diabetes and Hashimotos. Today we're going to talk about things related to that. I never know what to say here. Just listen, it's gonna be great. Nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. If you or a loved one was just diagnosed with type one diabetes, and you're looking for some fresh perspective, the bowl beginning series from the Juicebox Podcast is a terrific place to start. That series is with myself and Jenny Smith. Jenny is a CDC as a registered dietician and a type one for over 35 years. And in the bowl beginning series, Jenny and I are going to answer the questions that most people have after a type one diabetes diagnosis. This series begins at episode 698 In your podcast player, or you can go to juicebox podcast.com. And click on bold beginnings in the menu. Are you a US resident who has type one or is the caregiver of someone with type one? Are you tired of hearing me say that you should go to T one D exchange.org/juice. Box and fill out the survey? Well if you are go fill out the survey and I'll stop saying it really is that simple. T one D exchange.org/juice box this show is sponsored today by the glucagon that my daughter carries. G voc hypo Penn Find out more at G voc glucagon.com. Forward slash juicebox. US med is sponsoring this episode of The Juicebox Podcast and we've been getting our diabetes supplies from us med for yours, you can as well. Us med.com/juice box or call 888-721-1514 Use the link or the number get your free benefits check it get started today with us med this episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the ever since CGM. And sure all CGM systems use Transcutaneous sensors that are inserted into the skin and lasts seven to 14 days. But the Eversense sensor is inserted completely under the skin lasting six months ever since cgm.com/juicebox.
Kelsey 2:27
Hi, I'm Kelsey. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes in October of 2022. That math is pretty easy for you, Scott, I think it was about three months after I had my son, my first kid so kind of became a mom and a diabetic at the same time, which has been wild to say the least.
Scott Benner 2:50
You got a type one diagnosis in October, which is just a year and a few months ago.
Unknown Speaker 2:55
Yep. Okay.
Scott Benner 2:58
Were you gestational during the pregnancy?
Kelsey 3:00
I was Yeah. That's kind of how it It started in a way. Before I got pregnant. I had a I had some blood work done. I have worked with a functional medicine doctor for years. And so I do regular blood work. And I had a pre diabetic agency, I think it was six. He was like, that's weird. You eat pretty well and like you exercise and I just keep an eye on that. And so it's like, okay, odd. And I've been in health and fitness for a while now over 10 years. So I I knew about blood sugar. And I actually already had a, like a little glucometer. So I started testing my blood sugar. And it didn't look too bad. Like my, I think my fancy numbers were sort of high. They were a little over 100 But there are a few times where I ate like white rice or something. And I was like, Oh, dang, that is not normal.
Scott Benner 3:52
Oh, okay. Give me a second here. How old are you?
Kelsey 3:55
I am 33.
Scott Benner 3:57
When did you start checking your blood sugar?
Kelsey 4:00
You know, I did like, since I've been in health and fitness for so long. I had done this like carb challenge, probably when I was in my mid 20s. Okay. And so I had a glucometer then, and I didn't notice I don't remember noticing anything super crazy. Like if I went off the rails with some carbs. It got I think in like the 130s or something. So I had a glucometer already and I had actually want to CGM before too. So it's pretty familiar with like blood sugar in the technology already.
Scott Benner 4:32
And that the rice spike you talked about that's in the 130s back when you were tracking before you had diabetes. I don't
Kelsey 4:38
know why I remember but it was like plantains, okay. Plantains or something. And I was like, Oh, maybe I shouldn't need these. It was you know, it was it was something like that.
Scott Benner 4:46
Okay, all right. I have the whole thing you keep saying you're in health and fitness makes me laugh because my podcast is in the health and fitness category. And if I saw myself by looked at myself in the mirror right now, I'd be like, ah, we should all get the top 20 podcasts in Health and Fitness medicine, which is my subcategory and take a photo together and people will be like, how did that guy get in there? Right? The rest of them look like they're on testosterone.
Kelsey 5:09
I actually used to work for a few people probably in that category. Oh, totally. Right. Totally. Right.
Scott Benner 5:14
I love it when like, there's some of these, some of these podcasts I enjoy, right? But I like I see that. I see what this one guy um, I don't want to say his name. But I see him on Instagram. And he's like, my age. And he looks like he gets lift up a truck. And I'm like, Ah, all right. Just the cold plunges. All I have to do
Kelsey 5:32
you have to do the sauna and then the cold plunge, and then
Scott Benner 5:34
you'll go on a cold, maybe some red light therapy at some point.
Kelsey 5:38
Yeah. On your on your balls, put them right on my body.
Scott Benner 5:41
Take that red light, I jam it right up my face. And then I look like Hercules apparently. And I'm like, all that podcast does make me think. Should I use my endocrinologist about testosterone? Literally all it makes me think
Kelsey 5:56
you're not wrong. You're not wrong. Can
Scott Benner 5:57
we go back for a second? What did you is this a professional thing for you? What were you doing?
Kelsey 6:01
Yeah, um, so I actually have a health coach certification. So I was working one on one with clients a while ago. And then I started working for a supplement company, that it was a startup and they were owned by one of those influencers, like one of those podcasts influencers, I won't throw any names out.
Scott Benner 6:20
But later you'll tell me right when we're done recording,
Kelsey 6:23
maybe. I worked with them for a while as their marketing manager and kind of developed some courses for them. So I've been in the space for a while and like I just have a personal interest. Yeah, yeah. Have been on literally every diet that you can, you can imagine. So, yeah, it's been an interesting ride into type one from there.
Scott Benner 6:46
Have you found a style of eating that fits your body best? I would
Kelsey 6:50
have said yes. Like before I had the type one diagnosis. And now I think I'm looking at it from a different perspective, if that makes sense. So I would say paleo for sure. Just kind of like going moderate low carb, kind of avoiding grains and I've been gluten free for over 10 years. It was like after college I I went gluten free. And yeah, I would say like mostly paleo, pretty low to moderate carb. That's kind of how I feel the best I've done like him, I get into it. But I he was basically like keto while I was pregnant, like strict keto, because obviously I was diabetic and didn't have insulin, and I just couldn't handle any carbs. Yeah. And I actually felt pretty good. But I wouldn't advocate for that like long term for myself or probably any woman my age. It's just I think it's kind of stressful on your thyroid. Okay. So yeah, I would say I always kind of come back to paleo like, me veggies, little bit of fruit. That's kind of the staple. For sure.
Scott Benner 7:49
I gotta be honest. I think that's, I mean, that's how I eat on the day, like most of the time, give me like, Hey, don't you think that's how I liked it. We call it paleo. Right?
Kelsey 8:01
It's just like, like, well, I don't know. It's not even Whole Foods, right? Because like, you could argue that grains or Whole Foods, so some people call it ancestral eating.
Scott Benner 8:10
Yeah, they call it a lot of different things when they're trying to sell it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally. But yeah, can you do this with me for a second before we go back to your pregnancy, if you take insulin or sulfonylureas you are at risk for your blood sugar going too low. You need a safety net when it matters most. Be ready with G voc hypo pen. My daughter carries G voc hypo pen everywhere she goes, because it's a ready to use rescue pen for treating very low blood sugar and people with diabetes ages two and above that I trust. Low blood sugar emergencies can happen unexpectedly and they demand quick action. Luckily, G voc hypo pen can be administered in two simple steps even by yourself in certain situations. Show those around you where you store Chivo Capo pen and how to use it. They need to know how to use G Bo Capo pen before an emergency situation happens. Learn more about why G vo Capo pen is in Ardens diabetes toolkit at G voc glucagon.com/juicebox. G voc shouldn't be used if you have a tumor in the gland on the top of your kidneys called a pheochromocytoma. Or if you have a tumor in your pancreas called an insulinoma. Visit G voc glucagon.com/risk For safety information. I don't know how you guys order your diabetes supplies like CGM pumps and testing equipment. But at our house, we use us Med and I'm gonna walk you through the entire process right now. I'm looking at the email from us med it says it's time to refill your prescription. Dear Arden please click the button below to place your next order. Then you click the button. That was it. Two days later, I got this email. Thank you for your order from us med we wanted to let you know that your order and to give As you in order number was shipped via UPS ground, you can track your package at any time using the link below. And then there was a link, and then it showed up at our house. Now I'm going to walk you through the entire chain of events. On the 29th, which was the Saturday, I clicked on the email on that Monday, the first I got an email it said the order had been sent. Four days later on the fifth, the package arrived. If you can do it easier than that, you go get it. But if you can't, US med.com/juice box or call 888-721-1514 Get started today with us med get your diabetes supplies the same way we do. I think you are in a unique situation here to answer some questions for me. Okay, there are things I say on the podcast sometimes that I think people might be like, Oh, he's just ranting and raving. But I know what about having to serve content to people and having to grow and the fact that if it stops, especially with a social media driven society, right, like, I'm not a big company, I can't buy an ad during the Superbowl. This is my way to reach people. I have to say you were in marketing, right? So yes, I know what I have to do. Like I have a simple marketing plan. I make content that helps people. I put them first. And then I sell ads. So I said that's that's it for me. I thought about it long and hard. And after the podcasts got very popular, companies came to me about monetizing the podcast and like they were like, You know what, like, not advertisers, like companies were like, you could sell your downloads or put it behind a paywall or do all these other things. And how many listeners you have imagined how much money that would be? And I was like, but then people won't find it. Right? I want it to be free to the people listening to it. Yeah, that's my marketing plan, make good content that's entertaining and valuable that people will share that will help them and then let whatever happens happen. And that's going well. But that's not really most people's marketing plan. Right? Most people's marketing plan is pick aside, argue, fight brand, use words that make some people mad and some people happy. And then we'll just take the money from the people who agree with us.
Kelsey 12:23
That's the marketing plan, right? Yes. Especially like for a lot of supplement companies in the space, I would say, yeah. So
Scott Benner 12:30
when when someone's out there arguing, like, Gosh, what's one of the like, You got to eat calf livers every day. And you see somebody literally with a calf liver in their hand taking a bite out of it. And you're like, oh, he really wants to sell those vitamins. So that's what I mean. That's what I think when I see it happen. Yeah, I think what, what what he wants to happen, or she sorry, is for the people who agree with them to go Yeah, look, how we can do it is is I want to be that into it. And then get into a fight with the people that disagree with them. Because the fight keeps the people that are into it into the social media that you need to keep people in touch so that they'll buy more stuff. I have all that right, right. Yeah,
Kelsey 13:11
for a majority of people. Yeah, I would say that. That's that's kind of what marketing is. Okay.
Scott Benner 13:17
Yeah. Do you think people know they're being manipulated? Sometimes?
Kelsey 13:21
Yeah. But nobody likes to be manipulated. So I think if you if you know, you're being manipulated, you'll usually kind of turn it off. But I don't know. I think people like to buy stuff, too. You know what I mean? Like, people like to try things and they want to, they want to think that something is going to help them or they're going to look a certain way or feel a certain way. So
Scott Benner 13:42
it's a way to feel like you're doing something without doing something. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I could go for a walk and maybe stop in the middle and do a sit up. Or I could try this vitamin. I'm pretty sure it's going to fix everything. I'm sure. I'm pretty sure Kelsey that it's a great secret. That's Captain only these few people who follow this person on Instagram know about I'm gonna get him on the ground floor. I'll be super skinny and very tone. By the time everybody else figures it out. Right. By the way, I take vitamins I'm not saying bye. Bye. way. Hold on a second. This is my multivitamin. All right, it's right.
Kelsey 14:19
Here here. Yeah, right with you.
Scott Benner 14:22
You know, I dosed myself a little heavy with vitamin D. I take a multivitamin. I do think I do if I drink athletic greens, you know, like that kind of stuff. But I don't think I'm gonna get taller or you know, suddenly look jacked over. I just I'm not exhausted at the end of the day. You
Kelsey 14:41
know? Totally. Yeah, you probably don't. I mean, sometimes people are just in a vulnerable space where their psychology can be manipulated a little bit more like I've been there. You know, when I was invited, super sick and I'm just like, I can't figure it out. You buy a bunch of things and try it. So I don't fault people for are no one unquote falling for marketing like that? I don't either. Yeah, it is. It is interesting. And I, if I'm being honest with you, I think the way that you're doing it, I was a Content Manager. So like organic marketing, not necessarily like the paid manipulative stuff, is what I love. And what you're doing is organic marketing, right? Like you're putting out valuable content that people will share. They'll tell their friends about and you're kind of putting all your eggs in that basket. And it sounds like it's working. Because that's literally how I heard about your podcast. Yeah.
Scott Benner 15:32
Yeah. The people who listen and succeed and are kind enough to tell somebody else there my marketing, right? Yeah, yeah, that's it. And, yeah, word of mouth. You know why? So I want everybody just, we're gonna move on in a second, Kelsey. But I want everybody to extrapolate a little farther now that we've explained all this. Why don't other people
Kelsey 15:49
do that? They don't have good content to put out that helps. They don't. Yeah, that helps people. Yeah, they don't, or they don't know that they need to put time and energy into that. I guess that makes sense. Yeah,
Scott Benner 16:04
I'm watching people online call themselves diabetes coaches, and they get a hold of you. And they take a fee, a weekly, a monthly a yearly fee from you. And basically, they look at your basil for you. And then they tell you how to Pre-Bolus your one seed drops a point. Do you think that the second coming of Christ? And do you feel like you got your money's worth? Meanwhile, yeah, you could just listen to any number of episodes of this podcast and do that on your own. So I have two
Kelsey 16:29
thoughts about that. One is, yeah, there's way more diabetes coaches out there than I am, like, I thought type one. I mean, type one is rare, right. But there's like a lot of type one coaches out there. I was, I was very surprised. You know, what
Scott Benner 16:42
did that be? What did that COVID This pocket? COVID. Yeah, do that. People lost their jobs. They're like, I have ABS I have diabetes. My one season the sixes. I know what to do. Yeah.
Kelsey 16:55
So and also be having been a health coach before. They're also just certain types of people that really, like they could go learn on their own the same information, but they really want support. I do believe that. Yeah, yes. And they do find that valuable. And it's like, yeah, you could go read this book. Or I would rather just pay you because like, I'd rather spend money than time, and you just tell me what to do.
Scott Benner 17:18
I also have no trouble with that. Yeah, I really don't. I understand that some people, that's their desired learning pattern, and it works well for them. So I'm not saying everybody should just listen to the podcast, and everybody else should go to hell. I'm saying that there are a lot of diabetes coaches. Yes, there are. And sometimes in their social media, I see a lot of words strung together that sound like they were pulled right out of the transcripts of my podcast, and that's okay. What am I gonna do? It's fine. You know, it's also, I don't know, I feel bad at my core. You shouldn't have to pay money to like, be healthy. It just doesn't seem like it's only information. You know what I mean? Right. I'm not having to mine it out of the ground and give it to you. So Right. Yeah. Anyway, you make a good point on both sides. So yeah, I mean, if you need a health coach, that's great. I mean, there's a strong, you know, argument to be made that that's what Jenny does. Oh, sure. Yeah. Uh huh. I have no trouble with that at all. I, it's fine with me. It's something to do with I don't know, it's the it might be just me. It's something tastes wrong to me. When it's on social media. Yeah,
Kelsey 18:24
there can be a weird way to do it for sure. And I mean, if if you're seeing like your same content being put out that that happens a lot and like every space, but impersonation is the best form of flattery, right? Like they're obviously finding your content valuable enough to use it themselves. So yeah,
Scott Benner 18:43
I would tell you, and I will, I will leave all the names out of it, that there is a person online right now selling themselves as a diabetes coach. Who is who How do I how do I say this? They got their information from someone else because they didn't know what they were doing. Then they wrote it all down, and what they're very good at is repeating it back to other people. Sure. Yeah. You know what I mean? So yeah, very, it's just insane. I don't know the whole thing makes me feel lucky. Anyway, not to say again, not to say there's anything wrong with helping people or taking money to help people i don't i don't actually don't have any trouble with that. It just it doesn't sit well with me. So I'm sorry. You're in the hospital. Sorry. Yeah, make a baby. The baby comes out. And 16 minutes later Kelsey baby comes like flying out or maybe didn't maybe hang hung onto your bed. I don't know what they hang on to when they're coming out but and you're a new mom and super excited. And then what happens?
Kelsey 19:43
Yeah, he hung on for quite a while. I'll just say that.
Scott Benner 19:47
Like around your livers, something like that. Oh,
Kelsey 19:49
God. He did not want to come out. My no yeah, he was born. So I guess going back like, yeah, gestational diabetes. I failed the glucose test miserably. Hmm. I think I was in the three hundreds and nurses kind of kind of kept coming back to be like, are you okay? Are you okay? I'm like, yeah, go fine. And they later told me that they were testing their glucometer on themselves to make sure it wasn't broken. That's how badly I failed it. And so they basically like tried to do it without insulin for a while I worked with a diabetes educator that are telling me all this generic that didn't work. And I'm like, Look, I'm not eating carbs. Like, I'm already like, something's going on here. And they kind of just kept telling me it was gestational and it probably go away. No one mentioned type one to me at all. And so I had him. It was just like a stressful pregnancy. I was like walking after every meal to try to get my sugar's down. paying out of pocket for a CGM. Yeah, but I was eating super healthy. So yeah, he came out perfectly healthy. No blood sugar issues, no issues, breastfeeding, like he was great. Other than just being a wild child.
Scott Benner 20:59
So you think you have a slow onset? Hold on a second? Yeah. A smart me to put a lozenger in my mouth while I'm making a podcast. Rob, you can leave that thing gone. I guess I got like a little dry. And I was like, she's telling a good story. I'm moisten up. And then I wanted to talk and sorry, so you probably were experiencing a slow onset of type one diabetes, not gestational? Yes. Okay. Yeah.
Kelsey 21:24
That would be my guess, just considering that I had a high a one C before I got pregnant. Yes. So my guess would be I was sort of in a slow burn. I was probably managing it just by being very healthy and like eating well, for so long. Yeah. But yeah, I think either my pregnancy kind of just, my pancreas just gave up or I'm guessing it was a pregnancy. And then I had a pretty tough labor too. So I'm sure that sort of
Scott Benner 21:52
played into it as well. Do you have a thyroid issue?
Kelsey 21:55
I do. Yeah. So I have Hashimotos as well. Yeah, that's not
Scott Benner 21:59
your notes, but I've started Yeah, yeah. Did you get that before or after the baby?
Kelsey 22:04
Yeah, before so I've had that. That's kind of what kicked me off in the health and wellness. I was diagnosed with that. I probably it was probably like in my late teens, but I didn't figure out what it was until like my early mid 20s.
Scott Benner 22:17
Were you very thin during that time? Yeah, so I
Kelsey 22:21
lost a lot of weight. My biggest symptoms like my hair falls out in chunks. So yeah, it's awful. So anytime my thyroids off that's kind of like my sign of like, okay, we need to go get get our labs checked. All the things like really cold really thin. Yeah, that sort of thing. And that kind of runs in my family too. Like my mom has Hashimotos and my grandma does as well.
Scott Benner 22:44
Okay. With the women in your family are both male female. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the only CGM you can take off to get into the shower. The ever since CGM ever since cgm.com/juicebox. Well, I mean, sure, you could take the other ones off. But then you'd waste the sensor and have to start over again. But not with ever since ever since is a six month where implantable CGM. So if you want to take a shower without anything hanging on, you pop off the transmitter jump in the shower, when you get back out, put it back on, and you're right back to where you started. Come to think of it. You could do that whenever you wanted to. Maybe it was your prom night or your wedding day. Maybe you just don't want the thing on for a little while. But you don't want to go all through the hassle of taking it off and having to restart it and you know, starting back over with like wonky numbers and having you know all that that goes with it when you take off a CGM and put it back on Oh, but you don't have to do that with the Eversense CGM. Because ever since is the only long term CGM with six months of real time glucose readings. This gives you more confidence, more convenience and flexibility. The ever since CGM is there for you when you want discretion, a break. Or maybe just a little adult time. Ever since cgm.com/juicebox. Podcast transmitter off, pop it back on. You're right back where you started without any wasted devices are time.
Kelsey 24:14
Yeah, just the women as far as I know. Yeah.
Scott Benner 24:17
So you have and it's diagnosed Hashimotos you they were tested for antibodies? Yes. Yep. Take just T three or do you take T three and T four.
Kelsey 24:26
Oh man, I've taken it all Scott. I've taken just the generic levothyroxine I've taken combo with T three. I've taken the desiccated thyroid armor, and I am actually now just on T four. I had started working with a guy that's like he's kind of like an expert in thyroid in the field. And the T three was actually making me worse, taking it long term. So we're kind of titrating it back and trying to figure it out from there, but it does make you feel better for a little while. And then I sort of just like plateaued and got worse. What
Scott Benner 24:59
were you You trying to adjust? So for people who don't know, sometimes people take T four which you know could be tiersen Synthroid, that kind of drug. Yeah, but still have symptoms. And like Arden's one of them if you give art and just tiersen she's exhausted and like different kind of exhausted like poured in a puddle exhausted, but if she if she didn't there, yeah, but if she just takes like point two five micrograms, like the tiniest, isn't micrograms. Oh, yeah. Yeah, the tiniest little bit of T three, she's fine.
Kelsey 25:28
Okay, interesting. And how to were like, you get her lab or her lab work done pretty regularly.
Scott Benner 25:34
Her TSH stays under two. Okay, that's what we're shooting for. And again, much like you aren't seeing an integrative endocrinologist who's managing her thyroid, and actually manages her diabetes now that she's an adult too, but manages diabetes is like a that's a funny word to say. Because I think if you had that endocrinologist right here, and I asked her, What do you do for RNs? diabetes, she'd say, I write prescriptions and listen to what you told me. So
Kelsey 25:59
yeah, you guys have probably more managed than anyone else. Yeah.
Scott Benner 26:03
But on the thyroid side, she's fantastic. My son, my daughter, and my wife all need thyroid medication. Oh, your son too. Wow. Yeah, it hit him. In his sophomore year, actually, during COVID sophomore year of college. He had the weirdest onset, it was crazy. He got a itching rash from his waist to his neck. Oh, if his body heated up, or if he got excited or scared, that's thyroid related. I've never heard of that. Guess what? We didn't either. So the first thing we did was took him to what would you what would you call that person who helps you with allergies and allergist?
Kelsey 26:43
Sorry, that was a big stretch.
Scott Benner 26:47
And they tried to handle it that way. You know, all kinds of stuff. He's taken all kinds of drugs trying to suppress it, nothing mattered, he had to stop working out. He got to the point where it was November, if I remember. And he had to sit in his bedroom with his windows open to keep his body temperature like under 60. Like, like the temperature in the room had to be like under 65. Or he risked breaking out if he moved quickly. It was insane. Well, it felt like it was killing him. And we were starting to look into like injectables to like, like immune suppressing it because we didn't know what was going on. And I was just up late one night, just combing through NIH articles. And a very uncommon sign of a thyroid problem can be a rash. But what do you call it when you break out like well, not well, it's why is it simple word? hives. Thank you what though? Kelsey, you already curse So I can pursue now. Because now Rob's listening for curses while he's doing. So.
Kelsey 27:45
I haven't said any all you said. Oh, did I yeah, you write it down when someone says something nice
Scott Benner 27:52
man that I pay money to takes it out later. And so he's probably like, yeah, why don't you write it down? That would make it easier because I'll skip like, it's I'll skip one and then I'll you know, anyway, and then it'll all be a mess. So my son's in dire trouble. We figure this out. I go right to Ardens Endo. And I tell her what's going on. And she's open minded. She's like, wow, that that would be very rare. But yeah, let's give it to him and see what happens. We're most doctors would be like, that's not what that is then let him struggle for the rest of his life. She threw some tears and Adam and like a week later,
Kelsey 28:24
it was gone. Interesting. Wow. That's fine. Now he
Scott Benner 28:28
is he takes tiersen and a tiny bit of armor for T three.
Kelsey 28:32
Did you ever get his numbers tested to see like, where's TSH was at or anything?
Scott Benner 28:37
Oh my god. At one point. After we focused on thyroid, his TSH had this. I think it was a seven at 1.0. Yeah, it leapt way up. So he was in a bit of a thing. It leapt up, it went back. And then of course, so doctor, the regular doctor because I had sniffed out in July previous to this happening to him. I hope he never hears this or if he hears it, whatever. He was acting like a douchebag. I don't know another way to put it. And it was very uncharacteristic for him. And I said to him, you're going to the doctor and getting a blood test, I want to look at your thyroid levels. And it came back at like two and a half or something like that. And I only took him to his general practitioner. So his doctor was like, that's not that's not a problem. I'm pointing at him like you sure I said because this seems like this to me. And he goes, Why do you think that I said because my wife had undiagnosed thyroid when I was younger, and I had already dug a hole to push her in because I thought I was gonna have to kill her because she was such an asshole while this while this is happening to her, and like it just seems very similar. And the guy put me off and I let him put me off. And then the next time it happened I was like screw that sound like I'm going to the doctor. I know what Listen to me. So anyway, he's good now.
Kelsey 29:54
Oh, good. I'm glad Yeah, that is Yeah, that's a wild one isn't
Scott Benner 29:57
saying Although. So you say the T three is too much for you get heart palpitations or what happens to you with it? Yeah,
Kelsey 30:03
I started getting heart palpitations, I was just feeling like mixed hyper and hypo symptoms. There's like a whole different like theory on thyroid health that I'm learning out there that stalker that I'm working with has about like, if you do have an immune driven thyroid condition, the T three can actually make it a little bit worse over time. So we're just trying some stuff. It's kind of one of those things where it's like, I I know a ton about thyroid health and I still know nothing. How, bro
Scott Benner 30:32
sciency Are you going to get with your thyroid journey where you try methylated vitamins or stuff like that, or what? How far are you gonna go? Yes,
Kelsey 30:38
yes, I've tried methylated vitamins. I've done red light therapy on my thyroid. For I would say, I haven't done peptides. Like that's kind of where I'm at. Oh, and everything else.
Scott Benner 30:49
Wait the injectable one. Yeah, like,
Kelsey 30:51
there's like oral peptides too. But yeah, they're mostly injectable. I have not done that yet.
Scott Benner 30:56
Okay. You think you're going to?
Kelsey 30:58
Maybe someday? I don't know.
Scott Benner 31:00
I'd be honest with you, Kelsey, I'm definitely gonna ask for testosterone.
Kelsey 31:05
You should. You should or probably hell. What
Scott Benner 31:08
do I got to lose? I listen, everybody out. Every famous person looks amazing. And I'm walking around here talking about, you know, I don't have muscle tone in my arm. Like what the hell? Like
Kelsey 31:19
why am I doing this? Oh, yeah, they're on some stuff that costs money. Yeah, but I don't have the money. That's gonna be the problem. You could get them to sponsor your podcast.
Scott Benner 31:27
There you go. Seriously, if you can set that up. I'll absolutely do this.
Kelsey 31:31
I'm totally joking. But I'm sure I'm sure it's someone would
Scott Benner 31:36
just injecting whatever like, Oh, it is fine. I'm like, what is that accent? Did any of those things help your thyroid, your red light or your whatever else you tried?
Kelsey 31:48
Honestly, yeah, like I was really managing it very well. I think pregnancy has thrown some stuff off, which is normal, I'll probably get back to feeling better once I get it figured out. But I felt great. My levels were stable. I was on like a very stable dose of medication. It would kind of go off the rails of like, a lot of stress came up or if I you know, ate a ton of gluten or something like that. But I was doing really well.
Scott Benner 32:11
What were you using the supplement that the tea for?
Kelsey 32:14
I don't know, I think is what it was. Yeah. Yeah.
Scott Benner 32:18
Okay, that was that was your teeth, three the site. And now you stop using that though. So like, what do you are using anything over the counter right now?
Kelsey 32:24
And just taking a look at micrograms of levothyroxine? No, nothing
Scott Benner 32:30
right now.
Kelsey 32:31
nothing extra. Okay, nothing extra. Yeah. But my levels aren't. They're pretty low. And I'm trying to get those up. I think my just conversion from T four to chi three might be a little messed up right now. I know you've had kids, like your sleep is just jacked for a while. So there's a there's a lot of stuff going on.
Scott Benner 32:48
You have symptoms like your hair and stuff like that. I
Kelsey 32:51
did. And now I'm leveling out again. Okay. So I feel pretty good now. So TBD if if this soul, this will help me.
Scott Benner 32:59
I hope your doctor is like really as good as you hope because like, I know if if that happened, and we talked to our doctor, she'd like, mumble some math on the phone. And she'd be like, take an extra pill on the first day. And I'm not saying like she you don't I mean, she'd be like, we want to get a little extra in there. And I'm like, Okay, do you miss the pills ever? Are you very fastidious about taking it? Oh,
Kelsey 33:21
no. Yeah, I take them every day. I did do an experiment where I just felt like everything was off. I needed to reset and I didn't take any thyroid medication for a month. Because I had been so long since I hadn't taken any I was like, I wonder if my thyroid even works like maybe it's fine. And it doesn't so I do need to take medication.
Scott Benner 33:42
By the way, you need me as your father, I had to tuck my son down off that ladder one day. Like I'm like, Yo, man, listen.
Kelsey 33:51
It honestly I'm glad I did it as weird as that sounds. I didn't feel as bad as I thought. And I feel like I just reached like a I was able to like start over with my medication and be like, This is what I felt like without any this is what I feel like with some Is this a good dose? So I actually felt okay, surprisingly, but my Yeah, my numbers kind of my TSH went up and all that.
Scott Benner 34:12
Yeah. Wouldn't have been long before something would have got sideways. i Yeah, yeah, totally.
Kelsey 34:16
Yeah. Yeah. But I'm pretty in tune with my body. Like you can tell really quickly if I need to do something to adjust. I
Scott Benner 34:24
just want to say I'm not a doctor, but please, everybody stay on your thyroid medication. Yeah, don't
Kelsey 34:28
listen. I'm kind of like I go rogue on some health stuff. Kelsey,
Scott Benner 34:32
talk earlier. She's out of her mind. It's fine.
Kelsey 34:36
He was a health coach.
Scott Benner 34:40
Have you tried journaling? I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you.
Kelsey 34:48
You can laugh at me.
Scott Benner 34:52
Okay, so babies out we have type one now. What got you to a doctor. I guess I
Kelsey 34:57
had him. They kind of scared me. I was gonna have have a big baby and everything he was eight pounds, eight ounces perfectly healthy. So I guess it's one thing like, I wanted to get across people's like, I was diabetic and didn't have insulin and I, you know, I didn't have perfect blood sugar but my kid was he was healthy. I was definitely really stressed about that when I was pregnant, and I know it's very stressful. So yeah, he came out. I did not test my blood sugar for three months, I was kind of scared. I didn't want to know what it was. I was trying to figure out being a mom, not sleeping like just it was a lot. And I think it was it was the morning after my husband and I went out for his birthday the night before. And just like, mind you, I had been so strict with my diet for nine months, like basically didn't need a car, but I was like, I mean cake like Screw this. So we went to dinner, we had cake. We had wine we had whatever. And I woke up the next day and I felt pretty weird. And I had been having blurry vision for a couple of weeks before that. I was like, Is this a postpartum thing? Like, this is a weird, this is a weird symptom. And I tested my blood sugar in the morning fasted and I was like 398 And that was the highest I had ever seen it. I just walked out to my husband. I was like, I'm pretty sure I'm diabetic.
Scott Benner 36:14
Now. Curse. You just said it like that nicely. You didn't go, Bill can listen to this.
Kelsey 36:21
I mean, I was probably crying. I think I was probably crying. Yeah, because I was just so scared of that. And I had put it off for a couple of months when I was finally like, I just need to look at this. And yeah, it was like it was like my worst nightmare for sure. I asked him to take off work and I basically just like started looking up endocrinologist functional medicine, doctors, like anyone that could see me and test me for antibodies. And I found one she tested me. She thought I had celiac disease. She's like, you're celiac. I don't think you're type one. I was like hey, listen, I don't think gluten makes your blood sugar go up. I don't think gluten is making my blood sugar 398 Can you please test my antibodies? And so she did. I think there's like five there's like five antibodies they test you for an all of them are super high
Scott Benner 37:09
kills he's like I don't have time for you. God damn hippies right now just
Kelsey 37:14
one of you listen to me. Do you want to put me on like zinc and
what else? Tytos curcumin and NAC and I was like I already take all of the
Scott Benner 37:30
sage on fire and profit around your head.
Kelsey 37:34
No, we almost got there though. By the Oh, God bless her though.
Scott Benner 37:39
God bless. Big moment for everybody Arden's calling. Oh, I'm making a podcast. Can you say anything that other people can hear? No,
Speaker 1 37:47
I was just gonna complain about this state. You were
Scott Benner 37:51
just gonna. Sorry. You're on microphone. Are you okay with that?
Speaker 1 37:55
I don't care. I just I literally like how is it possible? I can't find a light blue mechanical pencil.
Scott Benner 38:01
George, by the way, I'm telling you to go ahead. I'm talking to Kelsey. She's laughing God.
Speaker 1 38:06
I literally have been to four stores. I've been on the phone with people. No one No one No one and then I call Michaels. And I'm like, Hey, um, do you have like a blue mechanical pencil? We're like the wettest blue. And he's like, yeah, let me check for you. And he checks and he's like, yeah, like, we have mechanical pencils. And he's like, Alright, have a good day. I didn't even I didn't even answer yet. And I'm like, I'm like, Excuse me. Excuse me. Like he didn't say like blue like that is that's why I'm calling right. Like, I'm sure they have mechanical pencils. So then I'm like, no, like, do you like, like blue ones? And he doesn't answer for 20 seconds. And then he goes, he goes, Oh, yeah. And I'm like, Okay, thanks so much. And now I have to drive. Like two miles. It was just 20 minutes to just get a mechanical pencil.
Scott Benner 38:49
Tell people why it takes 20 minutes to drive two miles. Because no, I can't say no. You don't want to say
Speaker 1 38:58
I'm so I'm so mad. And my cramps are so bad.
Scott Benner 39:08
She's got her period. She doesn't love Georgia. Oh, just real quick. 10 thoughtful words about how the people in Georgia drive. Now. Okay. Do you think you'll get yourself in trouble?
Unknown Speaker 39:22
I don't know. I
Scott Benner 39:23
just I can't. Yeah, I'm sorry. Well, I'm sorry. You're having a tough time.
Unknown Speaker 39:29
I hate this place.
Scott Benner 39:34
Okay, you're okay. It's everything's gonna be fine. How about I finish? No, don't go ahead. Say I'm gonna finish making the podcast. I'll give you a call in a little bit. Okay, great. When's your next class?
Speaker 1 39:48
Clock class at 8am to like 11. And now as a class at five. It's
Scott Benner 39:57
bad timing. That's not good spacing, for sure. Yeah, yeah. Okay, well give me a text if you get your pencil and then I'll know you've your handle that and I'll give you a call when I'm done talking to Kelsey, who by the way is very cool. You would like her I'll see you in a bit. Okay. Oh my gosh, people say Arden's on the podcast now.
Kelsey 40:22
You only have to bleep out. Five of those words. Well, people
Scott Benner 40:25
who've listened to one of the podcasts are not surprised by that. I don't imagine.
Kelsey 40:29
I think I had listened to one episode. So yeah, I knew I knew. She's
Scott Benner 40:33
not wrong, by the way to drive two miles takes forever where she is.
Kelsey 40:38
She's going to school there. Yeah. Okay. It's in sound.
Scott Benner 40:43
It's I mean, I think people know by now she's in Savannah.
Kelsey 40:46
Okay. I've never been to Georgia. slower pace of life, I'm guessing.
Scott Benner 40:50
I think so. I don't know what it is. Like, there's not that many cars, but yet they don't move very quickly. I don't understand. Everyone needs to come here and drive for four days. And then you can go back to wherever you live, and you'll be much better at it. Need a lesson? Yeah. You just need the fear of God up. You're the entire time you're driving. Like the idea that someone's going to run headlong into you if you're not careful and moving constantly, like you know how a shark never stops moving. Oh, you gotta drive in the Northeast. That sounds to Kelsey. I'm so sorry. Where were we before Arden called and started cursing into my microphone.
Kelsey 41:24
I have no idea. Okay, the crunchy doctor. Yeah,
Scott Benner 41:27
I love it. I love that you're there with a high blood sugar. And she's like, have you tried Berberine? I'm sorry. Yes, I
Kelsey 41:36
have. So anyways, that was the last time I saw her. I just got a referral to an endocrinologist after that. Yeah, the rest is history. I got on shots first. And I got my CGM in my endocrinologist is actually amazing. She loops. So she's kind of been working with me to I got on a pump shortly after that, as first on the tandem. And my kid was just messing with the wires all the time. I pulled it out, like so many times. So I switched to the Omni pod a couple months ago. And now I actually just started looping like three days ago, so Oh, really? That recently? Yeah. Good for you. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm trying that out. But yeah, that's that's kind of the story.
Scott Benner 42:19
Well, how did you find me? Like, why did you find I mean, I It's pretty obvious. It looks like you're into this stuff. But like, how did you think that like, oh, I maybe there's something about diabetes there. Actually,
Kelsey 42:28
my mother in law told me about your podcast. Hey, all right. Yeah, she has a friend that has a son with type one. I think she just told her that I should listen to this podcast. I downloaded a few episodes and started listening. And I love podcasts. I'm a podcast junkie. So I was like, yeah, totally. I'd much rather do that than read some books. So I have another question. It's
Scott Benner 42:48
gonna sound self serving, but it's not. Is it? I don't think so. No, I think it's just it's for my edification. You work for somebody who made a podcast? Yes. Am I good at this? Yeah,
Kelsey 42:59
definitely. I think the magic of podcasting is to, there's two types of podcasts, right? Like, there's the one that you listen to that's basically like a blog. And they just like shell out information, like listicles kind of thing. And you're just like, Okay, that was helpful. And then there's other podcasts you listen to for the conversation. And also like information you get out of it, right, like Joe Rogan's, like the number one podcast and it's all conversation. Yeah, I get a lot of good conversation. And then there's like nuggets of information and a lot of your podcasts to like the Pro Series are great. But yeah, I would say you're a great conversationalist, and people like to listen to that. For sure. That
Scott Benner 43:35
was nice to you. But I'm not done picking through this yet. So you're saying to me that I'm gonna say something. I think you're gonna note, you know, Rhonda Patrick's podcast? Yes. There's no way you don't listen to that. So I Okay, so now, she's basically she feels like she's reading. Like her thesis to me. Yeah. It makes my brain want to kill itself. So but do you like it? If
Kelsey 44:00
I want to know like that level of information about a topic then? Yeah. To me, like, I learned very well, audio, listening to things. So I've actually like written really detailed blog posts for other people using her content as help. So yeah, I think if you're like really nerding out on something, which is her audience, for sure. Yeah. Then I do like that. But I also I listen to Joe Rogan, too.
Scott Benner 44:27
So you like people just chatting and talking? And yeah, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. All right. It's my last month. Do you know Gabrielle Lyon? Yes. I have an open invitation to go on that podcast. Should I do it? Oh, for sure. Seriously? Yeah. We should all email her back. Oh, that's
Kelsey 44:42
awesome. Cool. I was trying to get one of my clients on her podcast. So I think
Scott Benner 44:47
she wants to come on here. And then I said, you can come on here if I can come on yours. And then I never go.
Kelsey 44:54
Oh, no. Yeah, you should go on it. For sure.
Scott Benner 44:59
I didn't know what Like she would talk, like, I'm worried about what she would talk about, or what I would talk about like didn't mean because our our things don't seem like they overlap, but maybe they do.
Kelsey 45:09
health related, right, like you're in the health and fitness category.
Scott Benner 45:12
You're such a shill. I love it. Like, just get on goddamn podcasts and grow this thing, Scott, what's
Kelsey 45:19
wrong? You should Scott, you really should. I think that's like one of the best ways to grow your podcast is to be a guest on other podcasts. You're an interesting person and you have stuff to say.
Scott Benner 45:29
Yeah, yeah. I always think that's bullshit when people say that, but okay. Oh, no. Yeah. All right. Well, listen, on your word, Kelsey, I'm going to email her person back. When we're done. Sounds good. But back to my thought about Rhonda Patrick, should I do that? Should I do an episode a week where I'm just reading fax to people? Or do you think they wouldn't want that?
Kelsey 45:49
You could try it and like, see what the response is. I think like when I have listened to some of your I haven't listened to them all. But when I have listened to some of the Pro Series, they are like a conversation. And my brain kind of has a hard time being like, Okay, I need you. This isn't this. I was listening to the loop one and I got some nuggets out of it. But I'm like, Okay, I still need to go watch like a loop YouTube video to like, understand what all these settings are. Okay. I don't know if you would like doing that. If you wouldn't like doing it, then. I don't know if people would like listening to it.
Scott Benner 46:22
Yeah, I wouldn't do it where I was like, they're like, is he being forced to do this? It wouldn't be like that. But I have. How should I tell people this? Not people listening? I don't care if you guys hear I hear I care if the people rip me off here? Uh huh. I have a fairly robust set up in the background that I'm working on where AI is mining my content for lists of thoughts and ideas and take away is really smart. Yeah, no, yeah, no, yeah. Don't worry. I didn't do it by mistake. And also translating it into other languages for me. Okay. Not the whole podcast because AI is not there yet. You can't give something like a 60 minutes worth of audio and be like, turn it into Spanish. It'll be like go to hell. Yeah, yeah. But it can with insane accuracy. You can say, Please provide key takeaways from this episode. And if I listened to the podcast back and made my notes from it, it would come out exactly like this. Oh, that's cool. It's really something so I could read those and make short episodes out of them to help people go find the conversations.
Kelsey 47:31
I think micro content like that is a really good idea to get people in the door. Okay. And like get like a little more like, bite sized information, especially if you're doing the conversations already. But yeah, sometimes I'm just like, I just need to like, know this one thing about this app, and I can't figure it out. Like I wonder if Scott has an episode on it. But then I gotta like, listen to the whole thing and be like, Did he mention it
Scott Benner 47:53
and Arden calls then she's like, people in Georgia can't drive and like he gotta Yeah, I understand. Like, you gotta give
Kelsey 47:58
her some reason. She's looking for a blue mechanical pencil. I can't. I don't know why. Yeah, what's
Scott Benner 48:04
what's your favorite part of her call? Is it when she said and 20 seconds later? He said something.
Kelsey 48:10
She's funny. Yeah, she's
Scott Benner 48:12
like me, but pretty. My kids not pretty. Don't go look for her. She's not in Savannah. Jesus Christ.
Kelsey 48:24
Oh, the internet creepers are Yeah, somebody
Scott Benner 48:26
told me recently, I was in the park in Savannah. And I saw somebody who was wearing an omni pod that I thought was Arden. Oh, and I almost approached her but I didn't. And I said, Well, a good idea. And she'd be very polite, and then call me and go, one of your people came up to me in the park. But be it wasn't her. Interesting. that interesting. She saw another girl artists age in the park wearing it out in a pod. Ah, okay. They're out there. Back To Me milking your brain. I have a whiteboard behind me. It's, I don't want to embarrass myself. It is a five moment a six by four whiteboard on my and every idea I have about making this podcast is written down on that whiteboard. And I've been toying with something that I was calling small sips on my whiteboard, short clips, that kind of thing. And I saw I've been doing the AI and you just said micro content. Like it's a thing that if I went to college or worked in this I would know about, uh huh. That's what I'm thinking about. Right? Yeah,
Kelsey 49:25
yeah. Okay. All right, micro content. It's making shorter content on longer content that you already have.
Scott Benner 49:33
And then giving people the opportunity to go back to the longer content if they'd like. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. And so I could do a thing here. You want to workshop one with me right now?
Kelsey 49:45
Scott Benner 49:46
Let's do it. Okay, so I'm looking at the key takeaways from the first episode of the Pro Tip series. Okay, the first episode of the Pro Tip series is episode 1000. It's called diabetes pro tip newly diagnosed are starting over. I don't know if people NOTICE but when I make new series, I start them by having a conversation about what I want the series to be about. You know, like, it's almost like a brainstorming thing if Jenny's involved Jenny and I get together and I go Jenny, I want to make a story you know, series for me to call bold beginnings, that's gonna be for really newly diagnosed people. Then she and I talk about it, we hash it out. I already have a ton of by the time I get to that point, I've already asked in the private Facebook group, what do you guys wish you would have known when you were diagnosed? And I have, when I made the bold beginning series, I had 80 pages in a document of people's responses from the podcast and from the Facebook group. And then lovely people distilled it down for me to get rid of the duplicates. And then Jenny and I made an episode going through them, and then she and I decided what we needed key takeaways from that to make the series with. So anyway, that's what this is. The Pro Tip series first episode is just her and I talking about what the Pro Tip series is going to be. Ai says that the key takeaways of that episode are understanding how insulin works is crucial for managing diabetes effectively. Basal testing can be helpful in determining the right Basal insulin dosage, especially for pump users. Basal insulin is the foundation of diabetes management and should be prioritized. blood sugar control is heavily dependent on Basal insulin. So it should be adjusted before considering other factors like insulin to carb ratio. Fear of insulin should be overcome to effectively manage diabetes. Newly diagnosed individuals should seek comprehensive education and not settle for basic information. It is important to find a health care provider who can provide the necessary support and information. Mistakes and experiences are valuable learning opportunities for diabetes management, and diabetes management requires flexibility and adaptation to changing variables. And numbers and data are information, not judgments and should be used to make informed decisions. So you're saying I could make that into like a five minute episode, like read those chat about it for a little bit, bundle it up and send it on its way and people would find that valuable?
Kelsey 52:00
For sure. All right, like the literally just talking about Basal insulin being the foundation like that. Yeah. Okay. Just hearing that in a list. I'm like, you don't even have to say anymore. I'm like, oh, okay, I need to start there. Because your endo doesn't tell you that. At least mine, didn't we they talked about the insulin to carb ratio. All right, which is like kind of the last thing you're supposed to tweak. Right? So yeah, definitely. You should do that. All right, Kelsey, don't
Scott Benner 52:27
rip me off.
Kelsey 52:29
Don't worry, I don't have any other diabetes clients, you
Scott Benner 52:32
and I and a few people who I talked to privately are the only ones who know I'm going to do this. So I am going to, I'm going to do this. I'm going to make a whole series like that of shorts. And I'm gonna do it just the way you said because you can sell vitamins to people they don't need. So you must know what you're talking
Unknown Speaker 52:49
about. No.
Scott Benner 52:53
By the way, you've been incredibly we're not done yet. But you are been incredibly honest. And I genuinely appreciate you being on the show. Thank you very much. This is Oh,
Kelsey 53:01
yes. been terrific. No, it's a pleasure. It's it's yeah, it's kind of a therapeutic.
Scott Benner 53:06
Oh, I'm good. Okay, so we're now you're managing using Omnipod dash g seven or G six. So Angie said you six and you just started looping. And so did you just do that on your own? You just went like on loop and learn or one of those Facebook groups and taught yourself?
Kelsey 53:22
My endo did kind of give me a few like bulleted of like, here's where you need to go. Yeah, I sat down for a couple hours and was like, Okay, how do I do this? The GitHub with the loop and learned Docs is amazing. I don't really know what I'm doing yet. But like setting it up was not bad at all right? Yeah.
Scott Benner 53:38
Is it a branch that is making adjustments with basil? Or is it making adjustments with boluses?
Kelsey 53:43
Right now I just have it set. I listened to your episodes with Kenny. And I have it in open loop, kind of trying to make sure my basil and my ISF is right. So I haven't even put it in closed loop yet. I don't know if I'm doing any of those things yet. I'm just kind of running it
Scott Benner 54:01
myself. Nice. Yeah. How's your insulin to carb ratio? You think it's good? No,
Kelsey 54:04
I don't that's actually one that I'm like, I don't eat a lot of carbs. But I eat a lot of protein and fat. So the the carb ratio like never really is enough for me. Because if I put in I'm really only eating like 10 carbs, I still need like two to three units of insulin for the protein and fat that kind of hit later. So yeah, I haven't quite figured that one out yet. That's
Scott Benner 54:29
pretty easy. You can put in 10. So the 10 carbs up front is not too much. You're okay with that. Yeah.
Kelsey 54:35
So I have like a one to 10 insulin to carb ratio right now.
Scott Benner 54:39
Right? So you can say I'm having 10 carbs. It'll give you a unit. But then the problem you're having is what 45 minutes an hour later you start rising from the protein. Yeah, okay. Yeah. And then that rice stops at some point you correct it, it goes back down how much you correcting it with?
Kelsey 54:56
It depends on how high I go up. I guess usually one One unit one to two units will take me back down. But I'm trying to avoid the rise in the first place, which I don't know if it that's even sure here I'm
Scott Benner 55:09
about to tell you. Okay, you help me help me, I'm helping you. Okay, so in loop, you can just say, Hey, I'm having 10 carbs, and blah, blah, blah. But you can also go in and tell it, I'm having 10 carbs, then put the time on it is 45 minutes from now. Okay. And then you're giving the algorithm the flexibility to be aggressive when it sees the rise, because it expects
Kelsey 55:31
is that in closed loop? Only Scott? Yeah, that it will do that. Okay, in
Scott Benner 55:35
the Bolus calculator, you can pick the time of the Bolus, but you can pick the future. So you can give a predated check a post that post a Did You Ever Have you ever put up? Sorry? Have you ever posted first of all, you're in your 30s? Do you even have a checkbook?
Kelsey 55:49
Yeah, I do. I use Venmo. Okay.
Scott Benner 55:51
Do you know what post dating a check is? No. Okay. All right. For young people, Jesus Christ, this is terrible. When you're broke, and it was 30 years ago, and you owed somebody $20. And you had to write them a check. You'd say, hey, look, it's Monday. And I want you to believe that I'm going to give you this money, but this money is not in my account till Friday. Today is the 10th. I'm going to write out a check for $20. But I'm going to post dated for the 15th. You can't deposit it till the 15th.
Kelsey 56:20
Oh, was that like on their honor system? Or
Scott Benner 56:23
is it well, if they tried to deposit before that the check would mark? Yeah. And then you'd by the way, get charged $25? Check balance fee, and you didn't have that anyway, and anyway, but that's not the point. postdating that's what happened. I can't believe people don't know what, oh, I'm so old. Oh, give me a second to get over that when we have water. Oh, I've lived through a thing that doesn't exist anymore. Okay, so you can post, it's really upsetting. You can post date, a Bolus and loop. So that's
Kelsey 56:55
the absorption time is like when it actually gives you the insulin.
Scott Benner 56:59
No, that's another thing, like so you can you could also tell it, you know, here's 10. If I was you, I might go end up going like, here's 15 carbs, and make the absorption time like four or five hours like to drag it out a little bit. But you can make one Bolus, hey, here's 10 carbs at one o'clock. But then make another Bolus and say, I'm eating 10 carbs. But I'm eating it at 150. And then when you push enter, it doesn't give you the answer.
Kelsey 57:26
Oh, I didn't realize you could change it. That's what changed in your time and
Scott Benner 57:30
the time on it. Yeah. And then 50 minutes from now, when the thing starts seeing you go up. It's like, Oh, I heard through a post dated Bolus that she was going to eat 10 more carbs. Now. Here we
Kelsey 57:40
go. And so you do you never really you just always like kind of count that as carbs. You don't because there's little icons in here for the food, right? Like you can choose chicken or eggs or whatever,
Scott Benner 57:50
you'll have to decide what the absorption rate you want for that second one. But what I'm basically telling you to do is Bolus for the food, another one and then Bolus for the protein rise.
Kelsey 57:59
Thank you, Scott.
Scott Benner 58:00
But you got a Pre-Bolus the protein rise but not by too much.
Kelsey 58:03
Not by too much. Okay, okay, that helps.
Scott Benner 58:06
There you go. Now it's worth your time. Coming on here. Yay. o'clock in the morning. Call. Everyone knows you're in Colorado just by how you talk to imagine.
Kelsey 58:14
Oh, really? I'm not from here. Oh, maybe
Scott Benner 58:17
you went to a lady who tried to give you like, you know, she tried to give you a dandelion tea when you said I have diabetes. I assume people were just like, Oh, she's probably in Colorado.
Kelsey 58:28
You're literally naming all the things in my, in my cabinets throughout this conversation that I Yeah, it's pretty funny.
Scott Benner 58:35
Do you feel seen or mocked?
Kelsey 58:38
Oh, it's totally fine.
Scott Benner 58:41
I was gonna say good because you're getting me for not having the communication gaps. No. I'm all for trying things. I am one of those people. Like I've taken dandelion capsules. Yeah, I've taken them for a month. And then a month later I said to myself, nothing about my life has changed so that I stopped doing, but but I've tried, but I tried probiotics. I tried different probiotics. I try I try all kinds of stuff. Yeah, that's great. Because if you trip over something that's valuable. I mean, God bless. Like it's, I'm totally into. How do I want to say this? I am not telling other people to do this. I take way more vitamin D every day than a doctor would tell you to take. Right?
Unknown Speaker 59:21
I do that?
Scott Benner 59:22
I take 10,000 I use a vitamin every day. Vitamin D every day. Yeah, that is a lot. So I don't care. What you don't need flushes out and I've got enough and that's you know, that's the thing I do. But for all the vitamins like I have a beautiful multi men's multivitamin here. I use Thorn labs for my for my vitamins. I love Thorne Yeah, they're not a sponsor. They should be but that's not the point. I'm an affiliate with them. Are you really trying to do affiliate or Kelsey? It makes me feel like I work for somebody. I like it if they buy it
Kelsey 59:53
or not. If you also use the discount for yourself, then you're kind of paying yourself to I
Scott Benner 59:57
do use my my cozy Earth discount that Get my useless. I know people are probably like he's like it makes an ad he says he's wearing those sweatpants. I'm almost always in this way. Save 40% and cozier.com with the Africa juice box at checkout.
Kelsey 1:00:13
I might use that after this actually I also live in sweatpants 40% grade discount code a damn right it is
Scott Benner 1:00:21
for you. I'm saying I take vitamins I take stuff to, you know, I take vitamin C with iron to help keep my iron up like three times a week. There's all kinds of things I do. But the truth is nothing changed, fixed or massively helped my health like the GLP medication did. Oh, did you do a goby? I've lost 40 pounds. Since March. On we go V and the weight aside, besides I just feel better and being lighter. And all that has been better for me, like from my joints to my energy to how I look and everything else. My Body Works better now than it did before. Oh, that's awesome. I do not know another way to put it.
Kelsey 1:01:01
So hey, man, whatever. Like I said,
Scott Benner 1:01:03
that's a peptide. Yeah, exactly. Yeah,
Kelsey 1:01:05
I haven't gotten there. But I might
Scott Benner 1:01:07
I plateaued at 40. And I wrote it pretty I have a weego V diary was so people who listen to that will know like, I plateaued pretty hard for a couple of months. I'm like, I am not losing weight anymore. And I went back to my doctor and I was like, Hey, what the? She goes, and she's got this great accent and she's like, she goes, we put you on zip bound now. And I was like, Yeah, let's go baby. So I just took my first injection of zap bound last week, which is haven't heard of that one already. So is that bound is Manjaro? No, as we go V is ozempic.
Kelsey 1:01:41
Oh, okay. Okay, different, different brand name? No,
Scott Benner 1:01:45
they're just distinctions for insurance reasons. You know, we go over you can like insulin, well, you can give we go to people with type two diabetes, because that's what it's been tested on. And then they tested or excuse me, ozempic to people with type two diabetes, because that's what it's been tested on. But it was that before we go view are the exact same molecule. And if I'm paying attention to how insurance works, and how people make money on that end, it's you can't patent the thing as much as you can patent the dosing strategy. And the delivery mechanism, yeah, delivery mechanism. So ozempic is one way and we go V is another way we go V's for weight loss ozempic. For Type Two diabetes, it's the same exact thing, right? So I use we go V for that time. It was beautiful. I had one side effect. Oh, god dammit, Kelsey.
Kelsey 1:02:36
I had one slide and I get into guts stuff.
Scott Benner 1:02:38
I'm just gonna tell you that I didn't have a really firm. I haven't taken a firm bowel movement in a while. Are you worried about that? No, because I was losing weight. If I would have grown a horn out of my head, and a tail would have came out of my womb, I was losing weight, I still would have been like, this is fine. And so.
Kelsey 1:02:55
So the weight the weight loss is the main goal. And
Scott Benner 1:02:59
I'll deal with it later. People don't like this phrase, because it leans on diet culture, but ain't nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. And so So, so anyway, like, this was not horrible. I was not running around with diarrhea. I did not like he's not mess myself. Like things like that. It just wasn't wasn't where I wanted it to be. I had reflux before that. And it got better on weego V, but didn't go away. And when I told my doctor those things, and she said actually, this, that bound might get you going on more weight loss, but more specifically, it should address the acid reflux. And I think you won't have the bowel movement issue.
Kelsey 1:03:40
Why if it's the same thing? Damn calcium.
Scott Benner 1:03:44
I'm not a scientist. I don't know. Was
Kelsey 1:03:47
that true? Did it did it? Did it? Did that happen?
Scott Benner 1:03:50
I had a much nicer experience in the restroom yesterday than I've had that I had last Tuesday. So Oh, yeah, it was pretty exciting. The toilet bowl even seemed excited. It was like, Oh, thank you.
Kelsey 1:04:02
No more scrubbing. I
Scott Benner 1:04:03
don't know what was happening up there. But thank you. I've only shot it once. Okay, five days ago, so I haven't even done twice. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah.
Kelsey 1:04:13
For my understanding of those things, they work. They work in the gut somehow. So I think that's like the that's like, some people in the functional medicine space are worried about so many people using it, because they don't totally know what it does to your gut and your microbiome and like the lining and everything. Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:04:29
I'm sure it's not gonna be right for everybody. Yeah, totally.
Kelsey 1:04:33
But if your your goal is weight loss, and you feel better, like hey, man, go for it. Here's
Scott Benner 1:04:37
what I think. I don't think it's 62 years old when I was clutching my chest and driving into a tree. I would have thought at least my microbiome is okay.
Kelsey 1:04:46
You've probably reached a certain point where you're just like, okay, whatever. Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:04:49
why don't we try not being fat? Let's see how that goes. Yeah, start there. Start there. Anyway, that lovely girl you heard screaming into the phone earlier. So we've been talking to her and They're chronologist for a while about insulin resistance. She it seems like she has PCOS like we've done. We've looked for PCOS like the last thing you can actually find. And so like we've ruled out a lot of issues, heavy period, acne, stomach pain, stuff like that. And for a while the doctor was like, Maybe we should put her on Metformin, but kind of doctor went back and forth about that a little bit. And then I had this experience on weego V. And the doctor said to me one day, this, you're reacting so well to this. And I was like, right, and she goes, What do you think about given art and some ozempic? And I was like, well, will insurance cover that? And she goes, No, probably not. And I was like, Well, how much is it? And she's like, there are ways and I was like, okay, so I was like, alright, she goes, take a sample pen first. And I was like, okay, and she goes, Just shoot. Point two, five. Do it every week. So she should point to five. It should be said Arden has ace absolute needle phobia. I've never talked I don't know if I talk about it on here. But she is like sweaty palms. Waitwait way please, please, please, swatting it you needle phobia. Like she has a needle. Okay, interesting. And but I said, Arden like, let's try this, like, get over it. And like so we did it. She had first week, it was tough on her. She had the nausea and like, like, over full feeling. And that persisted into like, maybe the second week, but she fought through it and you know, ate anyway, not as much, obviously. And then that part kind of went away a little bit. Now she's just up to the point where like, she's just not that hungry on it. But here's what's happened. Arden has been using ozempic point two five for I think six weeks now. My math tells me that Arden will use 11,000 fewer units of insulin next year.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:50
Holy cow. Yeah.
Scott Benner 1:06:52
How about that?
Kelsey 1:06:53
That's crazy.
Scott Benner 1:06:54
Basil went from 1.1 an hour to point seven an hour during the day. Okay,
Kelsey 1:06:58
so do you think that is due to the medication or the fact that she's eating less?
Scott Benner 1:07:04
No, it's the medication.
Kelsey 1:07:06
I guess that would change. That would be the only thing that would change your basil. Hmm. Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:07:10
he has it happen almost immediately. Wow. Arden uses a do it yourself algorithm right now she's using Iaps. Okay, Arden can fast forever without a low blood sugar. Like for like forever that algorithms insane. My point is, is that when she was 1.1 an hour, and her weight of this is going to freak you out. And when her ISF was 42, during the day, she didn't get low and she was fasting. Wow. And now her ISF is 63. Oh, wow. And her Basil is point seven. And she still doesn't get low and she's fast. So her insulin needs. I mean, I haven't really done the math, but she's gone from some days use some three day periods using an entire pod or like 180 units down to like sometimes using 60 or 70 units in three days. Oh, wow. Yeah. It's crazy. NRA onesies crazy. In the six weeks she did her a one C one from six, three to five, nine tracked as tracked in the app that in the Iaps app.
Kelsey 1:08:15
Wow, that's really cool.
Scott Benner 1:08:17
You're gonna see a lot of type ones get GLP medications in the future. But it's got to get covered by insurance first, like,
Kelsey 1:08:24
isn't that kind of how it started was for type two diabetes? Yeah, it's for type two. Yeah. So I mean, but anything that improves your insulin sensitivities. I mean, that helps Taiwan's to write about
Scott Benner 1:08:36
her acne improved by I would say 80% in three weeks.
Kelsey 1:08:40
Oh, wow. That's really cool, crazy stuff,
Scott Benner 1:08:43
like so I keep saying this over and over again. There's a group online where women are getting pregnant on ozempic. Because they probably had PCOS their whole life and couldn't get pregnant. And now this is helping that. And I saw a group of people on Reddit talking about I always pronounce it wrong, but ears danlos the connective tissue like the over flexibility in your joints. It's a an autoimmune issue. And there are some people online in a group saying they think it's helping them with symptoms from that. That's crazy. I don't even know why that was. But enough people on Reddit got together and we're like, Hey, I have danlos and I don't notice the pain as much anymore. Now, I don't know if they were were they heavier? They lost weight. It's easier on their joints, or is it actually is the peptide actually helping someone with an immune response somewhere?
Kelsey 1:09:30
I don't mean if it's doing something in your gut that you know, they say all autoimmune diseases connected to to the gut. So I'm saying that
Scott Benner 1:09:39
yeah, you're saying you're all gonna be vaping at one day, that's all I can tell you.
Kelsey 1:09:46
Probably better than what they're vaping No,
Scott Benner 1:09:48
no, by the way, do not vape a GLP mitigation. I was being farcical. I hope people can hear the sarcasm. Kelsey, is there anything we haven't talked about that we should have?
Kelsey 1:09:58
I don't think so. I guess like kind of the reason why I wanted to come or like the reason why I felt called to email you is the diabetes myth series that I heard and I think you know, a lot of people here this that are diabetic like you got you became diabetic because you eat too much sugar and like you eat the wrong things and you don't take care of yourself and blah, blah, blah, but I kind of just felt like that one hit home for me because basically, for the last 13 years, I've been focused on my health. Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:10:28
Paleo taking vitamins, paleo,
Kelsey 1:10:30
literally doing I was doing the cold plunge, I have a sauna. I did intermittent fasting. I've done three day fast like, I'm in it for a long time.
Scott Benner 1:10:41
I've done intermittent fasting, and I think it was terrific for me. Yeah,
Kelsey 1:10:45
it's especially really good for men for sure. But I guess what I was seeing is it. I still got type one diabetes.
Scott Benner 1:10:52
Exactly. I like in your intake form you described yourself as well. I'm incredibly healthy, like non Bluetooth using kinda healthy. Oh,
Kelsey 1:11:01
yeah, that was the irony of the whole thing. For me. It was like, I didn't use Bluetooth headphones. Like I was very, I turn my Wi Fi off at night. Like my phone's in airplane mode a lot. And now I'm literally just strapped to a Bluetooth device. And it's like keeping me alive.
Scott Benner 1:11:17
Forget this tumbler I'm drinking out of bottled water again. I don't care. For real though, by the way. Again, there's some news report hit the other day about like particulates in bottled water, like plastic. And I was like, Yeah, does that not obvious to everybody? Right? Don't Don't do that. Just yet. Thanks. It just makes sense. I don't care if you can quantify it or not, but stop rubbing water on plastic and then drinking it seems like a bad idea to me. Or microwaving your food in it. Oh, it's such a simple thing not to do. Do not microwave your food and plastic. Here I'll go a little farther. I'll get crunchy with Kelsey. Which Oh, is that the episode title?
Kelsey 1:11:55
That actually would probably be very on brand for me because
Scott Benner 1:11:58
I was gonna call it mechanical pencil but crunchy with
Kelsey 1:12:04
mechanical pencil. No one would get it until like that middle section.
Scott Benner 1:12:08
That's why I was gonna do it. Yeah, it's a that's a marketing ploy. By the way. Yeah, that's that is one of the things I do to try to keep you guys listening. I'm like, I'll name it. Something that happens after the halfway point. It's smart. It's smart. But crunchy with Kelsey is good. We might do that that has a ring to it. Here's another one. Don't use oil. Like just stop with like canola oil and like, just stop like just Google like, what is it that Hateful Eight oils or something like that. Just try not to use them. Try not to use use cold pressed olive oil, not hot, like heat pressed olive oil, like simple little things you can do to stop so that the things you're taking in are not being changed. And that's processing. Right. Like canola oil is processed, for example.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:53
Mm hmm.
Scott Benner 1:12:54
That little stuff is easy to do.
Kelsey 1:12:56
Yeah, eat real food. Hey, Scott. This is why you're in the health and fitness category. There you go. I know you just doled out great great health advice.
Scott Benner 1:13:05
I know I just by the way, nothing you heard that Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan are becoming bold with insulin, canola, corn, cottonseed, soy sunflower, safflower grape seed rice, Bran.
Kelsey 1:13:20
Don't eat them. Just don't donate them. Simple. Hey, look, you just read your labels because they're in everything.
Scott Benner 1:13:26
You just got healthier. And I have this great episode with like this, like 13 year old like healthy girl. She's like, so super healthy. And she talks about like, what she eats for breakfast and like, you know, the probiotic she's on She's so lovely.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:40
That's amazing. Yeah, she's
Scott Benner 1:13:41
she's, she's really great. She she put it she say to me, she was like, you have to stop eating. I can't eat butter. It's not organic. She told me. And I was like, are grass fed? Yeah, I need to grasp that I needed to get I need to grass fed butter. Like this is one of the things she said to me. I swear to you, I went downstairs my wife like where are you going? I'm like, I'm going out the store and buying different butter. Now I buy I buy I only buy grass fed butter. And I only buy eggs like that are like organic. Like, I think the chicken is like that whole thing. Like, and I have no idea if it matters or not, but I was like the price at this point is the same. I know, right? It's not like a cost thing. So I'm like what the hell? All right. Yeah,
Kelsey 1:14:26
it's kind of did a flip. I'm like, Okay, well now I'm definitely buying the good ones. Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:14:30
they're so damn expensive. It doesn't matter. Yeah.
Kelsey 1:14:33
All right. Well, good. That 13 year old was your health coach. She's
Scott Benner 1:14:36
lovely. Oh, her first episode is called bugs in your belly. And oh, cuz she talked about she's like, there's bugs in your belly and they and I'm like, okay, and then she came back on. She's not like young sounding by the way. She's actually like, she's one of those kids that when you talk to her, you're like, I don't think I'm as smart as this kid.
Kelsey 1:14:56
That's amazing. I'm definitely gonna listen to her by
Scott Benner 1:14:59
I'm trying to find that number for you before I let you go. So you know, there are bugs in your belly episode 823 a 23. She's just She's lovely. And she'll be back on pretty soon. Oh, cool. But I appreciate you coming on and sharing your story. I think it's fantastic.
Kelsey 1:15:13
Thank you so much. Yeah, thanks for having me. Of course,
Scott Benner 1:15:16
hold on one second for me.
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#1274 Catholic Peer Pressure
From 5k to T1.
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Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome to episode 1274 of the Juicebox Podcast.
One minute, Emmeline was running a 5k and the next minute she was at the doctor's office saying she didn't feel well. Now she has type one diabetes. Nothing you here on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. When you place your first order for ag one with my link, you'll get five free travel packs and a free year's supply of vitamin D. Drink ag one.com/juicebox Are you a US resident who has type one diabetes or is the caregiver of someone with type one if you are and you'd like to help with type one diabetes research from your home, you can do that at t one D exchange.org/juicebox. And all you have to do is take a survey. I know that Facebook has a bad reputation, but please give the private Facebook group for the Juicebox Podcast. A healthy once over Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes. The group now has 47,000 members in it. It gets 150 new members a day. It is completely free. And at the very least you can watch other people talk about diabetes, and everybody is welcome type one type two gestational loved ones. Everyone is welcome. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by cozy Earth. use the offer code juice box at checkout at cozy earth.com And you will save 40% off of your entire order. Today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the contour next gen blood glucose meter. This is the meter that my daughter has on her person right now. It is incredibly accurate and waiting for you at contour next one.com/juice box. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the only implantable sensor rated for long term where up to six months. The ever since CGM. Ever since cgm.com/juicebox.
Emeline 2:18
podcast, my name is Emeline. And I've had type one diabetes for almost a year and a half.
Scott Benner 2:25
Oh, you're new? How old? Are you?
Emeline 2:26
I'm 26 years old.
Scott Benner 2:28
Oh, my goodness. Was it surprising? Not that, you know, Can I Can you imagine? I don't think there are many people were like, oh my god, I got type one diabetes. I was completely waiting for this. But you know, like in your family or anything like that?
Emeline 2:42
Nope, no family history. You know, everyone's got like the family history of like the smattering of type two diabetes, but no type one diabetes, not that many, like autoimmune diseases in my family. And yeah, it came on why it was like a very, like a typical diagnosis, because I had none of the classic symptoms. You know, I'm a nurse. And so like in nursing school, you learn about your typical diagnosis symptoms, and I had none
Scott Benner 3:11
of them. Oh, no kidding. So real quickly, there are some autoimmune in your family. There is some I have an uncle
Emeline 3:17
that has Ra. And then I think I have a couple cousins that have celiac disease, but that's the extent of it. Okay,
Scott Benner 3:25
so but diabetes definitely wasn't on your radar. And Correct. Talk about what you learned in nursing school?
Emeline 3:32
Well, I mean, I think it's just kind of like always in the back of your head when you like, take care of someone with diabetes. I mean, you'd learn about it being like the sudden onset of thirst or the frequent urination. And I do feel like I mean, I've been out of nursing school for almost five years now. And people talk about it, as you know, still, like a pediatric illness, like most people are diagnosed as kids, like, obviously, you can be diagnosed as an adult, but I feel like I've never had any education about like, it's, you know, we're seeing it more diagnosed as adults rather than, like, we're seeing it diagnosed just in kids, if that makes sense.
Scott Benner 4:13
Yeah, I mean, that's one of those things I hear said, I don't know, like, I don't know why that would make total sense. That why would there be more adults diagnosed type one, you know, in 2019 90, or, but maybe there's, you know, I'm sure there's possibly reasons I think it's more about that's the messaging from before. And so that becomes the messaging. Now, this is a kid's thing, you know, when, right, you know, people will point out sometimes that the JDRF made, maybe didn't do it any favors for adults by calling it the Juvenile diabetes Research Foundation, you know, right,
Emeline 4:48
exactly. And I did hear like, when I was shortly diagnosed, I got connected with someone from JDRF. And they were like, you know, there has been some talks about changing the name, but like, it's also one of those things where it's like JDRF is such like a stronghold in the type one community, that's hard to imagine it going by any other name.
Scott Benner 5:06
Yeah. I mean, what's next? Are we gonna change the name of baseball? I'm gonna start calling it something else, you know, like, we're stuck with what it is at this point. Not that it's a horror. You know, it just I mean, I understand, you know, whatever, doesn't really matter. But your, you know, I guess what people might expect. Like, I've never gone to nursing school. But I bet you the layperson hears that and thinks, you know, everything. But it's, what is it a couple of pages per thing? Like, yeah,
Emeline 5:35
very, it's very little information. And also, like, nursing school is like, it is what it is. It's like, it's school. It's like you learn a little bit about a lot of things. And then it's once maybe your post grad and you get a job, then you're kind of specializing in whatever focus area you want. And for me, that was not endocrinology. It wasn't diabetes. So it kind of that all got pushed to like the backburner. And then I was diagnosed, and I was like, Oh, my God, I gotta remember all this stuff now.
Scott Benner 6:04
Was it scary?
Emeline 6:06
I mean, I think I was in denial for a long time. I like initially went in. I hadn't been, like, hadn't been feeling right. Like, I feel like, that's the best way to describe it. Like, I had been gaining weight, which you're like, oh, that's the opposite of what you usually see. And I was training for a 5k I ran this 5k and was like, feeling good. I went into see my primary. And she like, like, oh, let's just do some labs, you know, maybe it's a thyroid issue. And my agency came back as 7.4. And I was like, immediately Googling, like, what are reasons for your agency to be falsely elevated? Like, I was like, There's no way this is diabetes. Like I'm a young, healthy, 25 year old, like, this is an average of things. But if it was
Scott Benner 6:54
a one, see, you knew, yeah, you were like, Okay, I know. I know. That's about diabetes, and you were hoping it was about something else. I'm guessing. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the ever since CGM. Ever since cgm.com/juice. Box. The ever since CGM is the only long term CGM with six months of real time glucose readings giving you more convenience, confidence and flexibility. And you didn't hear me wrong. I didn't say 14 days. I said six months. So if you're tired of changing your CGM sensor every week, you're tired of it falling off or the adhesive not lasting as long as it showed or the sensor failing before the time is up. If you're tired of all that, you really owe it to yourself to try the ever since CGM. Ever since cgm.com/juicebox, I'm here to tell you that if the hassle of changing your sensors multiple times a month is just more than you want to deal with. If you're tired of things falling off and not sticking or sticking too much or having to carry around a whole bunch of extra supplies in case something does fall off. Then taking a few minutes to check out ever since cgm.com/juice box might be the right thing for you. When you use my link, you're supporting the production of the podcast and helping to keep it free and plentiful. Ever since cgm.com/juicebox. All I can tell you is you guys must love cozy earth.com Because every time I think these guys can't keep buying ads from me like how long are they going to do this? They just like give me more give me more and I'm like ooh, the juice boxes love the cozy Earth apparently cozy earth.com use the offer code juice box at checkout to save 40% off of your entire order. That's what ever you put in that cart. I'm talking about women's or men's clothes, skincare items. bath towels that will you're gonna love rubbing your S on them Antonia bedding that is to die for to sleep in. And these beautiful shorts. I'm wearing my sweatshirt, my joggers everything they make is luxury. It's quality. It holds up wash after wash after wash. I'm not kidding you cosy earth.com use the offer code juice box be as happy as I am.
Emeline 9:18
Yeah, I was hoping it was like, you know, maybe about like my hemoglobin or something because I was taking a bunch of like supplements at the time. You know, like over the counter vitamins. Nothing crazy. I was like, maybe it's because of that. And my primary was like, I don't I don't think that's what it's from. That's not
Scott Benner 9:36
how this works. How long did you did you kind of cling to that hope?
Emeline 9:41
Probably a couple of weeks because it took me you know, they they had me seen within like the next couple days, you know, they gave me a glucometer and they're like, Okay, well we want you to start testing your blood sugar once a day, you know, two hours after meals at bedtime fasting, yada yada yada. And they're like And while we're waiting, we'll run the antibody panels to see, you know, is this type two, or is this more autoimmune related? And so I was kind of like, frantically googling for two weeks trying to be like, Oh, I can't be diabetes. And lo and behold, it was,
Scott Benner 10:16
this is likely something else, I probably have the flu.
Emeline 10:19
Scott Benner 10:22
Well, when that dissipates when that that hope goes away, and you realize you have type one, is there a big shift in your life? How do you How do you tackle it?
Emeline 10:32
I think the biggest thing for me was like, trying to figure out, like, I had a little bit of a honeymoon. Like, they started me on some Metformin. Like, they were like, you know, your C peptide is okay, for right now. Took a while to get a new endocrinologist even though they put in like an urgent console, but I was kind of just like, I wasn't one of those people that showed up in the ER, in DKA. Right. So it was like, you know, all of this education, I'm getting outpatient, I'm not getting it. In the hospital, I'm not getting like, you know, an emergency Dexcom like provided by the hospital. And so it's like, it was a lot of figuring out like, Okay, well, I need to take some time off of work to get to all these doctor's appointments. And so I was like, trying to get my shifts traded work with my manager. And then it was kind of like, but the endocrinologist I saw was phenomenal. I still see him. And he was like, we're kind of in like a watch and wait, like, we're gonna wait until your body shows us that it needs insulin. And I had like a glorious six weeks. That was all I lasted without needing any insulin, then
Scott Benner 11:45
then full blown. Here's a Basal meal, insulin pumps, that whole thing came right away.
Emeline 11:52
Exactly. Yeah, I started out on pens, like most people do. But it was like, the day after Christmas in 2022. And we were together, my family was gathering for Christmas. And at the time, I had the libre three, because it had just come out. And they were like, Oh, this is like the newest thing. It's so great updates every minute. And it just kept reading high. And I was like, alright, we, we are somewhere over 500 over 400. Like, what am I going to do? So they sent me to the ER, and they gave me some fluid. They never ended up needing to give me any insulin. But I talked to my endocrinologist the next day, and he's like, I think it's time. And I'm like, Yeah, I think so. It's time. It's time,
Scott Benner 12:34
it's time. Now, did your nursing background help or hinder this process? It
Emeline 12:40
helps so much like it. I mean, I've I knew all about like, the duration of time for different parts, different types of insulin, like I knew, generally about carb counting like, it was more so like in my nursing practice, which I still find this a little frustrating. I feel like I work in a hospital. And I feel like in the hospital, it's very much still like how many carbs choices? Are you doing prep meals, which I think is just really confusing, because you're like, Okay, well, one choice is 15 grams, why can't I just count the grams of carbs that that like I'm using? And so having all that info, I felt like made the process a lot less scary. And I would say like, I don't think it was ever someone that was like, afraid of insulin, because I knew how it worked. I knew how to like, I knew how to treat a low I we just kind of got juice on hand. We got fruit snacks on hand, and I just was like, Okay, well, this is this is what's gonna happen. And you
Scott Benner 13:41
just went with it. You didn't fight it. You didn't like cry? Did you say why me anything? Oh,
Emeline 13:48
I have lots of those moments. Lots of lots of like, tears, lots of like, you know, complaining to my husband and being like, yeah, why? Why me why now I still have those moments, but definitely didn't find it. And I think the biggest part of that was because we knew we wanted to try to start a family within like a like within six months to a year of being diagnosed. And I was like, I there is no way I'm gonna be able to do this with a HMC of 7.4. You
Scott Benner 14:16
were pretty honeymoon ish. Like in the B you caught it really kind of quickly. Yeah,
Emeline 14:20
I think I mean, it could have, you know, I do wonder, like, just how long I had it for I had COVID in April of 2022 and was diagnosed in October. And so part of me is like, you know, was that the viral illness that brought it on? But then I remember like, back in college, I would occasionally do night shifts for working clinicals or for my capstone project. And I had a lot of reactive hypoglycemia, like I would wake up and be like, drenched in sweat, I'd be shaky. I could like barely get out of bed to eat something and so part of me wonders like maybe this has been going on for like a while. long time and it's just been very slowly progressing. Oh, no kidding. Yeah, it was so odd. And now that like, I mean, I don't even think I knew what reactive hypoglycemia was at the time. But looking back, I'm like, I have that all the time.
Scott Benner 15:11
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Emeline 16:23
Mostly because I feel like we're are in the same knowledge base that I was when I was diagnosed, which is like a very limited understanding of what type one diabetes is. And nowadays, I work in the hospital, I work in labor and delivery. And so we see a lot of patients with gestational diabetes. And so I feel like a lot of my coworkers, gestational diabetes is more so at the forefront of their mind. And that is just, it's so different than type one. Like, I want more people to understand that like treating and type one like a gestational diabetic is the wrong way to approach things. Yeah.
Scott Benner 16:57
Do you see a lot of people being managed, kind of improperly in a hospital setting? I
Emeline 17:04
think it kind of depends. I hate the word compliant, because I feel like it's a very loaded word. But like, I think it kind of depends on how, like compliant they have been throughout their pregnancy. It's hard because you have some people that really want to manage it with just like diet and lifestyle choices. And they don't understand that like, this isn't something that you're doing. Like, your body is literally creating hormones because you have a placenta right now. And you can't fight it. Like it's not like it's type two diabetes, you can't manage it with lifestyle choices all the time. So then it seems like there's a little bit of a battle when we have patients that come in, because they'll be like, Well, I haven't needed insulin, my whole pregnancy. And then they come into labor and delivery and their fasting blood sugar's 200. And it's like, okay, well, we got to do something about this. Yeah.
Scott Benner 17:54
So you bring something up that I've been picking through a lot in some of my other episodes. Yeah, I've talking to a lot of healthcare people. And I'm sort of doing this sort of dual thing. At the same time, I'm talking to some anonymously, and they're kind of dishing on what they see at work, but they're like, this is not great. But, you know, at the end of all these conversations, I asked all the time, like, you know, what, what, what can we do better. And when people are really being honest, they say, look, on our side, it's not great all the time. And we're also dealing with a lot of people who don't understand their diabetes at all, and or maybe don't want to put the full effort into it. And, you know, I kind of turn it back on them. And I say, well, well, that's not you, right? You, you the person in the emergency room, or the person in labor and delivery. You didn't start this person off on their life with diabetes, but some doctor did, right, somewhere in that buildings, the person who started them off on the wrong path, and now they end up with you pregnant five years later, or 20 years later in the ER or something like that. The answer can't be well, they're not trying hard. Because if you ask them, they're gonna say, Well, no one's explained it to me, right? We're stuck in that meme, where Spider Man is pointing to himself in three different positions. You don't I mean, exactly. As a matter of fact, I'm going to make a meme like that. I'm writing that down right now. No one is still this. It's difficult to like somewhere we have to start over. Like, you know, and in my mind, it's got to be with early education. That's all
Emeline 19:30
Yes. Yes. And I do feel like throughout my like, you know, whatever, year and a half, I've had type one diabetes, I've probably seen like, maybe like four or five different diabetes educators. And I do feel like there's been a huge spectrum of like, different mean different it's, it's kind of like nursing. It's like all healthcare professionals like there are some educators that focus on some parts of diabetes, type one type two, gestational, and others that focus Other parts like, and so sometimes it feels like, you know, you just get scheduled with the first educator that has appointment available. And I was scheduled with someone who wasn't trained on any pumps. And so I was like, Okay, well, I know that I want a pump eventually. But I loved her, like her education style. And the way she was working with me, she already acknowledged my background, she wasn't trying to speak to me, like, I didn't have any information about this already in my brain. And then I got to like another educator who was educated on pumps when I was getting ready to start my pump. And it was like, we were back at square zero. Like, she was like, explaining insulin to me. And I was like, I don't, I don't need that. I just need info on pump management. And so it's like, if someone gets scheduled with an educator, and they don't know that there's someone else out there, then it's again, setting up that process for a long road ahead of them.
Scott Benner 20:53
Yeah, yeah. It's only been a year, huh? Yeah,
Emeline 20:57
like a little a little less than a year and a half? And how did it
Scott Benner 21:00
if it did impact your personal relationships? Did it?
Emeline 21:03
It did. I think a lot of people in my family and around me like, again, not I do have a lot of health care professionals in my family. So like, they did understand the difference between like type one versus type two, but a lot of people are still kind of like, well, you know, how have your blood sugar's then I'll be like, Oh, they've been good. And then they're kind of, like, that's kind of the extent of it. So I feel like, you know, thankfully, my husband has been like, my rock, he was kind of dove in headfirst with me to try to understand things. But then it's hard. You know, I tried kind of connecting with other people that were young adults that were diagnosed as young adults, and kind of on some people, but like, it's just a whole different. It's a whole different ballgame. And so it does still, I would say it does feel fairly isolating most of the time. And like, even though I have supportive, coworkers, supportive family, like it just, yeah, a lot of times you're kind of sitting with that, like, no one gets it, no one understands it, like no one understands like the mental load of it.
Scott Benner 22:10
Yeah, you have a perspective that they're not going to have without diabetes. Right. Yeah. Your husband tries to understand. He
Emeline 22:18
does, yeah, he, he doesn't work in healthcare. So like, he's not bringing that perspective in. I think if he had worked in health care, we probably would have like, killed each other, like trying to argue over like the right way to manage it. But he's gotten more concerned. So I'm currently pregnant right now. Congratulation my pregnancy. Thank you. I've had several instances of like, severe hyperglycemia. Like I was in the ER ones because of it. And so his like, he, of course, he follows me on my Dexcom. And so now his head is like, he kind of jumps to the worst whenever this happens. He's, I think, just a little more like cautious walking on eggshells now. Because he's like, you know, was that a compression low texting me? Or he's like, are you in the ER again, and I need to drop everything and come get you?
Scott Benner 23:05
How long have you been married? It'll be four years this fall. I've heard some people talk about this feeling of looking back at a spouse, especially if you haven't been together too long. And thinking, Oh, this isn't what they signed up for? Have you wondered that? If they've had that thought? He has,
Emeline 23:23
um, I don't think I've ever like necessarily wondered that. But like, I mean, even a few nights ago, I had a new Dexcom is reading low. And I had left my like my bag of supplies downstairs, our bedroom is on the second level of our house. And, of course, I'm like, 30 weeks pregnant. So I'm, like, all settled into bed and he's frustrated because it keeps beeping. He's trying to sleep. He's trying to work in the morning. And I'm like, can you go get my stuff for me? You know, I, I left it downstairs. And he's, you know, understandably, like getting a little upset because he's trying to sleep. He goes and gets it for me. And then of course, I'm, I'm pregnant. I'm emotional. And so I like kind of start getting a little weepy. And he's like, I'm sorry. You know, I didn't I didn't mean to react like that. I know, you need this. Like, it's not on you it just as a reaction I had. And so sometimes I'm kind of like, yeah, it's not fair that he didn't sign up for this either. But thankfully, I feel like those moments come fairly few and far between.
Scott Benner 24:24
It's good. I'm sure they'll get better as time goes on, too. Yeah, I hope so. So let's talk about what you did to get from where you started to being ready to because sounds like you got pregnant on purpose, right? Yes, yeah. We were trying. Yeah. So where do you begin? What was your journey like through your agencies? And, you know, did you have to be told what your goals were? Did you know right away when you were thinking about pregnancy,
Emeline 24:49
I kind of had known, like, I knew that the range was lower than pregnancy. And so I think, you know, when I had started on insulin, I think a large part This is I can attribute to my endocrinologist who very much was like, your health care professional, you know how insulin works, you know how your body works. So I'm gonna let you, you know, guide your care, and then you let me know what's working. And so of course, I started out on like, sliding scale, and it was just, it was way too low, like, I would give myself three units of insulin, and it would like, no one even touch me. So I kind of just, I mean, I started increasing my dose, like, just like, it's a lot of trial and error, like giving myself five units and then being like, Okay, that was either enough, or then 45 minutes later, I'm tanking and being like up, okay, that was too much. So it was a lot of like, figuring that out and doing it on my own. And he was super supportive. He was like, Okay, sounds good. Just keep me updated with like, you know, your total dose so that I can keep an updated prescription for you. So I was doing that. And then in February of last year, I started on the Omnipod. Five. Okay, so what was that, like, four months after I was diagnosed, I think, about four months after I was diagnosed, and then switched to Dexcom, I had been using the libre three. And I feel like I can, like attribute a lot of my lowered agency to that because I eventually, you know, I want to say it was like, went from 7.4, down to seven. And then I dropped all the way down to like, 5.9 on the Omni pod. And then I think my next one was, like, 5.7. So I already knew I was like, sitting in a pretty good range. But I'm also well, self self, admittedly 100% of perfectionist and was like, Oh, I can do better. So
Scott Benner 26:43
tell me, so mid sevens, then Dexcom knocks off a half a point Omnipod five knocks off a couple more points. And then you kind of settle into a space and and start tinkering. Is that about, right?
Emeline 26:55
Yes. Yeah, yep. Yep. And then it was, you know, I had met with an educator through the healthcare system that I'm a part of, and she was kind of like, you know, I had, I was already in the Facebook group at this point. So I knew about like, pregnancy, like ranges, I did, like a pre pregnancy consultation with Jenny. And like, kind of did kind of knew that, like, I, I should just start lowering my, my parameters. So I think I lowered my goals to like 70 to 140, from 70 to 180, I kind of just started being a little more aggressive, especially with corrections. And that took a lot of trial and error, because I was like, 150, before, it was like, fine. And it was great compared to you know, sitting out in like the three hundreds, like I had been around Christmas, but then kind of like reframing my mindset to be like, Okay, let's, let's try to get it down a little bit better. And then I think I found out I was pregnant, like at the end of July, I want to say, Yeah, end of July, early August. So then I, you know, lowered it even more to like the 60 data to 140. And I've kind of just been messing with settings ever since pregnancy has been a toll. It's a whole other thing. But yeah,
Scott Benner 28:12
so. So you find basically, that what I say about setting like, lower targets, and then acting purposefully to try to get within them is the process you find you get what you expect, eventually. But so if you expect better, then I don't know mean it magically happens. I mean, if you expect better than you make different decisions to try to hit those targets, and then you start going, Oh, this work this didn't, and you make adjustments from there. That's how it worked for you. Exactly. Yeah,
Emeline 28:39
that's that's almost exactly how it worked. And I think, you know, not having that fear of insulin like, honestly, quite frankly, I've probably always been a little too bold with insulin. Like, I think sometimes I would go in to see my endocrinologist and he'd be like, Why are you having like, 10% lows? And I'd be like, I'm doing a lot of trial and error right now. Like, it's kind of the
Scott Benner 29:01
I'm in the middle of an experiment right now. Okay. Yeah.
Emeline 29:05
And he'd be like, Okay, well, are these severe lows? And I'm like, not always know, like,
Scott Benner 29:10
find severe.
Emeline 29:14
Scott Benner 29:15
How do you define severe?
Emeline 29:16
It's hard because I feel like before I got pregnant, a severe low for me would be like, you feel it, like, you are shaky, you are sweaty, but you can do like, get your own juice, like you can get your own things. And now that I'm pregnant, like a severe low is like, I need help. Like, I can't get my own juice. I can't check my own blood sugar. And I've probably had like, I don't know, like five or six of those during my pregnancy and they're scary. I mean, like, one wound me up in the ER, like, I passed out during one my husband said I passed out during one so I'm like, Oh, okay.
Scott Benner 29:54
You know, you're in trouble when you're you're relying on other people to tell you what happened. Yeah,
Emeline 29:59
aqui en, I almost have no memory of all of these severe lows. Like, I can remember being like, Oh, I don't feel right. And then the next thing I remember is I'm like, on the floor and being like a juice box in my mouth.
Scott Benner 30:12
What number puts you in that position?
Emeline 30:14
I don't think it's an exact number because so one of the first few times it happened that I did wound up in the ER was at work. And my co workers were like, like, I wasn't acting right, it was really busy shift. And so like, thankfully, all my co workers know I have type one diabetes, like, not a big deal. They brought me down to the ER and my fingerstick was 32. For sure that but then like, I've also had it happen when I'm, you know, my Dexcom is reading in like the 60s. So it's like, I think it probably is like, in the 40s. Mark, that I start to feel like that.
Scott Benner 30:49
Do you think or stick when you have a low like that eventually? Are you just working on covering it? Because of how you feel? Eventually?
Emeline 30:55
I do. Yeah. So my husband has been, he's refining his finger stick practice, because a lot of times he's the one that's that's do
Scott Benner 31:05
havoc? Yeah. Yeah. What do you think precipitates these lows during pregnancy? I
Emeline 31:12
think it's a combination of like, being busy, like almost all of the times that it's happened. I've either been like, at work or doing like a house project, like I've just been busy. Probably ignoring my Dexcom alarms a little bit like, like, you know, urgent, low and 20 minutes, me seeing the arrow and be like, Oh, that's you know, it's sloping downward. But it's, it looks like it's gonna level off. And then all of a sudden, it's like, you know, 51, and it's like, why? It's not leveling off, you need to start treating you. So I think part of it is oops, sorry. Go ahead. No, no, I'm
Scott Benner 31:47
sorry. Do you give consideration to what happened prior? When you get that alarm? Do you go, Hey, look, I just ate two hours ago. So I do have a fair amount of active insulin go on right now. Maybe I should pay more attention to this versus, you know, a time when you're falling? Maybe it's just about activity, and you have you don't have any active insulin?
Emeline 32:04
I do. Yeah. Like, I'm always looking to see you know how much I have on board. But then, sometimes it just feels like the situation like almost doesn't, like it doesn't fit. Like the Dexcom like or even like, or even the finger stick for that meaning like, yeah, it just is like, I feel fine. And then I checked my finger stick and it'd be like, 38. And I'll be like, um, how come I feel fine at 38. But then another time, I'll have no insulin onboard finger stick at 50. And be like, totally knocked out from
Scott Benner 32:38
it. You haven't had it long enough maybe to ask this question. I'll ask it anyway, maybe that'll be your answer. But is this a different scenario during pregnancy than it was prior?
Emeline 32:48
I think it is because I never I've never had a low that I needed, like outside intervention with until I got pregnant. Okay, so I don't know if it's just like, my body still having like, I mean, it's i Well, I've heard a lot of, you know, it's kind of trying to figure out how to say this. Like, I've read different things that says, you know, in pregnancy, your pancreas can kind of like, read you not, like rejuvenate, but like, it can make a little more insulin than what it had previously. And so because I only had it for, you know, six to eight months, part of me wonders if like pregnancy kind of jumped started my pancreas a little bit. And so my head, I'm still treating it as if I've got like, nothing. They're interesting, but my but my body is like, Oh, we got a little more insulin here than what you realize. And I'm just not Yeah, yeah. Just not reacting to it. That's a good question, though. Please.
Scott Benner 33:44
Thank you. I say thank you. I don't ask good questions. Where are we at? Is the doctor talked about the babies the fetus weight right now? Is it in a good spot?
Emeline 33:53
It isn't a good spot. Yeah, he's having a boy. He's measuring it like 58th percentile, right? But at the 20, or like anatomy scan at 28 or 20 weeks, excuse me, he was at like the 98th percentile. And so I was like, Alright, here we go, like gonna have a big baby. But also, my husband was like, almost 10 pounds when he was born, and his sister was as well. Oh, wow. So I think I think part of it is genetic as well. Like, I think I'm probably just gonna have a big baby, even if I didn't have diabetes.
Scott Benner 34:24
How's your agency been? So far? The first seven months? Good.
Emeline 34:28
It was It started out I think the first few I had when I was pregnant were like 4.6. And then the most recent one was 4.8. But it's probably a little closer actually to like 5.2 or 5.3. Based on like, what my average glucose is, you know, they say, Yeah, you're a one see in pregnancy can be like a little dilutional. That's
Scott Benner 34:47
wonderful. You're doing a great job. Thanks. Yeah,
Emeline 34:49
I feel good about it. Like I'm trying to remind myself that like, even if I was like at a six right now, that would still be great for pregnancy. But again, I have a little bit of that perfectionism. mindset. And so I'm like, okay, the lower the better. And then my endocrinologist is like, okay, but being hospitalized for a low blood sugar does not mean better. Not
Scott Benner 35:07
good. We don't want to fall forward onto the baby, right? I can't decide if it's ballsy or stupid that you got pregnant so soon after
she is superhero or an idiot, I can't if you can't figure this out. I
Emeline 35:23
think part of it was like, I just we were, we'd already been married for a couple years. And I was I think part of it is, I'm a really stubborn person. Like, I was like, I am not going to let this delay my timeline. And so then I kind of worked overtime to be like, learning everything, getting the palm feeling more confident. And then I think when I got pregnant was kind of like, uh, oh, God, no, I really gotta like, make sure that everything is good.
Scott Benner 35:51
Yeah. Easy to everything's easy to talk about, like, I can do this. And it starts happening. You're like, oh, there's no getting out of this. Now. There's only a couple of things to that you're sort of like, oh, this is really happening. I can't change my mind. You know, now it's okay. I mean, you're doing terrific. Obviously, when little Scott gets here, you anticipate, like working or staying with him? Or what are you going to do? So
Emeline 36:13
I'll be able to take, you know, like four or five months off of work. And then we're hoping to do like a staggered leave. So then once I go back to work, then my husband will take his full maternity leave. And then he'll eventually go to daycare, but yeah, like, yeah, it'll
Scott Benner 36:29
be sick of him by now. You'll be sick of him by then. Anyway, it's fine. Every day, all right. Let's lend them out to somebody.
Emeline 36:39
Yeah, here anyone wants to babysit for free. He's all yours.
Scott Benner 36:42
Good. Excellent. Are you planning on breastfeeding? I
Emeline 36:46
am. Yeah. And I'm, I'm very worried that like, because I've already had these loads in pregnancy. I've heard that, you know, with breastfeeding and type one diabetes, like you can get, like, there's just such that huge shift in needs immediately postpartum. And then I've heard from so many people that they just tank when they're breastfeeding. So I'm a little worried about that. I'm trying to like, kind of start preparing myself for that, and not really sure what to expect. Well, no, I
Scott Benner 37:13
mean, it's, I've heard both to that. It's really fascinating. Just the other day, one woman told me she's like, I my blood sugar never fell while I was breastfeeding. I was like, You gotta be kidding me. I was like, everybody tells me how it does. And then one person comes along and says differ. And I'm like, alright, well, maybe it's not that way for everyone. You know,
Emeline 37:30
I know. Yeah, I do wonder and like, I feel like because I work in labor and delivery, I have a lot of like, background education on breastfeeding, and like newborn care and stuff like that. And so it's like, it's not that hard, necessarily. That's, like, terrifying to me, like a lot of women that are pregnant are like, oh, you know, I'm terrified of like, giving birth and breastfeeding and I'm like, I got the information I have, that'll be fine. It's like, how type one diabetes is going to affect it that I'm like, you know, I don't really know that many people that are Yeah, have type one diabetes, and then have breastfed like, it's a very, like, it's just a very small amount of people. And so trying to find those, those resources, and like also getting resources from work, but then realizing that they're not necessarily applicable to people with type one diabetes can be a little frustrating.
Scott Benner 38:16
Yeah, I was gonna say that, you know, there's so much that's, you know, nice to say, but you're nice to read about, but in practice can often be different. So Oh, absolutely. Yeah, you're gonna have to forge your own way as you're going. I think I will be Yeah, you're just gonna have a kid in one hand and a juice box on the other. And you're gonna be like, Alright, what's gonna happen here? Yep. Yeah. I've spoken to a lot of pregnant women, who will tell me like, oh, you know, like, I'm definitely sticking with this later, like, this new regimen I'm on, you know, for my diabetes, then the baby comes, they get tired, they're taking care of the baby. And the first thing they give away is their own health, which is just a common parenting thing to begin with. Yeah, but you'll hear people telling me a lot like, Oh, my one C has been rising since the baby was born, like you've have you thought about that?
Emeline 39:00
I have, I will say I'm excited to like, even if it's not necessarily like loosening my control, you know, even if my parameters still stay at like, you know, 60 to 140 or 70 to 140. I think I'm excited to not be stressing about when my blood sugar hits, you know, 160 or 170. Like, it just right now, it's so much of like, I mean, it's a lot of scare tactics, that educators and endocrinologist you know, if you don't do this, then you can cause birth defects or like, you know, if you've got high blood sugars, you're gonna keep, you know, having your baby be big. And so I think, obviously, there's, there's that part of me that's like, oh, I can't wait to relax and like, have a little looser control. But I think there's a bigger part of me that knows it'll probably never really happen because I am too much of a perfectionist.
Scott Benner 39:52
Are we calling this a mental illness or just the way you are?
Emeline 39:57
I think honestly, it's a lot of stubbornness, like I'm trying to, like prove to myself that like, I can do this. And I think a lot of it is not like you can do it and have a range of 70 to 180 with a good AMC like you don't have to have this like constant perfection all the time, whether that
Scott Benner 40:16
kids like six years old, get sick, vomits on the floor in the living room, your husband has the same reaction he had the other night when you left your stuff downstairs. And it's like, you know, you're 32 instead of 26, you'll let everything go, then you'll be like, I don't care what happens. Good luck to all of us. May we live through this, right? Yeah, no yet quite, quite a journey. Well, very cool. Yeah.
Emeline 40:41
Yeah, I'm hoping that motherhood definitely like kind of reframes some of that for me. Like, I think having like being diagnosed with type one diabetes kind of rocked my world a little bit. And I'm hoping that having a kid kind of rocked my world, but like, in a good way to kind of humble me a little bit on that kind of team tamper down some of the perfectionism we'll see.
Scott Benner 41:01
I'm sure there are other outcomes, but the prevailing ones, as far as I can tell, are, it gets worse, or you start smoking crack? I don't think there's any. There's anywhere in between.
Emeline 41:12
Yeah, hopefully, hopefully, it's just you know, it gets worse and then it'll get better. And we can just leave the crap out of it.
Scott Benner 41:18
There's either the people who are like, you know, just hyper focused on everything, trying to make everything work out perfectly, or those people who you like where your kids are like, I have no idea, and they don't look at all concerned about it, right. Yeah. We all know, a family. I actually, this fantastic. I was once involved, as my entire town was in a manhunt for a child. Oh, because this family was called the police. The kid is gone. We can't find him. You know, the whole town is out looking for this kid. Right? These people had i Let me count on my fingers, too. They have five kids. Okay. Okay. So, I mean, I'm gonna let you guess where the kid was. While the whole town was out looking for the other four kids or? No, he was in a side room asleep on a sofa. Oh, okay. I love that.
Emeline 42:15
Just one of the things where it's like, by the time you get to the fifth kid, you're like, Okay, I just, I he kind of blends in with everything else.
Scott Benner 42:21
I love the idea that they were like the kids gone. Where's the kid? The kid We looked all over the kids not here on a sofa that just faced away from the door in that room. So the back of the sofa, like you know, people sometimes put their sofas in the middle of the room like kind of thing. Yeah. And so the kids asleep on the sofa. Everyone just assumed that he took off out of the house and he was gone. He wasn't that young by the wait, either. Wasn't that only because like, yeah. So anyway, everyone's out looking for this kid. He's asleep on his sofa. And I think that's what happens when you have too many kids. Just eventually, you're just like i What does it matter?
Emeline 42:55
Your brain is just rewired to just doesn't work as well.
Scott Benner 42:58
Yeah, I don't know what happens. I think you're just up considering how much it's going to cost to send five kids to college, hoping three of them are stupid is what you're probably doing and trying to decide. You're really because I'm thinking about it. Say you had five kids? Which one do you wish is a dummy? You got to do you got to go? Well, these kids has got to not want to go to college. But and by the way, you don't have to be dumb not to go to college. You know what I mean? I'm being bombastic. But like, You got to look at those kids thinking like, I hope one of them wants to do a trade or maybe a few of them, or I can't send all of these kids or you have to turn to them and say, Hey, you're on your own to take out loans. Like, you know, which I don't think anyone wants to do. And when you talk to young people, specifically, like young parents, they're always like, we'll figure it out about paying for college, please, between you and I take this as absolute fact. You're not going to just figure it out. It doesn't magically get figured out. What happened. Those people what those people mean is I'm going to make those kids take out loans when they say I'll figure it out. So Right. Yeah, you just don't. Don't just scrape up 100 grand. It doesn't work that way.
Emeline 44:00
No, no, I wish it did. But I know it doesn't. Yeah, it's the
Scott Benner 44:05
whole thing so far. I mean, congratulations.
Emeline 44:11
Actually, it'd be wonderful. Even just even just like looking at daycare right now. It's been like, like, we have a couple tours scheduled later this week. And it's just like, oh, oh my gosh, like the cost of daycare. I mean, we knew it was insane. But like,
Unknown Speaker 44:24
Oh my God, what's the cost now? Well, we
Emeline 44:26
haven't got any quotes, but like I've been googling, and like most places for an infant, like you can't do part time. And so they'll be like, well, full time for an infant is anywhere from like, three to $500 a week. Really?
Scott Benner 44:37
Yeah, they're gonna send the kid home gold plated. Are they just gonna keep it alive?
Emeline 44:42
I know exactly. I'm like, Are you Are there other benefits included in this? And they'll be like, no, that's just the starting price. And we're like, Oh, okay.
Scott Benner 44:50
What do they ask you? Like, do you want us to feed it while it's here?
Emeline 44:53
Right, exactly. And it's like, as high as
Scott Benner 44:56
2k. It could be as high as 2k
Emeline 44:59
I think so. Yeah. And I mean, I live in the Midwest. So I think like, it's probably a little lower here than it would be out on like either coast. But still, it's insane. You can't find
Scott Benner 45:11
like a meth cook to take care of them during the day. They gotta be everywhere. No, you can't maybe not like the best supervision, not in the main building off to the side somewhere. So if there's an explosion, obviously, the kids are safe. But now, listen, $962 that's what somebody told us in 2000. And that's why I became a stay at home dad per week or per month, it was a month, $962 a month, but you gotta remember it was 2025 years ago. I only made like, $1,200 a month. Right?
Emeline 45:44
That's like your entire salary. I mean, it's kind of a no, a no brainer. Yeah.
Scott Benner 45:48
So for I made $1,200. We were going to spend 900 on daycare, and, you know, gas would have probably eaten up, you know, another chunk of it. And we were just like, Screw it. Like, I'll, I'll stay home. Yeah, that was before it was a thing. Like I took a lot. I took a lot of shade from older men for doing this. Like, yeah,
Emeline 46:09
I mean, if we ever, if we ever got to that point where like, financially we could afford it. Like, my husband is a government employee, and I'm a union nurse. So it's like we make we make good money. But it's because we have two incomes. And I'm always like, yeah, if that day ever comes where one of us miraculously stumbles upon a job that pays us insanely well, like, I think it would be worth it to stay home. But I don't foresee that happening in our future, at least not for a while.
Scott Benner 46:35
We couldn't afford it. Like that's an air quotes thing. You don't I mean, like, we needed that money. But we just we were going to be giving it away one way or the other. And as I mentioned earlier, the baby was already coming. There wasn't a lot you could do about
Emeline 46:45
it. Right? Exactly. It's like you got no option. You just got to do it. This is what
Scott Benner 46:49
we're doing now. The actual act of staying home was beneficial beyond words, honestly. I'm sure Yeah. For them. People say
Emeline 46:59
that. I've I've heard a lot of people say that, like, you know, they never they never regret quitting their job to be a stay at home parent. And I think well, there's a lot. It's like a, it can be a very rocky road. Like I think people in the end from Pete from people that I know that have stayed home, or quit their jobs to stay home with their kids. They'll say like, it's so worth it. Even if there are like the worst days in the world, I still wouldn't, I wouldn't have chose a different path.
Scott Benner 47:25
No, I agree. 1,000,000%. Honestly, I can be like, you know, flippant, but, you know, to be completely serious. It was, it was the best experience of my life, I see what it did for my kids, it was very valuable for them. There were some long ass days that felt like they weren't going to end and some long weeks, it turned into long months. And I can still 25 years later sing the theme song to a lot of mindless children's shows. But overall, what it did for them, like the comfort like I can even see it after my son went off to school. And then Arden was younger. So I was still home. Like even that knowledge that when you come home, there's somebody there like that there's a home base, like kind of thing it's manned, I think is a big deal for them. You know, yeah, a lot a little kind
Emeline 48:10
of like rewires the brain in a way to know that there's always going to be somebody there. Well,
Scott Benner 48:14
plus, if you if you can avoid that thing we were talking about earlier, is that, that whatever that drawl is to be overly critical or concerned about unimportant things. And just use that radar to look out for the important stuff that you know, not every five seconds, but when big things come up, or things do you think, oh, we should address that later. Or take some time to talk about that. Being home with them allows that kind of mental space to recall those things. And to bring them back up and address them and things like that. Like but when you're running. And then when you're finally home. It's we got to cook, wash those children off, eat clean up. Realize we can your time is gone. Yeah, realize we can't have sex because we're exhausted. be upset about that. watch something on television, scroll on my phone and go to sleep. That literally your free time, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, then you get up on Saturday. And you know, there's 1000 things to do. It's you know, that's tough. I will admit that the free time was never free. But it was more like unencumbered, less encumbered time.
Emeline 49:18
Yes, exactly. Yeah. A different. It's a different type of free time than what it would have been if you you and your wife were both working right?
Scott Benner 49:26
No, for sure. And then she resented it at one point that I was staying home. I don't know if she ever used that word. But I mean, I saw it right. In fairness, I take him to the zoo on a nice day and send like a photo and she was in an office. So you know, I might have pissed me off. So she was probably sitting there going, Oh, is this what I'm paying for today? Like Yeah. But, but yeah, but it's it's incredibly fulfilling. It's been the best part of my life. It's a large part about why, you know, I'm as happy as I am now. And I think as happy as my kids are so right. I can't tell my wife. I don't ask her Love it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They're
Emeline 50:02
in college. They're not gonna give you real honest answers. Probably. Oh, I
Scott Benner 50:06
met Kelly. I don't ask her if she's okay. It's her fault. She shouldn't have got pregnant. She should have seen me and run the other way. I don't know what she was thinking. She should have never let me trick her into marrying me. That's for sure. Oh, that's funny. This boy, boy trick you.
Emeline 50:20
Well, we were friends for a while. But we we got engaged. Like when I was. I think I had been out of college for like, maybe six months. We got married pretty young.
Scott Benner 50:30
Yes. Yeah.
Emeline 50:32
Part. Part of me is like, we never really knew anything. Anything different from mine. What
Scott Benner 50:38
were you escaping? Bad parents? What is it? You haven't told me about a bad house? What do you try escaping
Emeline 50:44
anything? It was very, we just part of it is okay. We went to a small Catholic College. We are not Catholic. But it's kind of hard when it's like you go to a school like that. Because everyone's getting married and everyone's getting engaged in something you're like, Okay, well, we've been dating for two years. Why don't we just do that too. And obviously, it was the right decision. But I think if we hadn't gone to a small school like that, we would have been like, oh, you know, we can we can wait a couple of years, we can have a long engagement. But instead we were like six months at school. Let's do
Scott Benner 51:16
married to John's Patrick's and Mary's getting married where you went to school? And was there? Yes, yeah. You're pressured by Catholics? Is that what happened?
Emeline 51:27
It definitely is like a little world of its own.
Scott Benner 51:30
Can I call this episode Catholic peer pressure? Maybe I can? Sure. You can call whatever you want. Well, actually, that's true. It's my pockets, do whatever I want. But it's wonderful. So is there anything we haven't talked about that we should have? Like, I want to make sure we're hitting your points? I
Emeline 51:45
don't think so. No, yeah, I just, I think, kind of being diagnosed as an adult and going like through pregnancy is, it's kind of been, it's been a whirlwind. And it's kind of one of those things where you're like, This is gonna be like, I'm gonna look back on this one day and like, and hopefully be like, oh, yeah, this has changed my life for the better. That type one diabetes part. Obviously, the having a child part will change my life for the better, actually,
Scott Benner 52:10
I mean, the kid ends up, you know, being a real asshole. I don't know. He will know that for decades since mine, oh, no,
Emeline 52:20
it'll be a while before we figure that out. But I think part of me is like, you know, all of this hard work. And like, all of the tears and all the struggles, like, it's kind of like, make me a better person eventually. Right. And I think part of it is like, you know, I've taken care of a couple of patients working as a labor and delivery nurse that come in to be induced because they have type one diabetes, and it and it does feel almost kind of like an honor to be able to take care of them. Because it's like, we're sometimes like the only person on their medical care team that gets it. That is nice. But sometimes you do wonder you're like, God, like, this is just like a really sucky situation. But hopefully, I mean, hopefully, one day down the road, I'm going to look back on it and be like, Okay, I learned a lot. I liked the
Scott Benner 53:03
way you think about it. And I think that again, you do get what you expect. It's not just in diabetes, but in life, too. So if you expect that having a baby, and if you expect that having a challenge that you're rising to, will make you a better person, I bet you it. Well, you know, I think a lot of that is attitude.
Emeline 53:20
You know, I will say though, having only been diagnosed for as long as I have, like, I came to accept it fairly quickly. Like I was very like, on board with like, alright, well, I can't change this. Now. I'm gonna have to just accept it. And I think part of me is kind of like, I could have been in denial for a long time course. It just wasn't worth the energy for me, because I just knew there was nothing I could do about it. Yeah,
Scott Benner 53:42
hey, this doesn't happen very often. But you're definitely one of the people that I'm thinking while we're talking. I'm going to keep this podcast going for five more years. So you can come back on again. Like, seriously,
Emeline 53:52
I would love that. And then I'll have a five year old that screaming in the background. But I'm like, You know what, Scott, this wasn't worth it. I gotta
Scott Benner 53:59
tell you something, Scott, first of all, you are right, this kid is a little dick. Now, the other thing is, my husband is still bitching at me when I forget something, and still got that government job. I don't see anybody trying to do better for me. I had to stay home anyway, we're broke. It's fine. But no, no, I mean, I mean about the diabetes. Because, you know, you have the right attitude. You have the right knowledge. Now, I want to see if it kicks you in the teeth or if you kick it the teeth. You don't I mean, right. Yeah, but it's gonna take years to find out. So now you've motivated me to keep the podcast going longer. It's 2024.
Emeline 54:36
Well, glad I can help. Alright,
Scott Benner 54:38
let's say 2024. Let me do some math. This is math. You can't know about this much money this many more years. I can't even stop them. Okay, I'll definitely be around in five years. Because like, I was like, at what point will podcasting allow me to retire and then I was like, never on this podcast of 9000 episodes, and I'll be like, I gotta go to the hospital now. Go to cozy earth.com
Emeline 55:12
We'll still be doing at least you'll still be doing a service for the people out there that are like what is going on?
Scott Benner 55:19
Um, all I do is the last thing somebody over here, get it on the pod. And that's just me hit the table. Yeah, they mean
Emeline 55:25
this as being like, do we need to? Do we need to call him like, is he Oh, well
Scott Benner 55:29
see, here's the plan. I don't know if you know this or not. I have an editor named Rob. Now here's the problem with Rob. He's my age. So like, the plan is, is that I know, this is weird. But I've had a conversation with my editor already. And it sounds like this. If I die. Take all of the remaining episodes and edit them up. If I still owe advertisers ads, throw the ads on. So my family doesn't have to pay back money, right? And post them once a week until they're all up. So yeah, I could this podcast could go on for easily six months before I die and you would after I died. You wouldn't even know it. How crazy would that be?
Emeline 56:06
Yeah, that's the one of the things when you require recording so frequently, it's Yeah. Well, you got a lot of content that you can just keep putting out there. You
Scott Benner 56:13
imagine it filled in the last episode. This other voice comes on and somebody's like, Hey, this is Rob. Scott died six months ago. I've been putting out the content since then. But this is the last episode. So thanks for listening.
Emeline 56:26
wouldn't lose it. They would have no idea what to do.
Scott Benner 56:29
You're amazing, wouldn't it? Oh, I only wish I could be alive to see that happen. But it's not gonna happen unless I'm kind enough to die to let it go. But I'm super skinny now. So I'm not dying. I'm good. There you go. That's true. That's true. I just sighs my pants down again.
Unknown Speaker 56:47
Oh, good for you.
Scott Benner 56:48
Thank you. A 34. You don't you're not a boy. You don't know. You're like what? I don't care. Yeah. I don't know what that means. 34. Sounds so big to me.
Emeline 57:00
I do know that men sizes and women sizes are very different. But also in context. I'm like, I don't I don't
Scott Benner 57:05
know. My waist on my pants has gone from 38 to 34.
Emeline 57:09
Did they go in like two number increments or one number increments?
Scott Benner 57:13
You know, you can actually get some in betweens, you could get a 30 Yeah, every once in a while. They'll make an off size, but it's two number increments. So that's like three sizes. It's inches. It's it's four inches. That crazy. That's, that's a lot. Yeah. Incredible. I had to buy a new belt when I started losing weight. And then I sized it put it on. And the other day, I had to take it off and cut four inches off of it. I was so excited. Today, I took all of my extra large and double extra large T shirts, and I went and donated them
Emeline 57:44
to a charity. Wow. Yes, that must feel good, doesn't it? I
Scott Benner 57:47
thought about what they cost for a second. But overall I felt good about Yeah, that's fair. I was like, give $4.08 1020 Oh, god damn.
Emeline 57:57
Like, this is a lot of money. I
Scott Benner 57:58
hope somebody appreciates this. I'm sure they will. But But nevertheless, you know, it's been pretty cool. So you are terrific. I didn't ask you. But I normally do. I know. You said you listen to the podcast that it helped you. Did you go through the pregnancy episodes?
Emeline 58:12
I did. And I think when I had first reached out to you, I I don't think I was pregnant when I reached out to you for the first time because I was like, I've gone through all of these episodes. And I still am like, there should be more. But it's such a small group of people. But I did go through a lot of them. Like having met with Jenny was helpful. And yeah, it just it's like, it's just hard because I feel like every experience you either can relate to. Or you're like, I still feel like I don't can't relate to anything. And I feel like it was kind of somewhere in the middle. And I appreciated the insight from the episodes. But also it was like, Oh my God, where where's this other stuff about being diagnosed as an adult? Like it's kind of? Yeah,
Scott Benner 58:59
it's it's tough because I find that if you do too specific information, like if the contents too ultra specific. It's not relatable, and only people who think that it relates to them will listen to it. And so that's why I've kind of gone more the route like the Pro Tip series, because I think honestly, the Pro Tip series can help you be pregnant. No problem. It's just yeah, the variables are just going to be supercharged, right? Yeah. But but if you start saying this episode is for, I don't know, blond haired people with brown eyes who are between five, six and five, nine who got type one diabetes in their 30s You're going to be like, no one's gonna listen to it. I'm going to be out of business and there won't be a podcast. So you can't get to drill down or you just you end up eliminating too many possibilities for people to listen. Right.
Emeline 59:47
And there are some podcasts episodes to that I listened to that. Like, I mean, you throw the little synopsis on there. Not even that but it's like you relate to a more than an episode that you thought you were going to relate to Just because of, you know, the perspective that the person has, oh,
Scott Benner 1:00:03
yeah, I can't say this because it'll sound like I'm saying it just to say it, but you should listen to all of them. There's something in every one of them. Like if you don't hate me too much, listen to all the episodes, because I've listened to
Emeline 1:00:15
a lot of them. It's just like, it's working your way through all of them. That's taken me. I'm
Scott Benner 1:00:19
prolific and you can't you can't come down on me for that. I record the podcast once a once a day, Monday through Friday. So I mean, look at your Yeah, I'm recording again in two hours today. I'm doing a thing with Dex comms. What? Is he the EVP? Maybe Jake,
Emeline 1:00:38
Jake's come on your post about that on
Scott Benner 1:00:39
Facebook. Yeah, Jake's coming on to talk about what do they call him that knew that the CGM for people who don't use insulin stello? What does it call? I don't know. Oh,
Emeline 1:00:49
I know what you're talking about. But I also can't remember the name of it. But I've seen I saw an article about it.
Scott Benner 1:00:54
Yeah. So like, we're gonna do a little chalk talk about that. I'll hit him with a couple of questions about g7 and stuff like that. But then tomorrow, I recorded one, and at three, I have a 430 call with an advertiser. I record twice on Monday, once on Tuesday, once on Valentine's Day, and I always got that to happen. And then somehow I have twice on Friday, but have off on Thursday. So but off from recording, but anyway, seriously, 1-234-567-8910 1112 1314 1516 1718 19 I'm recording 28 times in February.
Emeline 1:01:31
So it's a full time job
Scott Benner 1:01:33
is a real job, that's for sure. But I can't afford daycare now that I don't need it anymore.
Emeline 1:01:39
Okay, you're you've outgrown that phase of your life and yet, they still
Scott Benner 1:01:41
want money by the way they do. In case you're wondering, my oldest son's birthday is in two weeks. He is two years younger than you and you are just a tiny human being. And he still looked at me the other day and said my car needs a battery. I don't know how to take care of that. So
Emeline 1:02:02
okay, to be fair, if my car battery died, I would I would literally go to my husband and be like either Can you help me fix this or I'm just going to take it into the dealer and pay however much they want to charge me for it. The
Scott Benner 1:02:13
Go machine won't go. Alright, well, I think the best thing we came up with here today is using meth cooks as daycare but you you all listening my heart something better? I don't know. Am I thanks so
Emeline 1:02:28
much for doing this with me. Of course. Thanks so much for having me. It
Scott Benner 1:02:32
was my pleasure. Hold on one second. Okay. Okay.
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#1273 After Dark: Wilfred
"Wilfred" has more going on than fits in a blurb. Apple podcast paid subscribers are getting this episode without bleeps.
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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.
Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends and welcome to episode 1273 of the Juicebox Podcast
Today's episode is a an after dark with a person we're going to be calling Wilford. There's so much in here that makes this an after dark. I don't know how to introduce it. I'm just going to scan my notes and tell you that I see the words traumatic interaction at the hospital bipolar, cocaine crack. And I don't even know a way to say this. His grandfather made a pass at him when he was okay just listen or adult. But I mean, I would if I was you. Those people paying to subscribe on Apple podcasts are getting this episode today with all curse words in it, so you should check that out. Please don't forget that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan for becoming bold with insulin. If you're living with type one diabetes, the afterdark collection from the Juicebox Podcast is the only place to hear the stories that no one else talks about. From drugs to depression, self harm, trauma, addiction, and so much more. The episode you're about to listen to was sponsored by touched by type one. Go check them out right now on Facebook, Instagram and of course at touched by type one.org. Check out that Programs tab when you get to the website to see all the great things that they're doing for people living with type one diabetes touched by type one.org. This episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the Dexcom G seven, the same CGM that my daughter wears. Check it out now at dexcom.com/juicebox. Today's episode is sponsored by Medtronic diabetes, a company that's bringing people together to redefine what it means to live with diabetes. Later in this episode, I'll be speaking with Jalen, he was diagnosed with type one diabetes at 14. He's 29. Now he's going to tell you a little bit about his story. To hear more stories with Medtronic champions, go to Medtronic diabetes.com/juicebox or search the hashtag Medtronic champion on your favorite social media platform. All right, well, you're being recorded. Now. Do you want me to introduce you? Would it be easier? Or it can you do it without saying your name?
"Wilfred" 2:38
Oh, I don't mind. Go ahead. I am I'm gonna go by Wilford Brimley because I think it's hilarious and I don't care. It's I grew up in the 90s. Anyways, I'm the father of a type one diabetic who was diagnosed October of last year, or I guess two years ago. So about a year and a few months now. He's been diagnosed.
Scott Benner 3:01
Okay, Welford, that's good. Do you really want me to call you that?
"Wilfred" 3:04
I don't care what you call me. But I just think growing up in the 90s. Like, ever since he was diagnosed. I was like, I'm gonna get a tattoo that because it kind of makes me laugh.
Scott Benner 3:14
Do you have type one? No,
"Wilfred" 3:16
he does.
Scott Benner 3:17
Just your son. Okay. So and your son was diagnosed recently in the last couple years? Yes. Okay. Is the or do we want to keep his age? Like vague or do you want to?
"Wilfred" 3:25
He's four years old right now. Okay. So he's a little kid when he was diagnosed like to maybe yeah. Oh, it was just after his second birthday. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Oh, it was miserable. Yeah. I actually didn't think anything was like I'm a stay at home dad. I am around them all the time. I didn't notice the weight loss and stuff like that. And my wife was like, you know, his eyes look sunken. And he doesn't look good. He was always fussy. Alright, I might cry. But I didn't think anything of it. We called my mother in law, who is also in the medical field as is my wife and she was like, he should take him to urgent care. And we did it because he was breathing. He was having the Coos MALLRAT respirations. Which I didn't know what they were, I was like, Oh, whatever. He's gonna get over this overnight. But we took him in and the urgent care doctor was just very nonchalant. Like, I can't tell you here but you need to go to the hospital. Okay, I was like, Okay, well, my wife has work in about two hours. So I don't so I was like, she works at a hospital so I was gonna go to her hospital with him and I went and picked her up even though he was like he should probably go straight there. I was like I wouldn't picked her up and took her to work thinking nothing of it. And I was on my way to her hospital. She said I don't think we should go to my hospital. You should drop me off and you should go to another hospital that's a little bit further away. But they have a they have a peds unit. I dropped her off. I went there. They could not get the IV in after we were admitted. It's hard, it's gonna make me cry because I was like holding him down trying to while he was screaming. Sorry, no, you're okay. You know, they poked, oh my god 1213 times trying to get an IV in because his blood was like syrup. And finally they got one. And they did a bunch of tests. And this is what I don't want to say it takes me off, or I don't know how it makes me feel. But the doctor comes in. After I'm like, I'm just sitting there holding him as he's like, you know, I don't know what the hell's going on. He just drank juice for God's sake. They just gave him juice and he comes in, he goes, Well, it's a good thing. You brought him in. He has diabetes. And he turns around and walks away. I'm like,
Scott Benner 5:43
what, like walked out of the room away?
"Wilfred" 5:45
Yes. Just literally turned around and walked away. Oh, geez. I was like, oh, Kay. I don't know. I didn't know what that meant, at that point. Like, I texted my parents and my wife and I said, what happened? And my wife knew more than me. And she was like, okay, she called her coworker to come take over for her so she could come to where I was. So she got a ride from one of her other co workers, and another co worker took over like, she was very luckily, because I was like, no, just stay at work. It's fine. Like, I didn't think it was a big deal. Like we were being admitted. But I didn't know that. I thought it was like, he has diabetes. They're going to take care of them tonight. And then tomorrow, we'll go home and he's going to take like a shot a day or something. And we have to check his blood sugar. Maybe like, a few times a day. I didn't know anything about it. Yeah, sure. I understand. And my wife was like, I'm coming to the hospital. And I'm like, I don't think you should like we need the money. We're not. We're not rich. Like we're about to have another hospital bills just stay at work. And she's like, Nope, this bigger deal and you think it is okay. She's right. I had no fucking clue.
Scott Benner 6:54
I mean, it's talks, the doctor walked in and dropped something on you like that with no context and wandered out again. Yeah, yeah.
"Wilfred" 7:00
Just just left me in that. I think it was like, what felt like an hour. It was probably like two minutes. And then the nurse and the pediatric unit came down in here. She had a wheelchair. I started to put him in and she goes, No, you this is for you. I was like, Okay,
Scott Benner 7:15
great. Now I'm the problem. I'm looking at Rosie. Yeah, apparently. Yeah, cool. Listen, I feel weird calling you Welford. But if it makes you feel any better, you're in the middle of touching just call me whatever your middle is touching story. I'm going to break in on my god. Am I gonna say Wilford? I'm not gonna do that. When Artem was diagnosed in that hospital room, you know, I felt like, I don't know if anybody can, can relate to this. But I felt like the fibers inside of my chest were being torn apart. Like I was being stabbed by tiny knives from the inside out in my chest. Like, yeah, that's what it felt like. So, you know, it's understandable to be emotional, and to be, you know, needing a wheelchair because I like I did everything I could not to cry in front of her. You know what I mean? The Dexcom CGM is sponsoring this episode of The Juicebox Podcast and did you know the Dexcom CGM is widely covered and most patients pay $20 or less per month. The Dexcom g7 is easy to get no matter your CGM coverage, head to my link right now. dexcom.com/juice box check out all the information but scroll down to that spot where it says get a free benefits check to see if you can get started today. The Dexcom G seven features a lightning fast 30 minute warm up so you'll have more time with your numbers. And it also has a new 12 hour grace period so you can swap your sensor when it's convenient for you. The follow app allows for 10 followers that's 10 loved ones who can keep an eye on you if you want. Don't forget the clarity app to keep track of your potentially one si and your time and range. These alerts are going to help you to stay on track because the Dexcom g7 can alert you up to 20 minutes before you go low or when your glucose is too high. You can even personalize your alerts enjoy greater peace of mind with the Dexcom G seven use my link dexcom.com/juice box to find out more. This episode is sponsored by Medtronic diabetes, Medtronic diabetes.com/juice box. And now we're going to hear from Medtronic champion Jalen.
Speaker 1 9:26
I was going straight into high school so it was a summer getting into high school was that particularly difficult, unimaginable. You know, I missed my entire summer. So I went I was going to a brand new school. I was around a bunch of new people that I had not been going to school with. So it was hard trying to balance that while also explaining to people what type one diabetes was. My hometown did not have an endocrinologist. So I was traveling over an hour to the nearest endocrinologist for children. So you know, I outside of that I didn't have any type of support in my hometown
Scott Benner 9:59
Did you try to explain to people? Or did you find it easier just to stay private?
Speaker 1 10:04
I honestly I just held back I didn't really like talking about it. It was just, it felt like it was just an repeating record where I was saying things and people weren't understanding it. And I also was still in the process of learning it. So I just kept it to myself didn't really talk about it.
Scott Benner 10:19
Did you eventually find people in real life that you could confide in, I
Speaker 1 10:24
never really got the experience until after getting to college. And then once I graduated college, it's all I see, you know, you can easily search Medtronic champions, you see people that pop up, and you're like, wow, look at all this content. And I think that's something that motivates me started embracing more, you know, how I'm able to type one diabetes. I
"Wilfred" 10:45
wasn't emotional about the diabetes at that point, because I didn't. I didn't really know anything. I thought it was fine. I was emotional, because they were like, you know, they had an IV team in there. And they were holding like, forcefully, they were talking about bringing in a restraint table. Oh, really? They were? Yeah, they were talking about bringing in a restraint table because they couldn't get an IV and I'm sitting there as dad trying to hold him. Yeah. And he's, he's a strong little, he's so strong. They were like, even the, the IV team was like, literally, we've never had a toddler that's strong. And they've got like, 12 people around him, I'm holding him. And then after that, I was fine. I was like, Oh, he's just, he's got diabetes. We'll figure this out. I'm traumatized from what just happened, but we're gonna this is gonna be easy. And then we went, you know, I won't give my location away too much. So we did go to the Barbara Davis Center. And that's when I really was like, I learned about it. On her braids just falls on your fucking chest. Yes.
Scott Benner 11:43
Yeah. All all the information keeps coming and coming. And it's, it's more and more overwhelming the start putting the pieces together about, like, short term and long term health concerns.
"Wilfred" 11:55
Yeah, that was the first time my wife was like, the strong one. And I was bawling my eyes out. And she's just like, I'll get the information. We're gonna figure this out. And yeah, she she was strong for me,
Scott Benner 12:08
thankfully. Well, that's wonderful. Yeah. And let's say, and you were a stay at home dad. Yeah.
"Wilfred" 12:14
And I Yeah, and I am, I wasn't planning on being one for this long. But after he was diagnosed, and my wife was pregnant when he was diagnosed, so once he was diagnosed, we made the decision that it's just gonna continue doing this until they're both in school full time. So I got at least another six years of this.
Scott Benner 12:33
You, you and I have a lot in common there. You know, I did not think I was going to be a stay at home father, as long as I was either. That was definitely not the plan. And then this all happen are like, okay, I guess I should say
"Wilfred" 12:44
it's a little bit depressing. Being a stay at home dad, we don't like you, you know, it's to lack of adult interaction. Is it easy to add this? Yeah,
Scott Benner 12:54
you have trouble with it? Yeah,
"Wilfred" 12:56
I've got severe social anxiety, I would call it. I, like literally can't even take my kids to the park if I don't smoke some weed. So I'm a I'm a recreational marijuana user. How
Scott Benner 13:10
does the social anxiety present? Like, what happens if you try to go out?
"Wilfred" 13:14
Oh, God, I don't, I just don't even try. Because my mind is like, well, you know, what's, you know, she's just imagines just like, I don't know, like, every time, I think about going out, and I haven't had any sort of like, wheat, I'm like, this is just that somebody's gonna want to talk to me, I don't want to talk to them. I want to go on a hike with my kids. And I don't want to talk to anybody. But so there's always people on the trail, and most of those people are friendly. And I want to be friendly, but I really don't want to talk to people. So if I smoke a little bit of weed who kind of helps?
Scott Benner 13:50
So tell me about I want to be friendly, but I don't want to, like
"Wilfred" 13:54
I'm not going to be mean to you. And so I'm not trying to say that. I'm going to be mean to somebody but I if I don't know I don't like talking to people.
Scott Benner 13:59
What? Okay, what what you're talking to me? Are you having trouble now?
"Wilfred" 14:04
Not so much.
Scott Benner 14:05
But are you Hi? Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Okay,
"Wilfred" 14:10
it makes me more social. I don't like I don't like talking to people. If I'm like, myself, I'm like, very withdrawn. I just want to be with my family just with my kids. Like, that's it. I don't want anybody else around, including extended family.
Scott Benner 14:24
Did you have that going on as a child?
"Wilfred" 14:26
I have not so much. I think it kind of started in my late teens probably I got I just was like, kind of got fed up with people. Like I started to realize how much the world is kind of not as awesome as they want you to think it is when you're growing up.
Scott Benner 14:41
It's something happens specifically.
"Wilfred" 14:45
A lot of stuff like family
Scott Benner 14:47
trouble or money or,
"Wilfred" 14:49
you know, my mom's been gone since I was like four. She get lost or did she leave? She has her own addiction problems as though pretty much me and all of my brothers, which I'm the only one who acknowledges that I have one. So it's kind of funny ever all my brothers are in the same boat as me, but they're like, I'm fine. And I'm like, No, you're not. But yeah, so we all have that problem. My mom has been pretty much out of my life since I was apparently six, but I really don't have any memories of her at all. So the My earliest memory of her I think is when I was like nine or 10. Maybe I say, what was her addiction? Right now? It's currently crack is the new one. Oh, yeah. So it started off with alcohol, then, you know, cocaine, and then I made the decision to live with her when I was like 19. I was like, well, she likes to drink and smoke. Like, I'm like that I like to drink smoke. I went to live with her. I was like that she was not she was way. She's off the deep end like she does. She's She's professional. She's also bipolar. So okay, if you want to go into the other autoimmune things in the family, that's definitely one of them that runs in mind to your
Scott Benner 16:00
mom's bipolar. She started with booze went to coke. currently doing crack. How old? Is she?
"Wilfred" 16:08
60. Wow, look at her gone. 60 older than that. Maybe? I don't I don't actually know. But she's in her 60s.
Scott Benner 16:15
Does she hold a job? And has she? No, she's
"Wilfred" 16:17
never held a job. She has had jobs, but she has, you know, she, like six weeks or something? You know, she loses it.
Scott Benner 16:26
Do you think she has that anxiety about going out in public? Oh,
"Wilfred" 16:29
yes, definitely. Okay. And I'm wondering like, she's diagnosed bipolar. I'm not I definitely could see a not suit. Not as severe as my mom. But I could see I might have some sort of, you know, something. A little something. I don't know if there's degrees to bipolar illness or not. Bipolar
Scott Benner 16:46
perhaps? Yeah. Okay. Do you?
"Wilfred" 16:51
My brother definitely does. But whatever. We don't need to get into that. Right.
Scott Benner 16:55
So you have brothers who all have different addiction issues?
"Wilfred" 16:58
Scott Benner 16:59
How about your father? Is he just in a corner crying? What's going on there?
"Wilfred" 17:02
Oh, 100%. Yes. My father is a saint. My dad is the I don't I don't know. If I were him. I would not be alive. That's for sure. I asked myself years ago, I don't know how he puts up with us. And he says I'm the best one. So whatever. I'm cool with that.
Scott Benner 17:16
It feels like we've set a low bar, but I hear what you're saying. Exactly. It's a very low bar that I remember your crack mom. Yeah. And you're doing way better than her. Thank you, dad. Yeah, I appreciate it. Just overreaching. But put your dad doesn't have any addiction issues.
"Wilfred" 17:32
No, no, my dad is it outside of the family is very clean. You know, he's a preacher's son. So happy you end up with your mom. Church. That's hilarious. Yeah, we don't want to get into the my feelings on religion.
Scott Benner 17:51
I love that your dad's at church as a young man all like earnest and everything in your mom's there like, oh, I can get these demons out of my head. And he's like, That girl's pretty.
Unknown Speaker 17:59
Like, here
Unknown Speaker 18:00
we go.
Unknown Speaker 18:01
Oh my god.
Scott Benner 18:02
Wow, what a match. Okay, so. And how many? How many siblings? Do you have? Like your one of how many? I am one of one of four. Okay, is there any type one in there?
"Wilfred" 18:11
There is not any type one on my side on my wife's. My wife has some distant cousins that are type one. Okay. Her dad is type two. My mom has the bipolar. Her uncle has the bipolar. Yeah, that's about it. Oh, and she's also PCOS. She has PCOS.
Scott Benner 18:33
Okay. That's a lot. I'm processing. Sorry. Also, I'm trying to stop from asking you like how close to like that Dave Chappelle character is your mom, but I don't want to do that. So
"Wilfred" 18:43
I haven't seen her in a very long time. But my brothers said it's pretty bad. No
Scott Benner 18:47
kidding. Like really? Like, just strung out. Terrible. Yeah. Yeah. Well, listen, first of all, I'm sorry. That sucks. Like so. Okay. Honestly, I don't I appreciate that. This is your been your situation for a long time. But still, it's your mom and you know, you could have got like a different mom and you maybe wouldn't have to go through some of this so it sounds well I got an awesome stepmom now. So nice. Oh, your dad didn't strike out the second time. Oh, no, my dad. My dad. Good.
"Wilfred" 19:14
Good TV. We ran off a few girlfriends and then we decided on one we liked and he was like, Are you sure? We were like yeah, we're not gonna run this one
Scott Benner 19:20
off your boys decided she he that one. You're allowed to stay lady like Okay, great. It
"Wilfred" 19:26
actually happened there were there were meetings in the bedrooms of like, Alright, how are we gonna run?
Scott Benner 19:30
By the way? What a lottery winner she is stuck with you guys.
"Wilfred" 19:35
Oh, no. Yeah, she I won't get too far into it. But she was she was a profession lens to she's a lion tamer lens to it. No, not so much. But I think she knew what she was getting into because she's seen it so I say we might we might not be as bad as what she's probably seen in her profession.
Scott Benner 19:54
I said in her profession, she locks down nucular explosion sites. That's what you know, she
"Wilfred" 20:01
deals with mental health. No. Family Matters. Oh, I
Scott Benner 20:05
say family matters, not the TV show with Urkel. Yeah. She wasn't a producer on that or anything. will say divorce court. Oh, gotcha. All right. So she Yeah, I see what you're saying. Okay. So you have what you have going on. And this is before the kids even like your wife and you, like go out? Yeah, you smoke a little she knows that's gonna happen. That kind of stuff. Yeah. And
"Wilfred" 20:29
my wife doesn't smoke, but she's a proponent of me smoking. If I'm if I'm getting irritated or something. She's like, go take a hit real quick.
Scott Benner 20:36
Okay, do you actually smoke or do you like, like, dry? vape? Or how do you do it?
"Wilfred" 20:42
No, I smoke out of a bog. I just basically take one big bowl every two or three hours. That
Scott Benner 20:50
keeps you Okay. Yep. You're not worried about the bipolar thing in the the weed smoking and stuff like that? Oh,
"Wilfred" 20:57
no. I think, you know, my wife keeps me in check. If I was ever to be worried about then she would. She'd be there. I'm very lucky in that aspect. Can
Scott Benner 21:07
I ask what's the THC? THC level of the weed you smoke? Do you know what percent it is?
"Wilfred" 21:12
I mean, like, between 18 and 33.
Scott Benner 21:18
Okay. The 30 shut you off pretty good or no?
"Wilfred" 21:21
Oh, I mean, I've been smoking since I was 18. So not really. Yeah, I guess about 17. So I it's a daily thing. So I've got a pretty high tolerance. Okay, now those people who smoke that oil and stuff I kind of I've done that and the dabs. I like it. I'm not gonna say it puts me in the couch or anything like that. But it's it's not a I don't enjoy it as much as the flower.
Scott Benner 21:46
Okay. It was called dab. So that what they are? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. To call them God, should I bring up every time so he brings that up? Like, there were the kids running around dabbing all the time. Like I somebody said to me one time, like, do you think their parents know that the thing they're doing is mimicking the cough from when you dab? And I was like, I bet you they don't? Bet you they don't. So okay, so the weed helps you. How is the weed now that it's legal? Is it better or worse? Oh, it's
"Wilfred" 22:15
so much better. consistent? It's yeah, the consistency is what's what's better. Okay. You know, it's not, you're not getting a break and for breaking out steeds and
Scott Benner 22:28
the horrors you had to grow up with not smoking
"Wilfred" 22:30
out of a coke can pipes are very accessible.
Scott Benner 22:34
Now, in your note to me, funny, you don't mention weed and your note to me?
"Wilfred" 22:37
Yeah, no, because I also have an alcohol problem. Okay.
Scott Benner 22:41
I also have an alcohol problem. Are you? Would you consider yourself an alcoholic?
"Wilfred" 22:45
Yes. 100%. Well, I'm an addict, which is, you know, people are like distinctive about alcoholic. If you are addicted to something, you're an addict. So you're an addict. That's how
Scott Benner 22:55
you think of yourself. Like there are certain things you do, you're gonna get stuck to it. Alright, so are you drinking currently? Yes. Okay. So,
"Wilfred" 23:04
I wasn't when I signed up for this, I was doing really good. And I was like, Hey, I'm gonna go on and have it and I was like, and then you know, things happen.
Scott Benner 23:13
How old were you when you started drinking?
"Wilfred" 23:16
I didn't start drinking till I was 20. Oh, okay. I was actually believe it or not. When I before I was 17. I was the goody goody of the family. Like, you know, just I always had a girlfriend did good in school. I would call my dad and say, hey, my brothers are smoking weed out back because I wanted them to leave so that I could have the house with my girlfriend. You know, I was the tattletale back then. And then my long term girlfriend broke up with me and my brother was like, Hey, man.
Scott Benner 23:43
Did you tattle to get tail? Is that what you're saying? To me?
"Wilfred" 23:46
That's exactly what
Scott Benner 23:48
I thought you were saying. Okay, so I wanted to make sure you were like, I'm going to say they were smoking weed so they get out of the house so I can have the house to myself. I didn't think it was to make popcorn and watch a movie. I wasn't sure. So you don't start drink you smoking weed for two years before you're drinking? Yeah.
"Wilfred" 24:05
Okay. And I was doing really good in those two years held down a job was was great. And then I decided I wanted to start traveling. I guess at that point, that's when I really just like kind of hit went off the rails. Actually, I forget about a year or two before that where I lived with a heroin addict.
Scott Benner 24:25
Was that a roommate or a partner? That
"Wilfred" 24:28
was a best friend from childhood, who is still my best friend today and he's clean and sober. But yeah, he was probably the worst addict I've ever met. But I moved out of my parents house because I was smoking weed. I had a job. And my parents were like, well, you can't smoke weed here. I'll just go live with my friend Edie because his parents let him do heroin. Like whatever.
Scott Benner 24:54
Wait, did his parents really let him do heroin?
"Wilfred" 24:56
No, I didn't let him but they You weren't stopping him like
Scott Benner 25:02
you actually lived in his, in his childhood home with him. Yeah.
"Wilfred" 25:07
And I believe I had this like grandiose idea like, I'm taking care of him because when he would like, you know, he Odede once or twice, and I would be, you know, he lived, but I gave myself credit for that. It was like some stupid, like, I did something even though I'm just living. I'm literally just kind of like
Scott Benner 25:23
me. I'm the adult here. I'm handling things. Keep it everything up, right? Yeah, he should let her snorting it or what was he doing? shooting it?
"Wilfred" 25:31
Yeah, I remember he comes to me one time with a fucking syringe. He's got duct tape around the plunger. He's got it lubricated with chapstick. And he's like, I can't get it to push down and I need your help, man. It's already in the vein. And I'm like, I'll admit I actually tried to help him and I passed out while trying to help him. Never do that again.
Scott Benner 25:49
Wait, the the process of trying to push on the plunger like made you nauseous? It made
"Wilfred" 25:54
me pass out and he literally was like, in my mind. I
Scott Benner 25:56
was like, what if this kills him? Because then I did it. Yeah, I
"Wilfred" 25:59
just I just fainted. I've had some traumatic moments in my life. I guess you could.
Speaker 2 26:04
I was gonna say, Man, I think I know why you don't want to go outside. Jeez, that's I don't want to say that's insane. Because it seems derivative. But that's insane. Yeah, yeah. You think it's very, like wired in you write
"Wilfred" 26:20
all this? Yes, it's its genetic. I definitely believe that. Its genetic. I don't know. It also could not be because a lot of weird things have happened that could could have put me here. I mean, my grandpa has hit on me before. So that's another thing you could add to the story. I'm sorry. traumatization.
Scott Benner 26:35
Sexually, your grandfather made an advanced Georgia. Okay, can you tell me what that was? He has
"Wilfred" 26:43
Parkinson's for, like 16 years before he passed and I was a caretaker for him. I like the caretaker role before I fell into alcohol. Actually, that caretaker role is probably what if I look back on it, that's when I really started drinking, like very heavily is when I was taking care of them. A lot for a young person. There was one Yeah, there was one time when you know, he's can't stand up on its own and stuff like that. And I was picking them up and just kind of, I was like, Is there anything I can get you before bed? And he said, just put his arm towards my crotch? And he said, Yeah, I want you and I was like, alright, grandpa, we're gonna get you to bed. Now. This is okay. This is too much. And he can't tell your family about that. Because then, you know, your parents are like, they don't want your parents to look at their ad that way. Like, you know, you just kind of have to tell your therapist that and your sheriff just is like, oh,
Scott Benner 27:37
you should start doing heroin. No.
"Wilfred" 27:39
That's what your fellow therapists know. That's my that's my go out plan. You know, tell you're getting out of here.
Scott Benner 27:44
Well, we have fun. So after your grandfather says you have a pretty mouth or whatever. He said. What do you do with that? Like, you're 20
"Wilfred" 27:54
i right? I've taught yeah, that's, uh, yeah, it's approximately how old I was. I just kind of just laugh it off. I told him I told my oldest brother. And that's it was he was the only one that would understand. He kind of laughed at me with it. He was like, he was like, dude, grandpa's old and he's delusional. And there's a lot of things that there's a there's some, there's a lot going on there. There's a lot of things going on on that side of the family. Well, there's some suspect that you know, that marriage might have just been a cover up for some homosexuality back in the day.
Scott Benner 28:28
Oh, you think Grandpa? You think grandpa took on a lady who is your grandma and made a family to cover his?
"Wilfred" 28:36
I mean, they're not too far off on the family tree. Oh, they know
Scott Benner 28:39
that you think they're? They're kind of related ish? No,
"Wilfred" 28:42
there's like second or third cousins? What did they claim they didn't know until after they got married? Are you going to say
Scott Benner 28:49
anything? That doesn't make me make the face that has me caught between crying and laughing? Every time you thought like everything you say I go. I know you can't see me. But my mouth is open. I stopped breathing and I can't decide, am I gonna laugh or be horrified?
"Wilfred" 29:04
You can laugh. It's
Scott Benner 29:07
Jesus. I really appreciate you coming on the podcast who I want to say that. I really appreciate you coming on the podcast, by the way. Thank you.
"Wilfred" 29:14
I figured I've got something somebody's gone through.
Scott Benner 29:16
I don't know about that one. That was I mean, I'm sure it's happened to other people. But my goodness, that's something else. My grandfather was just like mean.
"Wilfred" 29:25
Yeah, no. Yeah, it was a preacher. Very nice. He
Scott Benner 29:30
was afraid he was a preacher too.
"Wilfred" 29:31
He was a preacher. Yep. Oh, God. Hold on.
Scott Benner 29:36
Hold on, hold on. Do I know them? No. I'm absorbing everything. You think that sounds familiar? There's a lady on here two months ago said that her preacher father used to go to like, bondage and like sadomasochistic dungeons. You heard that one love that episode was covered every episode. Oh, thank you. I appreciate that. So everybody should listen to every episode that okay, all right. I don't know. Are we gonna get to the point here we are right? So, I mean this your backstory is taking half an hour. I don't feel like we're anywhere near getting through it. But okay, so I what we're gonna talk. Well,
"Wilfred" 30:07
we didn't get through post diagnose your poor kids still
Scott Benner 30:11
in the hospital in the story Jesus got skip the rest of my child. Yeah, well, I think we've established who you are and why maybe you're that person that's good. Yeah. So you're I mean, you're a would you call yourself a functioning alcoholic or do you do blackout drunk? Yeah,
"Wilfred" 30:29
no, I'm very high functioning. I don't blackout. I don't drink hard liquor unless,
Scott Benner 30:36
unless it's Thursday, I don't know, what
"Wilfred" 30:38
are you gonna say unless there's, you know, unless there's an excuse to sometimes if I'm watching hockey, my wife's not work and you know, then fine. But, you know, I stick to beer 99.9% of the time,
Scott Benner 30:49
you couldn't have an ice cream sandwich while you're watching the hockey game or something like that, like, there would be nothing
"Wilfred" 30:54
that could. Like, it just calms my nerves a little bit when I and it's, it's sad. And, um, but I'm working on it. And when me and my wife are getting through this together, and I'm not, that's what it that's really, a big thing that I came on here to say is like, if somebody else is going through what I'm going through, like, don't be silent about it. Because I thought for sure I was going to come clean with my wife about my problem. And she was going to be like, just, you know, alright, well, I'm either gonna go to rehab, or you're gonna leave and she's like, No, we're gonna get through this together. We're always like, how long have you been together? Married? Oh, five years this month. When you get married? Does
Scott Benner 31:33
she know you're an addict?
"Wilfred" 31:36
Oh, I think she probably did. Yeah, I mean, I told her before the before we got married. There were some because we had our we had our first son. Oh, I got
Scott Benner 31:47
you. I was like, why we got married? Because I know girls, man. That's the thing. They would go out. Look over there. Then they leave while you're looking. Yeah. So um, no.
"Wilfred" 31:56
We knew each other for a while. And then she got pregnant and she thought I was gonna leave and I was like, Oh, shit. Like, I was literally when I met her. I was living in a van. I was living in a cargo van. You like the you know, the? Like paint vans?
Scott Benner 32:10
Yeah, same as the ones that pedophiles use to get kids with? Yeah, when I
"Wilfred" 32:16
met her I was I had broken up with my ex I called my dad and and like, I don't have anywhere to live and I can't afford rent. But you know what I could afford if you helped me with a down payment. And I got I ended up getting a van and was living in Florida just going I was living behind where I worked. And just like showering at the beach, like just doing living life. And then I met her. And we were together for, I don't know, months, not not a year, but over six months. And I had already basically proposed kind of as a joke because we were together for so long. And I was like, I think you this is gonna stick. And then she got pregnant, and she thought I was gonna leave and I'll say no, like, the next day I traded in my van for a minivan. I was like, I wasn't planning on this, but I'm not gonna let my I'm not gonna she I was like, What are your plans? She goes, I'm not getting rid of it. I was like, Okay, well, then I'm not gonna let the kid not have a dad. Like I
Scott Benner 33:17
say something as a public service announcement that you shouldn't take as a judgement at all. This is just for everybody listening. This has nothing to do with you. And you know, we're gonna make two versions of this episode. If you're subscribed right now on Apple podcasts. You'll hear this unedited. But if you're not this, a lot of this part's kind of probably be beeped out. But ladies, this is for me to you. Don't let a boy who lives in a van finish inside of you. There. There. I've done it. Well, yeah, okay.
"Wilfred" 33:45
In my own defense, Ed, she told me that she was
Scott Benner 33:51
Alright, hey, hold on, cuz
"Wilfred" 33:53
she was she had PCOS. She was working to pee. She has PCOS. She was working like a per diem schedule. So it was all over the place. After we started dating regularly. She kind of got she got a normal shift at work, not per diem. And she kind of started to regulate and I started to make jokes like you're gonna get pregnant, and she was just like, No, I'm infertile. No, I wish we I know. You've talked about people taking GLP ones and getting pregnant because they don't think that they can give fertile Well, I think that's what happens. Just without the GLP one. Here's
Scott Benner 34:23
another public service announcement. This one's for boys, boys. If girls tell you they can't get pregnant, don't finish inside of them. There. I'm just I don't know how else that they help you all this is a very simple idea. It was
"Wilfred" 34:35
the best thing I ever did. I don't think I'd be alive. If I
Scott Benner 34:40
didn't knock this girl up in your van you're saying you don't think you'd be alive right now. Tell me about that. No, no girl by the way. Did it happen in the van?
"Wilfred" 34:47
No. Didn't happen to the van. Pretty sure it was the shower but
Scott Benner 34:51
but was the shower behind a Home Depot or something? It was in her apartment. Okay. Yeah. Shower is a great place to have sex.
"Wilfred" 35:02
Sometimes it depends on sometimes the angle is hard. But yeah. If
Scott Benner 35:07
it's hard, then the angle is easy. Now. So see what happened. Like somebody said to me, Hey, don't bleep yourself in this one. And everyone's gonna be like, is this the guy I'm listening to about diabetes? They need to Shut the front door. So anyway, so being seriously, you think having a child really helped you? Yeah, definitely told me about that. If
"Wilfred" 35:31
my son wasn't born, I think I would have gone on. I don't know, if me and my wife would have got married I definitely would never have sold my van. I was like, I had a moped, I was driving around. You know, I was on Tinder. Just getting tail left and right, the best way to put it, but I settled down when I met her, and then she got pregnant, and it was done. But before that, if she didn't get pregnant, I don't know if we I just think I don't think she I don't think she would have stayed with me as this thing.
Scott Benner 36:03
That's very honest of you to say,
"Wilfred" 36:05
I think she would, she would have left me I would have gone back to doing my, you know, whatever, go on.
Scott Benner 36:13
I'm certain I'm still married because my wife was like, if I want another kid, I want them to all look the same. That's pretty. So I'm pretty certain that's why I'm here. Yeah. Plus, I do a good job around the house and stuff like that. But I hear what you're saying. Okay, so, and listen, I think that's very honest. And probably not unfair. Because I don't think there are a lot of ladies running around going. You know who I want to settle down with the guy in the van. Do you want to apologize now for ruining her life or no? She
"Wilfred" 36:38
misses her family. She doesn't miss Florida. Yeah, I don't care what Florida
Scott Benner 36:42
stuff also. This story has a very Florida man feel to it.
"Wilfred" 36:47
Oh, yeah, there. We could go into way more Florida stories. But yeah, yeah,
Scott Benner 36:52
that's a state where, by the way, now there's a upcoming job industry where people are collecting Iguana is off of golf courses. Yeah, so
"Wilfred" 36:59
Exactly. Yeah,
Scott Benner 37:00
that shouldn't be a job.
"Wilfred" 37:02
Yeah, we quit selling them at the store. I worked at a pet store down there and we quit selling because there were too many
Scott Benner 37:09
people were just walking outside and grabbing one if they wanted one. I don't need to keep an iguana. I can see them outside of my door. Wow, geez. Yeah, it's another world. Some parts of Florida right are just different. Okay, so you've got this new diagnosis. I'm sorry. Is this your first? It's your first child because your wife's pregnant at the time of the diagnosis? Right?
"Wilfred" 37:29
Yes. First child wife is pregnant of probably like, she's four or five months pregnant when we get the diagnosis.
Scott Benner 37:36
By the way, do you get pregnant the second time on purpose? Or was she under the impression it wasn't gonna happen again? Well, we
"Wilfred" 37:40
were very, very much on purpose. We we have tried. had been trying for a long time. I saw a couple miscarriages and then I'm sorry, last one finally stuck.
Scott Benner 37:50
Okay. How romantic now? So, there you are in the hospital. You know, you're you're coping with drinking and weed. And now there's this incredible like, actually,
"Wilfred" 38:04
I wasn't I wasn't drinking at that time for weeks for about four weeks. And then he got diagnosed. And I think it was like two days, you know, yeah. Anybody in recovery will understand how easy it is to fall back. And when
Scott Benner 38:21
you weren't drinking, how did you accomplish that? How did you get to that spot?
"Wilfred" 38:24
I was I was very scheduled in what I did. I was going to a at the time, I should probably get back into that. But you know, right now I'm kind of focused on trying to sleep with a new baby instead of that. Do you
Scott Benner 38:39
think AAA would be valuable for you?
"Wilfred" 38:42
I find friends there that I wish I could get out with but I don't have like I don't actually like AAA because it's very you know, you need to find your higher power and I'm like
Scott Benner 38:56
you don't want yeah, I found that Yeah, yeah.
"Wilfred" 39:00
Thanks i Higher Power is me because I feel like I'm you know, I want to give myself the credit if I do something good. I don't want to give some fictional character on the sky credit for something that I do like
Scott Benner 39:14
have you tried to like
"Wilfred" 39:17
change it about people who give God credit about shit the doctors do I don't want to I don't want to get
Scott Benner 39:24
my I tell you what the part about the Superbowl I hate when somebody Thanks, God. That's your that's the hill you're gonna die on here for that.
Unknown Speaker 39:32
No, no. You know, I
"Wilfred" 39:34
you know, I was forced to go to church three times a week until I was 16. I kind of bit me bad enough.
Scott Benner 39:43
Alright, well, but my question about this is like, can you separate yourself from your life for a minute and look at yourself, like from a third party perspective? And like, tell yourself like, what is it I think that person should be doing? Yeah.
"Wilfred" 40:00
Yeah, that's easy. Is this I know what I should be doing. Yeah. And I know and I'm, I'm glad to do it. Because I don't what are the things mainly to quit drinking, and to, uh, I need to make myself a schedule again for things to do throughout the day, so I'm not just sitting there because for a long time after the diagnosis, and I would still say probably to this day, some days, I just stare at the sugar pixel or the, you know, I just I get a little bit obsessed over it. It's kind of my new addiction, which I should adopt, but I gotta kick the other ones and get this one into high gear. Although you know, how much higher Can I go? I'm doing pretty good with
Scott Benner 40:46
his with his blood sugar.
"Wilfred" 40:47
I don't think I think if I was where I was at, and I wasn't taking care of his diabetes, she's just left me by now to she doesn't like I can take her two kids as long as one doesn't have died. But she relies on me for this for that aspect of it.
Scott Benner 41:01
Now she's really stuck with you. I got you. I might. Yeah, you're like I'm not going anywhere. I got a place to live. Alright, well for it's not riding in the van ever again. Now. Wilford? No, Wilfred is gonna get a van again. Yeah, you're gonna need one, honestly. Okay, so I'm sorry. So he's diagnosed. This picture drinking back in? Is it like, like, Hey, do you drink like you smoke like you say you smoke like to moderate yourself. But are
"Wilfred" 41:31
you times you know, I enjoy breakfast beer sometimes. But most of the time we get up have coffee, and then I won't have one till like 11 or noon. And then it's like one every two or three hours. You know what I mean? Like I don't
Scott Benner 41:43
It's B and it's beer. Yeah, it's
"Wilfred" 41:45
it's Coors Light.
Scott Benner 41:47
I say are we saying Pabst Blue Ribbon are what are we talking about here? It's very,
"Wilfred" 41:50
you know, it's very light content. So it's not like I'm getting blackout drunk. But I'm, I definitely know what's not good for me. I just keep doing it. Because it's a habit. You know?
Scott Benner 42:00
It's you do with 12 pack a day? Yeah, no, no, maybe eight on a, like,
"Wilfred" 42:10
on a Hockey night. But I don't drink that fast until hockey starts and then I have like two during the game and then I go to that eight
Scott Benner 42:17
beers. Six or seven bong hits a day. Yeah. Okay. And you're functioning and taking care of the kids. Everything's okay there. Yep. All right. But you believe yourself to be an addict and you don't think you should be drinking percent? Okay. 100. It's
"Wilfred" 42:31
not well, it's not good for my body. Yeah, no.
Scott Benner 42:33
Well, I didn't think we were up to that part yet. But yeah, that's right. Right. But I'm talking about like, just being functional. Like,
"Wilfred" 42:41
it's the that's the sad part. I know. My wife's probably out there listening. She's in the other room. She's probably listen to be like, Ah, whatever. But that's the fucked up part about being an actor is like, once you're an addict, like if you start a habit. It's like, you don't even want to do it anymore. But it's habit.
Scott Benner 42:58
Yeah, no, I've heard people talk about having addictive natures and they avoid stuff like that and just pour it and other stuff. Because it because we can listen, it's nice to all sit around and say, You know what you should do should go to therapy. You should stop doing that. But but but I mean, in the meantime, you got to live every minute. That's that exists. So So you instead of swapping drinking for the diabetes management, you just added it. Yep. Okay, so now you have three things you're addicted to?
"Wilfred" 43:24
Scott Benner 43:25
Is there anything else?
"Wilfred" 43:26
Well, you know, I don't I wouldn't call leading attention because it's more like a meditation for me, I think. Okay, the alcohol is an addiction and people who are like, they say they're California silver, like, I don't want to No disrespect to those people or whatever. But the people who drink and say they're California silver. I don't. I don't that's not my version of California silver. Like
Unknown Speaker 43:47
I thought California silver
"Wilfred" 43:47
was just weed. Okay, so maybe it is okay. I thought I heard somebody say one time that they only have beers, and they don't drink liquor, and they say, Oh, it's just beer and wheat. And I'm like, I don't subscribe to that being actually silver. Listen,
Scott Benner 44:01
if you were eating a milk, a coconut milk yogurt every two hours. I tell you how to addiction. Do you know what I mean? Like I don't I don't care
"Wilfred" 44:09
wife has a shopping addiction. So look
Scott Benner 44:11
at you don't like it. Let's throw it this way. Now. That lady's gonna make us go broke. Have you ever said anything? Once I came back in the house from the front door and I said, Hey, the UPS guy said Can you slow down his back hurts. My wife didn't like that at all. I thought it was hilarious. Also, the UPS guy did not say that. But he looked like he wanted to. So
"Wilfred" 44:37
I have said something to the Amazon delivery driver before? Yes.
Scott Benner 44:41
Can you stop coming here police.
"Wilfred" 44:45
Like, I was like it's the first door or I was like second door on the left.
Scott Benner 44:48
She's right over there. She's waiting for you. Any like,
"Wilfred" 44:52
I watched him and he went there and he dropped it off and I was like, Yo,
Scott Benner 44:55
does your wife enable you? Like are you in a codependent right relationship.
"Wilfred" 45:00
Ah, you know, to a degree I would say
Scott Benner 45:04
Can I say something? I don't mean I'm gonna say something because we're speaking very plainly but I don't mean a pejoratively. But is she fucked up to? Oh, no.
"Wilfred" 45:13
Scott Benner 45:14
she's your dad on this in this story not
"Wilfred" 45:17
on not on the same level
Scott Benner 45:19
not on the same okay, but she's been but like, is there some? How do I put this? Is you being fucked up family dysfunction being fucked up comforting to her because it makes her feel better about herself. No,
"Wilfred" 45:32
I don't think that's the thing so okay. Now she's if I ever get too out of line she you know, there's a reason she's the one that works. She wears the shoes, she wears the pants in the in the relationship?
Scott Benner 45:46
Well, I mean, if she is, there's one of the reasons you're a stay at home dad because of the social anxiety? No,
"Wilfred" 45:51
because that's one of the social, like you'll get. So if I go to a party, I clam up and I'm in the corner. But if I'm at work, and I'm doing something that I'm like making money, like I feel productive, like I'm, for some reason, like, I don't need any sort of substance I, when I work, I'm very social.
Scott Benner 46:09
Well, then do we not think getting you a job is a good idea? Yeah,
"Wilfred" 46:14
we do. Okay, it's kind of a hard, we're in a hard position right now. Because my wife makes decent money, we're in a very expensive area to live. The jobs that I could get would not pay, like even for daycare. So it's kind of like,
Scott Benner 46:33
what about a work from home thing? Is there something you get part time that you do from home that would give you a little bit of like, have that good feeling.
"Wilfred" 46:40
I've thought about that. And I've looked into it. And I don't know if I'd be able to stay focused, I need something that I really like, you can just do it whenever you want. Like, you don't have to have scheduled hours. It's just whenever you want to work, you come on and do it. And I'm like, I that's like what I would do. Because, you know, I got one kid under one and the four year old only goes to preschool 10 hours a week so far. So I'm
Scott Benner 47:04
gonna sound like I don't understand from it. And maybe I don't maybe I'm just trying to like help you paint a picture for the people listening who might not understand. But what if I said just fucking do it? Like, like, oh, yeah, be an adult and do it. Like, do you know what I mean? Like, could you? Could you push through it? Or would it cause a different problem? Like, I don't know if I I don't know if I could like focus on the job. You just said like, I have to tell you that every day in my life. I wish I was doing something else. And I don't just mean while making the podcast. I mean, since I've been an adult. I had to go to a sheetmetal shop. It was horrible. I fucking did it. I got I cut lawns for a while. It was horrible. I did. I had to collect people's debts, which made me feel terrible. I fucking did it. Like, do you mean like, there are days that I come in here? And I'm like, Oh, God, I've got to, like, record all these ads, edit these things together. Put them up. call these people. Send out these invoices. Do this thing here. I gotta go pay my taxes. I don't want to do any of that. I do it every day. Like what's the difference?
"Wilfred" 48:00
I think it's it's really my wife schedule. Like she says she works overnights. And she does 12 hour shifts. And so I'm kinda like, during those days, I'm awake all night and all day.
Scott Benner 48:20
Because you're trying to be awake for blood sugars. In
"Wilfred" 48:23
the beginning, that's what it was. Now it's because of of the baby. Okay, well, because op five. You know, they we get pretty good overnights most of the time. Great. It's the baby really quick. She does not sleep through the night at all. Never have doesn't do it. Which I'm getting used to. But she's almost one. I
Scott Benner 48:45
shall get there though. Exactly. Yeah. So So you need a different schedule. You need some sleep. I mean, the beer thing I don't know. Like I don't I you know, I don't have any, like deep insights about No, you're not to drink alcohol. Listen, I know some people who drink exactly like you. Do. You know what I mean? And they actually ate beers. They You look like a piker to them. Yeah, exactly, man, but they're but they're alcoholics for 100% of their functioning alcoholics will need to Yeah, and and but. But for every one of them that actually makes it through their life. There's a ton of them that don't, and it still has a lot of impact on personality and interpersonal relationships. It's gonna it's gonna 100% Fuck your kids up. Like, oh, yeah, growing up the child of an alcoholic isn't a legit problem. Yeah, I
"Wilfred" 49:37
don't even because I don't you know, it's not like, it doesn't make me I'm not an angry alcoholic or anything. I've never, you know, that's not good. But I don't even want my kids to just see the habit of it. Like yeah, but
Scott Benner 49:49
it's not that there's like a real there's a real kind of like, diagnoseable repeatable thing that happens to like children of alcoholics have certain personalities, like they don't know what to do. expect they're always on their toes. They think something's gonna go wrong. Like that's, you know, and then with your background, I don't I mean, you seem like a great guy. Like, you don't seem like you want to throw that on your kids. So no. Yeah, I mean, could you stop drinking for them?
"Wilfred" 50:14
Yeah. 100 Well, I'm going to because he's to the age where he's gonna start being like, man, you know, he's gonna start asking. So I definitely have to, for that reason, but yeah, what was I going with that? I was going with that? It's okay. But did we do?
Scott Benner 50:30
What did we just hit a pothole?
"Wilfred" 50:32
Yeah. ADHD moment.
Scott Benner 50:36
I've heard people call them potholes when you just can't remember what you're doing when you're smoking. My
"Wilfred" 50:39
I'm using my wife's laptop because it's better quality. And she got a notification about something for work tomorrow. And
Scott Benner 50:47
you're reading. It just distracted me. I was like, sometimes I'm like, I'm recording and something pops up in front of me. And I'm like, not now. Cuz I read it. Yes. Shit. Now I lost where I'm at. And I'm like, yeah, like, I have it all turned off. But once a while, I don't know, it comes back on. And I'm like, crazy. Okay, so, like, What stops you from saying, I'm going to stop recording with Scott, and I'm going to go through the beer out and I'm not going to have anymore. What
"Wilfred" 51:12
would happen if you did that? Nothing would get on with my life. Yeah, why don't I do it then? Have it? Yeah. All right. Well
Scott Benner 51:21
make a new habit. Yeah, right. Yeah, you're not? I mean, how does the living room look? Could it be clean? We'll make a habit out of vacuuming.
"Wilfred" 51:29
My house is immaculate. All right. Well, then how about about American? My wife would argue with that in my, to my standards. It's your boy
Scott Benner 51:37
standards. I've picked up some things. But I like honestly, I'm obviously no sober counselor.
"Wilfred" 51:45
I don't know. I love your therapy. You're my favorite episodes are the ones when you like almost are or a therapist or someone.
Scott Benner 51:54
I like how I yelled at you, like 20 minutes ago? Because like, I don't think that's supposed to happen in therapy. No, it is. Is it? Well, yeah, I mean, because there's a part of me, there's a voice inside of me that wants to be like, just fucking Stop it man. Like, just, you know, like, you're a reasonable intelligent guy like you, you understand the whole thing. It almost feels like you're willfully doing it. And if it wasn't for the idea that you have addiction issues, I would say, just
"Wilfred" 52:18
well, you could still say it because I do. And I do plan on it. But I'm not there right now.
Scott Benner 52:25
But you don't seem like you love the beer the way it's
"Wilfred" 52:30
not for it's not really for like to get fucked up. Like, you know, like some people use it to, to reach a level and
Scott Benner 52:38
take away their anxiety or get them a high, you're using the weed for that.
"Wilfred" 52:41
Yeah, I'm doing it out of habit. At this point. You're making
Scott Benner 52:45
it make your habit, water with ice. And like drink one of those every couple of hours or so like, seriously, if you think it's that easy to replace, then replace it. Because I think if you remove the beer, you might gain some clarity. And then
"Wilfred" 52:57
it's mentally not like, you know, cuz I'll literally like go to a store. And I'll just put it in the cart. And not even think about it like, Oh, I just you know, it's habit.
Scott Benner 53:09
And it's expensive. So the weed is like I get I get the smoking the weed for like, your anxiety or for stuff like that. But at some point, I mean, you can't hit the you can't hit that Bong, constantly all day long. Can you like I mean, because those kids are gonna get older but not go to school to? I mean, well, yeah, but you're not hiding down on them. But you're not going to hide the smell of weed from them. You do? You don't think I walk in your house right now? I know you've been smoking today. Unless
"Wilfred" 53:39
you go to the cabinet that has it in it.
Scott Benner 53:42
You know that gets in your hair on you or anything like that. Oh,
"Wilfred" 53:45
probably on me. Yeah, go outside.
Scott Benner 53:49
I think maybe it talks. What about smoking? It's not good for you. Yeah. But just a dry vape pen. Would that give you the same hit?
"Wilfred" 53:57
Yeah, no, I'm not. I have been a fan of those. I've tried to the edibles and I've literally like 1000 milligrams and it just doesn't do anything.
Scott Benner 54:06
I've seen some like I've seen a couple of like hardcore stoners use those.
"Wilfred" 54:12
Those drives, I just drive the ideas to come give me one of his I suppose yourself, each
Scott Benner 54:17
LED as To me that's a reference not many people, or maybe people will go I don't know. That's
"Wilfred" 54:22
okay. I get all your references.
Scott Benner 54:26
I just I don't know. Like, I mean, do you really? Like if you separate yourself from yourself again? And you look at yourself, do you think it's going to be okay, if I hit a bong all day long for the rest of my life?
"Wilfred" 54:37
Yeah, you know, I'm probably not going to for the rest of my life. But the you know, the weeds good. I tried to think of how to explain it. So
Scott Benner 54:45
I'm waiting. I'm waiting for an explanation because I don't I mean, I don't know that it's right or wrong. I'm just asking what you think.
"Wilfred" 54:51
I think we I think we're totally fine, but I definitely don't plan on doing it like I do right now for the rest of my life. I'm hoping I'll be able to have, you know, figured out how to manage my anxiety better? Right now just focus on quitting drink?
Scott Benner 55:05
Do you remember the after dark with the stripper? Yes. And I asked her what she eats. And she said Jack and Coke. And then she qualified it by saying she meant doing coke and drinking Jack Daniels is basically her diet. Yeah. And how she was like, oh, it's no problem. Like, there's you know, you know, I'm good like that. She sounds like you like right now, a few months ago, she contacted me to tell me that she stopped like, she's, you know, on the wagon. And she didn't realize about, you know, it's a personal message, maybe. But she said to being on the podcast really helped her like reevaluate herself.
"Wilfred" 55:46
Yeah, you know, kind of hoping what maybe happens here? He I mean, I don't I think I have myself pretty fairly evaluated.
Scott Benner 55:56
No, you actually sound like you do. It's just the at the end of the evaluation. It feels like you're giving me an excuse why it's okay. Yeah.
"Wilfred" 56:04
Oh, no, it's Yeah, I don't think it's, I don't think what I'm doing is okay. But it's, it's not good for me. But it's not good for my kids to see. Right.
Scott Benner 56:12
Yeah. And your relationship with your wife? And like, all that stuff. You don't I mean, like, you have like years to stay together and ignore each other. You don't want to miss that.
"Wilfred" 56:22
So not wrong about that?
Scott Benner 56:25
Do you really want to be high while you're not having sex through your 40s and 50s? Hmm, I want to be higher when I'm I want to be present for those moments. You scare
"Wilfred" 56:33
me? Because I don't know. I'm just hearing about my future sex life just
Scott Benner 56:38
here to scare people. That's my job. Hilarious. Can you tell me a little bit about like, being a pretty consistent day drinker? You know, smoking weed the way you do and managing diabetes? Like so. You said you're doing that? I think how's that going? reason
"Wilfred" 56:54
I'm still doing the self management the way I'm doing is probably because I'm still oh, what? What is still going through the steps of grief?
Scott Benner 57:04
She's like, No, that's very possible. For sure. Like
"Wilfred" 57:07
it's been so it's been over a year, but it's it's been the hardest year, you know, and I gotten really good at it. Thanks to your podcast. You know, standard deviation isn't great, but the kids for? He's got a 6.0 a one C so well, good for you. I'm trying to go lower. I'm aiming for five, seven, that's what I'm going to be happy. He's Omnipod, five, Omnipod? Five, Dexcom? Six.
Scott Benner 57:37
Okay. How did you accomplish that? Like, where did that? Where did that all start? Like coming out of the hospital? First couple of months,
"Wilfred" 57:45
we left the hospital. We didn't have anything. We were like, they were saying we're hopeful we're gonna get you a Dexcom. And I was like, okay. So it was like, you know, we left the hospital, we're gonna go to the BDC, three days in a row for training. On the first day, they were like, This is what we're doing today, learning about injections and all that. And then hopefully, tomorrow, we'll have a Dexcom for you. And they actually had Dexcom, I think, before we left, they were like, here's the Dexcom. So we had the Dexcom right away, which was great. Had the Omni pod lined up after we you know, because they're like, do you want t slim or Omni pod? Those are the ones that were we have here that your insurance approves or whatever else I did my research, don't want tubes obviously had the Omni pod for like five to seven months, I forget exactly how long it was. But we had it for a long time without using it. And I looked back and I'm kind of grateful that I didn't use it for a long time because I learned a lot about how the insulin effect is his body. But also that thing really helps you sleep. So I regret not putting it on sooner for that reason. Every time I go into the Endo, which has been a few times now they're like, Oh, so you made this change. They're very cool with it. They're like awesome. He looks like he's doing good. Do you have any questions? And I'm like, No. Do you need any prescriptions? You know, that's it? Like, it's, I did not think I would be there when that kind of bricks fell on me that day.
Scott Benner 59:19
Does that give you a feeling of accomplishment?
"Wilfred" 59:22
A little bit. A little bit of I'm not there yet. Cuz, you know, standard deviations. Not great. He's, it's like, I think in the 30s or 40s. My goal is to be between five five and five, seven. So people I talk to they're like, oh, that's your you're killing yourself doing that. I'm like, but I'm saving him so I don't care.
Scott Benner 59:44
Well, listen, I think you're doing a really good job with this. And, you know, I think that it's not easy to learn. You learned very quickly, you know, standard deviation, you'll that'll come along, you know,
"Wilfred" 59:56
yeah. Well that's I already know why that's happening because he's a tough otherwise, sometimes we don't Pre-Bolus You know, I know why it's happening. It's
Scott Benner 1:00:04
but you're able to manage a spike back down without causing a low.
"Wilfred" 1:00:07
Yeah, that's a lot. Sometimes there's a low but yeah, but that's
Scott Benner 1:00:11
a lot. Man, you've you've, you've come a long way in a short time. I
"Wilfred" 1:00:15
know, I just can't wait for them to like, do a little bit more. Like the day he comes to me. Like, when you sit around was like, Is there anything I can do that can help and you were like, stopped eating cereal. If he does that. I'm gonna bawl my eyes out. Like, why? Because it's, it'll be the day that he's like, hey, it's I'm trying to do everything without trying to let him be a kid right now. You know, like, I don't want him to think about his diabetes, although he's very, very possessive of his diabetes. We were thinking about checking his sister's blood sugar. And he goes, No, no, this is my blood sugars. No, he wouldn't let us check her sugars.
Scott Benner 1:00:52
The dirty little kid my meter. Yeah.
"Wilfred" 1:00:56
He's, he's very proud of it everywhere. He goes, Hi, I'm, you know, and then he's OS X as I, he Hi, I'm my name. And I have diabetes. Yeah. So you did, buddy. That's wonderful.
Scott Benner 1:01:09
It I mean, listen, that's wonderful. I can't let you off the hook for not giving yourself credit for yet. Like, what do you what do you have to get to to give yourself credit? Like you came a really long way in a difficult thing in a short amount of time?
"Wilfred" 1:01:20
I don't know. When I quit see into hundreds.
Scott Benner 1:01:25
Yeah. All right. Well, good luck. He's got diabetes, you're gonna see that sometimes you don't I mean,
"Wilfred" 1:01:30
yeah, I know. But when I quit seeing it on a daily basis, or on a on a meal to meal basis,
Scott Benner 1:01:36
could I get you to give yourself credit for how far you've come so far? 100% I'm doing great. Yeah,
"Wilfred" 1:01:42
I really think you are. Yeah, nearly lost it on the Walmart lady the other day, though, cuz she was like, he goes, I am. And I have diabetes. And she goes, my husband has that. I'm so so sorry that you're dealing with and I was like, Are you can you not be negative right now? This kid just is very happy. And you're coming down. Like, stop it.
Scott Benner 1:02:04
Did you want to die? 500 to be like, Heck, yeah. diabetes? Up top baby. No. Wish you probably could have that. What might have been the kids energy? Yeah. Well, in fairness, you hadn't had a beer in an hour and a half. So you might have been a little touchy. No, no, I'm just, that's true.
"Wilfred" 1:02:23
I always go shopping before that, you know, Oh,
Scott Benner 1:02:26
okay. Yeah. We're not drinking and driving with the kids, right? Absolutely.
"Wilfred" 1:02:30
Not even without the kids.
Scott Benner 1:02:33
Even without the kids. I don't even do that. On my own time, baby. Well, good for you. Come on. I got to be a little response. Well, there's, you know, there's gonna be a modicum of people listening to this that are like, you know, you didn't treat this very seriously Scott and stuff like that, but I will listen, I'm gonna tell you this. I think we're treating.
"Wilfred" 1:02:49
I love you, Scott. I don't care.
Scott Benner 1:02:51
I thank you. I think we're treating it very seriously. I think that this is an honest conversation about how a person in your situation feels and lives. And you know, to sit around and pretend otherwise is and I
"Wilfred" 1:03:03
just think there's probably somebody out there who's somebody like that somebody?
Scott Benner 1:03:08
I think every third person is like, I tell you
"Wilfred" 1:03:12
what, if that person is out there, and you want to reach out to Scott who can then reach out to me, that's fine. I'm down.
Scott Benner 1:03:19
Okay, listen, what do you have put me what am I your secretary? What just happened to
"Wilfred" 1:03:24
be middle man in this situation? You know, I don't want every but if somebody's going through that, you know, I don't want everybody to know my info, but I'll give somebody like that. I could hook up with them. Let's do this together. So basically,
Scott Benner 1:03:35
I'm running like a day drinker. Tinder template. Yeah. So you guys can all find each other. Good. Find out where your beer sales are, whatever. Like, why involved? I got a business already. I don't need that. But honestly, like, I find these conversations to be the most valuable. Like because, you know, somebody can come on here and say, like what you're supposed to say,
"Wilfred" 1:03:59
I think somebody might be my situation and not even know that they're like, Oh, are
Scott Benner 1:04:04
you kidding? Me? People are like, Wait, you can't drink a beer every two hours. Why not? You know, like, that's I like to drink it is refreshing. Or is that didn't help now. But like, you know, you can see it after talking to you like you can see the pattern of events, right, like you grow up in a weird household. There's the addictive nature with your mom, you know, even though she wasn't around you very long, you know, either rubs off
"Wilfred" 1:04:33
when trauma happens, it's almost impossible to escape it. Yeah.
Scott Benner 1:04:37
But it rubs off on you and or it's genetic to some level, like we're a mixture of the two whatever. You know, by the time you're 18 you're smoking weed, then you get put into a weird circumstance where you're having to like help a closeted gay man. Get dressed, who's got Parkinson's, and then you have like, just the anxiety and stress of that is already You do too much for young person, then there's the weird thing that happens, which it ramps it up. I wouldn't start drinking right there. So like, I'm like, but I'm not I don't have that kind of. That's the difference, right? Like, right, but you're just like, let's go. Like I got a lot of weirdness going on here a lot. I was
"Wilfred" 1:05:17
20 years old. I was like, my mom's an alcoholic, but I can do this, like, I'm gonna show her that it's
Scott Benner 1:05:22
easy. Do you really thought that? Like I can, like I can do this responsibly? 100% Yeah. Not a fear. I guess not. If you've got alcoholism like that. There's no, I'm not doing that.
"Wilfred" 1:05:34
And then the, you know, I do really good. Like, I've had almost a year sober at times. But this disease, like, once it happens, it's like, there's almost like it almost creates more traumas that you're, you don't realize they're happening. Like, right, right after his diagnosis. He didn't have a solid stool for three or four months. So we were constantly changing shitty sheets. And like, just he was had shipped blowouts three times a day, like he had what's called toddler's diarrhea, or into the pediatrician. And then he started having night terrors. And it's like, When is this gonna end?
Scott Benner 1:06:10
Yeah, that's not fun. Yeah, and then that pushes on you, and then you kind of fall into your stuff, then.
"Wilfred" 1:06:17
Yeah, night terrors is the worst. Like, there's nothing worse than your kid being like, almost, it seems like he's conscious. But he's freaking out, like monsters are trying to grab them. And you're like,
Scott Benner 1:06:31
probably having his own response to whatever happened. Yeah, you know, well, but now the thing is, is that if you look back at your own story, and then look at where you are, now, you have a finite amount of time right here to stop this from being your kids story. That's the thing. That I mean, that's where you're at, honestly, right. Yeah. So I think you got to do something.
"Wilfred" 1:06:55
Well, you know, I think my mom's method of scaring she she's doing the scare tactic. I think that's what she's trying to do. She's like, this is where you're gonna end up if you keep going. I
Scott Benner 1:07:08
think your mom is smoking crack to try to help you. It's a joke. That's optimistic. I'll show the kids what they don't want to be. Yep. Yeah, that didn't work for you guys. Like, you know, some people say like, so I should probably not try to take that tactic. Yeah, I don't think it's a I mean, it's a proven loser is what I'm saying here. As far as a tactic goes. Yeah, isn't it funny, some people see a behavior and they go towards it. And some people see behavior, and they run away from it. You are going you're going towards it. I went away from it. And then I was like, dang, I gotta go back. It's fine. I can do it looks I can manage it. So I'm going to be better than Yeah. Wrong. What would be a good replacement for the beer? I don't want to get an awful lot
"Wilfred" 1:07:53
more stuff to clean cuz I like to clean.
Scott Benner 1:07:57
That's a little tight by the cleaning thing.
"Wilfred" 1:07:58
I'm a little I'm a little, a little bit of a pain. Yeah, that
Scott Benner 1:08:02
happened a little bit. I mean, I just think I think you got a
"Wilfred" 1:08:05
wife thinks I'm OCD. But my therapist says I'm not so you have a therapist. I don't. That's another thing I was gonna bring up. I got we got one. Shortly after diagnosis and our insurance at the time only covered? Like for free sessions. Yeah, per person. So I was like, oh, like every three months or something. And I got like three of them out of the way real quick, because I didn't realize that at the time. And I was like, well, I'll save my last one. Now that I know, that's the case. And now we're on we got a better insurance plan. So we're both going back. Good. Well, that's a good that's what that's my next plan is.
Scott Benner 1:08:42
Can I make a suggestion? Don't make a plan. Just get off the call with me and then call the therapist and make an appointment. I think you need to plan. You're not the eighth team. You know what I mean? Well,
"Wilfred" 1:08:51
all right. Yeah. I'm waiting on some referrals at the moment. Okay.
Scott Benner 1:08:55
Yeah. But go towards it as fast as you can. Yeah. I'm
"Wilfred" 1:08:58
not gonna I'm not gonna sit on it. My wife is in charge right now. She's the one who's handling that. So I'm probably going to have an appointment next week. You know, excellent.
Scott Benner 1:09:06
That's great. I love that for you. I love that.
"Wilfred" 1:09:10
She looked into it after our insurance rolled over and she goes, it looks like we just have a little bit of a copay now for therapy and it's not that bad. And I was like, okay, and she goes, I want to reach out and she's Yeah, she's she's a badass.
Scott Benner 1:09:23
That's wonderful. I mean, it sounds like she really cares and she's trying to get everybody you know, I mean, since she stuck with you she would rather you probably be okay I'm gonna shank him yet.
"Wilfred" 1:09:34
I don't think maybe when we went maybe when little man can take care of himself she might
Scott Benner 1:09:41
just biding your time so smother you with a pillow says kids just letting me do
"Wilfred" 1:09:44
my job now. One day I'm gonna teach
Scott Benner 1:09:48
you one of them the vacuum and the other one to cook and then you're done. She probably got plans. Oh, I would imagine probably like drawn out like that. In Mallrats like blueprints and everything. If there's a reference, I knew you're gonna go. I did. And then pick any bam,
"Wilfred" 1:10:09
I get all your older references because I was like, my, my grandma was my main influence in my life after my mom pieced out my grandma would take care of us when my dad works. So she I would watch a lot of old shows. So I get all the references. Lovely.
Scott Benner 1:10:26
Oh, good. She and she sounded lonely. So she had time for you guys.
"Wilfred" 1:10:32
I don't know if she was
Scott Benner 1:10:34
well, bored. Maybe at the very good into. You know, before we started recording, we were like, you were like, I don't think I should use my name. I'm gonna say some stuff. Probably that, you know, maybe I don't want to be attached. Sure it was gonna come out. But did it actually come out? Or is there other stuff? Oh, I'm
"Wilfred" 1:10:51
sure there. I mean, there's definitely more.
Scott Benner 1:10:54
That's a world that is so interesting, where you said all that crazy stuff. And you're like, there's more. But when you think you don't, you don't have to tell me what all this stuff is. People are like, shut up and let them talk. But, but like, can you see how those things led you to where you are?
"Wilfred" 1:11:09
Oh, yeah. Those things and the influences that those things like? are like, yeah, yeah, I can see where they lead me.
Scott Benner 1:11:19
It's mental illness and addiction that kind of pushed your life in this direction. Do you think that happened to your mom as well that she had that going on? And in her parenting? I
"Wilfred" 1:11:29
don't know. Because I don't know enough about like, like her parents helped raise me more than she did. Which is kind of weird. I know more about them than I actually do about her. But they were not willing. They had never talked about I'll share my stuff. Yeah, like about what was happening? How
Scott Benner 1:11:47
does your mom support herself? She's 60 years old ish, and doesn't work and as a craft as welfare pays for crack?
"Wilfred" 1:11:54
I don't She's living with some, some guy who's old, like she is. And I think he might have some, like Veterans Assistance or something as well. And like, she, I don't know, I really, I really don't because I haven't talked to her in so long. But these are just assumptions that I'm making. Because listen,
Scott Benner 1:12:14
let me say this, just pull yourself together just so that one day you don't live with some old guy who has Veterans Assistance. Like you say never, but I don't know what's gonna happen to you. You don't either. Like you're doing wrong. Yeah. So I'm saying like, don't put your foot via cloud on the other side, there will be a clown on the other side of that door. And that clown might be a veteran who's like, Hey, if you sit here and do this, I'll pay the bills. And you're like, oh, okay, I guess I'm doing it. But seriously, like, like, give yourself some agency that make, you know, make decisions that allow you to make decisions. This
"Wilfred" 1:12:47
therapy is going to help a lot. I've done it before. It's been a long time since I've been when I got to go for those three sessions. The first one I really liked. But then we found out that she was also going to see my wife. And so I was like, well, I'll just go to a different person. And I did not like the second guy. So I'm going to my wife is going to set up something. I think she's like, You need to see a female. I don't think you can be honest with a man. And I was like, Oh, I don't know. I just think men are more. Like, just do this and do that. And you know, I want to cry sometimes. So I can stuff like that. And yeah, I don't need I don't want that. I want to cry. Yeah. Sounds like you need a guy who had all the fields because those episodes Oh,
Scott Benner 1:13:33
yeah. No, there's a lot of a lot of crying in Josh's episodes. But yeah, you need a mother figure to like, open up to where I don't think this is like, like any deep thinking on my part, right? Oh, no. Yeah, you already know. You already have my dad.
"Wilfred" 1:13:49
My wife has made it very clear. I have mommy issues. Yeah. No, I was pretty aware of it to before but
Scott Benner 1:13:57
I just I'd like to be I honestly, I'd like to see you be able to just go out without having a smoke.
I think that'd be a big deal for you.
You know, that scares? You? Know,
"Wilfred" 1:14:08
don't scare me at all. Okay, I think that'd be a big deal just doesn't seem appealing.
Scott Benner 1:14:12
Now, listen, I'll make a short list of things in life that aren't appealing. But I like you're not drinking the beer and going out once in a while straight and I bet you that moves you in the right direction.
"Wilfred" 1:14:22
Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, I was. I'm gonna get there. I'm not too worried about it. Well,
Scott Benner 1:14:29
I hope you check back in with me in a year and you tell me a story about how this all worked out? Or you can come back on and tell me how to cook rock. Okay, whichever ends up being your path.
"Wilfred" 1:14:40
Oh, probably not. It'll be growing mushrooms or something. Oh, yeah.
Scott Benner 1:14:44
Well keep it more of the hippie level.
"Wilfred" 1:14:46
Yeah, uppers aren't my thing.
Scott Benner 1:14:49
Why is cocaine so prevalent now? I
"Wilfred" 1:14:52
don't know. But it is. I didn't I've done it. I've done crack. I don't like it. I just they're not my thing. I've I've done everything but heroin and meth. So, I'm saving those for when I die smoke the crack or you shoot it. I smoked it. I've never shot anything. I'm not fancy. Okay, believe it or not before all this happened, I had a needle phobia. I know like it might have had something to do drag to push a plunger into my friends all I
Scott Benner 1:15:17
thought for sure, like when you said that you were going to be like, that's why I had to get my kid at Omni pod Omni pod.com forward slash juice box when you have any definitely,
"Wilfred" 1:15:23
although you should. Omnipod is the best. Thank you.
Scott Benner 1:15:27
I don't know if you're selling for me right now. They're
"Wilfred" 1:15:29
probably like I could sell for you all day. I like all your products. So
Scott Benner 1:15:32
you don't think that the company right now is like not this guy. Not that Dexcom under the bus? You don't you don't think that companies are like, oh, yeah, we want to be the we definitely want to be the preferred product of day drinking weed smokers. But actually, you know what you might want to be the preferred
"Wilfred" 1:15:50
to work out to you want to reach out to a better health on this. Better
Scott Benner 1:15:55
help? Yeah. Oh, by the way, I do have a better help link better health.com/juice box if you want to get 20% off your first. Is that first month of therapy? I think it is. Yeah, it's such a weird thing having a podcast. Like when you started, I wish I
"Wilfred" 1:16:09
had the ability. Like I don't know, I don't have the social skills that you do. But it would be a convenient way to work from home. I feel like it actually
Scott Benner 1:16:18
is a very convenient way to work from home. But if you can't come up with gems, like, if it's hard, the angles easy, then you're not going to be able to do this, because that's really that's next level stuff.
"Wilfred" 1:16:29
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I'm not I'm not there. That's why I listen and don't.
Scott Benner 1:16:33
I'm a modern day. Henny Youngman over here. So but never
"Wilfred" 1:16:38
be on this podcast. And I heard in Africa, and I was like, maybe what are
Scott Benner 1:16:42
you? What does that say that again? I was I listened
"Wilfred" 1:16:45
to a lot of the episodes. I started from number one. And I was like, I could never be on this podcast. Like dudes too awesome. Like, he just knows so much. Like, I feel like an idiot. And then the first afterdark came on, and I was like, I could totally, I
Scott Benner 1:16:57
could do one of these. Yeah, I swear to God, this would I would do more of these. But they're not as popular as you would think they are the people who love the after darks really love them. But they get skipped a little bit by like, 15% of the audience. Yeah,
"Wilfred" 1:17:12
that's annoying, is there's a lot of valuable information in there for and I don't think people even realize it.
Scott Benner 1:17:17
I think so to actually but you know, everybody doesn't love everything. So that's fine. So that's why I tried to literally
"Wilfred" 1:17:22
skipped one of your episodes. And it's just because I couldn't stand the girls voice. I'm not going to say which one it was because I told
Scott Benner 1:17:29
you, but you'll tell me when we stopped the recording. Oh, yeah. Okay, thank
"Wilfred" 1:17:32
you. But you gotta give me some sort of gem that other other listeners aren't going to get for six months.
Scott Benner 1:17:37
I mean, listen, if I had chips, I'd send you on for sure. Yeah, like, you know what it means? Like, I just, I thought about that before, by the way, giving out prizes for listening to the entire pot because people come to me sometimes, like, I just finished the whole podcast and I'm like, wait, what? Like, I That's wonderful. Like, first of all, I can't tell you how nice that feels. But you know, to me, but the other side of is like, I've, I've like I've told my kids and they're like, Oh, that's too much of you. And I'm like,
"Wilfred" 1:18:04
I can't give you too much credit because I'm the kind of person that would have figured this out. But I would not have figured it out in a month. Like
Scott Benner 1:18:12
yeah, the podcast actually helped you like draw it all together that quick. Oh, it's
"Wilfred" 1:18:16
sped it up like crazy. I in the first month I was like I don't I don't I've I've listened to all the management episodes. I'm literally listening to it for therapy at this point. I know what I'm doing. I'm just it's therapy at this point for me. I
Scott Benner 1:18:30
hear that from a lot of people actually just listening for the comfort and everything but it so quick. Let me put this out here to other people who are like I can't figure out diabetes. This guy did he's a little drunk and high almost constantly and he's afraid to meet a person at a walking Park and he got out pretty sure any smoke smoked crack before and and he's got it figured out I want to know what your excuses Okay, seriously Can I get a review that says now? I don't know. I would love I would love a review that said I've smoked crack and even I understand the diabetes information in this puck. He's gonna do me a favor if you don't do that, by the way. But I think that would be my favorite review better than the one who said I love the podcast. It's so helpful, but I don't like the guy.
"Wilfred" 1:19:31
Got to admit, I think the first couple episodes I was like, I your sarcasm took a little while to get used
Scott Benner 1:19:36
to. Yeah, I could probably be off putting if you don't know. I'm
"Wilfred" 1:19:41
pretty sarcastic but I'm not as sarcastic so I was just a little bit like I got used to it pretty quick.
Scott Benner 1:19:46
I've got an East Coast sarcasm that's it's very finely refined. It's not it's not for the faint of heart. And especially, you know, those people in the West Coast. They can't like although I'm gonna set me I don't like to equate myself to the pocket. The podcast is really popular in California. But anyway, I love you guys. I love everybody. I can't believe how many. I can't believe that if I pulled up a list of where this podcast was heard that it includes 48 different countries.
"Wilfred" 1:20:11
It's insane. I know. I was like, one of your episodes you go into in the end, like how many people in the countries and I'm just like astonished. Yeah, no, no, I
Scott Benner 1:20:22
am to just die. So you're you're really
"Wilfred" 1:20:24
great with accents. Where do you think I'm from? Oh, why would we don't want to say though? Oh, no, but you don't think you're gonna guess where I'm actually where I was born? Oh,
Scott Benner 1:20:35
there's a little like Canadian, Minnesota in some of the things you say? No, seriously? Yeah, just a tiny little bit that mom. And and I hear from way far away from that. Hold on. And I hear a little bit of Seattle to note now where do you want to tell me if we can bleep it out?
"Wilfred" 1:20:54
It's a huge state. So it doesn't matter. It's Texas.
Scott Benner 1:20:57
But you're from Texas. That's how you found Florida. So easy. I was right there. I
"Wilfred" 1:21:03
think my southern has left me I guess
Scott Benner 1:21:05
there's no southern I get a little bit like almost Canadian once in a while. But your step Mom's got that vibe. Yeah, she's up there in the north. I think you picked it up a little bit from her maybe? I think so. Yeah, the attitude was more like Oregon. So that's why I was guessing like Washington.
"Wilfred" 1:21:22
Very hippie, I guess I would say so. That makes sense. Yeah.
Scott Benner 1:21:25
No, I mean, that's fair. I've seen your mustache. Yeah, have to buy products for that or does it? No, no, that's that's pretty impressive. Seriously, that's a very masculine mustache.
"Wilfred" 1:21:39
I that's a that's a summertime thing in the winter. I have I let it grow.
Scott Benner 1:21:44
I have to tell you something. If that mustache is natural like that. Let bushiness. I see what your grandfather was reaching for.
Let's leave it at that. Go ahead
and find another podcast and I'll make fun of a man for being hit on by his grandfather. You're not gonna find it.
"Wilfred" 1:22:01
Yeah, dementia, you know, you gotta give him a little bit of Listen, we
Scott Benner 1:22:04
won't be looked like a boy. He knew one day you know what I mean? He didn't know who I don't think he
"Wilfred" 1:22:10
said my name. So
Scott Benner 1:22:13
my god, get go to therapy. I appreciate you doing this. My one let down here is that we were going to do this one, like, not like a bleep to Napoli version of it, and you really didn't curse that much.
"Wilfred" 1:22:26
You know, I think it's, um, it was raised by my grandma. I don't curse naturally a lot. But like I do. If I'm like, like, if I'm talking about you like and what you don't for me, and I say I love you. Yeah, it doesn't. That's not working for me. I have to say like, I fucking love you. Like, I cannot leave the eff out in a situation like that. But, and most of the time I tried. You know, my grandma's probably watching me. I don't know. I'm not religious. But I still feel that way. So
Scott Benner 1:22:53
I still think that lady's looking down on you hurt. Her
"Wilfred" 1:22:56
energy is out there. And I don't want I don't Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:22:59
you don't want to hear you're saying motherfucker or something like that.
"Wilfred" 1:23:03
Not all the time. What's your line? Only if it means something? Well, it's gotta mean something. What
Scott Benner 1:23:08
word would you not say?
"Wilfred" 1:23:10
No, I don't have a line. My favorite word is Conte. Okay.
Scott Benner 1:23:13
I didn't know you're going right there. But okay. Right now for stopping before you get me to say my favorite curse words and then people stop listening to the podcast or like I used to like that guy. But he said his favorite curse word and it made me very uncomfortable. Alright, man, you were great. Wilford. I think you did the real world for Brimley. A real service here. What? What an homage.
"Wilfred" 1:23:35
Anybody who's offended by that? Yeah,
Scott Benner 1:23:38
get over it. Also, Wilford Brimley had a hell of a mustache?
"Wilfred" 1:23:41
He did. He did.
Scott Benner 1:23:44
Damn. All right. Well, then you're the wars. Cuckoo good show. What are we going to call this one? I mean, it's an after dark, but is it after dark?
"Wilfred" 1:23:51
Don't touch me. Grandfathers call me grandpa.
Scott Benner 1:23:54
I don't think we could do that. Okay, we're gonna think about this. Maybe I'll just go with I Am the Walrus. Work. Alright, it's good to talk to you, man. I really appreciate you doing this. Sincerely.
"Wilfred" 1:24:07
I appreciate you man. Take care. Thank you.
Scott Benner 1:24:10
Hold on one second. A huge thanks to a longtime sponsor touched by type one please check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and at touched by type one.org. If you're looking to support an organization that's supporting people with type one diabetes, check out touched by type on today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by Dexcom, makers of the Dexcom G seven and G six continuous glucose monitoring systems. dexcom.com/juicebox Jalen is an incredible example of what so many experience living with diabetes. You show up for yourself and others every day, never letting diabetes define you. And that is what the Medtronic champion community is all about. Each of us is strong. On And together, we're even stronger. To hear more stories from the Medtronic champion community where to share your own story, visit Medtronic diabetes.com/juicebox And look out online for the hashtag Medtronic champion. If you're not already subscribed or following in your favorite audio app, please take the time now to do that. It really helps the show and get those automatic downloads set up so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much for listening. I'll be back very soon with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast. The episode you just heard was professionally edited by wrong way recording. Wrong way recording.com
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