Arden’s Numbers

Pretty soon the phrase Arden’s Numbers will take on an entirely new meaning .  But for now check out these digits!

Arden’s Day main page: After reaching 3,000 hits our main page had to be reset due to a technical glitch.  Today the main page has 2,214 hits.  That is over 5,000 people that have navigated to Arden’s site. 

Arden’s blog entries:  Each of our blog entries average 25 readers.

Arden’s Videos on YouTube:

    Arden Speaks- 740 views on YouTube and another 100 views on our site in four months!

    Arden’s Used Needles Video- 3,363 views on YouTube and 258 more on our site!  1 viewer named Brooke who works for the Alberta Diabetes Foundation... more on Brooke later.

342:  The number of people that signed a petition (in just 3days) when Arden needed help.

712:  The number of days since Arden was diagnosed with type I diabetes.

5,696:  My best guess of how many needles I’ve stuck into Arden since that day.

20: The number of people that have dedicated themselves (so far) to helping Arden this year raise funds and awareness for type I diabetes research.  Please join us today!



