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Scott Benner 0:00
In this episode of defining diabetes, Jenny Smith and I are going to define bazel. Seems simple, doesn't it? Maybe it's not. Maybe it means more than you think. Defining diabetes is made possible by Dexcom on the pod and dancing for diabetes, hang out for just a couple moments after Jenny and I define bazel and find out more about them all. Please remember that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, the Always consult a physician before becoming bold with insulin, or making any changes to your medical plan. Hey, Jenny, let's define bazel. I'm going to go first this time.
Unknown Speaker 0:40
Scott Benner 0:42
I'm online. Right? So Basal outside of diabetes is just forming or belonging to a bottom layer or a base, which makes sense when you translate it to diabetes, right? Because it's a baseline of insulin. Right? It's it's that, that that kind of layer of insulin that, you know, we talk about all the time on the podcast, like, you know, when you hear me tell you, during like a higher carb meal, I think we call them a carb beer meal one time I said, I like to lay a blanket of bazel over top of the lifetime of that food. So that makes sense. But how would you define bazel for diabetes,
Jennifer Smith, CDE 1:18
so bazel for diabetes, essentially, it's a in those who inject it's a long acting insulin, usually inject it once or twice a day, and it covers the background feed the physiologic need for insulin that your own pancreas would do as a drip, drip, drip, drip, drip all day long. basal insulin has
no technical
fees in to cover food, right? We know that it does if you're doing other things and the potential need to increase or decrease but in this definition, Faisal truly covers your physiologic need for a background insulin. And we all need it in our body at all times. Even people without diabetes, their pancreas goes drip drip, drip, drip drip. If you're on a pump, it goes drip drip drip at a rate if you're taking up an injected bazel it is absorbed from the site that you would inject it at once or twice a day, over a long period of time.
Scott Benner 2:29
You don't want to miss the diabetes pro tip series that Jenny and I did recently. It begins back in Episode 210. with diabetes pro tip newly diagnosed starting over after that it's Episode 211. All About MDI Episode 212. All About insulin. In Episode 217. We talked about Pre-Bolus going into 18 Temp Basal in 219 insulin pumping into 24. Or mastering your CGM into 25. bumping and nudging into 26 the perfect Bolus and into 31. We talk about variables. The latest installment just went up a few days ago, and it's about setting your basal rates. Defining diabetes on the Juicebox Podcast is brought to you by Dexcom on the pod and dancing for diabetes. There are links in the show notes at Juicebox podcast.com to all the wonderful sponsors. But if you want to find out more about getting a free no obligation demo valmy pod you can go to Miami pod.com Ford slash juice box to get started on the Dexcom g six continuous glucose monitor dexcom.com forward slash juice box and to learn about the goods that's being done at dancing for diabetes go to dancing the number for diabetes.com Thanks for checking out defining diabetes. Come back every Friday as Jenny and I break down a new word or phrase that is impacting your life with type one diabetes.