Your Favorites: April 2013


Your Favorite Arden's Day Content from April 2013 was...


On the blog

On Sale Now: My first book, 'Life is Short, Laundry Is Eternal'

DexCom G4 Platinum: Second Look

Pooh. Gilly. Bear.

OmniPod Rash?

Many other posts received similar attention to this month's top four - thank you for reading!



This picture received the most 'likes' during April on the Arden's Day FaceBook page


This post was seen on more timelines then any other...

"Thank you to every member of the DOC for supporting my book... I know that there are far more then just the names you see here. #HeartWarming

Life Is Short, Laundry Is Eternal arrives in stores today."



The tweet that you retweeted the most was something that started out as a way to amuse myself but a lot of you got behind it - which I really love and appreciate!

C’mon @Oprah just look… You’ll love it.  Can I get some RTs from readers!

It was accompanied by this image


I've only been doing these end of month favorite post for three months, however...

Arden's Day has experienced growth in both page clicks and unique users every month for the last eight consecutive months! I'm touched, humbled, and happy that you are enjoying the site.

I've said this before but it bears repeating, thank you for the incredible support that you have shown both by reading my blog and buying my book. I genuinely don't know how to properly say thank you... 

On to May!


Mother's Day Giveaway


Sesame Chicken you Motherless $%&^@