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Arden's Day Blog

Arden's Day is a type I diabetes care giver blog written by author Scott Benner. Scott has been a stay-at-home dad since 2000, he is the author of the award winning parenting memoir, 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal'. Arden's Day is an honest and transparent look at life with diabetes - since 2007.

type I diabetes, parent of type I child, diabetes Blog, OmniPod, DexCom, insulin pump, CGM, continuous glucose monitor, Arden, Arden's Day, Scott Benner, JDRF, diabetes, juvenile diabetes, daddy blog, blog, stay at home parent, DOC, twitter, Facebook, @ardensday, 504 plan, Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal, Dexcom SHARE, 生命是短暂的,洗衣是永恒的, Shēngmìng shì duǎnzàn de, xǐyī shì yǒnghéng de

Filtering by Tag: Babysitting

Babysitter Resource for T1D

Scott Benner

A resource for parents of children with type 1 diabetes and their sitters

I was approached by diabetes legend Hope Warshaw last year and asked if I could contribute a few tips to a babysitters resource that she was writing. I immediately agreed but then a lot of time passed and I thought perhaps the project went away. Just the opposite it turns out... she was just taking her time and building the most complete resource on the subject that I have ever seen.

I want to share it with you because it is so well done and absolutely invaluable. Bonus, it's free.

For parents, being away from a child with type 1 diabetes (T1D) is tough— so tough that most avoid it altogether. But spending time apart is important for the whole family. Parents need time to themselves and children need space to just be kids, while growing more independent with their diabetes tasks.

SmartSitters covers essential information about T1D to help families and sitters manage T1D together, wherever they are.

The downloadable guide is full of wonderful information, thoughts from people living with type 1 and even has fantastic artwork so it is pleasant to read and use. Check it out!