Fool proof tips for handling Halloween with Diabetes


Every year, just before Halloween, I receive a few inquiries about writing a freelance piece about 'How to handle Halloween with Diabetes' and every year I politely decline to write about that topic. Why... because I think it adds unnecessarily, to the hysteria that exists online surrounding this non-issue. However today I'm feeling kinda giddy... So without any further ado, here are the tried and true ways that we handle Halloween in our house, you may want to write them down so you don't forget. 

  • We count carbs and cover them with insulin.
  • Due to the nature of how some simple sugars react to the insulin, we test more frequently.
  • Walking can decrease a BG so you'll need to carry some sugar... hey wait a second.

Seriously, that's all we do though having a DexCom CGM does help. Tell you what, just so you don't feel ripped off for clicking on this blog entry, here's the stuff I would have written if I excepted those writing jobs. 

  • Trust yourself, you know what you're doing.
  • Practice moderation.
  • Test a little extra.
  • Get home with enough time to allow active insulin to finish before bed.
  • Check on your little ghoul a few times after they go to bed to make sure there's no crazy drop in BG.
  • Relax and eat your kid's candy so you don't have to deal with this crap tomorrow.

Okay, well, that's it, except to say this to my freelance suitors... aren't you glad you didn't pay for that!?


on 2013-11-25 15:40 by Scott Benner

Finally getting around to post a picture of Arden as a zombie.

Happy Halloween and don't forget to log your BGs and exercise with The Big Blue Test!

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