2013 was a good one around here. New diabetes technology, improved A1c, and what seemed like non-stop interviews and talking about my book.

I want my family to know how much I appreciate the support and patience that they showed me as 'Life Is Short' consumed my year, this blog, and my life. I don't think that I've ever felt more blessed than I did on the day I realized that becoming a published author caused my children consider that anything in life is possible. This accomplishment wasn't reached alone. 

First, my family let me write without guilt or pressure - I can't thank them enough for being so generous. Speaking of generosity, no publishing company in the world was going to ask me write a book without each and every one of you. Make no mistake, it is the support that you show everyday when you visit Arden's Day, that made my book a reality. Please know that I am completely aware of, and two million percent grateful for your continued readership.

In a few days I'll be posting a list of my favorite blog post from 2013 and then I'll be diving back into my second book (The one that Spry Publishing is very kindly not calling to tell me that I'm behind on). After I finish writing the book, I'll be getting back to blogging regularly here and even expanded my online writing a bit... look for my parenting column on Huffington Post sometime very soon... I'm so excited about being asked to contribute to HuffParents!

I'm looking forward to 2014, may it be the best one yet... for us all! 


Dblog: Best of Arden's Day 2013

