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#1089 Freeze Dried Skittles

Podcast Episodes

The Juicebox Podcast is from the writer of the popular diabetes parenting blog Arden's Day and the award winning parenting memoir, 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal: Confessions of a Stay-At-Home Dad'. Hosted by Scott Benner, the show features intimate conversations of living and parenting with type I diabetes.

#1089 Freeze Dried Skittles

Scott Benner

Robin has type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto’s and a bit of land.

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends, and welcome to episode 1089 of the Juicebox Podcast.

On today's podcast I'll be speaking with Robin she's 61 years old, and has had type one diabetes for just over two years. And I cannot wait for you to find out why this episode title is freeze dried Skittles. Nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. When you place your first order for ag one with my link, you'll get five free travel packs and a free year's supply of vitamin D. Drink ag box. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy All you have to do is use the offer code juice box at checkout that's juice box at checkout to save 40% at cozy If you're not already subscribed or following in your favorite audio app, please take the time now to do that it really helps the show and get those automatic downloads set up so you never miss an episode

A huge thanks to a longtime sponsor touched by type one, please check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and at touched by type If you're looking to support an organization that's supporting people with type one diabetes, check out touched by type one. Having an easy to use and accurate blood glucose meter is just one click away. Contour next That's right. Today's episode is sponsored by the contour next gen blood glucose meter.

Robin 2:03
Hi, Scott. My name is Robin and here we go. Nice

Scott Benner 2:08
Robin how? Let's see how old are you?

Robin 2:11

Scott Benner 2:13
And how long have you had type one?

Robin 2:16
A little over two years?

Scott Benner 2:17
Wow. You were diagnosed when you were like 5859? Yep. 59. Wow. And you're 61 Now other autoimmune in your family. Where do you have any other autoimmune? Yes,

Robin 2:30
I was digging through my charts. You know, my online where you can go in and look. And I've had it doesn't say how she motos it doesn't say it says actually in my in my chart, autoimmune hypothyroidism. And I've had that since I was 27. Okay,

Scott Benner 2:49
have you been taking Synthroid the entire time? I have. Do you have any problems at all? With medications? needing to be adjusted symptoms returning anything like that through your life? Yeah,

Robin 3:03
every so often and I can tell when my thyroid is is acting up or my medicine is off and I just go get a you know bloodwork and we adjust my meds.

Scott Benner 3:12
What sticks out to you is something that says to you, oh, something's wrong with my thyroid medication.

Robin 3:17
I get it. I'm tired all the time. Because that's not me. If I'm tired all the time, then I know that that something is off.

Scott Benner 3:24
Okay. How many times through your life? Do you think that happened? Oh, probably for maybe four or five. Have you had children? One one was ever or was it around the pregnancy at all?

Robin 3:36
Yep, I was 27 when I had him. Oh my goodness. That

Scott Benner 3:40
kid gave you Hashimotos okay, we figured that out now. We just was it? Was the Hashimotos diagnosed after the birth? Yes. That's what happened to Kelly. Really? Yeah. She made Arden? Well, I think yeah, I think it was, I think it might have been Arden birth that really got her. But I'm trying to think back. If they asked her one day, I'll have her on the podcast. I'll ask her. They'll be cool. Yeah. And we'll find out if it started happening sooner than that. We can look at pictures and try to figure it out that way. Yeah. Okay. So that's how you've been handling that. Did you put the Hashimotos together with the type one? Being alone? No,

Robin 4:25
not until. Not until I started listening to your podcast. I did not. Okay.

Scott Benner 4:30
And is there other thyroid or issues with autoimmune in your family?

Robin 4:35

Scott Benner 4:36
What do you got? My

Robin 4:38
mom has Hashimoto and she has scleroderma. And my paternal aunt had scleroderma. And my paternal other aunt has Hashimotos there's something out Raynaud's My mom doesn't have scleroderma. She has Raynaud's

Scott Benner 5:04
your mom has right. Okay. Yeah. The sclera dome as the like on the skin, right? Yeah,

Robin 5:11
your your skin gets real hard like my aunt's fingers were all deformed she couldn't. And then she couldn't like pick a pencil up her fingers were just gnarly and cold. Like my mom has to wear gloves when she's like getting stuff out of the freezer. Because it's painful. It's extremely painful. My aunt also had Raynaud's along with the scleroderma. Wow.

Scott Benner 5:36
So if your mom's hand starts to get cold, it just runs in that direction and becomes painful and she can't stop it right away. Exactly. You can't back up the sclera DOMA also like connective tissue, I think too. That's where the kind of like I don't, I don't know a lot about it. Yeah. About a welfare look into it while we're talking. Okay, so I mean, it's fair to say 59 years old, you thought you were cruising, right?

Robin 6:01
Oh. Watch my language. If

Scott Benner 6:07
you curse, we'll just take it out. Don't worry. So So tell me a little bit about being diagnosed. What was the first thing you noticed? And what got you to the doctor?

Robin 6:16
extreme weight loss, I had lost almost 30 pounds. And people kept telling me go to the doctor. No, I probably have cancer. I'm not going to the doctor. But my mom got me to the doctor. So yeah. So the did you know, I'm losing all this weight? So she's like, Oh, we're gonna have to, you know, adjust your it's probably your thyroid. So they did the blood work came back that my agency was 12.9%. Typical, older person diagnosis put me on Metformin. That made me extremely nauseous. So I went back. Let's see, I got a timeline here, march 1 of 2021. I started the Metformin on March 16. I went back and you can get any more. So they gave me Januvia. And I was fine on that. And then on April 1, I had my first meeting with my diabetes nurse educator. And she, she's reading all the stuff talking, she's like, you are not presenting as a type, type two, I think you need to get some testing done. So I went back to the doctor on April 2, that was the next day. So she gave me two jails, which is a Basal insulin, and started me on 15 units. That was way too much.

Scott Benner 7:38
That was way too much. Yeah. Were you experiencing? re experiencing any kind of a honeymoon that you're aware of?

Robin 7:45
Not that I'm aware of. Okay.

Scott Benner 7:47
Just 15 years just in general is to me, You know what, Robin? It surprises me. Of course, I know you through a tiny little picture right on Instagram, Facebook that you chose probably the way we all chose our pictures like this is the best picture I've ever taken. I'll use this one. But But I think if he was a slender person, am I

Robin 8:07
yep, I was I was slender. So 30 pounds was a lot. Yeah, it was probably only like 108

Scott Benner 8:14
Oh, okay, that's what I was trying to get at. And so you you really didn't think you had cancer, didn't you? Oh, boy. How come you didn't want to go to the doctor?

Robin 8:25
I don't know. I know Knowledge is power. But ignorance is bliss. You know?

Scott Benner 8:30
Gotcha. Yeah. Baby, I run right to the doctor.

Robin 8:37
So so the 15 units, you know, there's a, there's a diabetes specialist in the clinic that I go to. She's mostly deals with type twos. But I called her and I'm like, I'm, I mean, one day, I was done working in the garden. And I said, Wow, I feel pretty funny. And that's like, I don't know how many yards it is. I'd have to ask my husband but it's quite a hike back up to the house by the time I got my contour out. And I was at 26. So So I called I called the clinic. I'm like, I think I'm taking too much insulin, so I didn't because I didn't have an endo appointment until July 19. Yeah, that was as soon as they could get me in. So so

Scott Benner 9:17
you're just shooting the Basal insulin at that point? Yeah, yeah, but that was way too much. I mean, I mean, are you still around 110 pounds or have you put some weight back? Well,

Robin 9:29
I initially once I got the Novolog and in the to jail, I got back up to about 97 for about four or five days and I'm stuck at 85 pounds. I am stuck here. I eat and eat and eat and I cannot.

Scott Benner 9:48
Robin Robin you went from like 130 pounds to 85 No 108 108 Excuse me to 285 Yeah. Wow. Wow. Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah, that's uh, how tall are you? You must be three feet tall.

Robin 10:06
Nope, I'm too tall for my weight. I'm five foot one. Okay.

Scott Benner 10:08
Wow. And so you would like to have more weight? I'm trying.

Robin 10:12
Yeah. Okay. Yes. That's interest. 20 pounds, it would be fantastic.

Scott Benner 10:17
Is it possible you've got too much Synthroid.

Robin 10:23
Could you be by no by get tested? Every six months? I get tested for the, the thyroid and a onesie.

Scott Benner 10:31
Yeah, that's excellent. By the way. I'd like to say I hope everybody with a thyroid issue is getting tested every six months. Wow. Okay, well, good luck, but they take you out to dinner and see what we can get accomplished. Okay, so they adjust your Basal insulin, you finally get to the doctor in July. What is I mean, that's kind of the real beginning of your journey. I guess. What, what did you Yeah, yeah.

Robin 10:53
Yeah. Because she walks in. She says, any concerns? I said, I need to, I need to get into my and she said, Don't worry, I'll make you fat. Like, okay, here we go. She gave me Novolog. So take this 15 minutes before you eat. That was, I was I'm amazed that people aren't told to Pre-Bolus because that's one of the first thing she said to me. Um, I was on a one to 40 ICR insulin to carb ratio. And I think I was down to nine units of TJ Oh, by then I just kept lowering myself down and down. I don't Yeah, that was gone way too low. So and

Scott Benner 11:29
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Robin 12:40
I didn't get my get my time when I got my Omnipod on September 30 of 2022. So I was MDI until then,

Scott Benner 12:48
okay. Was it tough being diagnosed during COVID? No, no. didn't change anything for you as doctor's appointments or anything like that?

Robin 12:57
No, everything was over zero. Okay. Oh, okay.

Scott Benner 13:01
Wow, you were no kidding.

Robin 13:04
Except the end Oh, my endo appointment was was in person.

Scott Benner 13:07
Okay. That's interesting. That is really interesting, actually. Okay, so you are shooting, you've got your basil down, things are starting to go better? Do you have them? I'm interested in your I don't mean this like this problem. But at your age, right? We've got like, six decades of life experience. Is it? Is it hard to find out you have type one? Well,

Robin 13:31
I lived for what a month as a type two. And that sucked in I have written in the group. I'd rather be a type one, type two. And people are like, Wow, are you crazy? I mean, I can eat anything I want as a type one as a type two. I was struggling. So I guess until you have lived it. You don't get it. But yes, it's hard.

Scott Benner 13:55
You had trouble because of trying to manipulate your diet. Yes, yeah. Yes. You find yourself giving things up. And you wanted them back. Like that kind of stuff?

Robin 14:06
Yeah. I felt like I had to give up everything. Just to keep my blood sugar down. And yeah, I was walking and walking in Washington and yeah, no, I'll take the insulin. Yeah,

Scott Benner 14:21
how about that, but it's an interesting perspective. I've also I'm also having a lot of experiences with food lately, because I'm taking we go V for weight loss, right. And at the same time, my wife is taking it my brother is on ozempic for his type two. And so like I'm watching a lot of people who I have close contact with tell stories about the impacts of food and things that they didn't even know were happening in their life prior and then suddenly you take this medication, which is sort of, you know, turns a switch in your brain kind of makes you not hungry. I mean from for us so far, when you get into the higher doses, foods stops having the pizzazz that it had for you before. Like, if there was a thing that you used to eat, and your brain was just like, oh my god, I'm so happy. Like, if that was happening to you, it kind of gets turned down. Like even the flavor of food, like it feels like it's muted a little bit, right. And I mean, I don't know, the technical side of it, if my dopamine is not spiking as much when I'm having these things, or if this is what's happening to other people. But once food doesn't have that kind of sway over you, it's interesting to see people go Yeah, I don't care if I eat that again. It's really, really something else actually like and then to not have that help. And then be just be told, stop eating that. I can see why people can't do that. I really, really, you know, it's it's interesting, and I'm not surprised that you had that experience. But anyway, I'm glad you got the correct diagnosis. That's fantastic. It didn't take too long for them to figure it out.

Robin 16:02
No, nope. If it wasn't for the diabetes nurse educator,

Scott Benner 16:07
might have been longer. It might have been longer. Yeah. So okay, so not so easier to be a type one that a type two for you, because it meant you could just start eating the things you wanted to eat and then covering them with insulin. Are you having success with that? Like, how was how was your health than your outcomes? Well,

Robin 16:27
I Well, my outcomes are great. Let's see. Oh, I gotta I gotta interject here a little bit. Yeah, I did. I did use the in pen between MDI. Okay, I know when I did use the M pen. Thank you. I would suggest that to people to go from MDI, just to a pump. I think that putting the in pen in there helped me so much to know how to use my my pump. Yes, it's in pen is amazing. Good

Scott Benner 17:03
bridge then for your Understand.

Robin 17:05
Yes, yes. Yes. So yeah, but yeah, my my agency is 4.90. Just

Scott Benner 17:13
what do you when you said you were when you said I couldn't eat the things I wanted to eat? What were the things you want to eat?

Robin 17:21
Just everything. I mean, I eat ice cream every night before I go to bed. All of a sudden, I couldn't have my ice cream. I've been ice cream every night before I go to bed for 3540 years, you know? So

Scott Benner 17:33
what is the best ice cream? I

Robin 17:34
live in northern Michigan so we have Hudsonville ice cream.

Scott Benner 17:39
What's your favorite flavor? It's

Robin 17:40
it's got chunks of brownies and chocolate ice cream with brownies. With Hershey syrup and cool with

Scott Benner 17:49
that Robin I have to ask do you like the ice cream? Or do you prefer the chocolate?

Robin 17:53
I prefer the ice cream.

Scott Benner 17:54
Okay. All right. So the the ice cream is helping you deliver all the chocolate.

Robin 18:01
I love are all the chocolates helping me deliver the ice cream

Scott Benner 18:05
every night. Seriously, you have it every night.

Robin 18:09
Yeah, wow. Well, well the last few nights because it's strawberry season is ending here. So I've been having Strawberry Shortcake but I'm at a strawberry so I'll go back to ice cream tonight.

Scott Benner 18:25
I'm now trying to see if this is some like amazing ice cream that I don't know. Oh yeah. Hudson. Is it Hudsonville? Yes. Hudsonville ice cream. Oh, they've got a nice website.

Robin 18:39
Oh, I've never never been

Scott Benner 18:42
Have you tried the blue moon? What is that? Oh, yeah,

Robin 18:44
Blue Moon. That's just that's and that's a blast from my childhood. It's just sherbet. It's I don't even know what flavor it is.

Scott Benner 18:56
I'm trying to figure out which one you eat. brownie batter cookie dough. Wow, that does look good. Doesn't it? Hold on a second. Double Chocolate Almond? And ice cream is terrific. I don't know who thought of it but genius. Seriously,

Robin 19:13
I made homemade ice cream. July 4.

Scott Benner 19:15
Did you I'm doing that now at home. I'm using the creamy maker Arden got it for me for Christmas last year. Oh neat. Yeah, I made some strawberry ice cream last weekend. It's really creamy. And like you stole real strawberries and everything's really good. Anyway, I'm gonna get I'm gonna get distracted with the ice cream conversation. But I think the I think the interesting thing here is you're keeping a 4.9% a one C and you're having some sort of like a like a dessert every night. It sounds like so what what is it you're doing to keep your agency that way?

Robin 19:51
I have my alarm set. Lower. I'm my my ranges 80 to 120 and I'm pretty successful at keeping an eye in there. I mean, of course I go high or I go a little low, but like, I know everybody does. But I'm, I'm probably if I do like a 90 day clarity thing, I'm probably 85% in range. In my very my, what's that called? Standard deviation is? I think the last time I looked it was 19.

Scott Benner 20:26
Holy, Robin. Good job. Thank you. Oh, wait a minute. I didn't know you're gonna say something nice. I wouldn't have talked to over you say it again.

Robin 20:39
I said that's because of you. Oh,

Scott Benner 20:41
I'm so happy to hear that. Thank you very much. I I'm touched, really. And I think the ice cream company owes me something. Because without me, it sounds like they'd be out a fair amount of money from you. Probably. So you're just, you're just doing the thing is your Pre-Bolus and your meals, you are setting your alarm. So you hear if you're getting high. You have good settings. And that's it. Right? You're not really doing much else. And I'm looping. You are you're using a loop? Yep. Okay,

Robin 21:11
I didn't I didn't build it myself. And I told you I was gonna say this on here. But I do hire an outside company called type one pal. Yeah. Or T T one pal. And they're fantastic. They don't have to worry about anything. I just give them their 50 bucks a month. And they just do

Scott Benner 21:29
everything. Yeah, yeah, I have no trouble with you mentioning it. Absolutely not. I like managing a face. I

Robin 21:34
wasn't I wasn't gonna buy a Mac and try to build this thing myself. I'm, I could probably but I wasn't gonna

Scott Benner 21:42
$50 a month you'd get to a Mac in a in about a year and a half probably. Right. With that, so how long have you been looping

Robin 21:52
since November 2 of 2022.

Scott Benner 21:55
Okay, that's a really listen, no matter how you're doing it a 4.9. It shows that you're paying attention in my opinion. It's that you're, you're responding before things get out of hand. And you're not overtreating lows. Like that's really what, what a lower emcee says to me.

Robin 22:13
Yes, that's, that's, that's the main thing that parents need to hear is don't over treat those lows. Because once you shoot up to 300, because you got scared because your kid was at 50 You know, don't over treat those lows. Because once you get up to 300, then it's gonna take you hours to get

Scott Benner 22:32
back down. Ya know? 100% It's, it's not my

Robin 22:36
husband's like, Why are you only eating one gummy bear? And what is that?

Scott Benner 22:40
We're gonna find out. Yep. Well, Arden went out the door last night at I don't know, 1010 30 just to run her friend home, just drive across across town. And you know, it's funny how it happens. Sometimes we just eaten. Arden's been changing our supplements a little bit. So things are changing for we were starting to see her insulin needs are changing, like she's been home a little longer now from college foods, you know, better and better over weeks. And she's probably a little heavy right now on our insulin to carb ratio. And so she's like, I'm just going to run her home. I'll be right back. And we hear Beep, beep beep and I was like, Ah, I said, Well, do you have a juice with the it sounds like you're low. And I pulled out my phone. I said, Hey, you're actually 63. And there's like a diagonal down arrow here. And she goes, Okay, so she grabs, she opens the gummy bear jar. And it doesn't count them even. She just reaches in and pulls them out and with a little bit of precision grabs out of her hand, puts the rest back in the jar, pops them in her mouth, and she leaves. And I'm like you have a juice with you. And she was I do and she goes, I'll be fine. I'm like, okay, so they get in the car drive away the next reading on the Dexcom g7. Now, by the way, is a level 60 blood sugar like so the down arrow stopped and it's 60. And then she hung out at her friend's house and they talked in the car for a while they're making big plans, you know? And then she went back up to 83 and it leveled out. I was like, wow, look at that. Look how easy that was, you know?

Robin 24:14
Yeah, just don't overdo it. You can't get scared and just start eating the refrigerator. The kitchen

Scott Benner 24:21
I think is turn. Yeah, that's how they say it right? Yeah, it really is. So

Robin 24:24
I understand I get it. But I guess with With practice, you'll learn. You don't get so scared.

Scott Benner 24:33
You can tell the difference. You can also tell the difference from Hey, I got a little low to this thing is crashing through the floor. You can write Yeah, like when when we

Robin 24:45
mean I've been scared before when I was 26 Yeah. That was scary. But the house looks far away. What's that?

Scott Benner 24:55
I said Your house looks pretty far away. I imagine when you felt like that.

Robin 24:58
Oh man. Yeah. Yeah, I'm

Scott Benner 25:01
not saying don't correct things not saying, you know, not saying you're 75, two hours down, you're like, I'm just gonna pop a gummy bear in here and see what happens. Like, you have to understand the circumstances around your low. But it was just interesting to watch her. She kind of just assessed everything like she, she had a big meal. She was aggressive about it, there was a lot of rice with a meal. So she was aggressive. And then she knew how she felt like you could even see or, like, pause for a second and assess herself. Like it was really interesting, really interesting. She's like, I don't feel low. And I'm like, okay, and then she's like, you know, gummy bears like this good. And I'm like, You want to wait a minute? She goes, No, I'm okay. And I'm like, All right, like, so that's a big thing. Like she's getting in a car, you know? So yeah, you know, double check. There's a juice right in the door pocket. She's got a friend with her. I'm like, alright, well, I mean, she's gonna have to live her whole life. So you know, right. Need to know how to figure all this out. Well, that

Robin 25:57
just takes time. It just takes time. Arden by now should know exactly. Exactly how to do it. Ya know, it's

Scott Benner 26:05
really interesting. Especially

Robin 26:06
you're hanging out in Chicago.

Scott Benner 26:10
Oh, yeah. Wherever she is in college, Chicago. And yeah, Chicago was one of the places she was considering going. I think that's how it popped out of her mouth. That's why

Robin 26:18
we that's why we say it like that. Yes. Yeah. She's

Scott Benner 26:21
like, she did it on the podcast, right? She's like, tell them tell those people. She said that I go to college in Chicago. I was like, Okay, your people. Yeah, your your people tell you people that I'm like, they're not my people. They're their own people. That's just very funny. Okay, so, I mean, you sound like you're doing terrific. And I'm appreciative that the podcast helped you. How did you find it?

Robin 26:49
Because you are I found the podcast in November of 2021. So I think I went on Facebook and was looking for diabetes groups, type one groups and found yours. Found the group first.

Scott Benner 27:06
Okay, so you were on Facebook first?

Robin 27:08
I thought, yes. I found the group November 2021. And then while chatting in there, I'm like, wait, what podcast? Tell me about this podcast. So I don't remember which one I listened to first. Probably whatever one popped up. When I opened the pod, you know, the app. I probably listened to that one. And then I went back to number one. And I've listened to every single one of them. And most of them twice. Some of them three and four times.

Scott Benner 27:35
Wow. Why do you listen over and over again, tell people what that does. Because

Robin 27:41
you miss things like I would. I would listen while I was at work. So you know, I could get a phone call or something when I get interrupted and maybe I missed something. So listening to them over. I hear things that I didn't hear the first time. And like the fat and protein one I've listened to probably four or five times. Yeah, Arden's Arden's I've listened to a lot over it's just hilarious. The second one was hilarious.

Scott Benner 28:12
Yeah, we were. We were tired that night. It was late and we were very punchy. Oh my god. Yeah. Like there's no way to stop yourself from just saying any stupid thing. You're thinking I'll do. I I'm trying so hard to get her to record again. While she's home. She's not feeling well right now because her TSH jumped up. And oh, and she went, she got home and she's like, you know, I've been home for like a week now or so she's like, I'm achy. My joints are hurting again. She's like, this still isn't happening at school. Like, you know, and you're like, your brain goes crazy trying to figure it all out. But oh my god, well, let's get you to the doctor and get a blood draw. Their TSH came back like way high. And the doctors the doctor, she's actually going to talk to her today on the phone. But the doctor is like, I don't think this is going to stay this way. I think this is inflammation making your TSH higher. And I think that's really something because it sounds so I don't know it sounds Hocus Pocus, he it's hard to talk about inflammation. But if you have autoimmune issues, some people are experiencing like constant or intermittent inflammation problems. And so the doctor is like, Look, if we go back, she's like, it doesn't make sense for your weight and all that other stuff that your that your medications should be that much more aggressive. She's like, we maybe can like turn them up for a little while but we're gonna have to be really careful. We're gonna make you hyper really quickly. And so like they're getting they're working that out right now. But Arden said the other night she said I couldn't go to sleep till like five in the morning because of how bad my legs hurt. Oh, yeah. And she's like, it's it's definitely because of my thyroid. So they told me

Robin 29:49
many, many years ago before it was a thing that I had something called fibromyalgia. While it was shortly after that, that I was diagnosed with The Hypothyroidism Yeah.

Scott Benner 30:02
So not fiber, my fibromyalgia which I think especially back then men, like we don't know what's wrong with you

Robin 30:11
is all these symptoms and so they just Yeah,

Scott Benner 30:13
yeah so she's gonna get on the phone today and they're gonna come up with a plan to kind of try to get it back again. And then stay ahead of it and but it sucks because it really is. It's,

Robin 30:24
she's on break, she needs to enjoy her her break. Yeah, yeah,

Scott Benner 30:27
no kidding. Anyway, where was I going with all that? Okay, so you found the Facebook group. And then you know it's funny, that sentence that you spoke a little while ago used to fry my brain. Like I couldn't understand when people were in the Facebook group and they're like, I don't understand what podcasts you're talking about. But then it occurred to me eventually, that the Facebook group had such a good, I don't know, like vibe about it like a buzz that people would say, use that Facebook group, because you'll do better with your diabetes if you go in there and check it out. And that people would end up there without ever hearing about the podcast, like the first time that happened to me. I just had a very concrete idea like, oh, I made a Facebook group to support the podcast. So obviously everyone knows what the podcast is. But it took me right. It didn't take long for that not to be the truth. So and vice versa. I think there are people listening to this right now. They're like Facebook group, what are you talking about? So be Yeah, it's interesting how it

Robin 31:27
works. Yeah, I'm not in there. As much as I used to be, like, if I'm scrolling the newsfeed, meaning I see a post, I'll read it, and sometimes I'll comment. But at first, it was extremely helpful, but,

Scott Benner 31:41
ya know, it's not a thing that you're gonna stay in forever. If it's going. If you're figuring things out, like eventually you're just gonna say, Okay, I know these things, then you make that decision. Like, am I a person who stops in once in a while and says Hi, and tells people hey, I have an answer for this. I see. Nobody else is answering it. Or you go back to your life. You know, it's

Robin 31:59
Yeah, I did post in there that maybe a couple of weeks ago, I must have had a low under night and I woke up and I had a dark Skittles next to me in bed and there was stuck in my hair and

Scott Benner 32:12
Skittles stuck in your hair when you woke up? Yeah,

Robin 32:15
because I freeze dry Skittles. And so they're hard so they're easy to eat. Oh, yeah, they're crunchy when you're braised around. So I have a jar of him on my nightstand. Yeah,

Scott Benner 32:30
Robin, where did you come up with that? From? Where did you get that idea? What to freeze dried them.

Robin 32:36
I have a freeze dryer. You're

Scott Benner 32:38
just like let's see what happens when I put a Skittle in here. Oh, no, no, no, that's

Robin 32:41
it's a thing. People sell freeze dried candy for big bucks. Oh, this

Scott Benner 32:46
is like I don't know about Yeah,

Robin 32:48
it's a thing. Look it up. You got the Google right there. I gotta right here. Yeah, freeze dried Skittles. They kind of blow out. The Yeah, you'll see when you're when you're

Scott Benner 33:00
robbing Yeah, you're a sugar connoisseur.

Robin 33:03
Boy, trying to gain 20 pounds.

Scott Benner 33:08
Try something else. Have you tried to choose? Are you a vegetarian or anything?

Robin 33:14
Oh, god. No, no, I'm a no I'm a carnivore.

Scott Benner 33:20
Robin trying to name her episode. Good job.

Right down here, Robin such a 3544 I got it. Don't worry. Oh, that's hilarious. So I just need to I don't know why I need to tell you this. But when Kelly and I were first dating, so we're really young. We had gummy lifesavers, one day, and we were in bed, you know when you're young. And like we were like it was the end of the night and I put a gummy Lifesaver around her toe like a ring. And then then we forgot about it. And we woke up the next morning. It was like it was horrifying. How that little gummy Lifesaver got warm with like, you know, her body temperature and then just smeared on everything it was it was

Robin 34:16
probably a red one to look like a grind. It was

Scott Benner 34:18
just everywhere. Like this sheets were sticking to her and to me. Like I'm just like it was this one little gummy lifesaver. Like how could that be? Oh my god. Gummy candy. So good. Anyway. What made you want to come on the podcast?

Robin 34:34
I didn't you invited me.

Scott Benner 34:37
You didn't want to come? Why did you say Yeah,

Robin 34:39
well, I don't I don't mind. I mean, I don't. Yeah, I mean, I didn't ask you though, you you. I posted something in on a Facebook group and you invited me You said I'd like to like to have you on and I said why? And he said because I like you and I said what do you think John? And he said go for it. I said

Scott Benner 34:59
okay, cool. Now you're very, you're very interesting. And by the way, so far, almost exactly how I pictured you, but not quite. So I didn't know you were like, I didn't know the part of the country you lived in in my head. You were like a California person. Oh, I don't know why

Robin 35:16
I never even been to California.

Scott Benner 35:18
There's still time.

Robin 35:21
It's retire. I'm retiring on September 29. So yeah.

Scott Benner 35:25
Are you really good for you?

Robin 35:26
I am. Oh, I'd say I was gonna retire two years ago. And now it's my turn. What are you going to do? As little as possible?

Scott Benner 35:36
I've got big plans. Scott. I'm sitting here.

Robin 35:38
I've got a garden that I'm looking at. That's about almost an acre. So really integrating in a greenhouse? Yeah.

Scott Benner 35:45
I don't understand. How do you have so much space in Michigan?

Robin 35:48
I have 37 acres. My gosh, what

Scott Benner 35:51
have you what so Wait, what did you do for your life? Like, how do you acquire 37 acres? Well,

Robin 35:56
this, this was acquired my my husband is the middle of five. And this was the family farm, his grandpa on this farm, and then his dad and mom got it eventually. And then he built this house. And his dad passed away. Probably tonight. No, no, no. We've been here. Oh, my gosh. We've been here for years already. So his dad passed away. And then his stepmom decided to move to Florida. She has recently passed though. And once stepmom moved out, it went to we came to us.

Scott Benner 36:39
Wow, that was interesting to listen to you in real time. Think about the time and distance of your life.

Robin 36:49
COVID COVID has me so screwed up. I gotta add those two years in there. Just got me

Scott Benner 36:54
feels exist. Yeah, it really does. Doesn't it? Like it just it feels like it we were on pause or something like that. Wow. So you say you have a farm. But your your retirement goal is just putter around. Take care of your acre, like that kind of stuff. Yep. Yeah. Sounds relaxing.

Robin 37:14
Sure, well, maybe travel a little bit.

Scott Benner 37:19
Do you have any places you'd like to see?

Robin 37:21
Our son lives in. My, my husband has two boys and I have one from previous marriages. And then we got married. So we are three. But his youngest. The middle son lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in Iron Mountain. So that's about an eight hour drive. So we like to go up there and our other son lives down by Lansing the oldest and then our youngest my my son lives right next to our property connects. He's got I think five acres next to us.

Scott Benner 38:01
You have a bunch of grandchildren. I have four

Robin 38:04
grandchildren that live next door and they have a trail through the through the woods right from their house to towers. They get on, they get on the quads, and here they come.

Scott Benner 38:12
She's that sounds so nice.

Robin 38:14
It's it's wonderful.

Scott Benner 38:16
I have all the things that almost made me cry on this podcast. I didn't expect to hear that your grandchildren had a trail through the woods to your house to like put it brought a tear to my eye for some reason. I'm oh my gosh, grandmother's house we go yeah, that's amazing. That really is. That's wonderful. So you're gonna just you're that's it like you, you have like a classic like I'm gonna retire. I'm going to do the things I like and relax. Yep. Good for you. What do you do your whole life?

Robin 38:44
Well, over the last 17 years, I've sold property and casualty insurance homeowners auto, commercial, not life, no life insurance. But that's what I've done for the last 17 years.

Scott Benner 38:56
Did you work in an office or own the office? No, I

Robin 39:01
didn't own it. But I I've always worked in an office.

Scott Benner 39:04
Is that a sales job to you? Well, everything's a sales job really robbing but you know?

Robin 39:12
Yeah, yeah. I mean, I not really I did more of the customer service part of it. But I am licensed to sell insurance. So I I've sold a few 100 policies over my ears, but I'm not really this. The agent, the

Scott Benner 39:29
salesman? Yeah, you're doing back end stuff. Yep. Yep.

Robin 39:32
He sells them and I've I finished them off.

Scott Benner 39:36
It's amazing. What what do you can i This is a I don't mean this to be like a creepy question. Because you're, you're only 61. But when you own that much property, is it hard to know what to do with it when you pass away? like, Wait, how do you decide where it goes? Because you don't want to give it to five people 10 people and have them split it up and sell it like you want it to stay in the family somehow I would imagine but then how do you make that decision? Actually,

Robin 40:00
we just did this. We just got everything all finalized. The the oldest wants to live like in South Carolina, he doesn't want it. The middle son says He'll never leave the Upper Peninsula. He doesn't want it. The youngest has the property that connects to it. And he would give anything to have it. So it goes to the youngest. And then the older two will get whatever money's left.

Scott Benner 40:27
Oh, no kidding. Oh, so he'll have to buy them out. No, no, no,

Robin 40:31
you have it, they get them. They get them. They get the money and the baby gets the bar. Look at you.

Scott Benner 40:36
It's a thing you have to do. Right? Like there's no way you can't get that straight ahead of time. We always like once Arden had diabetes. Kelly and I were like, look, you know, we have to save as much money as we can. Like, we just felt like we needed to leave something to art. And like, what if Arden ends up being like anirudha? Well, right. And I don't want to I don't want to think that she doesn't have access to insulin or supplies or stuff like that. Right? Yeah. So we're pretty hard workers. And we're trying to save money as best we can. But the minute you start making that decision, you think, Well, I can't just like, like, however much money I can amass over my lifetime. I can't just give it to her. It Right. That's about coal. Because coal, coal will feel like wow, they gave everything to her. Like we couldn't do that tonight. Then there's more pressure. Oh, you have to make more money it gets. It's like I know. Yeah, it's horrible.

Robin 41:28
I get it. That's why I just I just Well, actually, my cozy Earth order is being delivered today. Do you remember? Do you remember getting on my case?

Scott Benner 41:36
The nuclear you broke my balls about cozy earth so many times, and then you bought something? Thank you.

Robin 41:43
I had to, I told my husband. I can't record the podcast, I have ordered something from cozier.

Scott Benner 41:50
That's so funny. Hold on. I'll get back to that for a second. So we told the kids like we're like, look, I don't know how much we can save. But whatever we can save. Like, I have to be honest, if Arden didn't have diabetes, we'd be like good luck, soccer's. But you know, and maybe, like retire early or something like that. I'm like, but because of the situation. And Cole has Hashimotos now. So like, okay, like, maybe this is going to, like keep going in their lives. I'm like, we're going to save as much as we can. And when we go, we're going to split it between the two of you and please don't piss it away, or let some harlot take it from you or whatever, you know, because the worst thing I can imagine Robin is like braking is my whole life. And some guy or girl like takes it off my kid one day, like it really is an upsetting thought, you know? Yeah. Anyway, okay, so. So I branch, I branch out who is it first, athletic greens is first they come to me. And they're, they say like, look, you know, we'd like to buy ads on the podcast. And I was like, wow, like, I really, that really meant. I know, it sounds crazy. That was a big deal to me. Because it's not a medical company looking to buy an ad like, you know, Dexcom wanting to buy an ad on this podcast makes, you know, makes a ton of sense, right?

Robin 43:06
I'm gonna crunch I gotta eat a smarty sorry,

Scott Benner 43:09
your business. Hey, and then I'll ask you about your blood sugar in a second. When Athletic Greens comes by. I'm like, Oh, I'm a real podcast. Like, it's not just like just the diabetes podcast. This is a real podcast. And it's the kind of podcast that people listen to at work. And, you know, one day, like, their employers will be mad because podcasts exist, and everybody's listening to podcasts and not working. But, but I was like, Oh, wow. And then we did a test, you know, they're like, let's do a few months. So a few months go by and they call back and like, we want to do more. And I'm like, really? And they're like, Yeah, we're getting a really nice response from you. And I'm like, Oh, fantastic. Like, this is terrific. And then one day, I get this email. And this girl is like, hey, we think we want to try to buy podcast ads from you. Or cozy Earth and I was like, What the hell like Okay, so I'm like looking into it and everything and I was like, Well, you know, send me something so I can try it. I think they sent me like sweatpants or sheets, maybe first I'm not sure what it was. And I was like, I slept on those sheets for a little while. I was like, Oh, I get behind this. I want more of these sheets. I can see people would want these. They're not inexpensive. And so you know, so it's so it's like look, we'll give your listeners 35% off actually, Robin, you're the first person to know this. Very soon my offer code will be 40% off.

Robin 44:31
You might have gotten I still got a good deal though. Because I got an on the Fourth of July sale. It would have originally I got this written down here. It would have originally been $257.31. And I got it for 129 19 and free shipping.

Scott Benner 44:45
Fourth of July plus my 35%. Yes, lovely. Yeah, good for you. I should have bought more sheets that day. Because by the way, they said every time they re up the contract. They're like we'd like to send you a gift and I'm like sent me a sweatshirt or like artists like has pajama pants or something like that. Well, but I have a problem with my money since then.

Robin 45:04
Oh, gotcha. But oh, so nice. Yeah, I'll let you know. Because I love. I mean, there were all kinds of clothes on there that I just loved but too big. There's they're extra small was still too big for me. Because I can't mean any damn way. But I did find a pair of joggers I had a drawstring.

Scott Benner 45:28
I'm telling you, I dream about putting those joggers on Sunday. But, but the funny thing is, is like you you like you. I don't know, I put links up online, like to understand the process of the podcast, like so that you can learn how to take care of your diabetes, which, you know, you said the podcast was really helpful with, I need to be able to make a real podcast like I can't put up an episode once a week, like that's a vanity project. It's a hobby, right? Like it does that won't get enough downloads to keep it viable to spread it around everything. So you need to do what I do. You need to make content and put out a real podcast. And and that takes an immense amount of time. Like I can't even begin to tell you that about 70 hours a week is spent with my sitting in this chair doing something for this podcast. That's more than I work. Yeah. And so like it needs to be like I have to be compensated for it, or my wife is going to be like, you know, how are we going to save the money for the kids and like, you know, not for us, apparently, but for them. And, and so the advertising is really important. So once in a while I go on the Facebook group and I'm like, hey, don't forget Dexcom don't forget this, like, you know, like, remind people Hey, check this out. And then I'm like, Hey, cozy Earth to new sponsor, you get 35% off. And right away Robins like this stuff's expensive. And I'm like, like, Robin, I want

Robin 46:48
you to, like it's a little pricey. It's a little whips me in the group.

Scott Benner 46:56
I'm like, Robert, what do you do? Let them get over, let them get over there and decide if they think it's too expensive or not. I'm gonna I'm gonna walk into that insurance agency tomorrow. And I'm gonna be like, Hey, you guys don't need insurance?

Robin 47:11
No, you explained it in one of your podcasts to somebody and I was like, Man, that makes sense. I get it. Get it? Okay, let me go shop. And

Scott Benner 47:20
I've also been sensitive to it. Because there used to be a person in the Facebook group who I counted as, like a real fan of the podcast and like, me, and like the whole thing. And one day, they just turned on me, like, and they wrote, and they were like, this is all about money to you. And I'm like, I'm like, I don't know how you can say that. Like, you know, I mean, I make a living, and but I pay my taxes. And when it's all over, I'm not sitting on a mountain of gold. You know, like, it's, it's, it's a fair exchange. I mean, honestly, I don't know that I'm being compensated well enough, if I'm being perfectly honest with you. And for time that gets put into it and care. And, you know, for making a podcast, by the way that feels like it's made by like, the like off the cuff. But it is, is thoughtfully set up in a way that helps you take better care of your health. And, you know, like, it's not easy, by the way. And then, and I was like, I got on, I'm like, I don't I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. And she's like, you're pushing this link for an advertiser. I'm like, I'm pushing the links for all the advertisers because if I don't, I think I'll get a different job. And then the podcast stops. And then the emails that come from people that say things like, we're screwed, yeah, my eat my agency went from 11 to 5.9, or blah, blah, blah. And here's a picture of my kid at the their birthday party eating, you know, ice cream, and they're okay. And like, like, all that stops, because I'm the only one putting this kind of effort into putting this content out. And so, like, at home, I really am like, I swear to you, like I am not over here. Getting wealthy. Like I'm not like, you know, and if I wasn't

Robin 48:56
you don't have to explain yourself to anybody. Jeez. Yeah,

Scott Benner 48:59
Robin, that's the other thing because like, on the other side of it, I'm like, if I was like, if the podcast was making, I don't know, if I was like, sitting on $3 million a year like I hear some people's podcasts like do crazy crazy money, right? Do I need to feel bad about that if that was happening? Like I don't I don't think so either. Right. So but it's not you know, point of fact. And, and anyway, like I couldn't, it was just weird to see it felt like I was being bid by my family pet. Because I had such a warm feelings for this person. And now suddenly she's on my wrist and shaking my arm and I'm like, What the? I was like, I don't know where that come and then also it's Facebook Robin, so I don't know if something is like drunk o'clock. Sometimes. You know what I mean? And

Robin 49:45
oh, yeah, I've done drunk o'clock on Facebook before.

Scott Benner 49:50
We have these like conversations like, like between, like the moderators and I and I'm like, I think this is just a drunk person. Let's just like not worry What else to do? Anyway, I appreciate that she's still in the group. Now she left. Oh, I didn't kick her. I don't kick people out like that you got to be real quick to get kicked out of my group. But, ya know, she just left. And I felt terrible. And I was like, I tried to explain it to her and didn't seem like she cared. And I was like, Alright, whatever. Like it just, there's nothing I can do about that, I guess.

Robin 50:26
Anyway, what another 40,000 sitting there, so,

Scott Benner 50:29
yeah, we're okay. It just feels weird that there was a person who was being helped being helped by it and then just walked away from it was like, okay. Good luck. Like, I'm not I don't feel bad about it for them or me, but it's just strange. Anyway, cuz the use the offer code juice box at checkout to save 40% Robin off your entire order.

Robin 50:50
Why don't you save 35%

Scott Benner 50:53
I'll send you a check for the six bucks that I got.

Robin 50:58
For the July discount, whatever that was at that time. Anyways, I got a good deal. And I'm not worried about 5%.

Scott Benner 51:04
Good for you. And what a great cozier that I didn't mean for that to be this, but they actually, you know, went full disclosure. Last week, they came back to me and they said, Hey, we want to do two ads a month for the rest of the year. And I was like, well, that's terrific. And, and that money. I mean, listen, after I pay taxes on it, it turns into about half that money. But right, yeah, it will help me pay for Arden's next semester of college. Like, wow, that's awesome. It's really cool. You know what I mean? And, yeah, it's a nice feeling. Because I'm sure like most people, when your kids go off to college, you don't know, like, how am I paying for this? You know, and a lot of people end up with loans. And because of this podcast, like in partly due to this podcast, like my children will go through life without student loans. Like it's a really big deal. Yeah, it's a really big deal for me. So

Robin 52:06
I do all this when join the army right after 911. And get their college paid for free when they got

Scott Benner 52:13
out. So wow, that was lovely for them to do that. Yeah. How was that experience? I

Robin 52:19
wasn't so thrilled.

Scott Benner 52:20
I was gonna say, What did that feel like them leaving like that?

Robin 52:23
Oh, that was awful. Because sometimes you didn't hear from them for 468 weeks at a time, you didn't know if they were dead or alive. Yeah, that sucks. Jesus, that's they were in Iraq and Afghanistan at the same time. In fact, one Thanksgiving, they got to be together. The middle son was headed towards where the oldest son was. And he told the commander or whoever, and they were able to stop and have dinner together.

Scott Benner 52:51
That's lovely. All right. I want to finish up with your diabetes. So okay, I want to know a little bit about your day, how you eat and how you manage. He just walked me through it to get up in the morning. What do you do for breakfast.

Robin 53:05
So if I have to go to the office, I've been I'm working now working home from home three days a week. And I only have to go to the office two days, but it would be every morning, I'd stop at McDonald's or Burger and I get a breakfast sandwich. And then when I get to the office, I Pre-Bolus for it. And then I warm it up if need be, had been at about a level that you that are usually about 830 quarter to nine. Then about 10 3011 o'clock, I'll have like peanut butter cheese crackers or granola bar or one of those huge green bars. And then at lunchtime just about every day, I have a pork barbecue sandwich and potato chips. And then about three o'clock I have a piece of fruit, like cherries or a banana or something like that. Yeah. And then then when I get home about seven weeks dinner and then before I go to bed, I eat a big ol boy ice cream.

Scott Benner 54:05
Do you do the ice cream at the end of the night to try to put weight on?

Robin 54:09
No, it's just a habit. I started like 40 years ago. Wow.

Scott Benner 54:14
Do you really eat ice cream every night? Yes. Wow. No kidding.

Robin 54:20
I did find some carbs smart ice cream. There's only 11 grams of carbs in it. And it doesn't spike your blood sugar as bad as like real ice cream. So if anybody is interested, like for Breyers carbs, smart ice cream and I found some like lunch cycles too. I have some of those in there. So like right now I can just go grab a bunch of cocoa and I have two Bolus for it.

Scott Benner 54:42
Robin I see you is just using a piece of that farm to make your own ice cream.

Robin 54:47
I would love a milk cow but a lot of work. Yeah, a lot. We have a barn we have a barn a big red barn with stanchions and I could get a milk cow and be all set up.

Scott Benner 54:57
That's a lot of cow poop too, though. If you haven't, it's good for the garden. Well, alright, well, I think we're talking about two chickens. Robin.

Robin 55:05
We just called our chickens there in the freezer now, but we raised 20 Cornish cross chickens. And in eight weeks, they got to about eight pounds. Their meat birds. The egg layers are next door at my son's house and he's got about 43.

Scott Benner 55:26
So yeah, we have chickens. Does your son sell the eggs? Yes, we sell

Robin 55:31
the eggs and also I freeze dry them. So in the wintertime, I have fresh eggs

Scott Benner 55:37
where you can freeze dry and egg. Yep, you just did. I don't know about freeze dried.

Robin 55:45
I don't know, the machines. The machines are really expensive. Like mine. I have a medium size. They go from small, medium, large and extra large. I have a medium that was about $4,000. So they're not cheap. But my eggs that are in the all freeze dried will be good in 30 years, my kids will be used I don't

Scott Benner 56:07
I don't understand what happens when you freeze dry something.

Robin 56:10
The machine sublimates the water out of the food and then dries it after the waters the moisture sublimate it out, it dries it and then you package it in mylar and you put oxygen absorbers in the bags. And then you seal them. And yeah, I mean IV you know,

Scott Benner 56:31
Robin, is this a prepper thing? Are you getting ready for Armageddon? Or no?

Robin 56:36
I'm not it's not a I'm not a prepper but it's preparing it's buying at today's prices.

Scott Benner 56:41
Eating it tomorrow when I get you. Yeah,

Robin 56:45
yeah. I did like eight pounds of cremini mushrooms. Those are awesome when you rehydrate them make homemade mushroom soup or gravy.

Scott Benner 56:57
How long does stuff stay good for when you freeze dry it

Robin 56:59
25 to 30 years no kidding.

Scott Benner 57:04
Wow. I don't i By the way, this episode is going to be called freeze dried Skittles. There's no way it's not going to be it was so close to carnivore a second ago but definitely that's insane. Like i How long does it take to freeze dry something?

Robin 57:23
It depends on what it is how much moisture it is yesterday I took out cherries, strawberries and lemon slices. I put the lemon slices in my margaritas by the way. And strawberries. And that that load took probably about 28 hours.

Scott Benner 57:45
What happens to the liquid that they takes out of the food is it. There's like a drip tray.

Robin 57:49
There's a stainless steel drum around the rack. So you slide your trays in the rack. And then this steel drum is around it and when the water sublimates it sticks to that steel drum in its it forms ice on it.

Scott Benner 58:05
No kidding. All right. This is a whole thing I don't know anything about. I'm actually really interested. So crazy.

Robin 58:13
It's very, very interesting.

Scott Benner 58:15
I'm looking. It's fun, because what do you love about it? Just

Robin 58:21
nine I have all that food. I mean, and the kids enjoy it too. They like because I asked my little three year old grandson. Do you want some strawberries? He goes are they freeze dried? Because some because when you freeze dry, it makes it crunchy. Yeah. And so if I offer him something, he'll say I'm gonna need a glass of water to go with grandma. So I made some like protein bars, I took vanilla yogurt and mixed it with pureed strawberries. And I did blueberries also just mix it all together and put protein powder in it. Thinking that you know, just try to get myself some more protein trying to gain weight. But, but the They're Real powdery when you bite into them. And so it almost sometimes can make you choke. So you got to have something that we're gonna have water with it. Yeah.

Scott Benner 59:09
Interesting. I do like freeze dried apple chips. I have to admit.

Robin 59:14
Yeah, I've done 500 pounds of apples. Probably. I've only had it since January. Do

Scott Benner 59:21
you share it with neighbors or friends or anything like that? Yep,

Robin 59:24
yep. Friends. I do apples girl. A lot of people but

Scott Benner 59:29
I didn't know this existed. Like, I'm gonna look into it. How long would it take to free Australia? Like a six year old child for example?

Robin 59:36
I don't know. That was actually a that was there's a freeze drying group Facebook group, of course. And I went to right lids and kids and I didn't catch it. And so that became a big thing. And he said I was just picturing putting stuff in my three year old grandson into my freeze dryer. It was a big thing.

Scott Benner 59:59
I wonder if you get Probably couldn't rehydrate them or we would have figured that out by now. Yeah, that's gonna kill you for sure. Yeah, nevermind.

Robin 1:00:06
I think it's different than that cryo thing.

Scott Benner 1:00:10
Let's just put that in there as a safety thing. Don't freeze dry. It's a living thing. It's not gonna work out. Right, meet you freeze dry me. Yep. So again, pre color after it's cooked. Um,

Robin 1:00:22
well, when we, we got our, we had our beef butchered. I got the liver, the heart and the tongue in those I just did raw, and then those, give it to my dog or dog treats. But if, if you're a prepper, you're gonna want it cooked before you freeze dry it. So you can because if all of a sudden there's no electricity, or no LP gas for your grill or whatever, you're not gonna be able to cook anything. Okay? So so it's better if you if you're a prepper you're gonna want to pre cook your your stuff. Now all you have to do is add hot water.

Scott Benner 1:01:00
I say. And then we're right back again. Then you're

Robin 1:01:04
right back again. And it's good and tastes just like well, that was the same just like

Scott Benner 1:01:10
it went in. Yeah, that was my next question. You don't notice that it's been freeze dried?

Robin 1:01:14
Not at all. That's crazy. About some things. Some things you can't rehydrate. like strawberries, they turned to mush. Once Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:01:23
yeah. Like a like a, like a space movie where they try to move something from one place to another and it comes back put together wrong. I wouldn't know. We don't have TV in Michigan. Stop it.

Robin 1:01:36
I have TV, but I don't watch movies.

Scott Benner 1:01:38
Now you What's the last movie you saw? Oh, it's

Robin 1:01:43
probably at the drive in. Yeah, we do have a drive in theater.

Scott Benner 1:01:47
Tootsie or something from the 80s or something like that? No, it

Robin 1:01:51
was I think it was actually. Pocahontas. That

Scott Benner 1:01:55
animated movie from the early 90s. Yep. Yep. So you took a kid to that? Yep. You don't like how about you watch TV? Do you like have a favorite like, TV show? I watched?

Robin 1:02:06
Yeah, like NCIS and bluebloods? I like those kind of movies. You're

Scott Benner 1:02:12
not they're not into something that's on Netflix or something like that, or? No, no, no. Okay. I'm trying to get that movie was 1995.

Robin 1:02:24
Now that was probably the last movie I watched. I mean, I may have watched a Western or something on TV with my husband, but I can't tell you the name of it. Probably some John Wayne

Scott Benner 1:02:32
flick, but close to 30 years. You haven't been like to a movie theater? Correct. Wow. I saw movie last week. I don't even know if it was good.

Robin 1:02:41
I just love the closest movie theaters an hour away. Okay,

Scott Benner 1:02:45
you're pretty far. In the middle of Michigan kind of feeling. I'm

Robin 1:02:51
in bfhi. I live. I live eight miles from Lake Michigan on the West Coast.

Scott Benner 1:02:57
Okay. I'm trying to figure out what BFA means. Oh, I can't say Oh, really? Hold on. I'll find out. Hold on, hold on. I'm looking. Okay.

Robin 1:03:12
I have stands for what you think.

Scott Benner 1:03:16
Fantastic. No, I'm gonna have to ask you and then beep it out. What does it mean?

Robin 1:03:23
I can't believe you never heard of BFP

Scott Benner 1:03:28
I didn't know that. I've heard that phrase. By the way. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't know it is an acronym.

Robin 1:03:34
There was an acronym.

Scott Benner 1:03:37
Ah, that's ridiculous. Alright, so you live in the middle of nowhere.

Robin 1:03:42
Yep, gotcha. gravel road. Nope.

Scott Benner 1:03:45
That's wait. That's why it's wild. Okay. Listen, Robin, I appreciate you coming on when you didn't want to.

Robin 1:03:53
And just not that I didn't want to it's, I didn't. Because I just hadn't thought about it. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:03:59
no, you just, I just found you to be I find you to be lovely. Online. And I just thought you'd make a great addition to the podcast. Really? Thank you. Yeah, represent.

Robin 1:04:10
I try I have to sometimes remind myself to be nice. But when people are like, my daughter's at 93, and she doesn't have her glucagon, it's like, oh, dear Lord. And

Scott Benner 1:04:22
I try my hardest to think that everybody's at a different part of the path and that they're theirs. Everyone has thought at some point oh, my God, a cookie just saved my life. And, and when you when you're first, you know, when you're first at it, you could feel like your life is being saved when your blood sugar's 95. And, and

Robin 1:04:45
I'm scary. I know. Sometimes. And I can't imagine being being a caregiver for for a toddler. They're just

Scott Benner 1:04:56
it's a lot of pressure. But I can tell you that much. I

Robin 1:04:59
can't even imagine. I cannot imagine. I read some of those possums like, Oh, poor parents. They're the warriors in my book. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:05:08
no, it's it's hard when they're really little not to just look at them when you put them to bed think like, just don't don't don't die. Like I'm, yeah, there

Robin 1:05:17
was somebody out there the other day that had a nine month old I think like, oh my god,

Scott Benner 1:05:23
yeah. Well what do you see that's a that's an amount of work that will take years to get through like that, like that part of their life is going to take years to get through. And it's going to feel so

Robin 1:05:35
many. Yeah, so many stages, you know, the growing and the puberty and all of it. I just, ya know. Thank goodness, it was me and not one of my, you know, yeah,

Scott Benner 1:05:48
no, it's crazy. And you don't. Did you have any viruses before you were diagnosed?

Robin 1:05:55
Oh, I started to say that. I think that before. I think in February, I actually had COVID. Oh, early on. Yep. Before it was, like a widely known thing. I really think I had COVID.

Scott Benner 1:06:10
Okay, then then that probably got your immune system going in the wrong direction.

Robin 1:06:16
Because I already had, you know, Hashimoto. Yeah,

Scott Benner 1:06:20
yeah. You I mean, you obviously have autoimmune, like, you know, tendencies. So, yeah, that makes sense. I met somebody yesterday. Who's got long COVID. And, oh,

Robin 1:06:30
that's miserable. I've

Scott Benner 1:06:31
heard Yeah, he's he's pretty beaten up. We were talking about it for a little bit. But what's good?

Robin 1:06:40
What's the thing where we do our children and grandkids and they we do their blood and send it up? How come? I can't think of that right now?

Scott Benner 1:06:48
Try on that.

Robin 1:06:49
Thank you. Yes, my kids. My kids just did that.

Scott Benner 1:06:53
Oh, you haven't heard back yet? Oh, no. Did they? Did they come to you about that? Or is that something you asked them to do?

Robin 1:07:00
I asked them to do it. My my, one of my granddaughters is like me, our personalities are different. But she is me through and through and through. And I really wanted her tested. But I didn't want to single her out. Because she's old enough to know that, you know, so. They all did it. My son and his his kids. Oh, I

Scott Benner 1:07:23
said kind of made it feel like we're all doing this. It's not just because of we're worried about you. Right. Yeah. It's interesting. Well, I hope you get good news back, but I think it's a great. I think it's a great thing to do. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Good for you. All right. Robin, I appreciate you doing this very much. If you don't have anything else. I'm good. But if we miss something, please tell me. No.

Robin 1:07:46
I'm looking at my website. I'm good.

Scott Benner 1:07:49
I liked it. You made a list.

Robin 1:07:51
Well, I had to do a timeline because I wasn't gonna remember all that off the cuff.

Scott Benner 1:07:55
You did not strike me as a list person. When you said you had things written down. I was like, Oh, that's interesting. Appreciate you putting in the effort. Would you hold on for me for a moment? Sure. Cool. All right.

A huge thanks to Robin for coming on the show and sharing her story with me. I cannot believe you can freeze dry Skittles. Art and started using a contour meter because of its accuracy. But she continues to use it because it's adorable and trustworthy. If you have diabetes, you want the contour next gen blood glucose meter. There's already so many decisions. Let me take this one off your plate. Contour next A huge thanks to a longtime sponsor touched by type one, please check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and at touched by type If you're looking to support an organization that's supporting people with type one diabetes, check out touched by type one. If you're looking for community around type one diabetes, check out the Juicebox Podcast private Facebook group Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes, but everybody is welcome type one type two gestational loved ones. It doesn't matter to me. If you're impacted by diabetes, and you're looking for support, comfort or community. Check out Juicebox Podcast type one diabetes on Facebook. If you're not already subscribed or following in your favorite audio app, please take the time now to do that. It really helps the show and get those automatic downloads set up so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much for listening. I'll be back very soon with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast.

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