Unfathomable loss

I am sorry to say that fellow diabetes CareGiver blogger and DOC member, Meri Schuhmacher lost her husband Ryan on September 2nd to cancer. Meri and Ryan have four boys, three of whom have type I diabetes.

I never met Ryan, Meri or their children but the pain that they feel is as real to me as if they were part of my own family. I believe that connection is a direct result of the power that the diabetes online community creates in our lives.

Meri has a wonderful blog called 'Our Diabetic Life' and spoke today about the loss of her husband. I think that everyone would benefit from reading what she has shared. I urge you to reflect on the fact that her words of anguish have been permanently added to the collective that is our community. The gift of the DOC is not just the people in it or the connections that we make. It is also a repository for our struggles, pain and triumph that will assuage others tomorrow and beyond. 

Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight and then support Meri and her family in any way that you can. There is no better way to give back to the DOC then to support one of it's own in their greatest time of need.

When you are finished reading her words please leave Meri a message of support. And if you are able, I hope that you will add a few dollars the the fund that friends of the family have created to help with the costs associated with this tragedy. http://www.giveforward.com/schuhmacherfamilymiracle2. May you all be well...

With a heavy heart,



Day one of our New School Plan


My Guest post at 'The Life of a Diabetic'