We chose the OmniPod for a few reasons. First, it is tubeless so Arden (we hope) will not feel attached to a machine. As you can see in the picture above the pump is self contained and not attached to the handheld device that controls it. If you look below you’ll see an example of how all of the other pumps on the market are configured.
All other pump options have an infusion site that is connected to the pump by a tube. This makes it necessary for the wearer to attach the pump to their clothing or carry it in a pocket or fanny pack.
The OmniPod attaches to Arden and communicates with the controller wirelessly. The controller is only necessary when you deliver insulin and can be kept in a purse, backpack or other such places when not in use.
The Omni is also water proof allowing the wearer to swim or bath with it on. All of the other pumps are only water resistant and must be disconnected during those activities causing a stoppage in insulin delivery until they are reconnected.
Other pumps have gadgets that inject the infusion site into the wearer - the OmniPod self inserts with a push of a button. You apply the pod and then tell the controller to insert the tube that delivers the insulin. Not extra “stuff” to keep track of.
There are many more reason why we picked the Omni that I’ll get into later. For now I hope that I’ve peaked your interest and that you’ll stop back and track our progress.
Our goal is to be 100% comfortable with the pump before Arden starts kindergarten in the fall.