GiveAway Winners Announced

If you were around at all last week you saw the celebration for the sixth anniversary of this blog. Giveaways were abound and now it's time to pick the winners. As always, we used the tried and true method of pulling names from a hat and the ever popular, 'first come, first serve', gambit.

I'll begin by letting you know that the first ten people that said (on the blog) that they would like a copy of the new book, 'Coco's First Sleepover', from Lilly/Disney will receive an email today letting them know they won. Next, Lauren's Hope announced two winners yesterday of the giveaway that they hosted to help me celebrate Arden's Day's sixth year.

Before you watch the video of Arden picking the JDRF and "Life Is Short' giveaway winners, I want to take a second to highlight the wonderful comments that folks left for the JDRF giveaway, and ask that you give them a read, the each uniquely express why walking for the JDRF is such a fantastic experience - check them out!

Okay, this video will revel the two people who won a signed copy of my book and the single winner of the $50 JDRF walk/ride donation - Bonus: you'll get to see my black eye. Thanks to each of you for reading and for entering the various contest, good luck!

Winners, you will be receiving an email later today with instructions on how to claim your prize. Hold tight.

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Dear Teacher: The DX