Opening Day: The Language of Baseball
Today, in celebration of the 2014 Major League Baseball season, a chapter from my book is available as an excerpt on both Huffington Post Parents and Huffington Post Sports. Baseball, Part II, is the story of how my son and I often communicate about life in baseball terms and how the game lends lessons that go far beyond the field.
The chapter captures a moment from my son Cole's 2012 Little League all-star tryout and ends with a conversation that we had about setting goals, perseverance and the love that we share for each other and baseball.
I hope you have a few moments to check it out and click share over at Huff Post.
I can't tell if I'm more excited to share my book on a big stage or to see a picture of Cole playing baseball on the front page of HuffSports, on Opening Day.
Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal is available at and everywhere that books and eBooks are sold.
Kids and sports: Head injury concerns
Originally appeared on my Huffington Post blog, January 2014.
Having a Son Has Ruined Football for Me
I grew up just outside of Philadelphia; my formative years coincided with a time in Philadelphia Eagles football that is known simply as 'The Buddy Ryan Era.' The defense and mindset that Coach Ryan brought to the Eagles formed how I think about football and my opinion of how it should be played. The 'defense first, hit harder then them' edict that Ryan put into practice was so exhilarating to watch that I could spend an entire Sunday preparing for and watching an Eagles game and not care if they lost 10 to 7.
I never once thought of those games as boring, and it never occurred to me that my team should focus more on the offensive side of the ball. Even though those Eagles had one of the most electrifying quarterbacks that I had ever seen in Randall Cunningham, I just didn't care if they scored. The offense would go three and out more times in a season than I could count, they couldn't win very much and I am hard-pressed to remember many names that played on that side of the ball, with the exception of Cunningham. The Eagle's defense, in contrast, punished opposing players. Men like Wes Hopkins and Andre Waters patrolled as safeties in a way that made the players on the other team quake. Entire games would go by without a pass attempt over the middle of the field, because no one wanted to get hit by Wes and Andre. At the risk of sounding like an old man, I want people who grew up watching football over the last decade or so to know they aren't watching football -- at least not the football I grew up with. You are watching millionaires play catch.
If you don't believe me, ask Troy Aikman how his shoulder feels, mention the name 'Clyde Simmons' to him as you do and see if he doesn't look just a bit scared, still, to this day. I witnessed Clyde chase poor Troy, flushing him out to his right, Clyde hit Troy in his left side, wrapped him up and drove his body into the hard surface with the full force of his massive frame following right behind. If I remember correctly, Troy separated his shoulder that day and if my memory serves further, Clyde didn't check to see if Aikman was okay or offer him a hand-up -- Clyde screamed at Troy, pointed and walked away pleased that he had done his job. It was like watching a war; there was no mercy and no regard for anyone who wasn't on your side. Ask Ernest Givens how he got his nose broken, ask every offensive lineman that Reggie White literally lifted, one-armed, and threw aside like a paper doll on his way to the then NFL sack record. My point is, I grew up watching violent, punishing football, and I loved it.
That is why I was surprised to hear the following words come out of my mouth when my 7-year-old son Cole was invited to play on a football team: "That's very nice of you to ask, thank you for thinking of him... but Cole isn't allowed to play football." When the father who coached the team asked why I refused, I, only partially joking, asked him if he would be comfortable with his son coming to my house to play if I said that the boys were going to go into our backyard, get a running start and run as fast as they can into my house. "Don't worry," I told him, "I'll give them a plastic helmet to wear."
Before that moment, I never once considered if I would be comfortable with my son playing football. He was -- and still is -- a committed baseball player, and I never imagined I would need to have an opinion. It just never came up. The boy in me who was raised on Buddy Ryan football was shocked to hear himself not just say no, but to have such a protective and visceral response. It was a confusing moment; my ego and pride were alive with the notion that someone thought my son would be a good football player, but the idea of him banging his head into other people terrified me. That was many years ago, before I had ever heard the words 'chronic traumatic encephalopathy' (CTE). To be perfectly honest, at that time, I'd never heard of an NFL player taking their own life and never once did I wonder about what happens to the men who play football, after they leave my television screen.
As Cole has grown, I have gotten more inquiries. One very kind man approaches me twice a year to ask if Cole will come play Quarterback for his rather competitive team. I wish that I could say yes. The kid in me who watched the Eagles growing up wants Cole to play and the part of me that is proud of my son hates holding him back, but the father in me wins this argument every time with one simple thought, "My kid need his brain, I can't take that risk."
Andre Waters took his own life in 2006, only four months after the first time someone asked me if my son wanted to play football. I loved watching that man play football, and now he is dead. Pathology reports indicated that Water's brain tissue was that of what would be expected in an "85-year-old man" and that it had characteristics of a person in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease. Waters was 44 years old when he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Dr. Bennet Omalu said at the time of his death that if Andre had lived for another 10 to 15 years, he would have been, "fully incapacitated." That news when I read it on ESPN, made me sad for every time that I cheered him on. I felt complicit in his death and my love for football has been waning ever since.
I didn't watch one game last season after I listened to Malcolm Gladwell deliver a speech to the University of Pennsylvania about CTE. Mr. Gladwell showed a great resolve when he brought his feelings about CTE directly to a school that lost a player,Owen Thomas, to an allegedly CTE-related suicide. I walked away from that speech knowing that I shouldn't be part of anyone else getting hurt, even if I was just watching.
I can't imagine that I would have experienced such a moving response to the news of these men and their deaths if I were not a parent. I began periodically watching NFL football again this year after deciding that my opinion, no matter how well-intended, cannot and should not interfere with the will of another person. The men that play professional football are adults and they can decide how much risk they are willing to absorb in an effort to experience the rewards of playing. I would be lying if I didn't admit to being greatly conflicted on this issue. I do love watching football, but I don't respect myself as I sit down to take in a game.
What I can do with a clear conscience is stop supporting with my dollar or my backing any form of football that is played by a child or young adult who can't cognitively process the danger they incur with thoughtfulness to the long-term risk possibilities. Children can't and shouldn't be expected to have foresight on topics such as this, especially when the allure is so grand -- hell, I can't even stop watching on Sunday. I'm quite certain that my little stand isn't going to make a dent in the popularity of American football, and it isn't my intention to talk you out of watching or in any way infer that parents who let their children play are wrong to do so.
I am completely aware that football has helped instill lessons about teamwork and perseverance in millions of young people, most of whom will not develop CTE. This article is not a judgment or condemnation of any parent's decision; I only wanted to share how being a parent has changed the way that I look at this game, a game that I loved with all of my heart for most of life.
The memory of the men whose lives have been altered by football-related injuries haunt me as I watch. I'm genuinely interested in seeing where the future takes me. I wonder if I'll be able to break free of the amazing memories that I have of the warriors that played defense in Philadelphia when I was a boy, to follow my conscience and stop watching football. At the moment, the exhilaration of the game is winning out, a fact that I am not proud to admit and will think about as I watch the big game on Sunday.
Need a bit of advice...
I have an opportunity to share an excerpt from my book on Huffington Post Parents. If you have one, would you please share your favorite chapter or passage - I'm having trouble deciding which one to highlight. The text needs to be between 500 and 1,000 words, able to stand on its own as a blog post and speak to the parenting community.
I would really like to find out what parts of 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal' you found particularly memorable. This is such a great opportunity for the book to find a wider audience... I'm getting nervous that I may choose wrong and blow it. I've tried reading the reviews to get a feel but they are mostly about the book as a whole. I asked my publisher and my wife for their opinions but I think that when it comes down to it you guys will know best, I can't decide... I'm far too biased.
thank you so much!
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Miss Manners Responds
Lets recap for those who are coming in late...
On February 14th the Washington Post ran a 'Miss Manners' column that included a letter from a gentleman who described himself as an "Insulin-dependent diabetic".
Different people in the diabetes online community had different responses to Miss Manner's (Judith Martin) subsequent advice. Some thought it was fine, some felt outrage, and others thought that she just didn't understand living with diabetes. Many made their feelings public on social media, blogs and other avenues at their disposal. I wrote about it on the Huffington Post.
Today on Mike Hoskins shared his interview with Miss Manners about the subject, among the things he learned, Judith's 46- year old son Nicholas has been a type I diabetic for almost two decades and he is actually the one who wrote the reply to the gentleman's question. It read...
My response to this advice wasn't rooted in diabetes. I did feel as though the advice was antiquated when it came to diabetes, but mostly my response was aimed at how the advice seemed to ignore the tone of the gentleman's letter. I felt like the advice lacked deference to personal freedom, did not address the man's concerns about his actions and ignored, what I saw as, pressure that he was feeling about being himself. The issue felt bigger than diabetes to me and it seemed that I could have swapped the words in the man's note that were specific to diabetes with any number of other lifestyles.
In fact, let's try that. I took diabetes out of the man's letter (just below). Read it again, this time with personal descriptors in place of the diabetes language. I'll bold the words that I've added in place of diabetes related text. What if the letter said...
**DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a businessman who frequently flies both domestically and internationally. I also happen to be a person who is different from others.
I currently live my life in my seat. It does involve things that others are unfamiliar with and could find uncomfortable, but is fairly unobtrusive. Of course, I do my best not to infringe on them.
Am I being rude by be myself next to a stranger? I go into a restroom when I do things that I know others are uncomfortable with. In the airport, I use the counter by the wash basin, since most water closets have no room for my life and the basic things that I need to live and be happy.
Many people seem to stare and resent me when I'm being who I am. I have also had children ask, “What is that man doing? Isn’t that a bad thing?” (They’re obviously thinking of their drug education classes.) Am I too self-conscious?**
That's how I read the man's letter. I felt him asking for guidance that would alleviate the torment he feels, both from himself and from random strangers who are made to feel uncomfortable by his presence. I read the words of a person who wants to fit in but can't figure how, so he is considering hiding himself. That's why the response that I wrote is called, 'Making People Hide Is Never the Right Answer'. I saw a parallel to all of the other social issues that people have to needlessly struggle with in the name of making others comfortable. Why is it not incumbent upon the "others" to make the people who feel judged comfortable? Why do the wants of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Why is the man, who is made to feel as though he should be hiding, the only one who is concerned about how people feel? How did it happen that people confuse being in the majority with being correct, justified or righteous.
In my mind, this man might as well have been asking for guidance about gay rights, racism or living with obesity - Really anything that the masses are comfortable being judgmental about. You may see my view as a stretch, but its how his letter made me feel. I felt compassion for a man who lives with guilt about who he is, a guilt that is unfair, unfounded and often given to him by others. What I wanted for him more than anything else was to feel free of it. I wanted Miss Manners to help him by telling the world that he is no different then anyone else, and that his humanity deserves the same respect that they demand for themselves. The answers that Judith and Nicolas gave to Mike Hoskins don't indicate, in any way, that they see this connection. I understand that the Miss Manners column is about manners, but, and perhaps it's just me, but I am never in favor of marginalizing a person to protect the feelings of another. No one is more important than the next person, and we all have something about us that requires the kindness of another to help us feel included - some of us just have stuff that's a little more visible than others.
The interview at Diabetes Mine is well done, very balanced and clear - not unlike what I've come to expect from Mike Hoskins. Mike blends facts with opinions in a well-written and conscious manner. Despite their rebuttal, I still feel that the advice that Nicholas (in the voice of his mother) gave to his readers ignored every undertone of the man's letter and I am surprised, especially now that I know Nicholas has diabetes, that he didn't choose to forgo "manners" and connect with the man on a more personal level. Perhaps he would say that isn't the goal if Miss Manners and I guess that would be accurate - but I don't find that line of defense tolerable. I do wonder how Nicholas, removed from his duties as Miss Manners, would respond to the gentleman's letter, so far we don't have the answer to that question because they choose to defend, in a very narrow way, their response to the original letter, ignoring all of the rest.
I say, people first... and then we can worry about when it is permissible to wear white.
Links you need
Miss Manners article containing the advice in question
My response on Huffington Post
Diabetes Mine Interview with Miss Manners (I hope that you take the time to read this)