
Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is based on the concept of the small world phenomenon and rests on the assumption that any actor can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin Bacon.  Like so...

1. Bela Lugosi was in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) with Vincent Price

2. Vincent Price was in The Raven (1963) with Jack Nicholson

3. Jack Nicholson was in A Few Good Men (1992) with Kevin Bacon

I frequently refer to the Butterfly Effect when I talk about the best way to find a cure for Arden.  Just last week I received proof that my assertion regarding transparency and how it will lead to a cure was justified when a stranger sent me this note.


My name is Kathleen and I am a clinical psychology graduate student. I am going to be giving a presentation to medical students regarding how psychologists can be helpful to them in the medical field. I am covering a variety of topics and am trying to find some videos to show. One of the topics is diabetes and I was so taken by your video of Arden that I was hoping you would send me the file of the video so I can incorporate it into my powerpoint presentation.

Thank you very much for your time!


So just like good ole’ Kevin Bacon...

1. Arden was diagnosed with type I diabetes.

2. I tried to find a way to help locate a cure.

3. Kathleen saw Arden on YouTube and used her video in a presentation to medical school students.

4. One of those students goes on to...  who knows.

Now I’ve said said this next part before but it bears repeating.  This is all happening because of you.  When you tell someone about the site, it grows.  When you donate to Arden’s walk you give me strength to continue telling Arden’s story.  When you care you give Arden hope.  When all of these things happen together, I met Kathleen. 


Along came Paul


Arden’s Numbers