Trusted my instincts



Last night before bed, Arden's BG unexpectedly spiked up. I resisted the urge to play it safe and trusted my instincts to bolus. I covered the high BG and encouraged a small snack that I did not cover. We had an early dinner and while I didn't understand the spike I knew that the insulin without anything in her stomach would likely cause a low later. So I popped some corn and Arden had a few (of her) handfuls with melted butter to get some fat into the mix.

I must have been a bit unsure initially because I posted on FaceBook that I just bolused and didn't know what to expect. Two hours later her BG was in a good place and drifting gently to where she woke this morning, 85.

This morning she woke up in such a pleasant mood and immediately began talking about all sorts of funny stuff. She hopped out of bed when I asked her to, didn't linger in the bathroom or mess around while she ate... she didn't even complain about brushing her teeth! All of that makes me wonder just how much varied and fluctuating blood glucose levels effect her personality, mood and feelings.

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Promise Meeting 2011


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