Make your own solar eclipse viewer from a Dexcom box
Dexcom Eclipse Viewer
We wanted to see the eclipse but couldn't find those paper glasses and a proper filter for my camera was nearly $250! I definitely want to check out the NASA website and watch like an astronaut but we also want to go outside and experience the magic first-hand. So we made our own viewer from a Dexcom box and you can too. All you'll need is a pair of scissors, aluminum foil, some clear tape and a box.
I followed the instruction in this NASA video because if they don't know, who does?
You don't necessarily need fancy equipment to watch one of the sky's most awesome shows: a solar eclipse. With just a few simple supplies, you can make a pinhole camera that allows you to view the event safely and easily.
Finished viewer. I already tried it and it works great. The only thing left to do is hope for clear skies. Good luck!
Please remember that it is almost NEVER safe to look directly at the sun, even today. Unless you are somewhere that will experience a total eclipse and then you can only look while the sun is completely blocked by the moon. Everything you need to know about that can be found here. CNN story. When in doubt always choose to not fry your eyes, they don't regenerate like your skin does when sunburned.
Shameless plug: You'll be outside for a while... might as well bring the Juicebox Podcast with you to help pass the time. You can listen online (below) or with your Apple device or Android phone.