#1456 Small Sips: Blanket of Insulin
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A longer-acting insulin strategy helps manage high-fat and high-protein meals more effectively.
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#1455 Small Sips: Meet the Need
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Estimating carbs and insulin is sometimes necessary—experience helps refine these educated guesses over time.
DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.
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#1454 Formerly Terca
You can always listen to the Juicebox Podcast here but the cool kids use: Apple Podcasts/iOS - Spotify - Amazon Music - Google Play/Android - iHeart Radio - Radio Public, Amazon Alexa or wherever they get audio.
Cici, 30, has managed T1D for 17 years. After overcoming her needle fears and diabulemia, she switched to OP5 and turned her health around.
DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.
Scott Benner 0:00
Welcome back, friends to another episode of The Juicebox Podcast.
Cici 0:15
My name is Ceci. I'm 30 years old, and I'm from Mexico, and I've got diabetes for 17 years now,
Scott Benner 0:23
nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. Don't forget to save 40% off of your entire order at cozy earth.com All you have to do is use the offer code Juicebox at checkout. That's Juicebox at checkout to save 40% at cozy earth.com. When you place your first order for ag one, with my link, you'll get five free travel packs and a free year supply of vitamin D drink. Ag one.com/juice. Box. Are you an adult living with type one or the caregiver of someone who is and a US resident? I'd love it if you would go to T 1d exchange.org/juicebox and take the survey. When you complete that survey, your answers are used to move type one diabetes research of all kinds. So if you'd like to help with type one research, but don't have time to go to a doctor or an investigation and you want to do something right there from your sofa. This is the way t 1d exchange.org/juice box. This episode of the juice box podcast is sponsored by Medtronic diabetes and their mini med 780 G system designed to help ease the burden of diabetes management, imagine fewer worries about mis Bolus is or miscalculated carbs thanks to meal detection technology and automatic correction doses, learn more and get started today at Medtronic diabetes.com/juice box. Today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the ever since 365 the one year where CGM, that's one insertion a year. That's it. And here's a little bonus for you. How about there's no limit on how many friends and family you can share your data with, with the ever since now, app No Limits ever
Cici 2:16
since. My name is Ceci. I don't know if it's easy for you to say. CC, that's fine. I'm 30 years old, and I'm from Mexico. I'm from Korean, which is a small town in the north, but right now I'm living in the South, near Cancun, and I've got diabetes for 17 years now. Okay, Ceci, yes. Like that, perfect.
Scott Benner 2:39
I can do that, probably okay. You would think I could accomplish that, right? 17 years. How old are you now? 30? Oh, okay, you're over halfway. Then, yeah, yeah, you've had it longer than you haven't had it. Do you remember being diagnosed?
Cici 2:57
I do. It's actually kind of a weird story. I think I don't think I've heard something like that. Go ahead, I've always had problems with my weight. You know, I've always been a little bit overweight, especially when I was little. So about a month or two months prior to being diagnosed, I was on a diet with my sister and my mom, so we were all trying to lose weight, and always I would be the one losing like very little weight, like grams. I don't know how to convert to pounds. I'm sorry, that's okay, but they would be losing like one kilogram or a kilogram and a half, and I would be losing like 6600 grams, right? So very little, but consistent. And then I finally reached my weight, and I went into the like, maintenance stage of the diet, and I went crazy, like they let me eat pasta, and I would go into the fridge and take, like, cold pasta and eat it like crazy. I didn't know if it was because of diabetes at that point, but I was eating like with like crazy. I couldn't stop myself. It felt amazing when I ate, and then I felt terrible, right?
Scott Benner 4:09
But were you still losing weight while you're eating like that? I didn't
Cici 4:13
know that, like, I didn't it was a week, so I didn't know yet, but I was eating like crazy, and it was like, No, it was like, two weeks from one wing to the next one, right on the diet. So I would eat like crazy. I was really moody, but I was also 13, so my mom thought, like, she's a teenager, she's just going through stuff or whatever, and my mouth was smelling like, she would say, like, fruit, like, like, fruity, right? And she would send me to the bathroom, like to brush my teeth with. How do you call it? Because, like,
Scott Benner 4:45
baking soda. Yeah,
Cici 4:47
baking soda.
Scott Benner 4:48
How do I get that? It was awesome.
Cici 4:50
I don't know. You're awesome, right? I just lost the word for a second there. And she would make me like gargo with baking soda and things like that, so that it would stop. She would not. Believe that I was brushing my teeth, she was going crazy, and I was going crazy. I was so tired. But then two weeks later, when I went to the next weigh in, I had lost four kilograms. Okay, so that's like eight pounds, I think, okay, something like that, like, for a person who was
Scott Benner 5:20
not losing anything. It's actually, it's just about nine pounds. So, okay, so nine pounds two weeks,
Cici 5:25
and they actually called my mom and they were like, like, they set her aside and asked her, like, are you feeding her? Right? Like, don't stop feeding her just because she reached her weight. And you're like, like, that she's been now, or whatever. And she was like, no, no, she's eating. And she's eating like crazy. We didn't like click then yet, after, I think it was a week later, it was Father's weekend, Father's Day weekend, and my parents took me out to dinner because they were concerned with my behavior and everything. And while we were sitting there, I don't remember what they said I was like in a haze, a diabetes phase. I guess the I would order a pink lemonade, right? And it was a refill, so I would drink it, and I would get another one, and I would drink it, and I would go to the bathroom and get another one. I think I drank like 10. So at some point, I don't know what my mom was saying that she just like, looked at me and was like, shit. I think I know what's happening, right? Is one of my my nephews, he's got diabetes. Oh, okay, and and one of my cousins. So she took me to my nephews house. They checked my blood sugar. It was high in the glucose meter. Of course. We got to the hospital and I got admitted. Right away, my blood glucose was, I think, 1100
Scott Benner 6:52
Yeah, I bet you, after all the pink lemonade, right? I
Cici 6:55
did. I didn't stop. So you can imagine that. I don't know what my a, 1c was, so I'm not sure how long I had it, okay, like that, but it was 1100 at the moment, and they were shocked that I wasn't like past that conscious. Yeah, right. And yeah, that was it.
Scott Benner 7:10
How long do you think that whole process took?
Cici 7:12
I think it was like a month. Okay, probably so
Scott Benner 7:17
pretty quickly. And your mom finally figured it out. She ever tell you what struck the chord. Was it the drinking and the peeing that got her or,
Cici 7:24
yeah, like she she just didn't connect all of the of the dots until that moment. So she knew I was moody, but she thought it was because I was a teenager. She thought I was eating like crazy because I was on a diet and I finally had, like, right permission to eat, right so I don't know
Scott Benner 7:41
Heck of a diet if you were, I think you're double fisting cold pasta at the refrigerator. Yeah, she, she was probably amazing diet. She's like, I think we went too far, right? So I would love that. How much did you actually lose from the diet? And then I
Cici 7:57
think it was like eight kilos. So,
Scott Benner 8:01
okay, all right. So maybe, like 1617, pounds you lost from the dieting. They were like, Okay, that's enough. You did it, right? And then right about that nine, then probably the diabetes was starting, right, okay, all right, what is care like in Mexico versus what you hear on the podcast from America at other places?
Cici 8:20
I believe it's similar, like in like, the stories I've heard from before, like 1020 years ago, I think they're very similar to what I got 17 years ago. I just think here in Mexico, we're a little bit behind right now, like currently
Scott Benner 8:37
behind on technology or medication, or
Cici 8:40
medication, not quite, but I think technology and the the availability of technology here, so we don't have many options. There's only meternic. And at some point the animal, I started with that one, okay, but there's no omnipotent, there's no t slim,
Scott Benner 9:01
what about the direction from doctors? What are you told?
Cici 9:06
I have to tell you that when, when I was in the hospital, I think I was there for a week, nobody told me I had diabetes. So they were just like coming in and injecting me and leaving, you know, and nobody told me what happened to me until I got home when my mom told me. So it's not like with you guys, that I've heard that you go to the hospital and then you stay three days or whatever, and you get a little bit of education. I don't think I got that.
Scott Benner 9:31
Well, Arden was diagnosed when she was two. She's 20, so that was 18 years ago, so it's probably the year before you and she was in the hospital for five days. Okay, so, I mean, but no, like, doctor spoke to you and said you have diabetes, but they told your mom that, though, right. Okay, yeah. Is that cultural? Do you think when you think of a CGM and all the good that it brings in your life is the first thing you think about? I love that. I. Have to change it all the time. I love the warm up period every time I have to change it. I love that when I bump into a door frame, sometimes it gets ripped off. I love that the adhesive kind of gets mushy sometimes when I sweat and falls off. No, these are not the things that you love about a CGM. Today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by the ever since 365 the only CGM that you only have to put on once a year, and the only CGM that won't give you any of those problems the Eversense 365 is the only one year CGM designed to minimize the vice frustration. It has exceptional accuracy for one year with almost no false alarms from compression lows while you're sleeping, you can manage your diabetes instead of your CGM with the ever since 365 learn more and get started today at Eversense cgm.com/juicebox, one year, one CGM. You've probably heard me talk about us Med and how simple it is to reorder with us med using their email system. But did you know that if you don't see the email and you're set up for this, you have to set it up. They don't just randomly call you, but I'm set up to be called if I don't respond to the email, because I don't trust myself 100% so one time I didn't respond to the email and the phone rings the house. It's like, ring. You know how it works? And I picked it up. I was like, hello, and it was just the recording was like, us. Med doesn't actually sound like that, but you know what I'm saying. It said, Hey, you're I don't remember exactly what it says, but it's basically like, Hey, your order's ready. You want us to send it? Push this button if you want us to send it, or if you'd like to wait. I think it lets you put it off, like, a couple of weeks, or push this button for that. That's pretty much it. I push the button to send it, and a few days later, box right at my door. That's it us. Med.com/juice, box, or call 888-721-1514, get your free benefits checked now and get started with us. Med, Dexcom, Omnipod, tandem, freestyle, they've got all your favorites, even that new islet pump. Check them out now at usmed.com/juice box, or by calling 888-721-1514, there are links in the show notes of your podcast player and links at Juicebox podcast.com to us Med and to all the sponsors.
Cici 12:18
I think so a little bit, because I see, like all the community you guys have around type one diabetes in the US, and I don't think we have it here. I think there's a little taboo, even though it's different from type two, and they shouldn't have taboo for type two, either, like, we don't like to talk about it, or we don't like to share that much. So I don't have a lot of friends that have diabetes, or I don't know people who have it, or I do, but I don't speak to them a lot, and we don't talk about that. We talk about like our life. Is it possible?
Scott Benner 12:50
You know, people who have diabetes who just don't talk about
Cici 12:54
it? I don't think you don't don't like, because we do like when someone has something, you kind of know, they just don't say it
Scott Benner 13:02
back channels. We know about it. Okay, all right, your ancestor tells you about it, exactly. Okay. So when you, when you're first diagnosed, you get needles, right, right? You know, in the stuff that you sent me, you said you have a fear of needles, because Arden does, and I don't, we don't talk about it a ton, but hers is, like, aggressive, and I'm wondering what it's like for you
Cici 13:27
right now. It's like, I can do it, no problem. I can actually look like when they're taking blood and whatever. It's fine, but it was very, very bad, like, I would be the kid in in the pediatrician's office running away from the lady that was going to inject me, or whatever vaccine they had to put on me, right with my pants down. So I did. I did have a very big fear. I actually have a funny story about that. When I was 12, right before I was diagnosed, I had an operation on my knees, so it's like a corrective operation, but my dad gave me that cell. Thank you, dad. Your legs are a little bit, I don't know, wonky, and you have to get an operation in the inside of your knee. You get some staples put in, okay, on the growth line of your bone, so that your legs don't grow on the inside, only on the outside. And you get, like, I don't know, they get straight or it doesn't bow your legs, yeah, exactly. Like, it's, it's, it tries to bow them the other
Scott Benner 14:28
way. Okay, so you have a wonky knee, is what you're telling me, yeah, both, both knees. You're trying hard to have your episode called wonky knee. I'm just letting you know we can try that. Yeah, well, we'll see where we go. Okay, so you have this surgery, right?
Cici 14:41
So I have the surgery, but I have my sister had it a year before, so I knew what was coming. My mom watches a lot of base anatomy and, er, so I also thought myself a medical professional, right? So I was in the hospital. I was getting ready. They had to put the the IV right on me, and that was terrible, but it was. Was like, Okay, I had to do it. But I knew they were going to try and put an epidural on me, and I knew what that was, because of great anatomy and, er, and it's like, I'm not like, there's no way, no way in hell, right? But I was 12, like I was a kid, yeah, when I was in the in the operating room, they were like, Okay, we're going to do the epidural. And I was like, oh, no, no. My mom said you could do the little gas, you know, like, the gas, like, put me to sleep. And she was like, really? And I was like, yeah, she said it was fine. And she was like, oh, okay, fine. So they actually made me, like, go to sleep completely. They didn't put the epidural on me. And, like, halfway through the surgery, they went out and talk to my mom. They were like, you know, she should have an epidural because it's going to be really painful later. And she was like, why didn't you put an epidural on her? And she was like, she said you didn't want her to. And she was like, do it right now. Do it right now. You're never going to do it.
Scott Benner 15:53
Not too long ago, you wouldn't tell her she has diabetes, but now she's making medical decisions about anesthesia. Interesting.
Cici 16:00
And I didn't have diabetes, then
Scott Benner 16:03
you were just, you just tricked them, right? I don't need that. It'll be fine, right?
Cici 16:09
I'm gonna be fine. Don't worry. Like, I don't know how any doctor believes a child that way. Yeah. I
Scott Benner 16:15
mean, okay, yeah, it's a tough call to let a 12 year old make a decision about an epidural right in the height of your needle phobia, like, if I come at you with one, what's your reaction to it?
Cici 16:25
If it's a really big needle, it's bad. The size matters. Yes, okay, so a small, a small needle, like diabetes needle, I don't care. Like an insulin needle is fine, right now, I look at it and I whenever I have to inject myself for whatever reason I do. It's like, I feel like it's a mosquito bite, right? Okay, looking at them and them being big, and especially if they're going into my arm, you know, like a vaccine or something like that, that terrifies me. Okay?
Scott Benner 16:53
But do you run from it? Do you defend yourself?
Cici 16:57
Yes. So five years into my diagnosis, I had been a diabetic for a while, right? And injecting myself for a while, I had to go for the flu vaccine, and I don't know why. Like, that year, I was petrified, and I was with my sister, my mom and my grandmother, and it was almost my turn to get vaccinated. So I was like, Oh, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, right? And I was like, 17 year old. I was old, like I wasn't a kid, right? So I went into the bathroom, and I locked myself in. They had to open the door with a key, and they had to pull me out for my feet to inject me. Okay, so it was ridiculous, but I don't know what happened. Like it came over me. I It came back. Like, right now I'm shaking, like it's just remembering it, yeah, I don't know. I
Scott Benner 17:43
don't I mean, it would be Arden story to tell more completely, but to see her reaction to it is this, it's, it's really, it borderlines on insane, and she knows it as it's happening. Yeah, you know it. She's like, first of all, it hurts. She's not good with the injection part. It hurts, right? But I know this is silly, like, I know, if you like she, she uses the word I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to be okay with this, you know? And I tell her, I'm like, You shouldn't be disappointed in yourself. It's not it's not embarrassing. Some people just have a needle phobia. You You really have one. She said she's had it her whole life, but she didn't really start fighting back about it, until she was at a certain age. And I remember that moment I've said to before, like, if she was Spider Man, she would have crawled right up the wall, like she just backed into a corner and just kept going backwards and somebody came at her. I just thought it was something that kind of appeared out of nowhere, but she remembers it as something she's always dealt with, but just, you know, is old enough now to just, like, voice her opinion about it, act on it. Yeah, she had to get a an injection recently, where my son had to hold her hands so that, like, she wouldn't defend herself against the thing. It's what she asked for. She's like, I need someone to hold my hands so that I don't swat it away. She said, Because that that will work, that worries me too. I'm not going to be able to stop myself, and I don't want to hit the needle, but I want to do the thing so, like, this is all happening, and then, and then she is just like, inconsolable. And then, as it's happening, she goes to, like, she wants to bite down on her own hand, and, okay, bites my son instead. Just tears and fear and everything. And then it's over chaos. He goes, what'd he say? He goes, she bit me. And she's like, through crying laughing now, and she goes, I'm so sorry. It's just the most sincere apology you've ever heard in your life. She's like, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to I'm sorry. Everybody was okay. And then she starts laughing, but she's laughing through tears, and I'm like, as soon as the anxiety of it was gone, she was just okay. It was really, really something anyway, terrible, you know?
Cici 19:47
Yeah, it beats logic. I don't know. I don't know where it comes from, but it feels like, on the inside, it's oh my god, terrifying.
Scott Benner 19:52
Yeah, no, I imagine okay. So you, you start to manage the way you do. What are your goals as set by doctors and do you. Set your own goals, I
Cici 20:01
don't. So my goal set by doctors were the normal ones, like 180 like 80 to 180 or something like that. But I started with humolog Atlantis. I believe at some point, yeah, and my mom had to give me all the injections. I was incapable, like I couldn't. So she would have to sit me down. I would cry every time. And it was, it was painful, I think for her more than for me. Yeah, right now that I'm an adult, and I know like that must have been terrible for her, I did find a spot in my stomach that made it really easy for me to get injected. Like I didn't feel anything, so I would always inject there until I got a little, like, and plus, and everything. I'm sorry, gross. I know it helped me, like, I could do it there, and I was fine. And I think I did that for like, a year, a year and a half, and I was in a diet, specific diet. It was like an exchange diet, but I wasn't using regular and mph. So I'm not sure why I had an exchange diet. I think it was just like the standard for for care, and people didn't really know why they were using that like it's not logic. Now that I know about mph and regular and whatever, but I did have a limited amount of carbs for a while, and life sucked. I love carbs, right? I didn't have like, goals set out for myself like I was a kid. I felt like a kid more when I got diabetes. I think I didn't feel like empowered. I felt a little bit,
Scott Benner 21:36
I don't know, terrified, yeah, I guess, like, you needed somebody's help, right?
Cici 21:40
And I think my mom and my dad, like my dad, he was devastated. I think, like, I saw, like, something change in our relationship there. And I think it was because he didn't want to see me like that, I think, and my mom, she took, like, everything onto herself, but she also wanted me to take care of it, so I was just like, checking my, my glucose, like every four hours and before meals and whatever. But I didn't really care there. I know you speak about it a lot in the podcast, like,
Scott Benner 22:13
whatever it was, it was, you didn't make adjustments or anything like that. You were just checking, yeah, kind of right. So she wants you to be able to handle yourself and take care of yourself, but at the same time, she wants you to not feel like it's all on you. And then you try to find that balance between like I'll do it and make sure it's okay, versus she'll do it, but know how to do it, but I don't know. I think the secret to a lot of this is that when people are listening, they want somebody to tell them, like, do it like this. This will work, right? And that's just not the case. Like everyone is so individual, and the impacts of how you deal with diabetes and just your health in general, or whether you're focused on something or not, and all the other things that go into it are so person to person, for the person with diabetes, but also for the people around them. Like, right? Like your your dad has one, you know, reaction, your mom has another one. You're having a third. And now, you know, right to come along and say, Oh, tell me the right way to do this. There's, you know, I don't know. It's not clear. It's tough, you know, and it takes a lot of effort and time that you have to put in. Even yesterday, it was not lost on me that in the middle of Arden having this problem yesterday, we were able to manage it and work through it, because I work from home even, like, just such a simple thing, right? Like, because if I'd have gotten up in the morning and that problem existed, and I was like, I'll be home at five. And she would have ignored it all day, you know what I mean, and then I would have gotten home, I'd have been tired and hungry and still had to do a bunch of other things, and it just wouldn't have gone the same way. So it's easy, like, it's easy to say to somebody, you know, like, all the right things, but it's another thing to have the time and the heat and the energy to to put it all into practice, I guess. But right? Well, tell me like, how did you feel when you saw those numbers, when you tested? A little anxious,
Cici 24:07
of course, but I think I was scared of getting low, so I didn't like, we didn't have this idea that when you left the endo you could just adjust your numbers. Well, I didn't get that idea, so I was just injecting my basal, and it was clearly wrong a little bit. I so I did have a few episodes of three or four convulsion episodes at night.
Scott Benner 24:35
You had some C you had some seizures overnight, right? You think it was because you were using too much basal?
Cici 24:40
I do. Okay, I do. So that was sucky for my sister, because she was my roommate, and she didn't love it. And we don't like here in Mexico, that's an important thing. Here in Mexico, we don't have glucagon. Oh, really, still, still, and there's no glucose tabs from the pharmacy. Like, I have to buy them in the US.
How does that work? How do you get glucagon? You don't, you don't have it. And, like, I have, I have it because I go to the US and
pay cash for it. No, I do. Like, I'm really lucky. And my parents, right before I got diabetes, they swapped our insurance, and they got a really bulky plan that actually covers me here and in the US. So here it's called whatever, and in the US, it's Aetna. So I get covered. I'm looking here. I didn't realize that, yeah, there's no book of them. You can get it at the I think it was last week or two weeks ago that my Endo, she's young, and she has Instagram. She put up a story about vaccine. How's it called the one from the No,
Scott Benner 25:49
yeah, yeah, the nasal one, the powder, right, right, right. And she just
Cici 25:53
put up, like, a picture. And she was like, Do you know what this is? And I was like, yeah, that's COVID gone. Where did she get it? Like, is it available in Mexico or what? I'm not sure. I don't know where she got it. I'm gonna see her in a few weeks. I'm gonna check that out. But right now, I have some glucagon for myself, and I got one for my cousins well, because he doesn't have it, and he also lives here in Mexico, and I think it's important,
Scott Benner 26:17
yeah, it's very it's so, I mean, that's crazy. It's just not right. Like, why would it matter of insulin,
Cici 26:24
right? Yeah. Like, there's, there's nothing. Like, my mom would treat me with, uh, jam. I hate jam now. Like, I can't stand it.
Scott Benner 26:33
I think, I think that's everything. Like, everything you can get sick of my my father wouldn't eat chicken, and, like, he asked them why. And his dad had a job where at the end of the week, if the the place he worked did well, this is going to sound very old timey to people, but if the place that he worked at did well, you got sent home with a live chicken. Okay, right? And then it was like a bonus. At the end of the week, he'd come home and toss the chicken over the fence into the yard, and then my grandmother would go outside catch it and, you know, break its neck and pull the feathers off and make it for dinner. My dad did not chicken, yeah, yeah. I see why. You might not like Jim, yeah,
Cici 27:09
but he was a very, very good worker. If he was getting chickens all the time, didn't get a chicken
Scott Benner 27:13
every week, but apparently it ruined my father for chicken eventually. So, right, that's interesting, isn't it? It's
Cici 27:19
counter intuitive, like, I don't, I don't know where it comes from. It's crazy. Just
Scott Benner 27:24
that doesn't feel like a thing that should be difficult to accomplish, right? How many people would type one live in Mexico? Even, you know, we can no
Cici 27:32
but my husband, yeah, I can find out. My husband makes this joke, like, in my town, like, where I'm originally from, I know a lot of diabetes. He's like, What is going on your town? Like, why are there so many diabetics? I'm like, I don't think it's my town. I think it's just because it's small. We all know everyone's live. You're aware of everybody. Yeah, exactly. So I know all the diabetes in my town, but I'm not sure
Scott Benner 27:55
I don't have. This is a two year old article that's type two diabetes. That's not helpful.
Cici 28:00
There's a lot of type two diabetes in Mexico that I can say. Is that
Scott Benner 28:04
food related? Do you think? Yes, yeah. I've interviewed a few people cultural, yeah, yeah, who have the same cultural background. And they'll say, like, just, just what the food is, and it's and every meal and everything. And there's a guy that was on once that talked about it, just so eloquent about it. Almost 90,000 people live with type one diabetes in Mexico, but almost 60,000 additional people would still be
Cici 28:29
Yeah. I mean, maybe it sucks
Scott Benner 28:32
to say, but like, is there not not enough people there for them to sell the thing? But then the other side of it is like, if that's how many people there are. You wouldn't have to really make that much of it to cover everybody. Either, you know, interesting. Yeah, it's weird. I'm sorry. So you are growing up with diabetes through school, into high school, as you go to college, yes, yeah, into college, and mostly between you and your mother. Your dad never got involved, like he
Cici 29:05
would go to the doctor with me. He did try and get me to an a doctor in the US at the beginning, I think, when I was a year into diagnosis, and that's where I got my first glucagon. And I have a really funny glucagon story, because, because we don't know how to use it, we got the big red box right here, original one. And I was having a seizure, and my mom was going crazy, and my dad was next to her, and she was like, please, like, hand me the glucagon. And she just, he just handed it in, and he put it in my leg, and he never mixed it up, a needle, right, right? So I didn't get anything. And we lost the only Bucha one we have. How did
Scott Benner 29:44
you get out of that seizure? Jam with
Cici 29:46
jam? Yeah. So a jam all the time. Yeah. I hate jam.
Scott Benner 29:50
You remember what kind grape strawberry? No.
Cici 29:52
Strawberry. Strawberry. Yeah. Gotcha, yeah.
Scott Benner 29:58
I know. Yeah. I wonder how many other things. Things people are are being put on. Well, yeah, just like, how many kids have grown up saying, like, I don't know, I never want to see another bottle cap in my life. Or, like, you know, like candy that they had one too many times or something. I mean, it makes it makes sense. So you went to all that trouble to get a glucagon. And then when, when push came to shove,
Cici 30:18
we lost it. Yeah? I like, I remembered the story with Arden, when you guys gave her the little jelly thing, right? And you didn't have to use it. So I think it was the same thing, like, but with, damn, right? Oh
Scott Benner 30:29
my god, but, yeah, the glucose gel would come in a tube, like an icing tube. And I have one like that, yeah. And then real one. I opened the cap, but didn't pull off the foil seal, and when I squeezed it over her mouth, somehow the foil seal was stronger than the back corner of the tube. So this pin hole pops in the back corner of the tube, and I'm basically like, I mean, just decorating the ceiling of this hotel with this just laser beam of glucose gel. And as it was ridiculous. So then I looked at it and I saw, like, I didn't pull the thing off, and then instead of pulling it off, I just turned the I just turned the tube 90 degrees.
Cici 31:10
God, yeah, good problem solving.
Scott Benner 31:12
Well, how do you manage today? You have goals and outcomes now. So where did you come up with goals and outcomes for and how did you how did you figure out how to do it.
Cici 31:20
Okay? So about, I think it was like a year ago, well, I got married, like three years ago, I started thinking about kids at some point, right? And I was like, I don't want to be in the situation where I want to have kids, but I have to do all this work beforehand. Like, have to wait. So I said, I thought, I better start doing the work now, right? I wasn't really bad. I had a Stephanie 1c so it was not bad, but it was not good. And I started looking on the internet for options, and I saw things like a pancreas, something about ginger, Viera, and I saw your podcast, it was listed, and I was like, I don't want to listen to a podcast like, from the father of someone with diabetes. Like, that's not for me, because I have this idea of my mom, like my mom, whenever she would tell me something, like, no, should be a better manager. You should do this or that. I feel like I'm a lot like Arden. In that sense, I heard an episode from her, I think, yesterday, that she hates being told what to do, so I do too. Whenever she would tell me something I would do, like the opposite, or wait and do it myself later. So when I saw it was like from the father of someone with diabetes, like, No,
Scott Benner 32:34
I don't need I don't like that, by the way, she told me the other day. I said, Are you taking your vitamins? She goes, No. And I said, why not? She goes because you told me to
Cici 32:42
right? That's like, okay, yeah, that's me. That's me. I don't know why, but it's just big headedness. I guess you intersect
Scott Benner 32:49
the podcast, but the setup seems wrong. Like, did you then think, well, I'll go find a podcast from a person that has type one. Instead,
Cici 32:56
I started reading things like, pancreas, okay, one of the things it said was that one of the elements for better control was attitude, right? And I thought, right, like that. It's seems terrible. I felt like really bad about that, because it really was my fault, like my attitude. It's all wrong. I was a kid, well, a teenager, when I got it, and I was really take headed like that. So I didn't want to, like, investigate or research or read or anything. But right now, I'm a completely different person, but I still had that attitude kind of, of course, diabetes, I just like, flipped a switch and said, so the thing you have to change is your attitude, right? Like, I had a pump, I had a sensor, but it was a libre, the first one here in Mexico, we only have first one. So I had the tools. I just had to change something. And turns out it was my attitude. So with that attitude change, I was like, Maybe I should listen to the podcast. I'm like, not care if it's the father of someone with diabetes instead of someone with diabetes. Right? Interesting
Scott Benner 34:00
route to make that decision that is really interesting. Yeah, yeah. And why can't they send you the libre three? What the heck it's like plastic in a wire, right? Just do it, right? I don't understand. Okay, so, so you find it, go, nah, that's not for me. Then you read a book, and the book says, Hey, maybe you know you should just have a better attitude about a loss. You're like, you're right. And then you actually had a moment where you were sitting in your home and you thought, I didn't give that guy with the podcast enough of a chance. That's where you switch. Let's
Cici 34:27
give him a chance. Yeah, exactly. It was just like that. So I looked and I was overwhelmed with all the episodes that were available. I think it was October of last year, so, okay, about a year ago, but I saw that you had the pro tips. So I was like, I'm going to start with the pro tips. Makes sense, right? And I really loved, like, your your whole thing with Jenny, she seems really nice. And I listened to them all, I think, in a week, and I would tell my husband, like, you have to listen to them, because by that point, he wasn't very involved. Mm hmm. My my care because of the same thing, like my attitude. I didn't want anyone like hustling me and like bothering me with it. But I did switch my attitude towards that as well. So I told him, like, you should listen to it. It's really good. You're always asking if someone doesn't like you, my husband, he doesn't like me. He doesn't like you that much. He likes your episodes, but he doesn't like it. That's fine,
Scott Benner 35:25
as long as he listens. I don't really care, right, right?
Cici 35:29
I think it's because, am I not manly enough for him? No, I think you remind him of himself. Oh, really interesting. So there's, there's a saying in Mexico that says, look at the Chica. So what you hate, like, is what you have, what you hate in someone you have, so
Scott Benner 35:45
your husband's awesome, right? Yeah, that's great. And it's a shame you can't get over that, right? Isn't it funny? Like the idea of I mean, honestly, the I've gotten a ton of different reviews over my time. There's one right now, this person definitely hates my guts, but the one that sticks with me is being both amusing and really, like, I love it. Is that one, like, I don't like that guy, but I do like this podcast, yeah, right. Like, I like what it says, but I don't like, Oh, awesome. That's great. Because I feel like, you know, it's almost like, it's like, that picture I had of you going, Oh, do I have to go, like, give a guy that made a podcast a second chance like, I love picturing in my head someone picking up their phone every day and going, Oh, this looks really interesting, just
Cici 36:29
I have to listen. Oh, my God, hey, wasn't it my husband? Maybe,
Scott Benner 36:36
trust me, it's not the only one. The truth is, is that I can just be me, right, like and do this thing the way it occurs to me, and some people are gonna like and some people aren't. And I can't go bending to everybody's will or, um, then it's milk toast and it's then nobody will like it, and, and I'm not gonna do the big like, empty headed, say the stuff that everybody else says. So it doesn't offend anybody. Thing like that doesn't make any sense to me either, so it's impossible. Yeah, what am I gonna do? But nevertheless, tell your husband. I said hello, and probably okay, so you listen to the Pro Tip series. Is it like a, like a light over your head moment, or does it come slowly to you?
Cici 37:19
No, it is. So I started listening in October, and by December, so it was mid October, and I had an A 1c of 771, and by December, after I listened to all pro tips and a lot of episodes, my my a 1c was 6.40 wow. So I hadn't even gotten the three months, you know. So the only the switch from that month and a half, it made my a 1c drop, almost point. Wow, good for you. And that
Scott Benner 37:49
was Bolus thing, counting your carbs better, got your settings right. That's pretty much it, right,
Cici 37:54
right? I had this thing, like, because of my attitude, I tell you, I would go to the end though, and they would tell me, like, you're killing yourself, you know, typical gear tactics, and they would switch my basal. But I knew the problem was my Bolus, right? So I would, I would keep my basal like they told me, like the switch and whatever. But I knew I had a bigger basal than I needed. So whenever I would put on my carbs, they would tell me to put, I don't know, a ball Bolus of five units. And I was like, no, no, let's do one, because I knew I had a lot of basal behind that, right? Yeah. So I never knew my real car, I didn't have them, right? Yeah.
Scott Benner 38:35
It's incredibly common for years, years, incredibly, incredibly common to be over basal and then under, you know, under performing with the rest of it. May I read you this one that I got recently that I really I loved. I would make this into a t shirt and wear it. Please refrain from senseless drivel When dispensing medical info, this audio could have been narrowed down to less than five minutes. I hear you, Thomas. I just talk and talk and talk. Sorry Tom. Happens what I would say to talk if he was here, and if that is really his name, I'd say, Look, you know, the reason people listen is because it's not just cookie cutter, like cold. This is what to do. Like, if you made a podcast like that, maybe someone like him would listen, but most people would not want to give the time to they'd be like, This is freaking boring. Like, look at what you said. Like you talked about, you know, I wasn't even a full like, you know, cycle into the Pro Tip series. My a once he comes down a point. Like, I make all these, like, revelations about my settings and all this stuff and everything. But when you first started saying it. You said, I really like the way you and Jenny are together. Jenny seems nice, like you said personal things. You didn't say, hey, the information was really great. Yeah. Why you said, yeah, it was how you said it. Yeah, exactly. So anyway, Thomas, I'm trying buddy, but this is how I talk. And I don't know another thing, yeah, I just not. There's not much more I could do. Also, I hope. That crazy people now don't think not the Thomas is, by the way, I thought that was a fairly reasonable statement, of course, of course, he has a point. But I don't want actual crazy people to think that the way to get on the podcast is to leave a crazy review, because I won't be doing this again, just so you know. Okay, yeah, so tell the voices in your head to stop, because it's not gonna happen. All right, what about this? Did you have a eating disorder? Do you have an eating disorder?
Cici 40:28
I don't anymore. I didn't know I had it until I heard the podcast and I saw like, I heard the name of it really. So I went to Canada for a year to study, and I my a, 1c, there was like 13. So it was terrible, because, you know, we would go to sugar shacks and things like that, where you just eat maple syrup out of the tree. I was
Scott Benner 40:52
good when you said that I was gonna go Stacy, but I don't want you to feel like you're being parented by me. So I stopped. I love that. You said Sugar Shack. Is Sugar Shack a real thing, or is that a made up thing that sounds Canadian. No,
Cici 41:02
I think so. I think it's called like that. That's the name. You can check it out. I will. So I had a really bad a 1c and for the first time since I got a diabetes. Oh, so I didn't, I never said like when, when I got diabetes and I lost all the weight, I finally felt, you know, like thin and beautiful and whatever, which I hadn't before. My sisters were always like this thin, beautiful girls, and I felt like the chubby, ugly one, right, like the ugly duckling. Sorry,
Scott Benner 41:31
I know, I know you understand. I mean, I understand personally, and I have a daughter and so, but yeah, I It's so strange to hear, Well, it's nice to hear someone just say it out loud that, you know, because we can, like, I think, in America, we can try so hard to cover other people's feelings that nobody, sometimes people don't say what they think out loud, but okay, you felt ugly and like compared to your sisters.
Cici 41:55
Yes, I did sorry and like I heard. I did hear it sometimes, like I was the, you know, like the odd girl out a little bit, really. So somebody would say it out loud, no, like, not to me, but I did get
Scott Benner 42:08
a curate, something like the ancestors thing, I think,
Cici 42:10
my, yeah, like my uncle or something. So, yeah, I did have this, wait a minute, this concept, give
Scott Benner 42:18
me a second here, like, oh, look the girls. They're so beautiful. And Stacy's here, like that, yeah, like that, like that. Look who else dumpies Here. Okay, all right. Oh, it's terrible. I'm looking at you now. You're beautiful. Also, I'm looking at what a sugar shack is. And are you telling me that they go out in the snow and pour liquid sugar across the snow, and then it hardens, and you eat it.
Cici 42:42
You take it like a lollipop. Yeah, I'm on Canada.
Scott Benner 42:46
I know Canada. Come on, that's somehow awesome and terrible at the same time, right?
Cici 42:51
It was delicious, like I loved it, and I did have a lot of fun, but I also felt shitty all the time. No kidding, you can imagine that, right? So I did. I did have an agency of 1313. Yeah,
Scott Benner 43:02
okay, I'm so sorry. So you're hearing from family and other places that you're not the right person. You've, you've, you've lost weight, you feel better. Please keep going. I'm sorry. Yes,
Cici 43:11
and people start like, looking at me differently, so I'm pretty now and I'm thin, and they tell me, like, you look amazing, and they are not like they don't know what happened to me, or they do, but they don't understand that it's not healthy, like the way I'm looking right now, it's not my healthy weight, right? I think that was all unconscious on my head, like I just found it out now, yeah, like a year ago, right? But when I go to Canada, I do gain weight for the first time ever after my diagnosis, because I even if my a 1c was 13, it couldn't keep up with like, the way I was eating and not exercising and not taking care of myself, whatever. So I did gain like 10 kilograms, so like 20 something pounds, I guess, and I felt terrible like I didn't like the way I looked. So when I came back, instead of, like, getting my together, starting to get better control of my glucose, I just kept going like that. Like, I did a lot of exercise, and I just ate uncovered carves, and I would be high all the time, like, I would still have an A 1c of, I don't know, maybe not 13, but maybe 12 or
Scott Benner 44:23
11. No point did you know that I'm keeping my a 1c high, and that's keeping my weight down, but I'm probably on the verge of being in DK most of the time. Like, you didn't consciously understand that was happening, okay?
Cici 44:36
And but I it just worked,
Scott Benner 44:40
yeah? Like, Oh, I see. So you just like, well, whatever I'm doing must be okay, because I'm thin and people I'm pretty, right? Okay, right. But you didn't have, like, further thoughts about it, like, I'm but I'm doing something that's unsafe for me. I'm doing other damage to my body. I shouldn't you didn't have any of those. Like, did you know one? Subconsciously, when you look back,
Cici 44:58
yes, I think so. Like. I knew I shouldn't be 300 all the time, right? Did you
Scott Benner 45:03
know The direct line between that and the weight?
Cici 45:06
No, but I did. I do remember now that at some point when I was like 15 in in a TV show, like America's Next Top Model, there's Mexico's Next Top Model, and there was this girl who said, like, whenever I gain weight because I'm a diabetic, I just don't get my insulin that day, and I'm going to be fine next the next day, like, I'm going to lose a pound or whatever.
Scott Benner 45:28
I just put that out on television,
Cici 45:30
right? Yeah, it's crazy. Like, I I remember that now, but I didn't at that point. I don't think so.
Scott Benner 45:37
Is that show as crazy in Mexico as it is in America? It is, yeah. Arden made me watch it once. I didn't make it through a bunch of episodes, but it made my head hurt, right? Yeah? I mean, like, Yeah, it's crazy. Because if the model would have said, you know, if my weight goes up, I just do coke for a few days, like, they would have been like, No, you can't say that on TV, right? But this, okay, interesting, you know, it probably goes to show that nobody understood what she was saying, even, right, you know, yeah, that's something. It's also how most people tell me that they learn to manipulate it. They'll always say, like, oh, I learned a diabetes camp, like, I met some they don't mean diabetes camp. They mean I met other people. And I met a big enough group of people with diabetes, that someone had that, that method information, they shared it with me, and I was like, Oh, I didn't know that. And, you
Cici 46:26
know, I went to diabetes camp and I didn't learn I did
Scott Benner 46:30
no, no. So you do this for a while, then eventually you're saying the Canadian food put you're saying the Canadian food was harder than the Mexican food, yes, because it's sweeter. Now you're winning something. This is more simple sugars,
Cici 46:43
right? And because in my house, like my parents would, would be trying to give us, like, healthy food, right? Okay, yeah, your parents, I went, right? I went into a family in Canada, and they had, I don't know they had Nutella. I'd never tried Nutella. And I would do, like, spoonfuls from Nutella,
Scott Benner 46:59
yeah. Like, did you ever have a maple Long John while you were there?
Cici 47:03
I did, and I had a beaver tails. They were amazing, okay, like, things like that.
Scott Benner 47:08
Why do I know maple Long John? Hold on. Oh, it's actually the name of an episode. I didn't know why I knew it, but now I understand. So, okay, so you go from your parents trying to be like, please eat better to you know, hey, Stacy's here. She's a guest. Have fun. Enjoy maple syrup frozen in the snow, like that kind of stuff. Yeah, you finally it catches up with you. You put on weight, but your blood sugars are still high,
Cici 47:35
yes, so I don't know how I managed that. I mean, it sounds like you didn't. I was kind of scared, like, so whenever I got really high, like, 500 and things like that, I would give myself insulin. So I was more on a roller coaster. So I think maybe that's why I didn't lose weight. It wasn't consistent, like, consistent 300 Okay, yeah, so maybe that's why I did anyways, I don't know. I think
Scott Benner 47:58
this is probably a good place to say that diabetes really dangerous and you shouldn't be doing any of this stuff, but I do appreciate you, yeah, saying zero out of 10 don't
Cici 48:07
recommend. I'll
Scott Benner 48:08
tell you, right? Yeah, and I'll tell you right. Now, interesting thing is, how many people do you think just heard you say that, and they went, Oh, wait a minute, I don't eat very well. My blood sugar is high all the time. I'm thin. I correlate that with health Am I doing something wrong here? Like, I don't know either. Because if you didn't know, there's other people who don't know as well. But it doesn't stop it from being the health concern that it is. And do you see it as a like a psychological or a mental health issue as well? In retrospect, yes, I think so. Okay, you know, how, like, can you put words to how it happens? Or,
Cici 48:47
I think I've always been really anxious, and, you know, like, I have a lot of anxiety now, I see it I didn't before, and like this, need to fit in so I don't share like, I didn't share my feelings. I wouldn't talk to people. I wouldn't I don't know I was very introspective, and maybe that like, if I had, at some point voiced it like to someone, maybe they would have helped me get that like, see it from another perspective. Sometimes you're like, so closed off with your idea, when you don't see like,
Scott Benner 49:21
it's happening, right, right? The hardest part to it, when you're trying to help another person, yeah, is that they have their own thoughts, too. You can't just make somebody like, even if your mom saw it, she couldn't just force you to do the thing, you know, right?
Cici 49:35
And I don't think she saw like, I'm not sure if she saw it, because it wasn't that long, like, it was like, a year, or a little bit less than a year, and we're gone anyway. Yeah, yeah, I see
Scott Benner 49:47
So at what point do you like when you say you found the podcast and you brought this down? How long ago was that? A
Cici 49:53
year ago, just so I was, I was unmanaged, like, kind of for 16 years. I. Wow, a long time you feel better. Now, a little more tired. I can say that, like, tired, like it does take a lot of me because I had to, like, implement things I never did before, so, but I'm getting used to it. Um, it did. It was hard on my my feelings, like, how I felt when I was, like, 110, I felt like I was 50. You kind of manage
Scott Benner 50:22
it. How long did that last, by the way, until your body figured that out, like three weeks or something like that. Because it's real, like you, just because you're not technically low doesn't mean you don't feel all the feelings that come with a low blood sugar.
Cici 50:36
Right? Your body gets used to it. Yeah, gosh, oh, wow.
Scott Benner 50:41
Are you here to say I saved you? Am I getting a Mexican baby named after me? Let's go. What's happening? I'm
Cici 50:45
not sure. It's got, like, it doesn't sound nice in Spanish. What
Scott Benner 50:49
is it? Wait, what is it in Spanish, the same? Scott? No,
Cici 50:53
yeah, it's like Scott and like Scott and like scotch tape or something like that.
Scott Benner 50:56
Is there not like, an equivalent like that? You could pretend it's Scott, or we could, we could do something with S. Maybe I just love the idea of your husband having to call his son for
Cici 51:08
yeah in your honor, and hating you. Yeah. I don't care.
Scott Benner 51:11
Otherwise. I just love him looking down and going, I can't believe she made me name this kid after that podcast guy I don't like, right? But so are you really thinking about having a baby now?
Cici 51:21
So yes, but like, also, I've heard a lot of your episodes, and you're like, always, like, don't rush into it, because that's right. Like, we, we're not in the best spot, I think, yeah, economically. Like, it's expensive, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's expensive. And, like, I have to go to the US, like, to get my stuff. I can't get my omnipot or my Dexcom or anything here.
Scott Benner 51:42
Yeah, talk about that. So you're using Omnipod five, but that's not available in Mexico,
Cici 51:47
no. So I started listening to the podcast, and I I saw how, how my a, 1c, changed, just by attitude, you know, but you would push omnipot onto me, right? I was not put I
Scott Benner 52:00
just want to say I wasn't pushing it. I know they buy ads and I say the thing they asked me to say, and my daughter does use it, but that's it. Am I gonna use whatever you want? Sorry, no, no, you should. That word was so aggressive. You should use whatever you want. Like, seriously, go, go get a tandem. It's fine with me.
Cici 52:17
I'm sorry. I'm just bullying you. So, like I had already been on a tube pump so long. And I actually have funny stories about that. I've been on six pumps before omnipot Because I'm really clumsy and I dropped them electronic animus, like animus, Medtronic, Medtronic, Medtronic, electronic Medtronic, oh, oh, usually
Scott Benner 52:38
you just break your pumps. A lot. I would break
Cici 52:40
my pumps, yeah, okay, and they fell in the toilet. And
Scott Benner 52:44
do you think you had less respect for them back then than you do now? Yes,
Cici 52:48
yes, totally, like My poor mom. She had to fight with the insurance company all the time to get them covered, because they don't cover them, right? But she would fight them, and we did get them all covered. So, right? She deserves, like, a national holiday or something, absolutely, because she did get them all reimbursed. So, yeah,
Scott Benner 53:07
great. Well, I think your conversation really is highlighting for me the things that you think your life is about, day to day. Like, when you look back like this, like this is great like, because you retrospectively, get to look back over what happened to you, and you get to say, hey, look, I think this is what it looked like, but here's what was actually happening in so many different ways. I would hope that the people who are listening now, who are in real time going through these things, would think, well, this is what I think is going on, but I wonder what's actually, actually, yeah, you know, like, what's really going on in everybody's minds? It's making this whole thing turn like this. I think those are interesting things to consider. But okay, so you're throwing your medtronics into the toilet, right? Twice? Did you really do it twice? Yeah, but it was, what happens you pull your pants down. It's stuck on something. It yanks up and and stuff like
Cici 53:54
I had, I always had them on my pants and with a little clip. But whenever, like, like, literally, it was going to the bathroom, and the clip, like, fell. So it fell in toilet. Yeah, I was in, like, at work, and it was really embarrassing. And the second time was actually after I listened to the podcast, and I decided I wanted to try omnipot, which I had already seen. There are two people in my town in Mexico that use omnipot, okay, so they go to the US. We're in the, like, in the border, like, five hours to Texas.
Scott Benner 54:26
Yeah, five hours. This a fair, fair ride. It's, I know,
Cici 54:29
but I don't know. Like, people in the north part of Mexico are used to crossing for shopping, okay, how often do you do it? I used to do it, like, for shopping, before I got diabetes, every six months or eight months. Yeah, you go more frequently now that you have diabetes. I go every six months now, every six months now, I'm sorry, yeah, okay, but I live like in the south, south Mexico, like near Cancun, yes. So that's why I'm like, it's expensive, because I have to fly, oh, so you fly in to do it. Yeah? Yes, or I go to my town, and then I take a car and I cross,
Scott Benner 55:03
I got you Okay, right? And then it's the insurance that your father set up for you that's still going, yes, yes. Do you pay for it now? No, like they, they're helping us out right now. Do you know how much it is?
Cici 55:17
No, I but I can't check it out. I know it's, it's significant. So that's
Scott Benner 55:24
wondering, like, if, for other people listening, if you know, like, how they could do that. I also want to point out the Omnipod that, you know, you bought an ad for me to sell something in America, and I was still able to sell in some public Mexico. Yeah, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, great, yeah. I'm just wondering how much it costs, because, I mean, is it a thing that's something ever do you think your are your parents? How do I Are your parents? Well off they
Cici 55:47
are now. I think back then, they were having a hard time, and that's why they're helping me now, like they're they were able to afford it when I was 12. So they they'd been married for like, 15 years, and they were like, they had started a business. It was going great, and they had a hard time paying it. But after I got diabetes, they were like this indispensable now for me and for my sisters, just in case, yeah, they just kept on paying it. I think it happened because one of my mother's friend's sons got cancer, right when he was scared. Your parents really young, yeah? And he it was really, really hard on them, and so they, they got that insurance because
Scott Benner 56:25
your parents have been married over 30 years now. Yeah, 35 Wow. It's awesome. Yeah, very cool.
Cici 56:31
Good for them. Yeah,
Scott Benner 56:33
I've been married 29 years. And I was like, I don't actually meet a lot of people who've been married longer than me unless their hair is
Cici 56:38
gray. So my father and mother in law, they're, they've been married almost 50 years. Wow. How old are they? They got married at 20, and they are right now. They're 70.
Scott Benner 56:50
Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, that's really nice. Yeah, I just I'm as long as my hair stays dark, I think I'm okay, but you're fine. Yeah, as soon as it pivots like I'm in a significant what made you reach out and want to be on the podcast. I think that,
Cici 57:06
like the idea that attitude is everything, and then you're never too late change your attitude. I was 16 years into diabetes, right? I thank God never had any. Well, I don't have any, okay, so I have no, I don't have any effects from my diabetes yet, but I was, I was really out of control for a lot, a long time. And I think I don't know the diabetes gods that I don't have anything, right? I did take action at some point, even if it was maybe late in someone's eyes. And I think anyone can change their perspective, like that.
Scott Benner 57:44
Great. You don't have like, like, an anger that you didn't figure it out sooner.
Cici 57:47
Yes, oh, you do have that I was out of control for 16 years, and you can still switch, like, with the switch. Yeah, it's never
Scott Benner 57:55
too late, right? Well, I mean, it could be too late, but you got him, I know, but I got lucky. Yeah. Do you feel like that? Do you think like, wow, I just gets random. Like, the Genesis is, I maybe want to have a baby one day, but when I'm ready to get pregnant, I don't want to have to stop and think about my diabetes. So let me put that in order first. Oh, here's a podcast and a book. I'll read the book, but I'm not going to listen to the podcast because the guy podcast because the guy's a dad. Gary says, you know, have a better attitude. The way I say it, by the way, is I always say, like, there's no room for drama in diabetes, right? You need to take care of yourself. We don't have time for all the like, what was me and the sucks and everything like, do that later, right? And then you go back, listen the podcast, do the Pro Tip series. Your Stuff comes down, and then it occurs to you, I should share with those people that are listening that, look, I did it. I got out of this,
Cici 58:51
right? Yeah, yeah, okay, that like to hear from someone that so long was like I had that woe is me like mentality. I just, I felt all the time like I was just angry life and diabetes and whatever. So like even the most pig headed person can change their mind, right? You
Scott Benner 59:13
don't want your episode to be called formerly pig headed, do you? Because I would do that too. You could whatever you like, or whatever I like. Don't put it on me. It's gonna end up being something stupid. I can tell you that for sure. I like that. I love finding out the why, the names of the episodes. Oh, do you okay? Yeah, I love it. We'll call it formally pig headed. Then, okay, great.
Cici 59:35
What would that be in Spanish? So pig headed would be terca, like, T, E, R, C, A or T, E, I
Scott Benner 59:44
love your language. You don't even know for sure.
Cici 59:47
I'm like, no, because I have to, like, translate the letters in my mind, okay,
Scott Benner 59:51
maybe I'll do it like that. Like, maybe I'll do it in English and then spam. Maybe I'll do formally tereka.
Cici 59:59
Okay, I like it for. Money that guys, it's nice. So yeah. So after I started listening to you, I decided I wanted to try the Omnipod, because I dropped all my electronic pumps, and they were, like, messing with my life. I talked to my husband, and he said it was a good idea, and we had to, like, take advantage of the of the insurance that I had, right, that I was lucky to have. So we figured out who we wanted to see. I talked to the guys. I told you that use omnipot in my town, yeah, to see where they went, to get them, I ended up going to a different doctor, one that my girl in my town told me about, that she's using the Medtronic 770-747-8780, yeah, I think, I think 740 in Mexico, but she went there to get to 780 Okay, so I went there and I talked to him, and I told him I wanted to switch to omnipotent. He said for him, we took advantage of the four days we had there, and we went to the pharmacy, and I got six months of supplies like front right with my credit card. They were like, they they didn't understand, like, how I'm going to charge you in your cart. I'm like, yes, so my insurance, not like, the ones you know, I needed to charge everything in my cart. And they were like, it's really expensive. I'm like, I don't care. Like, just do it. Yeah, right. I was messing up with their logistics or something. And we got everything for six months. Came back, started using it. Didn't like the automated mode. It was a little bit too conservative for my new mentality, right? So I started using it in manual, and right now, my a, 1c, is five, two.
Scott Benner 1:01:30
Wow. Look at you. Do you ever think about turning it on for overnight? I do,
Cici 1:01:33
but I don't know why. It always wants to keep me at 130 and I wake up tired whenever it does. That is
Scott Benner 1:01:39
the target set at 130 right now? No, it's 110
Cici 1:01:43
it's 110 Yeah, okay, I don't know either. Yeah, I don't interesting. Did
Scott Benner 1:01:49
you think? No good. Sorry, no, go ahead. Go ahead. I was gonna say. Did you think about getting dash pods and using, like, that's it loop or something?
Cici 1:01:56
So we're gonna, because I heard it in the podcast, and I heard that you guys switch to Iaps. We're gonna try that. Yeah, Arden's using trio at the moment. Oh, okay, I didn't know that. Yeah, I'm gonna look into that.
Scott Benner 1:02:07
It's Iaps on another branch, so okay, but that's what she's using right now, and it's working great. Oh, it's nice. Yeah, I don't think you could, probably couldn't go wrong with, like, loop, with auto Bolus, Iaps trio, like those, in my opinion, yeah, would work. Well,
Cici 1:02:24
we built, well, my husband, he's really tech savvy and not that much. He built the pump, and he we're using it like a trial pump, like to see what decisions takes and things like that. But it's not linked to any pod. So when we go in December to get my new supply, I'm going to ask for Dash,
Scott Benner 1:02:42
oh, oh, wow, look at you. I was ahead but behind when I said that. Yeah, you're you're like, Oh, I'm already taking care of it, right? I am. Do you enjoy listening to people's stories on the podcast, or are you more interested in like,
Cici 1:02:57
like, management stuff? No, I do enjoy the stories like I started with the management, because that's what I thought was logic. But then I started listening to everything, and I think I've listened to almost everything.
Scott Benner 1:03:10
Thank you. I appreciate it very much. I'm good. Do you have anything else? Did I forget to ask you anything? No, I don't think so. All right, then we have to go back to this for a second. So it's T, E R, C, O, this is chat, G, P, T, by the way, explaining Spanish to me. Okay, T, E R, CO or cabenzon, C, A, son, they say it again, cave. Son, yeah, I wasn't gonna get that right. It means head. Like, like, you have a big head,
Cici 1:03:37
okay, but you don't have a big head. You're not big headed. Like, literally, I am. I do have a big head. Do you really have a big head? I do. Like, I had the biggest graduation had in the whole generation, like, including men. So I do have
Scott Benner 1:03:50
a big head. Do you know now that I've lost weight, none of my baseball hats fit? Really, I didn't think my head stays the same all the time. No, my head lost weight. Nice, it's ridiculous. No, mine didn't. No, seriously, like, I wish I had, I wish I had one in here to show you, like they just kind of fall so stupid. They just kind of fall down, right? And it's silly, but, but anyway, all right, so I so I want to go with ter CEO, is that right?
Cici 1:04:16
Right? But it would be tr ca, because some gar a girl,
Scott Benner 1:04:20
is your girl? Right? All right, I got it. I'm good. Okay, excellent, great. I appreciate you doing this very much. I appreciate also people don't know if, but you let me push the time back today, which was great, because Arden was leaving, uh, after her fall break for school, and you allowed me to spend some more time with her, so I appreciate that too. Borus, yeah, I didn't know she was going to be here on this day when I set this up. Yeah, me neither. But honestly, to say that if I would have known, I could have done something differently, is also giving me way too much credit for being focused on top of things. I really means a lot to me that you found the podcast and. And helped yourself so much with it. It really does. Yeah,
Cici 1:05:04
thank you for what you do. I think it's really, really important. Thank
Scott Benner 1:05:07
you. No, that's lovely. I don't get enough of this. Like, my days can get long with, like, the back room stuff of making the podcast and, like, you know, sometimes you just the way I keep myself grounded, keep myself aware of what it's you know, what the end result of what's happening is, is usually just like through social media, where people will come and say, Oh, this really helped me, or something like that. But then if a week or two goes by and I don't look at that stuff, then I end up feeling badly, because then people reached out and I didn't see it, which makes me feel bad, right? And then I'm like, oh, I should have read this last week, when I was having a bad week, you know, because it really would have helped. Or this morning, by the way, when somebody I do business with was just like, there's such a pain in the ass. Like, they, they email, like, children, do you know what I mean by that? Like, yeah, I do. Like, here's a thought, and then you answer it, they go, Oh, and here's another thought. I'm like, oh, what? Or what are we doing? Like, can you just put this into one email please? And they're lovely people, and there's nothing wrong with them. They're what they're representing or anything. They just, I just hate the way I'm gonna keep saying that email. I because I don't want to say he or she. I just hate the way they email. And right when it happens, I just go, I'm like, Oh, is this what my day is going to be, Hey, before I let you go, the artwork behind you? Is
Cici 1:06:25
it yours? Yes, yeah. Not that one. No, this, like this little ones and the big ones, there. Are
Scott Benner 1:06:33
they painting? Are they watercolor? Are they marker? These are paintings.
Cici 1:06:36
They're acrylic. And then this ones are screen printed. I do screen printing. Is
Scott Benner 1:06:41
that what you do for a living, or you just for fun? I'm trying to switch it
Cici 1:06:46
for a living, like I do wedding invitations and graphic design. Oh, that's beautiful. And then what I try to do is integrate painting in the back of a wedding invitation so that people don't throw it away.
Scott Benner 1:06:57
Oh, okay, so it seems like art. They'll hang it up and hold on to it, and even keep it after the after the date.
Cici 1:07:03
Yeah, I put a little note on it saying, like, don't throw this away. It's a gift from the like, from the couple to you and, right. Oh, it's lovely frame it.
Scott Benner 1:07:11
I have to tell you, it's not an easy thing to do. Like, I don't even like my logo. Is I don't even like my logo. I just can't like it's so difficult to get something else, you know, like, I'm not artistic. I'm like, I'm not going to be the one to do it. And when you reach out to get somebody else to do it, it's their esthetic. Like you're, you're buying their esthetic, right? And then if you don't like it, what do you do? And it's, I don't have endless money to be like asking people to change it, but I,
Cici 1:07:38
I guess it probably help you. Everyone No, I'm not. I do logos as well.
Scott Benner 1:07:42
Yeah, but I'm not. I'm not, I'm not haranguing you. I don't know if you know that word or not, but I do. I didn't know it. It just feels like it's like one of those things, like I would change that if I just, if somebody would just do it and then present me with something that I went that's perfect. Thank you. Thank you. I'll just put it up, but I don't want to be involved in the process whatsoever. And if I don't like it, I want to be free to say I don't like it. But having said that, I don't know what I would want to begin with. I don't like it to be ham fisted, like, I wouldn't want needles running through it, and, like all that, I hate when they have needles, because I mentioned that it doesn't need to be and I don't need a juice box to be involved. Like, you know what I mean? And then I just yeah, anyway. And anytime I've ever reached out to anybody, they're like, well, we could put it on a juice box. On a juice box. And I'm like, Yeah, because that seems obvious, and I don't want it to be that obvious. Then I get bitchy about it, and then I just give up. So right, you were really lovely. I appreciate this. Are you in the private group I am, but I never speak you, never. You've never, like, ever,
Cici 1:08:38
never. It's interesting. No, I'm one of those people that lurks that you've mentioned sometimes. Yeah, awesome.
Scott Benner 1:08:43
There's way more lurkers than speakers, that's for sure, I know, but I was just wondering, because I hadn't seen your name there. So I was like, Maybe
Cici 1:08:52
I think you should find me there if you look for me. Okay,
Scott Benner 1:08:55
well, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna have to be creepy. I'm not gonna do that, but that's fine anyway. I really, I really appreciate this. Hold on one second for me. Yes.
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