#405 How We Eat: Plant Based
Type 1 Diabetes and Plant Based Eating
Matt is a type 1 who eats a plant based diet for strictly health reasons.
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Scott Benner 0:11
Hello, friends, and welcome to Episode 405 of the Juicebox Podcast today, another in the how we eat series, this time with Matt, a type one who eats a plant based diet. This is the third in the series. It's a new series, we're just getting it off the ground. So far on episode 373 we had a vegan Episode 400 Dr. Paul Saladino came on and talked about carnivore eating, even though he doesn't have type one, he was a good source of information about that style of eating. Today, Matt, who's plant based, but not for any moral reasons. And there are many more coming but I'd like to add your story to the show. If you have a specific particular or interesting way that you eat, and you have type one diabetes, I'd love for you to come on the show and tell people about it. Please remember, while you're listening that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan, or trying a garbanzo bean.
This show is sponsored today by the glucagon that my daughter carries g Vogue hypo pen, Find out more at G Volk glucagon.com Ford slash juice box. And to learn more about the blood glucose meter that Arden uses, all you have to do is go to Contour Next one.com Ford slash juice box there you're going to learn all about the Contour Next One blood glucose meter, the apps that are paired with it for Android and iPhone, if you wish to have those apps, you don't have to have them to use this great meter, and so much more Contour Next one.com forward slash juice box. And don't forget to add your name to the T one D registry T one d exchange.org Ford slash juicebox. There are links right there in the show notes of your podcast player. And at Juicebox podcast.com. If you can't remember what I just said,
Matt Fouse 2:21
my name is Matthew Fouse. I have been diabetic since age five, which is 31 years. Well,
Unknown Speaker 2:32
a lot of time.
Matt Fouse 2:35
Absolutely. And I'm still continued to be amazed at the advancements. When I was five, I was on humulin n and she Mulan are right. Which when I look back now I'm just like, how am I still alive?
Scott Benner 2:58
Well, it was it was processed. Right? It was you put that in and eat at certain times? And is that how it went?
Matt Fouse 3:04
Absolutely. I remember when I started school because when I was diagnosed, it was a little before kindergarten and snack time and lunchtime had to be perfect. Otherwise, you would run low. And it just continued. I'm, I'm amazed like at the advancements now with like, I'm on fee offs. And Heck, I can forget the Bolus sometimes and I'm still okay. You know,
Scott Benner 3:35
you know what, I'm interested in that because this might be where I end up saying this is we tried fiasco, however, they said, For Arden and she's in the middle of it now meaning she's maybe a violin a quarter into it. And she as soon as we put it on her, she's like, hey, this thing's when your ball is saying. And I was like, Alright, and then she started using the word burns. And I was like, oh, now here's the problem. I'm actually better their blood sugar than I was before, which without being immodest. Not saying something. And and so, so I got better at it. But we're, you know, I gotta say, five or six pods into it. And she says that the sites are sore, they feel bruised. It always things when it goes in. I don't I think we're gonna have to bail on it if it doesn't abate but did you have any of that in the beginning?
Matt Fouse 4:26
The four fiaz I was on novolog. And my endocrinologist was like, why don't you give us a chance. And I did. And I actually did notice little slight stings. And recently, I'm on Omni pod. And I'm looping with Dexcom.
Scott Benner 4:47
I noticed my sights for the pods. were reacting and I'm wondering, I've tried every type of adhesive barrier. Yeah, and I'm wondering if it is a reaction with The I'm not ready to bail yet because of how amazing it is with my sugars. So it's like, Do I want my skin to break out and itch my skin off? Or do I want good sugars and that's something I am glad Arden's not having a, like a dermatology reaction I really am. But at the same time like she was laying on the floor last night, she likes to have her back cracked. And so she's like, Don't touch my thigh, my thigh is sore. And the pods only been on for like a day. And that is not something that happened at all with a pager. And it's not like we were bad at a pager. But your point about the fiasco is, is correct in that there's been twice now since we've been using it. Where one time it was just like a pod change at a really awkward time. So there was a new pod on going into a restaurant, handmade potato chips, and a Belgian waffle with real syrup. And like blood sugar only went to like 165 and it was you know, I think that was the the insulin now could I have done the same thing by just using more a pager? I think I could have and I'm not going to torture her. Like you know, some people have said the stinging comes in about a month that goes away. If she doesn't see it dwindling, we're gonna have to go back and it's not like a head down thing, I think Peters really great. But yeah, it was worth a try. And we weren't trying, by the way, I guess I should say here before we get into why you're here. We didn't switch from a Piedra and try fi s because of a pager being a problem. We were just trying to see, like, we're like, finally picking through Arden's health, like, Is there a filler in a pager that doesn't exist in fiasco? And would a muscle pain or an ache change or something like that? So it's just a lot of, you know,
Matt Fouse 6:46
yeah, you're you always want to advance and even fine tune things, you know, find the you, you want to live your best life, human human nature so you can fill in and you know, better your diabetes management. Well, number one, you'd
Scott Benner 7:02
like me to supplement, right? And he's like, I need to take a sorbic acid, right? And you buy one brand, try a different brand to like maybe this brands not as good as that one or vice versa. But you know, it's you just can't do one thing and stop. So anyway, I don't think it's gonna last much longer. But I'm glad it works for you. And I do agree with you. For the people that I hear it works for they all say what you say, which is it just it seems to act more quickly. And she definitely has not had as many. And again, it's not to say she had a ton of them. But you know, tail and lows like hours after a meal. They don't seem to exist, even at all, which I guess what's leading to more stability through the, through the 24 hours.
Matt Fouse 7:42
Yeah, the the like, if I forget the Pre-Bolus, which, you know, I'm human, and I don't eat on a perfect schedule because it's life. I have a kindergartener right now upstairs doing virtual learning. Yeah, wife is 39 Weeks Pregnant doing online doctor's visit, like I cannot eat exactly on time. So sometimes you forget and with the fee off, it's bam, it's it's right there on for me.
Scott Benner 8:12
I'm sorry. This is gonna be our first detour. You're missing your wife's ob appointment to be on this podcast. That's my first one. Secondly, and I don't mean to be indelicate, but what if she like hopped up on a desk and open her legs in front of the laptop? Or how does that work? Exactly.
Matt Fouse 8:29
So So that part happens last week, the in person visits. With the pandemic going on. That was the first appointment I was allowed to go to. So I got to see the baby for the first time on the sonogram. God, this is actually an appointment for the unborn baby with the pediatrician of like, hey, it's in here. It's coming out you're gonna see it sometimes.
Scott Benner 9:00
Has that been? Well, first of all, I'm glad to hear your wife is not an unwitting partner in a webcam scam. And imagine the baby comes you get the hospital the guy's not there. And they're like, Where's Dr. Philips now? Like, there's no Dr. Philips. But But uh, but so when did she get pregnant? 39 weeks.
Matt Fouse 9:22
So it is not a coronial as I like to call them it is not a coronavirus, baby. It was two weeks previous to when the world shut down. She knew she was pregnant. Okay. So everybody, you know, plays a joke. Well, I know what you guys were doing during the pandemic? No, it was before the pandemic.
Scott Benner 9:43
I hope you're still doing that. But at the same point, I understand. You don't want your child wandering around their whole life going. I only exist because my parents were bored and locked in the same house. Absolutely. I hate to break it to those kids. But that's pretty much why we're all here but nevertheless, nevertheless, yes.
Unknown Speaker 9:58
100% Yeah,
Scott Benner 10:00
well, that's good. And it hasn't been a problem for to do. Like virtually often than in person. It's all worked out. Obviously, she's healthy. And she's doing well, right.
Matt Fouse 10:09
She is amazing. Yeah. Both my daughter and my wife are taking this, like, absolutely the best possible case they could. My daughter is in kindergarten, and she loves it. She is attentive on the virtual learning. And my wife is a nurse and still working. She's, she's a trooper. And she's going to continue. I mean, she might flop it out, you know, taking care of a patient who knows?
Scott Benner 10:45
Well, I always imagined I saw my wife work straight through both of her pregnancies. And in the second one with art, and she, she got home one day, and she said, I was I couldn't move quickly, she was in Manhattan. And she's like, I couldn't move quickly enough to get to the subway in time. So I was late to get on the train. So there were no seats. She's like, I tried to stand but I couldn't. So she sat on the floor for an entire like, like train ride, you know? And, and she's like, no one would give me a seat. I'm so pregnant, and she still kept going. And I think that she showed that determination because she thought, if we leave it just up to that guy to make money for us, we're gonna be in trouble. I I really took more of a shot at me than anything else. But uh,
Matt Fouse 11:29
well, I as well, um, uh, you know, yeah, I'm the basic majority caregiver, I want to say so. God bless the women in our lives.
Scott Benner 11:45
Great. Hawaii has morphed over the last couple of decades. I was a stay at home dad. And when I and that's what they called it. And I was happy to say that. And now you're basically the primary caregiver
Matt Fouse 11:58
changes. I did not like the term sad.
Scott Benner 12:03
The acronym didn't work. That's so funny. I'll tell you back then, when I was when I wrote my book and stuff around Father's Day, I was like, the most popular person in the world because there were very few guys that were would say out loud, this is what I do. And, you know, and had any media contact at all. So I would, I was very popular in June, my mom told me one day she woke up and I was on the front page of her local newspaper. And, and she, she was like, I didn't tell her it was gonna happen. But I also did not expect it to be on the front of the of the section, you know. Now, now, as I'm telling you wondering if people understand that newspapers had sections, but anyway, I was on vacation already. And she called me and she's like, you're on the front page, like the lifestyle section of my newspaper. And I was like, I told him I'm, I'm very famous. so silly. Anyway, so alright, so you have a kindergarten, garden aged child, a wife is obviously a more of a go getter than you are and your cell. You have type one diabetes, is there any other endocrine issues in the family?
Matt Fouse 13:12
I have an older sister who is five years older than me, and she is type one diabetic as well. She got it first, when we were growing up. I so I would have been three, when she got it. Our we grew up in a very small town, in rural Pennsylvania. So endocrinologist, we didn't know they existed. So we had a family practitioner. He was amazing. He kept up to date the best that he could with what he had, where we were. Yeah. And he said, There is no way I would get it. There is absolutely, if I would get it, it would be like getting struck by lightning 10 times. And I got the telltale symptoms. My mom knew it. She still tells a story today of I knew you had it. I didn't want to pack the bags and take you to the hospital. Because then it would be known and I did not want to do it. But here I am my sister and I siblings who I was supposed to not get it and I got it.
Scott Benner 14:25
My mom wasn't supposed to get pregnant, but I have two brothers. So it's funny how doctrine used to work. Like my mother was actually told, you know, it's safe to go ahead and adopt your you know, and you're not going to have children. So they adopt me, and then afterwards, like you don't need to use birth control. And it proved out for a long time. My brothers and I are all five years apart, like like a solid five years apart. So even when my brother Brian was born, they were like, well, that's a fluke. That'll never happen again, which was not good advice because now my mom at you know, 78 years old has a senator in his 30s because she was all like, I can't get pregnant doesn't matter. Wow. Yeah. But But imagine that was actual advice like, oh, can't happen to the second one. He was probably just playing the odds and trying to make your mom feel better. And back. Yeah, backfired on
Matt Fouse 15:17
Yep. Well, so now I'm crossing my fingers, my endocrinologist. I'm very good, like personal friends with him. He said, statistically, with my daughter. It's pretty low. I think he said, 11%. And I'm just like, every time she gets Moody, because she's going through a growth spurt, or, you know, she's like, No, I don't want to do that. I'm like, Oh, she's got diabetes. That's it may check her books or mood change every time she takes a sip of water. Oh, honey, she's got diabetes, we got to check her sugar. So just, I'm crossing my fingers. I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world. I'm still here, but it is in the blood in the jeans is gonna say
Scott Benner 15:55
it's working out for you and your sister. Right? So okay, so you're on the show, Matt, because you you responded when I said I want to talk to people who eat in specific in different ways. And which way do you eat?
Matt Fouse 16:10
I am plant based. Okay, wait, which I consider basically, the vegan eating. I don't eat dairy meat. But I hate vegans. I will not call myself a vegan. I do not like,
Scott Benner 16:29
let's not make all the vegans upset. But Okay. Here's what we see. Let me make sure I let me pick through some ideas. You would need an egg? No. Okay. Is this a dietary decision? Or is it a moral decision? Or is it somewhere in the middle?
Matt Fouse 16:45
There is no morals in my decision whatsoever.
Scott Benner 16:49
Are any morals in any of your decisions? Man? No,
Matt Fouse 16:52
I, um, I still hunt. I deer hunt. Um, you know, I fish? I just don't eat it.
Scott Benner 17:02
I just give it to a friend to do that. So that's super interesting. So your whole life recently? How did you make it to this?
Matt Fouse 17:10
About 15 years ago, I was a marathon runner. Free kids bachelor days when I had five hours to do training runs. And I adapted the vegetarian diet. And I noticed with my training that my healing and my any inflammation from stress was significantly less. And then I went back to eating normal food, you know, dairy in me. And then about two years ago, my wife started having issues with eating dairy. So as a household it's much easier to just eat drink oat milk, versus
Scott Benner 18:05
Yeah, no one of you got this card and then everybody's on this one, right?
Matt Fouse 18:09
Yeah, switch. So I cut dairy out and I started feeling really good. Like I still exercise daily, I run just not 20 miles at a time, right. I weight train. I'm a competitive axe thrower, so I'm fairly active. And I noticed like my joints you know, stop. They're not sore. So then I cut meat out again. And it's just been working for me. It I like the way I feel I feel like my mind is clearer. My thinking just kind of like Spry. I guess it's okay energy.
Scott Benner 18:57
Is there um, where are you a sugar Do you eat sugar?
Matt Fouse 19:02
I do so a lot of the plant base as they will label the food now it's like I feel like it's the new craze plant based plant based plant base. A lot of those can be sugary. So I do I eat sugar. And the plant based diet for me is very grain heavy. So when I initially started eating that way full time I was worried about my sugars, you know, because grain whole wheat spaghetti it can be a nightmare. Yeah, as we all know, with spiking your sugar, but I'm with the exercise that I I make the exercise like a prescription basically like six o'clock I gotta do something I get to go on a hike and it's amazing. I was joking with my endocrinologist. Like, why didn't you ever tell me that if you exercise and eat right, that your sugar's kind of do what they should? At least for me, I will say for me, I know that is not for everybody. But
Scott Benner 20:18
um, no, there used to be this online initiative that I don't think exists anymore called the Big Blue test. And it just challenged people with type one diabetes or diabetes in general, I believe, to go do 10 minutes of exercise, like look at your blood sugar, do 10 minutes of exercise, look at it again, and log that and most people experience some sort of a decrease in their blood sugar, especially people whose blood sugar's were, you know, higher, I think I've come to understand it better now. And thinking that if you don't have active insulin in you, you can exercise without dropping, but most of these people had some sort of mistimed insulin in their system. And their blood sugar's were normally higher, and, you know, so exercise and got that insulin working a little better and move it through their system, you know, more efficiently. That's something so I want to understand what it means to eat a plant based diet. So you got up this morning and ate
Matt Fouse 21:17
what I got up this morning, I ate avocado toast with some sea salt sprinkled on it and this seaweed sprinkles, which I love that adds flavor to it. And then a glass of oat milk.
Scott Benner 21:35
Okay, so you and I had incredibly similar and yet completely different breakfast. So I got up this morning, I took bread that I made myself, I made a slice of toast. And then I fried two eggs, and I ate that with toast. But I did sprinkle sea salt on the toast. Either kado is something it's in my house constantly. I watch my girls eat all the time. I've tried it. And I've come to believe that my palate doesn't want. I it's interesting, I have nothing against vegetables. But I don't eat them at all. And it's to my detriment, and I'm aware of it. But there I am very texture based, not just with my eating. But even like I've noticed one thing about Corona, which is interesting now that some stores have kind of opened up a little bit and people were moving around for a while that when I walk through a store, I touch everything that I go past fat fabrics, like tops, things like that, I it's part of my experience to feel something. And very similarly, if I put a pee in my mouth, it doesn't make sense to me that there's a crunchy shell on the top of squishy and then I'm out like it's hard to it's hard to put into words exactly what my problem is. But I eat like a four year old. And, and it's embarrassing. I am genuinely embarrassed. I don't want to eat a plant based, but I do wish I could incorporate more into my into my diet because I end up having to supplement to make up for those things.
Matt Fouse 23:11
Yeah, and if you google plant based diet, you'll probably get 10 different ideas of what that means it is it means but from what I take away from plant based, it is basically the new vegan except it strays away from the moral ethics of like animals. And if you know some, some people will say well plant based you eat vegan, but sometimes you can eat meat when you want to. So for me I like I do not eat it, it would not be the end of the world. Like if something got snuck in there. But um
Scott Benner 24:01
so you'd eat a steak if you wanted a steak you just don't want one and and so am I to understand that it's the the branding for the lack of a better term. Maybe it's not lack of their hair, maybe it's perfect term. Vegan is I eat plant based because either I want to or I have a moral opposition to eating a living. That was a once living thing. You're saying I have absolutely no trouble eating a once living thing. I just don't want to. Is that right? Okay. Okay. Yes,
Matt Fouse 24:30
yes, that that is my interpretation. In my the way I eat Oh,
Scott Benner 24:37
well, that's this whole series is that it's supposed to be about it's about talking to different people about how they eat. I don't give a man Yeah, about any of anybody's politics around food and I could sit here and make a passionate plea to not you know, farm raised cattle and slaughter for food. I think I could make a great argument about that. And, and I still at the same time, I did have a really Wonderful New York strip steak a couple of days ago so I could make a great argument for I think beef in you know in moderation is great for someone's diet too late so and but not for everybody and I think this is what why you're here is to say that I think you should eat the way your body wants you to eat. Like I don't know if like your body kind of tells you what it likes and what it doesn't like, right? Yeah, what it deals better with I'm sure there's vegan choices that you avoid. GMO pipe open has no visible needle, and it's the first pre mixed autoinjector have glucagon for very low blood sugar and adults and kids with diabetes ages two and above. Not only is Jeeva hypo pen simple to administer, but it's simple to learn more about. All you have to do is go to G Vogue glucagon.com Ford slash juice box. g Volk shouldn't be used in patients with insulinoma or pheochromocytoma. Visit g Volk glucagon.com slash risk. Everyone's given a blood glucose meter by their doctor. But did you ever stop to wonder if you got a good one? Is yours one of the most accurate on the market? Does it have second chance test strips? You know what I mean? So like when you touch the blood and it doesn't work? Do your test strips allow you to go back and get more blood without messing up the accuracy of the test? Is yours easy to hold simple to transport have a bright light. Is it easy to read? Do you have the Contour Next One blood glucose meter, go to Contour Next one.com forward slash juice box to learn more about what I think is the gold standard in accuracy. There's a lot going on at Contour Next one.com Ford slash juice box. For instance, you may be eligible for a free meter. There's information about test chip programs. And it's possible that buying the meter and strips with cash meaning not going through your insurance could be cheaper than going through your insurance. All of these answers and much more are answered at Contour. Next one.com forward slash juice box. The research that happens at T one d exchange.org. forward slash juice box has led to increased insurance coverage for blood glucose meter strips, changes in the American Diabetes associations guidelines for pediatric Awan seagulls. And it's also impacted FDA expansion of CGM labeling to include finger stick replacements and Medicare coverage of CGM devices. Here's how it works. You go to T one d exchange.org, forward slash juicebox. You join in something that is 100%, HIPAA compliant, and 1,000,000%. Anonymous, all you have to do is be from the United States, a person who's living with Type One Diabetes with a caregiver of someone who is and then you answer these very simple questions about type one diabetes, the T one D exchange, aggregates that data and comes to conclusions that help move care forward. For people living with Type One Diabetes. I went to the exchange as the parent of a child with Type One Diabetes, it quite literally took me about seven minutes to complete. And that was the end, T one d exchange.org. forward slash juicebox. You could help move things forward too. You can find the links to all the sponsors and so much more at Juicebox podcast.com. We're right there in the show notes of your podcast player. I'm sure there's vegan choices that you avoid.
Matt Fouse 28:45
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, that I will not eat those weird. Tofu e noodle things that look like spaghetti. I tried them. I'm like, Oh, great, you know, low carb spaghetti. Awesome. And I think I would rather slurp down snot
Unknown Speaker 29:07
wasn't good.
Matt Fouse 29:09
It was not.
Scott Benner 29:11
I remember hearing somebody that Gosh, I wish I could remember I heard this. They were having the opportunity to try genetically. It's a book she just wrote, I'm never gonna think of her name. She's got an opportunity to try genetically manufactured meats. And you know, just trying them in front of the people who develop them and and she said all the you know, you know, people were like, It's good, right? And she was like, Oh, no, it's terrible. Like I can I can see where the technology is going. But this is this does not taste right. It doesn't feel right. Like nothing about it was quite right. I think she was talking about chicken. Like Like literally like lab made chicken.
Matt Fouse 29:50
Yeah, well, now they are toying around with 3d printing meat. Which is kind of weird. It's like I mean, you know I'm the same way though like whatever floats your boat, whatever is right for you. live your best life do whatever makes you feel good. It doesn't bother me, but like, printing out meat. I don't know. It kind of
Scott Benner 30:14
weird. It seems like a strange leap. I'm I am trying so hard to remember her name right now. I just heard her talking about her book somewhere. And now I am for the life of me having trouble. Jenny klieman I found it. So she wrote a book called sex robots and vegan meat adventures at the frontier of birth food, sex and death. Anyway, she was talking about this. And she and she said, You know, like, that just didn't didn't feel right. It didn't taste right. And yeah, not that I but you know, not that it couldn't at some point, or that maybe in the future? Because right? That's the idea. I'm guessing is that, that some people's arguments are going to be that more and more and more people, and you create more and more and more cattle and pigs and you know, everything else? Like eventually, it'll take more space, effort and resources to feed us then then we can, you know, balance, I guess is the idea.
Matt Fouse 31:10
Oh, absolutely. And we just keep growing too. I mean, what are we at now 7 billion or something? I don't even know the number. All those
Scott Benner 31:20
people eat every day, if they're lucky, and a lot of them don't get to.
Matt Fouse 31:24
And that was a worldwide pandemic. So there might be 15 billion next year. Who knows? I don't know.
Scott Benner 31:30
Yeah, I really, I genuinely care for it. We could be it could be doubling another eight months. I genuinely don't have a feeling about how people eat. Nor do I think that I completely understand the science around. You know, whether cow farts are is dangerous is landfills. You know, there's methane gas that comes from landfills. Is that more than cow farts? Maybe? I don't know. Like, and I think that when you hear arguments one way or the other, you're hearing them from people who, you know, if somebody says, oh, the cows aren't the problem, I'm gonna guess those are either people eating meat or people selling meat. You know, and and people were like, it's the cows swamp, I guess don't want you looking in their landfills. I would pretty much guess you know how stuff like
Matt Fouse 32:11
Yeah, yeah. And I think we'll maybe eventually get to a point where everything equals in some sort of magical equalisation point like, your body tells you, the world will tell us. Hey, we're out of me. And then what would that? Well,
Scott Benner 32:31
I'll tell you what, I'll eat peas that day. Matt, I'll smile. So so it's fair to say that if you learned through trial and error that a completely meat based diet for you know, vegetables is what made your body feel right. You'd be doing that. Absolutely, yeah. No, okay, that makes complete sense to me. Okay, so today for lunch, what are you going to eat?
Matt Fouse 32:56
I will have probably 10 pe, I will slice it up, make a wrap. With the I like how you call it branding of plant base, that options are just you can get anything now you can get you know, Manet's
Scott Benner 33:16
all these delicious sauces, so you can make it taste very, very good. So I'll probably have like a 10 pay wrap with some sprouts and lettuce and maybe a salad on the side. I cannot be more honest and to tell you that I am vigorously trying to figure out what the hell temp is online right now hold on.
Matt Fouse 33:38
It's like a grain base block of I don't think it's like it. Maybe it is a meat substitute. Um, but fry it up in a skillet. It's pretty delicious.
Scott Benner 33:52
Okay, hold on. A traditional Indonesian soy product is made from fermented soy beans. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that bind soy beans into a cake form. Matt you're losing me where it says here a special fungus is used. So it's like it's spam, out of soybeans kind of feeling like visually it gets longer. The way they produce it. It looks like to me but I'm assuming you buy it in a smaller block when you buy it.
Matt Fouse 34:23
Yeah, it comes wrapped in usually like a plastic and it's like a rectangular shape and you can slice it. A lot of the fake and bacon as they call it is now 10 pay base like there's there's a bunch of different brands now. Some of them have grains, some are soy, some are flax. And I will say that it makes you regular, you will not have any problems.
Scott Benner 34:59
You don't need Fiber substitute.
Matt Fouse 35:01
Absolutely not wanting a fiber in my diet.
Unknown Speaker 35:05
That's hilarious.
Scott Benner 35:08
And it's it is very, I guess it's a very natural thing. It's probably a very common food in other countries.
Matt Fouse 35:15
I would assume so. Yeah.
Scott Benner 35:16
Because of the rate because it's just not there's not much to it. But the soy bean, I guess. Yeah. I'm looking at vegan bacon right now. Trying to figure out what that
Matt Fouse 35:27
problem if I made you a BLT Mm hmm. Side by side with the most luscious beautiful pig bacon. And faking bacon, right? soaked in liquid smoke and fried in the skillet. I think you'd be pretty.
Unknown Speaker 35:47
I'd be impressed. Pretty shot,
Matt Fouse 35:49
you would be impressed. Absolutely.
Scott Benner 35:51
I'm not gonna say no, I although this recipe I found says it's made in grapeseed oil and I am very, it's funny of all the things I'm not I am very particular about what kind of oils I take in or don't take in. Grapeseed is one of them. I don't I don't eat that so. Okay, so you're telling me that you could get fake bake into a point where it tasted like real bacon. But you mentioned a lot of different things. Do you make it yourself? Or do you buy it somewhere?
Matt Fouse 36:18
A lot of the brands now have the fake and bacon 10 pay ready to go marinated in a little packet. Okay, you throw it in the skillet for five minutes. It's ready to go. God. I do make like, I'll make my own marinades with like liquid smoke. Some oils and spices and leave it in there to marinate in the fridge and it's good. It's um, I made a BLT the other day. It's one of my favorite lunches. Actually, maybe maybe that's what I thought for lunch today. And I was so impressed. It had the most luscious local tomatoes sliced thick with vegan Manet's homemade bread because everybody's making bread right now. Right? Yeah. That's like the thing I made bread today. And I said Hey, honey, try this you're you're gonna be shocked and my wife was like, I'm impressed.
Scott Benner 37:17
She does she eat plant based?
Matt Fouse 37:19
She does not she will eat you know meat. She does it Gary.
Scott Benner 37:26
Tell me about the fistfight about when the baby started eating food. When did you how does that like I'm imagining like you're a Protestant and she's a Catholic and we're trying to decide how like what religion like get it even like when when when the eating thing comes up. How does that work? Like how does your How does your your oldest eat
Matt Fouse 37:47
my daughter? Oh, my daughter eats a normal diet. Okay, um we'll get her regular yogurt and like for the baby I don't care i'm easygoing what like
Scott Benner 37:59
Matt Fouse 38:00
I'm not gonna you know, spread my plant base preachings on other people. I don't care how you eat, whatever, whatever makes you feel good. If eating nothing, but steak makes me feel good. Yeah, go for it. But whatever. I couldn't
Scott Benner 38:16
even put throw a soap box in front of you. You couldn't really even get up and preach about plant base. It really is just about what's right for you.
Matt Fouse 38:24
Absolutely. And that that was my decision with eating that way. For you know, my diabetes and for the way I feel actually it's, it's my mind is it feels clearer. I joke that it made me Whittier with my wife, you know, like, I get to the punch.
Unknown Speaker 38:50
But she's laughing more you're saying
Matt Fouse 38:54
Why? That's my bad dad joke. Boy. Hey, hey, I'm funnier. Right?
Scott Benner 39:00
I bet you she doesn't agree with that law. As a matter of fact, I was hilarious the other day in public. Matt, I'm not gonna lie to you. There were people around me just gathered around. Everyone's having a good time. And I looked at my wife and my wife had a look on my face on her face. They said to me, oh, yeah, here this this one's gonna tell this one again that he's gonna roll into that story that and then they're all gonna laugh because they've never heard it before. And I'm stuck here hearing it for the 37th time.
Matt Fouse 39:25
Absolutely. Oh, we are so similar. Yes, yeah. Ah, this whole pandemic you know I'm not we're not rounds are normal group of people because you see one at a time instead of hanging out in a circle and same exact story. Like my white shirt those jokes 100 times and every time I get a chance with a new audience.
Unknown Speaker 39:50
Oh, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 39:51
Scott Benner 39:51
I felt energized. I was like, Oh, hold on. These people don't know me. This will be good.
Unknown Speaker 39:58
The best is when
Matt Fouse 40:01
My wife will tell a funny joke and I won't laugh about it. But then I'll steal the joke around friends. She's like, Wait a second. That's my job.
Scott Benner 40:09
I'm the one that said that and you'd pretended it wasn't funny. And then you're probably upset if she didn't laugh when you thought it. Understand narcissism, Marsha, I gotcha. Well, okay, so all right, let's roll into one more meal. Like tonight for dinner. everybody's having one thing, what are you eating?
Matt Fouse 40:31
I try to stay lower carb for dinners. Okay, um, because I, I can eat anywhere from 7pm to 10. Because I never, you never know what my schedule is gonna be with life. So if I eat later, I just try to stay lower carb. So you know, maybe a salad with some garbanzo beans. And whatever else I whip up, I use the instapot a lot. I'm really big into eggplant. I love eggplant. And I can throw something in the instant pot for 10 minutes. And it's like this magical dinner. I slaved over all day. But you press a button. It's pretty nice. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 41:19
What about like, though?
Scott Benner 41:21
When's the last time you had pizza? I'm imagining you'd have to make it for yourself. And there's some sort of substitute for cheese. Right? But this everything else works. So how do you do that?
Matt Fouse 41:30
So pizza, we will make it home because my daughter loves pizza, she has a five year old. So I would get the dough premade in the bag at the grocery store, we'll roll it out. And my daughter can put her normal cheese on it. And usually what I will do is I will just put the sauce down. Or just olive oil and then put whatever I want on it like veggies or I do not like the fake Jesus. They have a weird consistency. For me. I have yet to find a brand that I think tastes good. So I'll make more of like a flatbread type, and then a little olive oil and vegetables or just Yes, a
Scott Benner 42:18
red sauce and have a tomato pie kind of a thing?
Matt Fouse 42:21
Absolutely. Yes. And that's easy, because you can throw both in the oven and everybody can eat the way they want to. And yeah, it's
Scott Benner 42:29
all good. That sounds nice. It really does. I mean, I I'm just trying to wrap my head around. Because I think the reason I'm asking so much is because I believe that most people's idea would be either a I don't want to just eat vegetables or how hard it would be to eat something new day after day after day. But you'd really don't have that feeling at all. Like you're just
Matt Fouse 42:49
I don't I've been eating like that long enough that you just kind of have these meals in your back pocket. It's kind of like one of your episodes. You were talking about Bolus saying how you just kind of learned, like, well, the moon is a waning gibbous tonight. So I'm going to Bolus this you know, so it's like, you kind of have these things in your back pocket that's like, wow, tonight, I'm having the eggplant with tomato sauce base with some flat bread and then you get used to it, it is harder at first. There's a lot of really good cookbooks out there that will give you ideas because you know, your diet is kind of limited, but there is a substitution for anything you like that is normal eating pretty much or they're like,
Unknown Speaker 43:45
God, I'm sorry. Like, if
Matt Fouse 43:47
you like bacon, there's bacon. If you like steak, there's steak type, consistent things. So it's um, you learn it's a learning process. Yeah.
Scott Benner 44:00
Are there more carbs in plant based eating than people would imagine? Like how like how carb heavy are your meals?
Matt Fouse 44:13
I think I think I'm gonna say yes and no. So if you eat a lot of vegetables, you could eat plant based low carb ish. If you eat the heavy greens and potatoes and spaghetti and wheat and bread, you could be very high carb. So I think that question is, it depends on how you like to eat. Okay, so
Scott Benner 44:44
if it's more vegetables, there's going to be fewer carbs. I guess unless you involve more routes and things like like potatoes and yams and stuff like that. There's a little more there. But otherwise your other options are more flour. Great. based and which are gonna bring carbs with it? Yes. So but even like you could have a potato chip and be vegan and like my daughter has a vegan friend and I am fascinated by how poorly she eats. Because in my mind vegan means healthy. That's, you know, my, my leap and yet she's the kid who's in the snack drawer more than anyone else because she's she's positive. There's no nothing from an animal in that drawer basically.
Matt Fouse 45:29
Oh, absolutely. You can eat like an alley rat and still be vegan got it is actually pretty shocking What? Technically vegan foods can be like, you would never in a million years think but Oreos? are vegan, right? Or am I allowed to say brands,
Unknown Speaker 45:53
whatever you want got
Matt Fouse 45:55
like Pringles are technically vegan. You can eat Pringles for dinner, hovering over the sink,
Scott Benner 46:06
you know, and and tell everyone you're a vegan. So there is a way for me to be an incredibly unhealthy vegan
Matt Fouse 46:14
Scott Benner 46:16
as long as I can be involved, then that's fine. I could be vegan till Finally, I could change my eating habits up and maintain my level of actually, that's not true. As I get older. I just there's fewer, like junk food, I guess type things that I'm willing to tolerate. And they just don't. I've come to believe that as I get older and my body gets older, it's less capable of overwhelming the hell that is the poorly constructed food and you know, things that aren't have any natural ingredients. And then whatsoever. You know, I used to be able to eat a bag of Doritos and it meant nothing to me. And now if I see it or eat Oh, I think I would never eat that. And you know, it's just it's interesting, because I put it in my body and my body would fight against it the whole way through it would just be like this shouldn't be in here. Yep, but that does come with age a little bit. People will find out sadly as they get older.
Drink Coffee.
Matt Fouse 47:16
I drink I live off of coffee. Okay, um, so my job if you want to call it that I'm self employed stay at home dad. So I own a mobile espresso business. So I always have the espresso machine on. I am basically like a caffeine addict. It's nonstop. It's
Scott Benner 47:43
not I didn't mean to like I didn't know if that was something you did or didn't want to share. But I feel like we've hit into something a mobile espresso business you bring me a cup of coffee.
Matt Fouse 47:54
So, yes, I own it's a Vesper Abbaye. It's a three wheeled scooter from Italy
Scott Benner 48:03
Dude, I'm already on your Instagram keep talking.
Matt Fouse 48:05
Yeah, guys. Um, and I fabricated in espresso machine and all that good stuff on it. So I cater to movie sets, weddings, corporate events. Right now work is kind of dead because everything I do is event based. There's no there's no movies being filmed. No TV shows being filmed. So um, but like I got to do some cool things. I did the set of House of Cards and they're filming it around here. Veep a few other movies and documentaries. It's fun. So I you know make espresso for famous people and come home and be like, Hey, honey, Robin Wright today he told me. Hey, Matt, sweetie, your cappuccino is delicious. She's like, well, maybe Robin Wright can pack your lunch tomorrow.
Scott Benner 49:01
I don't think she's going to because she wasn't putting up with Sean Penn. I don't think she's gonna put up with me either. Yeah. That's a really interesting to what part of the country are you in?
Matt Fouse 49:12
I am right outside of Baltimore. Okay. Yeah, wow.
Scott Benner 49:18
Well, that's really I did not expect you to say that. I was just wondering like, my thought process was, most people can't live without coffee. So I want to make sure to ask while everybody's telling me how they eat if it fits into their diet or not. I've never had a cup of coffee in my entire life.
Matt Fouse 49:35
You know, I call you those weirdos I don't know how you live Do you sir coke. What
Unknown Speaker 49:42
do you do? I don't do
Scott Benner 49:43
any drugs. I don't drink and I don't think I'd be in better shape. Even just for that. But it's just it's it's nature's joke against me honestly. Now I don't think I say it on here. Everyone smile. I don't think I've had the equivalent of case of beer in my life maybe, you know and I, my parents drank coffee all the time. There was constantly coffee in a coffee pot in my house. I never remember having any aversion to it. Nothing bad happened. I wasn't burned by a cup of coffee at a young age or something like that. It just never occurs to me. I have an incredible amount of like, mental or intellectual energy. And I when you stimulate me, it goes way too far the other way. Like, I'd be the worst person to be drunk with I think, although, although I'm guessing, and I think if you gave me a cup of coffee, you'd you'd probably get like binding gag me until it wore off. I just I would go on. Like, look how fast I talk now. Yeah, I don't do that. I drink mainly unsweetened iced tea and water. throughout my day. I try not to have too much caffeine or sugar. And I don't know. I don't know. I see. Everybody loves their coffee. You want to love it? You don't I mean? Like, it seems like one of those things. It would be absolutely amazing. It does. Yeah. doesn't strike me for some reason. Okay, so let's talk about bolusing for your diet. So this morning, avocado toast. I'm gonna guess is it one slice of avocado toast and a half of an avocado. I'm going to try to get
Matt Fouse 51:24
it depends on how hungry I am.
Scott Benner 51:27
But sometimes it's too. Okay. So what do I so Okay, so for avocado, I'm guessing at around 14 carbs and depending on the toast you like, somewhere between 15 and 22? Yep. Right, that right there. Okay. And there's fat in the avocado, which people wouldn't think about which would probably stretched out your you need for your boss. Is that true? Does this need like some sort of an extended or something like that?
Matt Fouse 51:54
Correct? Yes. Um, I recently um, thanks to thanks to you, actually, the podcast. Oh, hold
Scott Benner 52:02
on. It clearly. Is this the part where you say something nice about me. Go ahead. Okay. Yeah, go ahead. Take your time with me. Because
Matt Fouse 52:10
I recently, you know, went on loop from listening to the looping episode, I think with Katie de Simone, right. It's amazing. And I joined the Facebook group. So now with loop, it's a new way of thinking for me as a diabetic. Because the last 30 years, I thought differently, basically, Thomas so. So now, instead of being like, Okay, this meal has 40 carbs, right. I'm going to Bolus for that. I did this advanced diabetic ninja trick I that has been working amazing for me where I will bolus, like half or three fourths of the suggested Bolus that Luke tells me to because I never know what I'm going to do outside. Like if I'm going to do yard work. So like, previously, you'd have all this insulin on board. And that's it. You got it. It's there. You're getting it. Yeah. Where now with loop, I can do like half of what it suggests I can go outside and mow or pick up sticks in the yard or whatever. And loop kind of, you know, because it adjusts every so often, like what every five minutes it makes a decision. Well, it's getting kind of equalizes itself out where I don't go too low or too high. That's nice. Yeah. And I'm actually going to try to do the auto Bolus branch coming up. I've heard great things about that.
Scott Benner 53:49
I recommend that one. Okay. Yes. For sure.
Matt Fouse 53:53
I made the loop at the beginning of the pandemic. It was like, You know how it is I was all nervous. I sat down, I read all the documents. And I have yet to update, because I'm like, I don't want to lose something great that I had.
Scott Benner 54:11
Well, the great thing about that Auto Bolus branch, in my opinion is that it really the only difference in it is that there's a switch to turn the auto Bolus offer on. So if you put it on and you hate it to shut it off, and you still shut it on, you have the old version then like that, or the functionality, at least if you have the older version, which is an older, it's still being updated. And I think it was just updated recently, actually. And people use it all the time with a lot of Yes. So the podcast has been helpful for you. How long have you been listening to it?
Matt Fouse 54:40
Probably about a year no calm. I would make it my daily habit. When I did go to the gym. I would play an episode and run on the treadmill and lift my weights and but yeah, it is I have to thank you. It's A new way of thinking, honestly, it's like, I like to joke with my friends being like, yeah, Hama, I'm an advanced diabetic. I listened to a podcast,
Scott Benner 55:13
like we're gonna start calling you all juicers or something like that, that might be funny. Well, first thank That's very kind of you to say, and I appreciate it I, I steadfastly maintain, if you were to talk to me privately, and I wasn't being goofy for this, that I shared some tools and you're using them, it's all you, you know, they mean, like, you just heard ideas you hadn't heard before. But the reason I enjoyed hearing that from you, is because you've been diabetic for so long. And everyone I bumped into wants to immediately say, Oh, your podcast must just be listened to by parents of kids with diabetes. Because those people you know, they're more careful, or they're more involved, or Bob, and I'm like, No, I, it's about 5050. I have adults living with and, and parents of, and I get to see that actually, because of the private Facebook group. When people come in, they say what their relationship to diabetes is, which is incredibly helpful for me to know who I'm talking to. And I'm not I'm not surprised by it. I'm surprised by how many people are surprised by it, that they don't recognize that the way insulin works, is the way insulin works gonna work for you the same way it works for my daughter, and people are different within Of course, they're small variables. And some people are different. There's outliers and everything. But most of people, it's the same insulin goes in it has a certain amount of time before it works. You're trying to balance that insulin against you know, the action of the food and you just try to make this this you know, a fair fight between the food, the insulin, that's not specific from me, to you, or from you to my daughter or anything else.
Unknown Speaker 56:52
So absolutely.
Scott Benner 56:52
I'm always I'm always a little weirded out when people like, Oh, that's just for kids. Right? And I'm like, why does it? Like why do you think it matters? timing your bolus is just important for children. Before we move on, and please do be honest, and I'm being serious, to be honest, in your mind, who's more famous me or Robin Wright? Penn go?
Matt Fouse 57:12
Oh, you definitely.
Unknown Speaker 57:15
Scott Benner 57:16
She's a better actress. But I mean, for you personally. I'm more important. I think
Matt Fouse 57:21
she she's better looking. I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker 57:24
Well, yeah.
Scott Benner 57:27
Absolutely gorgeous woman, but I and I can't compete on that level. But I think I'm at least I don't know if more famous is the right way to put it. But I am definitely more important. I'm saying in a rowboat situation with a leak and one of us has to go over to save to others. Robin Wright pens in the water, right?
Matt Fouse 57:43
Oh, 100%. Never, she never taught me about
Scott Benner 57:50
who's gonna help you polish for those coconuts when we get to the desert island. I gotta be honest with you, if you don't push me out of the boat immediately, I'd even be disappointed. I'd be like, What's he doing? I'd push you out and get her back. Nevertheless, alright, so prior to looping bolusing for your way of eating anything special people should know about it.
Matt Fouse 58:19
My bolusing worked fairly the same. I you know, I would Pre-Bolus before a meal. The only difference would be like I said, you would Bolus and you could cancel a Temp Basal on the Omni pod. But it didn't make the decisions based on what you were doing. What is what I love loop for like, if I get on the treadmill and forget to do a override that hey, body, I'm exercising loop most of the times figures it out like after like 10 minutes of running. It's like dudes doing something
Scott Benner 59:09
blood sugar spawn starting we
Matt Fouse 59:11
better cut with our circuit and, and it's very, very seldom that I will go when drop to where I have to get off and
Scott Benner 59:21
drink juice or whatever. Which I see you have starbursts on your desk for our conversation.
Matt Fouse 59:27
That is my go to it's quick and
Scott Benner 59:31
you know I never asked people but and I don't see most of the people you just have a great internet cache and so we're looking at each other but I don't see most people while I'm recording which I'd like to change in the future maybe but but I can hear people eating and checking their blood sugars in the background. I never mentioned it I wonder if people listening can hear like sometimes you'll just hear like you know, like there's a click in the background or something like that. I'm like somebody's checking their blood sugar right now or, or you'll you'll hear a little fumbling around. Some rappers or something, and I leave it in the show because I think it's interesting.
Matt Fouse 1:00:04
Oh, totally, it's real life. I mean, that is what we deal with. So it's like, You know why? Right?
Scott Benner 1:00:11
Okay, so bolusing, you were just using a lot of the skills from the podcast, you were doing Temp Basal increases and decreases and spreading out insulin and that kind of thing, just lining up insulin with the impact and that was working. But what you like about loop is that it can take bazel away when it sees you getting a low, I think that's a no brainer. I think that whether it's tandem, you know, whatever their, their loop, the loop system is called IQ or something like that. Or if it's going to be the forthcoming on a pod five or maytronics. Got another one coming out, you know, next year. I think I think that everyone who wants it and can afford it should at least try it. I think you should think about it the way we thought about fast like, Alright, well, let's see what this does. You know, because maybe you're gonna have a great experience, like method, and it'll change your life a
Matt Fouse 1:01:04
little bit. So absolutely. And I I recently, my endocrinologist was hanging out with me at my house, we're buds and I showed him the loop. And like, you're not gonna make me stop coming to see you. Right? Because technically, it's not FDA approved then. Right? Ah, and he's like, no, like, if we were both discussing as I think within the next decade, pretty much every diabetic will be on the looping system. It's the first thing to happen. That's a huge advancement. It's to me, it's like I say, I'm three fourths cured.
Scott Benner 1:01:55
Sometimes, right? Yeah, absolutely. Like able your blood sugar's can be.
Matt Fouse 1:01:59
I rarely go high. The only times I go high is things that are out of my control, like, a bad site, your Whoops, I forgot the bowl was it's all on me. Right? Um, so I yeah, it's, it's amazing.
Scott Benner 1:02:18
That's Arden's budget, or for the last six hours.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:21
Scott Benner 1:02:22
that you love it. It's just it's between. I mean, it's between 80. And she hit 120. For a second, I'm gonna be honest with you. What happened was she got out of bed. And she went and got cleaned up and got ready for school. And I know she walked away from the Riley link. Yep. So right when she started to drift up because she was feet on the floor, she didn't get a little insulin. And I did nothing, nothing to fix that. And she rose at 759 to 130. And by 839, she was back under 120. And by nine o'clock, she was 100 again. And now now she's 90, and she's been 90 for like the last hour. So that is just that's a weight lifted that. I mean, listen, you want me to make a prognostication right here, you'll have a steak one day. And my podcasts will get put out of business eventually, by algorithms. It really well. And when it ends, it's going to end because of algorithms, I am going to have taught everyone in the world how to use them. And there's going to be no reason to talk about diabetes anymore. Knock on wood, or we can go to the
Matt Fouse 1:03:38
wall. You know, like?
Scott Benner 1:03:40
Yeah, oh, God, please, listen, I love doing this podcast, I hope something else new comes up. But we all have to learn. But, but no, seriously, like not that not that talking about diabetes wouldn't be necessary. Because I think there's a lot of benefit in that part of it too. But just the management side of it, like when you really think about this show over the last six years. This show is is when you're talking about insulin at its core, me explaining the convoluted way that I broke down how insulin worked and how you can put it into practice in your life and how we have. And at some point, if you have a CGM and a pump with an algorithm in it, it's going to be about getting your settings right. And press Pre-Bolus thing on time. And,
Matt Fouse 1:04:25
yeah, that that's the thing too, is like, I like to say garbage in garbage out. You still have to know that. You don't hop in a car. And when you're 16 and just go, you have to learn all the fine you know how to turn but the key and then turn it on it. There'll be some good stuff.
Scott Benner 1:04:45
Yeah, but it just won't be I won't be. Although you know what, in fairness, most people are still not going to be able to afford this stuff. And it is short sighted of me to even say that because while I have a lot of interaction with the people who have pumps have glucose monitors, there are plenty of people listening who do not have those things and don't have a pathway to them either. And, and I think those people are always going to need that conversation. I'm just thinking that there's maybe I'm wishful thinking that one day, it's not going to be necessary for someone like me to sit down and say, Okay, now, you put your insulin in here, and you wait this amount of time, then you start eating, try not to eat that first eat this first because we want the digestion to like, you know, and then we'll spread it out, we'll do a nice extended bolus over two and a half hours. And that should take care of the fat and protein like I'm hoping not to have that conversation anymore. But at the same time, when, if you really asked me to describe it, I haven't just dumbed it down for the show, I genuinely believe this, it's just there's a timeline where the food impacts your blood sugar. And during that timeline, you have to equally impact the food with insulin. And that's just sort of it, you know, I don't see another another, I don't see a reason to think of it in a different way to be perfectly honest.
Matt Fouse 1:06:00
Yeah, insulin always works, you just have to know how to manipulate it with all those variables, which can be like rocket scientists to some people. And second nature. And others.
Scott Benner 1:06:12
I think, if you notice, when I'm talking to Jenny, I'll use a phrase when the insolence doing what I expect it to do. And, in my mind, what that means is, we have a good pathway for the sun to get dark and spotty. So a site that's working well. And then I do something, I know what the insulin supposed to do, based on what I did, like, I'm so aware of the amount I'm using and the timing I'm using, I know what's going to happen. And when that doesn't happen, if there's good insulin delivery, it's easy for me to fix, because the variables that everybody you know, talks about, there's so many variables. There aren't as many variables for me. But it's just because I've seen it so many times. Like, I don't know if you can see this now. And I don't know what this is gonna say, because I haven't seen this in a while. So I'm following five people's blood sugars right now. And with the exception of somebody who I just started talking to yesterday, I've got 9195, a 68, and a 79. And so, and a 91, which is my daughter's. So all those people, all of them are just doing what I do. That's it and they're all having reasonable and one of those lower blood sugars is a person who's switching to a pump today. So they have tresiba leftover in them and they're trying to get a pump going so that Yeah, his low little lower blood sugar is going to come up really soon. And I there's part of me that wants to that wishes I could make that public that you could look and go look Scott's following and helping five I'm just texting with him. I'm not there. I'm not I don't know exactly what the and I'm just like now a little more a little less turned off, turn it down. I talked to him for a couple of days there people sometimes there are people I owe favors to sometimes there are people you know, I just are in such bad ways that I think it's not going to help them if I don't talk to them. Or they get into a bad spot where listening to the podcast is impossible for them for certain reasons. And all I know is you use the tools use them about the way I tell you to use them. And it works. And that's it. Yep. So yep. Hopefully it hopefully that's what happens. All right, what am I not? What are the pitfalls of plant based eating? Tell me one of the things that you really hate about it that you shouldn't even admits other people or anything.
Matt Fouse 1:08:39
Oh, I would say the social aspect of it. Um, like, I won't say peer pressure, but like, you go to a potluck or something. And, you know, Aunt Trudy is excited that she just made these delicious cupcakes and is like, yeah, I gotta try one. He got to try one of these, you know, like, I know, that's loaded with 10 pounds of butter. And then yeah, there's this social aspect of like, I don't want to, like, make somebody feel bad and be like, well, I can't eat that. Yeah. That for me is the hardest part. And then like going to restaurants can sometimes you can be that annoying person and being like, well, what's in this? What's this? What's this?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:34
Matt Fouse 1:09:36
we rarely go out to eat, or of course now, we're not going out to eat but when we do, it's the places that I know what the menu is. Right? And honestly with a soon to be six year old and a baby who knows how often we'll go out to eat anyway.
Scott Benner 1:09:58
Everybody suddenly didn't have Corona anymore. You're still not going anywhere for about a year. Yeah. So just the idea of it's, it's different enough that it's noticeable and you might end up like hurting someone's feelings or asking a waiter, like, please make sure you use a pan that hasn't had butter in it or something like that, like you actually would have to say I'm, I'm completely vegan, like, I don't want any animal based stuff. And then do you think that people who don't see, even though it's not your perspective? People who don't think about animals the way like a classic vegan might think about it? Look at you and like, the soft guy doesn't want to see it in a cow. Like the view? Do you think there's that too? Like, do you think people
Matt Fouse 1:10:42
are 100%? Yes. I come across so often have like, I very politely say, Oh, no, no, thank you. I don't want to eat your cookies. One because I'm diabetic. And because our brother in it. Um, and some people just have a difficult time when you are different than what they are used to. It's like, Wait a second, you don't eat butter? Why? Yeah.
Scott Benner 1:11:11
Why don't you do that? And now you're explaining yourself and you don't want to be telling me but you don't need to explain yourself. Right? Like that must be. Right.
Matt Fouse 1:11:18
Yeah. It's like, well, I choose to not eat this way. Because it makes me feel better. And even sometimes, for some people, they can't grasp that either. Like, you don't eat like me.
Scott Benner 1:11:34
It's no different probably than a lot of social division in a lot of different ways. I would think you're, you're, quote unquote, too different. And so there must be a reason. There's something wrong with you. Or you're making me feel like there's something wrong with me. And then there becomes you know, that kind of like, clash. It's interesting. It really is. Yeah. Do you avoid telling people in situations where you don't need to?
Matt Fouse 1:12:01
Oh, yeah. 100% I am not that person of Hey, did you know I'm vegan?
Scott Benner 1:12:11
in a crowd of 1000 people, do you think you'd have more acceptance telling people you have type one diabetes or that you don't eat meat?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
Oh, type one diabetes?
Scott Benner 1:12:22
is wearing a thing on his arm but at least delete a cow. For cows have it happened to them? And are delicious, though. That's the problem. Your meat is too delicious. What are you gonna do? I mean a sauce. Think about a sausage from a pig. Oh my god. It's so good. Is there anything you miss?
Matt Fouse 1:12:46
Yes, like, I I write outside of Baltimore. I love crabs. I always say if I break my diet, though, it will be at a crab feast. I'll be food. One 100% Yes.
Scott Benner 1:13:08
I mean, I imagine there had to be something that you're just I'm interesting when I eat I don't particularly have like you couldn't say to me Hey, let's go here for dinner and make me like oh my God, that's an amazing thing. We have to do that. I'm not a real oddly of food person. I do appreciate good food versus average food. I have learned to like you know, I I use a smoker to smoke some meats. You know, and there's an obvious it's just obviously better. And there's I got making pizza and I I'll make the dough myself and you know, like, like, take the time to cook it at a temperature where it comes up the way you expect it from a from like a you know, from a restaurant. And I can see the difference in that I can see if you like cold ferment pizza dough that it digests easier. Like like, little stuff like that. But having said that, I would eat a slice of pizza from a boardwalk in three seconds and you know, think nothing of it. And then 10 hours later go oh my god, I still don't feel well for that terrible slice.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:13
Scott Benner 1:14:14
just really, eating is an interesting thing. It just really is that
Matt Fouse 1:14:17
quality makes a difference. You're right though yet.
Scott Benner 1:14:21
Yep. No, I hear it. I really do. So is there anything that you would want to tell people that we haven't talked about?
Matt Fouse 1:14:30
I would say one of the best outcomes which I wasn't even expecting were my labs. My a one C is always been, you know, great in range. But like my cholesterol and triglycerides and everything else. I was hovering at high cholesterol. Hmm. We have chicken pet chickens. So Previous to choosing plant based diet, I would eat like six hard boiled eggs a day. And my cholesterol was I think 190 hovering, like, my endocrinologist was like, Yeah, what's going on here? Like, oh, I have pet chickens. And I don't want those eggs. But, um, after choosing plant based diets, my labs were just the best I have ever seen. Okay. Yeah, my I think my cholesterol last time was like 110 total. In my performance, I'm not anywhere near a professional athlete level. But like, running, I don't get winded is quickly, I can go further. I can go longer. I recover quicker. And I attribute it to the plant based diet. If you had
Scott Benner 1:15:59
your exact diet that you have right now, but three times a week you had, I don't know, chicken or beef or fish. You're saying that you would feel differently physically? Like not as well. I'm assuming like inflammation, aches and pains stuff like that. Is that? Yes, yeah.
Matt Fouse 1:16:18
Yes. Yeah. Like my, I noticed my joints would be sluggish. Like, I am. 37. That's how old I am. Yeah. So you know, I get up in awe. But I don't experience any of that anymore.
Scott Benner 1:16:36
Wow. That's pretty. That's amazing. That's a that is? Definitely. I mean, I'm 10 years older than you and I, I think I'm more than 10. But let's just say I'm 10 years older than you. And I, I know what you're saying, My hands hurt sometimes. And they're achy. And you know, I do I wonder what all that is about? If it's just me getting older, if I'm eating something and taking something in that I don't want. My one of my last questions for you is, do you have to supplement with anything? Is there anything, you're not getting your diet that you have to take through vitamins,
Matt Fouse 1:17:11
I do take a multivitamin, just to make sure that I get all the vitamins and minerals that I need that might be left out. I get plenty of protein. You know, I probably get 90 grams a day, which for my body is just fine. For me.
Scott Benner 1:17:33
I think it's obvious that you found the way to eat that really works best for you. So I assume that's really what everybody should be doing is eating the things that make their body perform the way you know that it should. So that's Yes. It's really cool that I found it. Absolutely. Yeah, it really is. I appreciate you sharing all this with me. And with everybody. I see a very pregnant woman behind you.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
That is my daughter. Well,
Scott Benner 1:18:03
is that a boy or girl? Do you know?
Matt Fouse 1:18:05
We don't know? What number two, my wife said that we could find out and when it was time. She did it. And she's gets to make a decision. So we did we so we did it though. With my daughter. We didn't know either. And when she came out the doctor was like dad do you want to call it and she had her little legs closed and it was I say it was like scratching a lottery ticket off. I had to literally get a check. He all the legs apart. I was like girl.
Scott Benner 1:18:42
That's amazing. That is a that's a nice story. It really is. Well, that's it. I was supposed to cut the cord but then I couldn't panic situation something medical. And then when it was over I felt like so disappointed by it. And it stuck with me for a while. I don't know why with coal and then with Arden. I don't know what happened. Now I can't I couldn't tell you for certain if I cut Arden's cord or not. I really don't know. So it becomes a blur. Yeah, get ready for that when you get older everybody just going I vaguely remember being there when the human life came into the world couldn't tell you much about it. Really is a delightful thing getting older. Well, I'm I'm I think it's really cool that you figured this out and that you shared it with people. You're saying there are some really good cookbooks people could try? And I think if they're interested in it, they should give this a whirl. It obviously sounds inexpensive. Honestly, it's cheaper to eat this way. Right or no?
Matt Fouse 1:19:42
I think yes and no, I think you can eat on a very tight budget plant base. And you can eat very expensive.
Scott Benner 1:19:53
Some of the things that are made by companies that are pre packaged and ready to go can be more expensive. Is that Yeah,
Matt Fouse 1:19:59
then there I think it when if Paltrow has a cookbook, and if you dissect the meals, they come out to be like $300. I mean, it's like all these rare spices that are brought in from an elephant train from, you know, this country.
Scott Benner 1:20:18
So I meant for regular people, not people who, yeah, who read the goop website, but yeah. Which we're not going to talk about some of the things like when it says you should do with your vagina, because I think it sounds unsafe. She's got a very strange website. Let's just say that. Anyway. All right, man, I really appreciate you doing this and taking the time. I suppose. This is wonderful for you to do.
Matt Fouse 1:20:42
Thank you so much for having me. And, uh, I appreciate what you do. And you're thank you for being there. For us.
Scott Benner 1:20:51
It's my pleasure. It really is. A huge thank you to one of today's sponsors, g Volk, glucagon. Find out more about chivo chi popin at G Vogue glucagon.com Ford slash juice box. you spell that GVOKEGL you see ag o n.com. forward slash juice box. I'd also like to remind you to go to the T one D exchange at T one d exchange.org. forward slash juice box help move things forward. And a huge thank you to the Contour Next One blood glucose meter. Upgrade your blood glucose meter game at Contour Next one.com forward slash juice box.
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