Diabetes and Fear

Arden was diagnosed with type I diabetes on August 22, 2006 – just a few weeks after her second birthday. One year later, having never read a blog in my life, I began to write Arden's Day. My goal back then was to share with family and friends what living with type I was like so that they could hopefully understand our new life a bit better. 

Before long someone shared the site with a person outside of my circle and a month later I received my first email from a mother who lived in England – she was thanking me for sharing our life with type I diabetes and wanted me to know that my blog was helping her family.

It would be an understatement to say that I wasn't expecting that.

At the end of her note the woman offered me her support should I ever need it... that was my first interaction with someone in the diabetes community. That email reshaped my intention for this blog. I gave it a name, bought a url and set about sharing our days with the hope that our struggles may make yours a little easier. 

In honor of Arden's last eight years of living with type I diabetes, I will be dedicating all of next week to stories about diabetes fear – with the hope that our struggles may make yours a little easier.

Beginning on Monday I will post five blogs - one each day - about how I overcame the biggest problem that diabetes brought to my life. I'll talk about the specter that arrive at the moment Arden was diagnosis, tell you the stories of how we escaped it, muse a bit about life since I got rid of it. And talk about what to do if it should comes back.

Come back Monday and we'll talk about #DiabetesAndFear

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Guts Over Fear #DiabetesAndFear


JDRF Partner ViaCyte to Immediately Initiate Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Trial