Gina Capone's Diabetes Blog Day 2011

I literally have to pick Arden up at school in 45 minutes (we are heading into Manhattan to see Wicked - Arden's birthday gift). I'm packed, the D-Supplies have been triple checked and now I am going to finally have a second to write my contribution to D-Blog Day

The blog topic for this year is: Why you feel the Diabetes Online Community is so important? especially to you personally? Give examples of other diabetes involvement may you have, on or offline, how it helped you etc… How do you think “we” as an online community can band together to reach broader audiences to help even more people living with or affected by diabetes.

I am going to answer the last sentence in the prompt only as I am short on time, know that now (as I'm writing) is the first time that I've seen the topic... Which I'm considering a sign after reading it...

This community online, the DOC, has a crazy amount of potential in regards to it's power and influence. It is already a force with it's countless voices but I've found myself wondering, "exactly how loud would all of those voices be if they all were saying the same thing and at the same time?". So I set out to find the answer to my question.

There is immense value in the power of the many telling their individual stories but what if once and a while we united? Could we effect serious change, I believe that we can!

If you believe too please click on this link, put away your fears and embrace the warm glow of hoping with a dreamer. If you do, if we all do, well... maybe we'll look back to today on D-Blog Day 2012 and be able to say that we focused our individual power and changed a few lives for the better.

Find out more about my dream for children and families with type I that want but can't afford insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors. Let's see what this already amazing community of people can do when we speak as one. Thank you for reading - I have to get to Arden's school.......

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Spring Universal Infusion Set - Giveaway


Untitled Giving Project: Insulin Pumps & CGMs for kids