Proud to pod
Pick up today’s Trentonian to read all about Arden. Great thanks to Sulaiman, the writer of the piece for all of the time and attention that he gave to our story. The article is also online at this link. If you like it, please take a moment to hit the FaceBook like button, ReTweet on Twitter or comment on the article at the Trentonian site, below at Arden’s Day - or do them all! I can’t say enough great things about the Arden’s OmniPod, the freedom that it’s tubeless design gives to her or my experience with their customer service. I don’t make statements like this on the site very often but, “If you or your child is in need of an insulin pump, you just must give the OmniPod a long look”. You’ll be happy you did! Lots of people are sharing the link on FaceBook today, thank you to all of you for being such wonderful supporters! Remember, it’s all about transparency and raising awareness. Your support and help spreading the word makes Arden’s message that much stronger. Have a great day! One day when a cure is found, you will all have a place in saying, “I helped to cure type I diabetes”, I just know it... If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation to Arden’s 2010 JDRF Walk, you can use this link