An Update about Arden

It’s been some time now since this blog started so I wanted to let you know how Arden is doing.  She had her quarterly endocrinologist appointment last week.  Her A1c was 8.2, too high for you and I but acceptable for a child her age.  We are thrilled!

Her doctor wants her to see a nutritionist because she says Arden isn’t gaining weight fast enough but that probably isn’t a sign of any thing to worry about.  Unless....

We are waiting for the results of a few blood tests.  Arden is being tested for Celiac Disease.  It is apparently more prevalent in diabetic kids then in non-diabetic and if she has it could be the cause of her slow weight gain.  I hope she doesn’t have this too...  Celiac like diabetes is a auto-immune disease.

Day to day isn’t much different.  Some good days and some bad.  Last week Arden was hypoglycemic four days in a row.  Each day at the exact same time.  Then it just stops... so weird and unexplainable.  It’s the reason she get tested so often everyday.  You just never know when her BG will go south unexpectedly.  She got pretty low the first day (28) but she did a great job of drinking and eating and we were able to combat the insulin peak.  She is such a trooper!  She choked down cookies and a sandwich even though she wasn’t hungry and couldn’t stop crying (because of the low BG).  When she leveled out she said, “I’m sorry for crying... I just couldn’t stop.” 

We had to stop giving her injections in her arms because deposits of insulin were forming.  She is now getting more in her thighs and butt (which took some doing).  It’s hard because there aren’t many fatty areas on her body.  

Diabetes a side.  She is getting very excited for Christmas.  We took a train ride with Santa last weekend and just completed her second session of pre-preschool!  She is going to join a new class in the spring.  

We may have one more announcement this year but just in case that doesn’t work out... I’ll wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Peace filled New Year now.  Thank you for supporting this site and please look for more to come in 2008!  

There are santa train pictures are in the Scrapbook section.


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I just received this email from Arden's Nurse Practitioner...

Hi Scott,
I just wanted to let you know that the Celiac results for Arden were
negative.  We will repeat next year.
Thursday, December 20, 2007 - 12:37 PM
Love this picture of Arden!  Thank God-- No Celiac Disease!
Monday, December 31, 2007 - 10:25 AM





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