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Disaster Information

Arden's Day Blog

Arden's Day is a type I diabetes care giver blog written by author Scott Benner. Scott has been a stay-at-home dad since 2000, he is the author of the award winning parenting memoir, 'Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal'. Arden's Day is an honest and transparent look at life with diabetes - since 2007.

type I diabetes, parent of type I child, diabetes Blog, OmniPod, DexCom, insulin pump, CGM, continuous glucose monitor, Arden, Arden's Day, Scott Benner, JDRF, diabetes, juvenile diabetes, daddy blog, blog, stay at home parent, DOC, twitter, Facebook, @ardensday, 504 plan, Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal, Dexcom SHARE, 生命是短暂的,洗衣是永恒的, Shēngmìng shì duǎnzàn de, xǐyī shì yǒnghéng de

Disaster Information

Scott Benner

Click to download the DDRC Preparedness Plan in English

The Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition (DDRC) formed in 2017 in response to a succession of devastating Atlantic Hurricanes that impacted the mainland US AND territories. DDRC is a national coalition of Nonprofit and for-profit stakeholder organizations that have A direct interest in serving the needs of the diabetes community and/or a role in planning and executing supply chains, public awareness, and healthcare services during times of disaster.

The DDRC website houses all of the information and links that you need during a disaster.

DDRC Resources

  • Pharmacies & Shelters

  • Healthcare Providers

  • Customer Care Phone Numbers

  • Insurance Support

  • Hurricane Resources


DDRC Preparedness Plans