
Build-A-Bear Workshop just announced the arrival of Rudolf and Clarice for a limited time.  I’m only passing this information along because it gives me the opportunity to remind everyone that Build-A-Bear offers a special Purple Satin Heart for your child’s doll.  The heart costs a dollar but the entire dollar goes to the JDRF.  

Some store don’t do a good job of advertising the heart so you may have to inquire with the manager.  The last time we took the kids there I bought a heart for every kid in the store...  It’s a great feeling and a great way to show your kids the personal reward you get from philanthropy!


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The principle of Cole's school recently gave me $25 to send to the JDRF.  So we decided to buy 25 hearts at Build-a-Bear and give them away to the kids in the store.  It was a very nice moment...  Try it!
Saturday, December 22, 2007 - 10:29 AM

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