Omnipod announces iPhone control
Omnipod announces iPhone control and interoperability!
There are so many things that we use everyday and couldn’t imagine living without. Air conditioners, a car and indoor plumbing to name a few. These one-time innovations are now technologies that we take for granted as they make our lives better.
“We are thrilled to announce that following remarkable work from our technical and cyber security teams and productive meetings with the FDA we now plan to launch Omnipod Horizon and future generations of Omnipod DASH with personal smartphone control. ”
Years from now as an app is automatically keeping your BGs in range, November 2018 will be long forgotten. But for today…. we are watching as diabetes management is about to take a generational leap forward. These quotes from Omnipod’s COO are quite simply the most inspirational words that I’ve read since Arden’s diagnosis fourteen years ago. So hold on just a little longer because one day soon we are all going to celebrate by sleeping through the night. I’m talking about that nodding off at 9PM and not waking up until morning sleep. I mean the kind of sleep where you wake up the next day and can’t be sure how long you’ve been out. You feel me? We are going to SLEEP and then get up feeling rested and go on to live easier and more carefree lives. The technology is so close, we are all so close… this is happening!
“Omnipod DASH was always designed to be interoperable and we’re thrilled to support this initiative by enabling the simplicity of Omnipod to work with other algorithms and CGMs. As a first step in our support of interoperability we are pleased to share that Insulet is the first pump partner for Tidepool’s Loop program.
Together we are developing an interoperable automated insulin delivery system that allows Omnipod Dash to be controlled by the Tidepool Loop algorithm from an iPhone. This partnership is additive to our internal Omnipod Horizon program and offers a potential faster route to market. An automated insulin deliver system with iPhone control for our Podders and a terrific way for us to support the DIY diabetes community.” - Shacey Petrovic
We're thrilled to be collaborating with Insulet to incorporate Omnipod DASH into Tidepool Loop. This is only the beginning. We invite people looking to stay in the loop about Tidepool Loop to signup for updates at - Christopher Snider, Tidepool
My recent interview with Tidepool’s Christopher Snider