Tracy Morgan loves to show his Diabetes Technology
Words aren't needed. From the Late Show March 30, 2016.
Dexcom G5 App UPDATE!
Small improvements bring so much!
I rushed home from Arden's championship basketball game (they won... you can see on the screen grabs where the adrenaline hit her during the game) to bring you some great news from the people at Dexcom. An upgrade went live for the Dexcom G5 mobile app that allows Apple Watch owners to see their CGM data on their watch, additionally there is now a quick view option that lives on your notification screen (it even works when your iPhone is locked!!!)
Check out the new options, download the app update and get ready to make your Dexcom experience even better and more intuitive.
View your Dexcom G5 Mobile data on an Apple Watch
The Dexcom G5 Mobile App now supports Apple Watch and can be used to discreetly view your glucose reading, trend arrow, trend graph, quick-launch via complications.
but Wait, there's more!
Dexcom G5 Mobile Widget for Apple Today View on your smart device
The Dexcom G5 Mobile App now supports Today View! Accessed by swiping down from the top edge of the screen. You can check your CGM information on your smart device without needing to open the app, even when the device is locked.
If you aren't familiar with how to get these features setup, Dexcom has all the information that you need on their site.
Coming soon, a new podcast interview with Dexcom about the G5 app update, the planned 2016 launch of a new touchscreen receiver and one button touch insertion system, Android, a potential FDA approved insulin dosing claim and more... Stay tuned, I'm working on a big surprise.
Empathetic parenting: Pros and Cons
Empathetic parenting has benefits but comes at a price...
empathy - noun em·pa·thy \ˈem-pə-thē\
1: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it
2: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also : the capacity for this
Below are some excerpts from a Quartz article about the benefits and risks of empathy as it relates to parenting and caregiving. I thought we all would benefit from reading the findings. I pulled some interesting passages but encourage you to click over to Quartz and take in the entire article.
from Quartz article by Corinne Purtill
“Caregivers of people with chronic illness develop chronic inflammation and elevated stress hormones over time”
Kids with empathetic parents have well-documented advantages: less depression, less aggression, more empathy themselves. Parents also report better self-esteem when they make the effort to understand their children’s feelings.
But inside, it’s tearing them up.
“It’s not selfish for parents to make time for those things—it’s actually critical for their own mental and physical health.”
Empathy requires us to push our own feelings aside to focus on someone else’s, an effort linked to increased stress and higher inflammation. Empathetic parents may also be more willing to sacrifice their own health for their children’s sake, forgoing things like sleep, exercise, and other activities that could mitigate the stress of caregiving.
“In adolescents, parental empathy was significantly associated with both better emotion regulation and with less systemic inflammation.
For parents, being empathic was associated with greater self-esteem and purpose in life, but also with higher systemic inflammation.”
Dexcom Notice: You may not receive an intended audible alarm or alert
Text directly from
Important Customer Notification - Please Read
Dear Valued Dexcom Customer,
Dexcom monitors product complaints through our quality program where we have noticed an increase in complaints for audible alarms and alerts associated with Dexcom Receivers (Dexcom G4 PLATINUM, Dexcom G4 PLATINUM Pediatric, Dexcom G4 PLATINUM Professional, Dexcom G4 PLATINUM w/Share, Dexcom G4 PLATINUM w/Share Pediatric and Dexcom G5).
As such, we are notifying all Dexcom customers that you may not receive an intended audible alarm or alert if you are relying on hearing the alarm or alert. As a result, you may not detect a severe hypoglycemic (low glucose) or hyperglycemic (high glucose) event.
Dexcom is working on implementation of an improved speaker for our receivers.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aware of this notification. A copy of this notification is available at
Recommended Customer Action:
Periodically test the alarms and alerts on your receiver to make sure that your alarms and alerts are functioning properly (especially if the receiver gets wet or is dropped).
Receiver part numbers and instructions for testing the alarms and alerts are found on the back of this notification, as well as in your User’s Guide.
Should you find that your alarms and alerts are not functioning properly, or if you have any questions regarding this notification, please call our dedicated hotline toll free at (844) 607-8398 or dial (858) 291-1700.
On behalf of Dexcom, we deeply apologize for your inconvenience.
Kevin Sayer,
Dexcom Chief Executive Officer and President
Effected Devices
Hashtag A1c Ya Later - #A1cYaLater
Social media followers may have seen these recently in my timeline... #A1cYaLater