VIDEO: Kris Freeman on NBC's Olympic Zone

This piece begins with host Sibila Vargas saying, "For American cross country skier Kris Freeman, Sochi represents his fourth career Olympics where he'll not be only representing the United States, but also diabetic athletes everywhere."

Immediately after Sibila finished, Arden exclaimed, "That's me!"

Originally aired on NBC's 'The Olympic Zone', Feb 10, 2014 - Channel 4 NY

After the interview, Arden told us that she shared with her class today that she knew someone who was competing in the Olympics. Arden explained to her friends that the man she knew had type I diabetes and that he wore the same insulin pump and CGM as she. 

I can't thank Kris enough for the example that he is setting for my daughter, and for everyone whose life is touched by type I diabetes. If I had a gold medal Kris... I'd give it to you. 

Thank you to NBC for this interview, it means so much... to so many. 

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