Overnight blood glucose checks

A few days ago I remarked to Arden's school nurse while Arden was checking her BG that, "I can do this in the dark". I had just finished changing a pod that experienced an error during the day and was hanging out for a moment to discuss how much insulin to bolus for the basal that was lost (while I was driving to the school). My comment sparked a brief conversation that ended as all conversations about overnight BG checks seem to, with someone asking if Arden wakes up when her finger is pricked.

Arden doesn't budge during those checks. Up until this morning I though it was because she was so accustomed to the feeling but it turns out that she may just be an amazingly sound sleeper.

I took this picture today as I was getting Arden up for school, as you can see there are no sheets on her bed. The sheets are on the floor, ready to go into the laundry. I took them off of her bed while she was sleeping... she never stirred. When I pulled the bottom sheet from under her, she literally came off of the mattress and turned 180º - bouncing when she landed.

It looks like I have a new answer the question, "does she wake up when you check her BG".

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I was interviewed by Calling All Types


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