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Opportunity to Vote For a Special
“Members Project” 
on an American Express Website...

The American Express Members Project winners will share $2.5 Million in funding. 

By going to this direct link:

you will be guided to nominate this project for funding. It was submitted by a mom from Georgia whose son was diagnosed on Mother’s Day 2007. This is her project description:

Fund continuing research for an artificial pancreas and eventually a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Organizations like JDRF and NIHH are working to make this dream a reality.

Let’s support her efforts and potentially support JDRF. The project closes on September 1st. It takes less than a couple of minutes to nominate this project. This is an opportunity for viral marketing. Pass this message on to at least 5 members of your family and friends. Let’s see if we can make an impact!!!!




Two Year Anniversary