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#766 Rhymes With Fun

Aimee has type 1 diabetes.

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DISCLAIMER: This text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record. Nothing that you read here constitutes advice medical or otherwise. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making changes to a healthcare plan.

Scott Benner 0:00
Hello friends, and welcome to episode 766 of the Juicebox Podcast.

On today's podcast we'll be speaking with Amy an adult living with type one. She recorded this right around the time of, I believe her first anniversary with type one diabetes. Amy lives in Canada, a Canadian Canadian. She lives north of Minnesota and south of the North Pole. In Canada, I had a fantastic time talking to her. She taught me something about where she lives that I will never forget. And it's why the episode title is rhymes with fun. While you're listening today, please remember that nothing you hear on the Juicebox Podcast should be considered advice, medical or otherwise, always consult a physician before making any changes to your health care plan. Or becoming bold with insulin. This is me late at night, keeping myself amused while they record the bumpers. Are you a person who has type one diabetes and a US resident? Or are you a person who is a US resident and cares for someone with type one diabetes, if you are bingo, you can go to T one D exchange.org. Forward slash juicebox. And take the survey. When you complete the survey. You've helped people living with type one diabetes, you may have helped yourself and you definitely helped me. Today's episode of The Juicebox Podcast is sponsored by Omni pod five, please go to Omni pod.com forward slash juicebox. To learn more and get started today with the Omni pod five or the Omni pod dash which you may be eligible that last part the dash, you may be eligible for a free 30 day trial of when that be something. The podcast is also sponsored today by the Contour Next One blood glucose meter. It is an absolutely delightful little blood glucose meter. How's it delightful? I'll tell you if it's in your hand. Well, it's got a bright light. It's got a screen that's easy to use. And it's bonkers accurate accuracy of course being the most important part of this contour next one.com Ford slash juice box.

Aimee 2:19
My name is Amy. I am 31 years old and I am a type one diabetic diagnosed just about a year ago. April will be my one year anniversary. Anniversary, whatever you call it.

Scott Benner 2:31
I don't call it anything specifically people do call it a diversionary. Yeah, if I were to call that a diversity to art and she would definitely make a weird face at me.

Aimee 2:43
Yeah, I listened to her episode and I appreciated her humor. I really liked it. I know some people were weird about it, but I thought she was great.

Scott Benner 2:51
Only a couple of people seem to not enjoy her. I do think at some point she mentioned her religious beliefs and that that through. Sure, sure. Yeah. But anyway, she's 17 She was trying to be very honest. And I appreciate it that very much. Yeah, awesome job. I thought so too. I keep trying to get her to come back on. And she's like, No, just do it again. You know, so I said people really enjoyed hearing from you. And she's like, she goes, I know. You're trying to be funny. Anyway, okay, so you're only a year. Ooh, hold on a second. You got you got kids?

Aimee 3:26
I do. I have two two daughters.

Scott Benner 3:28
Okay, how just how old? Are they?

Aimee 3:31
nine and three?

Scott Benner 3:33
Three, you're married? I am excellent. I just said Excellent. As if I cared if you were married or not. I don't know why. I just think I said Excellent. Because I'm like, Ooh, she answered my question. Move on to the next one. anyone in your family have type one diabetes?

Aimee 3:47
No, no, no one at all. There is though some like Hashimotos my mom's got Hashimotos. So there's other autoimmune stuff going on? For sure.

Scott Benner 3:58
Okay. How did you figure out you had type one?

Aimee 4:02
Oh, I had all of the symptoms I was. I was really sick. I was, you know, everything you can think of I had it. I had lost a ton of weight. I was super thirsty, super hungry. I like my eyesight was blurry. I was out of breath. It was just it was all of it. So it was you know, I think as we do as adults, and as parents, we kind of like push things aside. We explain it away. So I was diagnosed in April, and it was for sure the December. Prior that I started really feeling like something's not quite right. But you know, I was like, Oh, well, I'm working hard. It's COVID I'm wearing a mask at work. Maybe I'm just extra thirsty from that. That would make me know all of the things and then I was like, Oh, I'm drinking so much water. Like maybe I'm just like losing water weight or like I thought like, oh, what sometimes that happens. So there was all of these different things, but then it kind of really got to the point where I couldn't continue on I'm just sort of making excuses. It was like, okay, clearly I'm not well, and, you know, so I went to go get some blood work done had to find a doctor, I didn't even have a family doctor. So I had to find a doctor got bloodwork done, and thankfully, he did catch it right away. I had honestly gone into his office, like, pretty much self diagnosing myself, so I don't think he had to make too big of a leap. But yeah, I was in full DK when I was diagnosed. So it went on for quite some time.

Scott Benner 5:32
Wow. Oh, so you did figure it out on your own though?

Aimee 5:35
I yeah, I did. And you know, even like, I want to, say two months into when I started feeling super thirsty. That was really my first noticeable symptom. I, you know, I had known sort of the symptoms of type one diabetes, just from talking with parents and being in like moms groups and stuff, and seeing people talk about their children being diagnosed. So I knew that extreme thirst was a symptom. And I had kind of said to my husband jokingly, like, a couple months after experiencing that, like, maybe I have diabetes, and I was like, no, because I still kind of thought like, oh, well, you know, you don't really get that as an adult. And I obviously don't have type two, I'm a very healthy person. Otherwise, you know, eat well. I exercise. I don't have type two. I know that. So, you know, at but it was just funny than when it turned out to be true. Because I had honestly called it months before so.

Scott Benner 6:26
Wow. Yeah. That's sucks. Sorry.

Aimee 6:30
Yeah. Well, it is what it is. Yeah.

Scott Benner 6:33
Did you like get to your goal weight before you call the doctor? Yeah. I kind of think I would be like, I'm gonna lose five more pounds. And then I'm definitely gonna go to the doctor.

Aimee 6:41
Yeah, that's the funny thing is, you know, at first, I was like, sweet, I'm losing all this weight, and I'm eating so much. This is the best. And then yeah, then it kind of got to be too much. I was Yeah, for sure. Like, it wasn't, it was to the point where I would go buy new pants, and by the end of the week, they wouldn't fit anymore. So

Scott Benner 6:58
Wow, geez. Now I enjoyed letting people talk through that. Because I think that there's just a lot to learn. By listening to the stories people tell themselves while something's happening, like you made me laugh by saying like, I was thirsty because I was wearing a mask, like everyone else was wearing a mask. Like, by that logic, we would have all been supermodels. And you know, and there'd be a water shortage because nobody could get enough water, we'd all be drinking so much water.

Aimee 7:26
But who knew that wearing a mask makes you lose weight and just be super healthy by drinking so much water?

Scott Benner 7:33
And that's true, by the way I got ripped off. So I wear that mask, and I didn't lose any weight at all. But no, seriously, it's I just like listening to people. It's just interesting to me. You know, like, I figured it out. But then I thought Yeah, that's probably not that because I'm not old enough to have Jouvet. I'm too old to have juvenile diabetes. And I'm not old enough to have type two diabetes, and I'm not, you know, out of shape. So that's all that must mean. And you just write things off and write things off. So, so easily. It's just very, you know, away from diabetes. We we all do the same stuff. So

Aimee 8:07
yeah, yeah. And I have really narrowed it down to like, okay, either I've got type one, or it's thyroid, because lots of the symptoms are very similar. Yeah. So that's kind of like, what I was, you know, I was sort of hoping. I mean, I know you don't want either, but I was like, well, hopefully it's thyroid. But, you know, turns out I have both. So that's great. It's

Scott Benner 8:30
one of the but yeah, I don't know what to call it. I almost said, like I was I almost said, Well, if I don't have to say it, but I almost said that's like one of the bullshit things about autoimmune is that the symptoms are so common through so many different issues, right? And it, it makes it incredibly difficult to figure something out, because, you know, you're like, Oh, my, my hair's falling out, or I'm losing weight, or I am low on energy, or you don't even you're like, Oh, great. Well, this could be any number of like, nine things that I've heard people on this podcast talking about, you know, you're really trying to pick through it. And you already know about like, say you have type one, and now you're trying to figure out if you're if your thyroid is a problem, or if you have, you know, arthritis or any number of other autoimmune issues, and it's, it's hard. It's hard to pick, pick through it all. Hopefully, you'll never have to do that again. Did you start putting the like, do you start doing the math like my mom has? Hashimotos I have type one. Did you look at your kids and go Oh,

Aimee 9:32
so you know, no, I guess I didn't before a diagnosis. I didn't really make the connection between other autoimmune issues and type one. Like I didn't really realize that that was connected. So all I was looking at was well, there was no type one in my family. There's no there's not even any tattoo on my family. Like there's no diabetes. So I was thinking like, how could it possibly be that and with my kids like, Oh, absolutely. When I found out that was really the only thing like I had a mole meant a very brief moment of being like, well, this sucks for me, but then it was immediately about them. And and what does this mean for them? Yeah. And, you know, I think I asked, I asked the doctor when I was diagnosed, and he kind of said, like, oh, it's not likely, like, basically just because, you know, you had them before you were diagnosed, and he gave me a whole laundry list of reasons why it's, I really don't have to worry about it. But I think I've, you know, in my own research, I've come to realize that, not that I'm sitting here worrying about it, but I certainly it's a possibility. So, you know, they've both had their fingers pricked a few times, and so far, so good,

Scott Benner 10:37
but I understand well, I mean, you can't like you can't live your whole life. Just, you know, worried worried worried all the time. I guess you could do trial on that, or something like that. If you were really interested. You're in Canada, right?

Aimee 10:50
I am. Yeah, yeah, they,

Scott Benner 10:52
I'm sure that works in Canada, doesn't it? It does.

Aimee 10:55
It does. Yeah, sorry, I lost the headphone when it made a difference to you. Yeah, I was in contact with someone with trial net. Actually, I was we kind of have considered doing it. But you haven't decided yet. The one thing that's kind of holding me back, and I don't know, if it really matters, it's just my endo had brought it up. I asked him at an appointment, what his thoughts were on it and, and he said, Well, you know, I think it's like, it can be good to find out that information. But then if your children end up having the markers that flags them as basically already having type one and so then it's very hard for them to get life insurance. If like say they might be diagnosed as an as an adult later on, like I was, so I don't know if that's the case. I honestly haven't looked into it any further. But that what he said there kind of is holding me back a little bit on doing it.

Scott Benner 11:47
Can I ask you a question? Sure. Do you have life insurance?

Aimee 11:51
I do. Yeah. But because I got it before I was when we we were smart. We bought life insurance when we were like 22 years old, my husband and I saw

Scott Benner 12:00
dorks That's lovely.

Aimee 12:03
Because we had a baby and we thought well now we have to be responsible for someone else to

Scott Benner 12:06
do you know, we did we did that. We took a piece of paper and we wrote on the paper if we should die, give the baby to this person and they can have our money and we stuck it in a lockbox.

Aimee 12:16
I don't have a will yet officially that's something that I know I need to do. But yeah, maybe I'll do that version, your version of a will.

Scott Benner 12:23
Just like somebody will find us eventually. Save those kids. You know.

Aimee 12:29
Years later, someone will uncover this lead.

Scott Benner 12:31
Yeah, after Arden's been living in a home for six years, like oh, she was supposed to go to their uncle. How about that? They were gonna give all their money to Oh, but a sad story. Yeah, I know. We should do better at this point, though. Arden is going to be 18 in a couple of months. Yeah. So we made it through.

Aimee 12:48
Yeah, you kind of Yeah, yeah, sneak through that one.

Scott Benner 12:51
Yeah, let them fight over whatever's left when that when I go,

Aimee 12:53
they can put like sticky notes on things in your host. This won't

Scott Benner 12:57
be a sad weekend, wouldn't it? I'm gonna take this lamp. You want this chair? Now? I'll take it. Further after this crap out. We just we just did this with my mom. My mom moved into a, like an assisted living facility. And it was fascinating to see she had she had experienced the health issue. And it was it was fascinating to see what six months before she would have like fought you for. And now she was like, throw it out. I don't care. It's just what's it was amazing to watch her. Her priorities shift. And was really, really interesting. We had to like, sometimes we had to stop. I'm like, Mom, that's 100 year old picture. Why don't you hold on to that, you know, like, we'll keep it you know, she's like, I don't have any place for it. And I don't need it. And I was like, Look at look what happens when you hit a certain age just like whatever. I don't need this stuff. I shot I thought I kind of freeing like she was free like free of ego. Even about herself, you know where, you know, six months before she would have been like, I don't want somebody helping me. You know, she would have gone down that road. Now. She's like, No, let them help. Like, yeah, interesting. Don't worry. That's not gonna happen to you for a while. Amy. Don't get sat on the

Aimee 14:12
road. Yeah, well.

Scott Benner 14:15
Hey, I unfairly know something about you that you didn't share with me in the Oh, so can I ask about it? Sure. Like, sure. What is? Well, now we know you're a decent person, Amy. Because if you had any really weird things going on in your life, you would have been like, maybe you were like, yeah, no, sure. Your job is interesting.

Aimee 14:38
Oh, yeah. But which one I am too.

Scott Benner 14:41
Well, I was thinking of being a doula.

Aimee 14:43
Oh, yeah. Yeah, for sure. How it is interesting.

Scott Benner 14:46
Yeah. How does How do you get involved in something like that?

Aimee 14:50
Um, I kind of just weirdly love the process of pregnancy and childbirth and I had, you know, when I was pregnant, and and going through that experience with my two I just have very different experiences and sort of saw. I had a doula with my second daughter. And I saw the difference that that made in my experience, you know, during and after. So, yeah, it was just something I wanted to pursue. And so I've been doing that for just over a year. Now that's sort of like my little side gig. But yeah, I love it a lot. I work with a really lovely girl who's like my kind of business partner and we, we share our on call days and stuff. So it's not too overwhelming. Yeah, it's it's a lot of fun.

Scott Benner 15:35
How many bursts? Do you think you've been around for him in that year?

Aimee 15:39
Um, so I'd say like, personally attended, I think, eight or maybe 10, eight, between eight and 10. I would have to count but we've, together my partner and I have worked with, I think, probably close to 20 clients now in this past year, so

Scott Benner 15:58
Wow, that's really something how Yeah, intimate. Does it get like, are you contacted very early on in the pregnancy? Or is it something people think about more towards the time they're gonna have the baby?

Aimee 16:08
Um, yeah, it really depends. We have people who contact us like, in their first three months of pregnancy and others who are, you know, a month away from giving birth? So it just, yeah, there's not really any like standard. I'd say most most people probably contract us somewhere in their second trimester.

Scott Benner 16:25
Have you ever been involved in a birth in a blow up tub in someone's living room? Yes. Excellent. Please explain it.

Aimee 16:32
Yeah. Oh, I love home births. Yeah, no, it's lovely. We have, like midwives here are provincially funded to so you can. It's good. And it's bad. It's good, because you don't have to pay for it. But we, especially in the province I'm in I'm in Saskatchewan. And we have far too few midwives for the amount of people who want them. So you would contact the midwives and if they have room they take you on as a client or a patient, I guess. Yeah, it's great. I, you know, there's really no, I guess, people used to think of home birth and maybe even I used to think of homebirth as like, this like radical thing. But it's really not that much different than a hospital birth. If you don't have complications, the midwives still have all the tools to do everything. You know, they can still monitor baby's heart rate and yeah, it's, it's really nice. I think it's a great way to labor if you're, if you're interested in it. Well, I mean, you're not interested in it. Someone else is interested

Scott Benner 17:30
in you imagine if I if I shifted now's, like, I'm gonna dump this podcast thing. I'm really gonna get into homebirths I might be a doula. Yeah, that'd be super comfortable for women, if I showed up at their birth. Oh, absolutely. Well, how do you I have one more question about that. Like, how do you get certified or what made you a good choice for this?

Aimee 17:51
Yeah, so it's like a it's just sort of like a course like an intensive sort of weekend course initially to do your like support person, your doula kind of certification, but then you can choose to do an additional like two year I guess, like official certification process as well, where you're kind of monitored closely by an instructor so yeah, it's it's not like an intensive schooling for it or anything. So really, a lot of people even choose to take the training if they're like, like, men will take it sometimes if their partners are, are expecting and they just want to be like a really good support. Yeah, it's we don't do anything medical. So there's no like medical factor.

Scott Benner 18:34
What would you how do you describe what you do? Like if I if I called you and was like, hello, I need a doula. What is it you do? What would you say?

Aimee 18:42
Did you just make a plan? I didn't know what else. Yeah, so we are there to be a support to primarily the laboring woman, but are the laboring person I suppose. And also the partner emotionally, physically, spiritually, if they like. So we do a lot of like, pain management techniques, we'll do a lot of like preparation in the pregnancy on like, you know, creating a birth plan and, you know, even like a postpartum plan, talking about realistic expectations. We help like, decipher medical terms, or things that doctors and nurses are saying, so we can kind of explain it in like plainer English, we can make sure that our clients know like, what all their options are. So sometimes things are presented to you in labor as if like, this is what we're doing. Now, a doctor and nurse might say, like, and now we're going to induce you or something along those lines. And, you know, really, that's usually the case is that you actually have a choice in that matter. So just sort of being like a second voice for that laboring person and and making sure that they're making informed decisions throughout and helping their like wishes be respected.

Scott Benner 19:54
Very nice. Amy, can you please put a PCR dummy into plain English for me? How would you say that on the fly oh, All right now like, yeah, that's not good. Right? Where are you going with that? Exactly? How are you nice in that? You're not?

Aimee 20:07
Well, you know, we talk, that's honestly almost always a conversation that we have in pregnancy because women are worried about that they don't want an episiotomy. So that's something that really comes up. And, and truly, no, I don't know what it's like in the States, but in Canada, for sure. Like it's not commonly used. It's, it should only be used for emergency situations. It used to be really commonplace, unfortunately. So yeah, but we definitely like that's a conversation we often have with the partner. If you see those scissors come out like I have, or if I kick you under the table, like you have to say, like, whoa, hold on a minute.

Scott Benner 20:43
I just, you know, it's funny in my mind, because Arden was hanging out with a bunch of friends last night, and it somehow came up in their conversation, like I was in the other room, and I'm like, What are these girls talking about? And, you know, you're talking about, like, we'd never want to have a baby, because, you know, they're like, 17 and 18. They're like, I don't want anything showing out of there. And you know, like, that kind of stuff. And one of the girls was just like, you know, sometimes they have to, and then she started explaining it. And then the rest of the girls were mortified. And yeah, I was more I'm telling you right now, that could never happen to me for a number of reasons. First of all, I'm well past childbirth in years, but also, I don't have any the requisite parts. And more importantly, it still gives me the willies talking about it, you know? Yeah. Like I'm like, oh, geez, like, so anyway. All right. I'm sorry. That was a weird left turn. But now I do have one last question. Because you said I have two jobs. What's the other one? Yeah.

Aimee 21:37
I own a like a book and gift shop with my mom. The two of us do that together. So

Scott Benner 21:43
yeah, people have extra money for gifts in Saskatchewan. This is cool.

Aimee 21:47
Yes. People have a lot of money for books right now over COVID They. Yeah, people have been reading a lot. So

Scott Benner 21:53
that makes sense, doesn't it? Yeah. Okay. All right. So we've got all that out

Aimee 21:58
of the way. Me? Do. You know who I am. I would

Scott Benner 22:02
love to listen to the podcast with people. Sometimes I like, you know, you know, when movie makers make a movie, and then they sit in the back and they watch other people watch the movie. Yeah, I'd love to, like, be able to witness people listening to the podcast, because I mean, at this point, now, we're 20 minutes into this, Amy. And you haven't really talked about your diabetes at all yet. And yet, I'm fascinated. So

Aimee 22:23
we've talked about a PD PCI dummies and, and all of the things that otherwise

Scott Benner 22:29
I a little bit I could be and we figured out how you got diagnosed and how you figured it out the process you went through. Now I'm going to ask you, when you left the hospital, what was your understanding of management of type one?

Aimee 22:43
Yeah, so that's a good question.

Scott Benner 22:57
I love this meter. And I can do the ad with my eyes closed. I'm closing my eyes now. The Contour Next One blood glucose meter is the meter. I've enjoyed using the most since my daughter's had type one diabetes. Is that weird to say? I don't think so. Because I've used some meters before that, were they I hated them. There is this one. This one I like a lot. It's easy to hold easy to use bright light for nighttime testing, and a bright screen for nighttime viewing. The test trips offer Second Chance test trips, which means you can like hit the blood not quite do it right, not quite good enough and go right back in and get the rest without ruining the test trip. Or the accuracy of the test. And by the way, since we're talking about accuracy, that Contour Next One blood glucose meter is so accurate, it's got like a lot of accuracy. And that's what you want. Really, right. This is a blood glucose meter. This is this is a belsham Sorry, this is a blood glucose meter. It's not you playing darts at a bar for $3. You want this thing to Bullseye baby. Get as close as it can every time but a bing bada bing bada bing as what you're looking for. Contour is gonna give it to you contour next one.com forward slash juicebox head over there right now. See how inexpensive why are people calling me? No, I'm doing something. Alright, that was my fault. I did not mute my phone I might leave all this in contour next one.com forward slash juice box head over there right now you can actually buy the meter online for very little there's links to all kinds of places online that you can buy it. The test strips are incredibly accurate. I'm not kidding. It's my favorite blood glucose meter fits in your pocket to your bag. It's super easy to carry. You really should check it out contour next one.com forward slash juice box and other good people to send you I'm sorry about this ad but I still think people are gonna go go check it out. So I guess we'll have to see if I'm right. Ladies and gentlemen, boy Isn't girls children of all ages the Omnipod five automated insulin delivery system is here it has arrived. It exists in your Stratusphere universe right around the corner from your house. Ali pod five is the only tubeless automated insulin delivery system that integrates with the Dexcom G six CGM. And it uses smart adjust technology to automatically adjust your insulin delivery every five minutes, helping to protect against highs and lows without multiple daily injections. How about that every five minutes is thinking about you. So you don't have to. That's pretty great. Omnipod five is currently cleared for people with type one diabetes ages six and older. And all you have to do and you have the option to control it from a compatible smartphone. On the pod five is also available through the pharmacy, which means you can get started today without the four year dorable medical equipment contract that comes with most insulin pumps, even if and listen to this closely. Even if you're currently in warranty with another system. Hmm, that's cool. To get started with the Omni pod five, all you have to do is go to Omni pod.com Ford slash juice box for full safety risk information, a list of compatible phones, as well as clinical trial claims data go to omnipod.com forward slash juicebox. That's pretty cool. Oh, I got time with Hey, if you don't want an automated system, go check out the Omnipod dash same link omnipod.com forward slash juicebox. You may be eligible for a free 30 day trial the Omnipod dash, that'd be crazy. I have to say now shoot I ran out of music. Who cares already belched in the Contour? Next One. So I have to say what I have to say I have to say for full safety rescue from nope, that's not it. I said that already. Oh, get a free 30 day trial Yamaha dash. Nope. I already said that. There's definitely something I'm supposed to legally say. I think I said it. I say it already. I said it already. Right. Yeah. For full safety and risk information, free trial Terms and Conditions. Those are the words I didn't say free trial crime. Okay, Fair's fair. I said for full safety and risk information list of compatible phones as well as clinical trial claims data go to Omnipod. But I did not say for full safety risk information and free trial terms. And conditions. Also visit on the pod.com forward slash juice box. Well, now I've said it. So everybody should be happy. Except for you who had to live through this. And I apologize for that. Anyway, let's get back to Amy. Now.

Aimee 27:41
I left the hospital with pins. And so with Hema log, and to see the pins in a meter. My understanding was that I took this amount of to SIBO, once a day, and I was on a sliding scale for human log. But I knew that a carb ratio was coming. However, they wanted me to sort of keep a really good blog for about a month so that we could figure out what my ratio would be. I was Yeah, other than that, you know, I had an awareness of pumps and CGM that was kind of talked about with me in the hospital. But I didn't have one yet. I got a deck called like very soon we have, you know, actually, I've been pretty fortunate. We have a, I have a really good endo and his team of educators are available, you know, iPhone, text, all of that. So I think it was not even a week after leaving the hospital that I had a Dexcom. So I had that. But yeah, you know, my understanding was basically take insulin for what you eat. It was definitely a little bit more on the like, play it safe side better hide the mobile. Yeah. What what made pretty, pretty minimal at that moment.

Scott Benner 29:03
So so now I'm aware that you're in the private Facebook group. And I actually, like, I do my best to keep up with it. I want to say that some things stick out to me more than others. I have no way of knowing why you don't I mean, like, in my mind you and this is crazy. Your name is spelled a little differently. Yeah, it is. And so it's for some reason, my brain remembers it, I look up at it. Like your name looks like an image to me. I don't know how to explain this to people. But there are 23,000 people in that group. And you know, there are some names that they roll in front of me and I'm like, Oh, I know that name. And then my brain associates it with something and then I look and it's just a weird thing. You know, I can't I obviously can't I think there were like 120 posts in there yesterday. So yeah, I'm not aware of. Yeah, I'm not aware of all of them. But having said that, like I associate your name with with somebody who's trying really hard and having success, do you feel like that's going? Is that about true of who you are?

Aimee 30:07
Absolutely, yeah. And even like, you know, to circle back to your understanding of diabetes, when you left the hospital, I think my understanding, in a greater sense was a lot more than what they taught me because I am definitely a person that, you know, does tons of research and, and seeks out that info on my own. So, I, you know, had, I think I've even found the podcast, like, before I left the hospital. I didn't start listening to it yet, but I was aware of it at least and, you know, had followed a bunch of people on Instagram and read a bunch of things. So I kind of already knew, like, some of the things they were telling me. I was like, Cool. That's not right, though. Or it doesn't have to be that way. Like I but I didn't know how to get to that point. But it didn't take me long for sure. You know? Yeah, I was diagnosed with an agency of seven. I think it was 17.4 17.1. Something like that. It was really high. Wow. Yeah. And by, I guess, was it three months later? Yeah. Three months later, I had my agency down to five, two. So yeah, I think I'm doing quite well. I've just switched to Omni pod now from NDI. Just about two months on that. And it's, I'm still doing like fairly well, but I'm definitely I know, I have figured out my rates and my ratios properly. It's, it's close, but I haven't quite figured it out. So I'm still playing around with that a little bit. But,

Scott Benner 31:39
ya know, it's astonishing, like you like you, I, first of all, thank you, I appreciate you being so involved in the site, and, you know, sharing things with people, it's really terrific. But like I have, you know, I feel like I've seen posts from you where they're about, like, Hey, look at this meal, like, Can you even see where it is on my graph? And, you know, like, down to, like, look at my one sees, like, you know, doing so well, and you're not It's not boastful, like nobody. I listen, I feel weird that I even like backed up to, like, do an apology tour on this idea. But for me, I think people sharing their success is a great way for people to be a hopeful light for other people who don't have that success. I know, some people think, you know, don't tell people how well you're doing. It makes other people feel badly. I subscribe to the idea of you don't just say, Hey, I'm doing great. You're not like Nana, like, you know, but here, this is like, let a conversation roll out of those posts. Like, how did you do this? How did you? You know, how did you keep that from spiking? Or, you know, what do you do? And I think that's how people learn. So when people like, come along, and and share stuff like that. It's very, very valuable, in my opinion. But thank you. No, no, I appreciate it very much. You don't have to thank me. I was thinking you did? You did?

Aimee 32:53
Yeah, no, I really do. I agree, though. I've seen a bit of both just in different people who've followed on Instagram, especially, you know, I think the people who have had diabetes for longer tend to have that idea that like it's sort of a faux pas to share your agency or talk too much about your successes without like, also talking about how terrible it can be. And, you know, like, personally, I had to leave almost every other like Facebook group that was centered around diabetes, because other than yours, because I just found it so negative, like it was just so many people like, oh, well, that's just diabetes, and like, you know, it was, but yet here I am, and I, I can appreciate that I might still be experiencing some honeymoon, you know, maybe, but still, like, I'm like, well, there's this whole group of people who are not doing it that way. So I know, that doesn't, that's not how it has to be anymore. You know,

Scott Benner 33:48
so, you know, to go off on this for a minute. I don't think of those people as bummers. Right? Like, I don't think I don't think of them as people not that you said they were I'm just experimenting. Yeah, like, I don't think of them as people were just want to be negative. I think that they have been introduced into a world that is not easy to navigate that most of them were probably not given good tools, or good explanations. And then they were left to flounder. And now all they can believe is what they see. Which is that's just diabetes. And this doesn't work. And you know, just because you got lucky and your blood sugar's like, you know what I mean? Like, there's that vibe that you got the good kind of diabetes, and they got the bad one. And you know, like that their body acts differently than yours does, or whatever the feeling ends up being. And I've seen enough from adults who sometimes have had diabetes for decades, and struggled for decades, find the podcast and not struggle anymore. Like I believe that the possibilities there for everybody. I don't know if you'll if everyone's in the right headspace to take a hold of it or you know if they have the right Home Life or, you know, even financial ability sometimes, you know, to really do the things that, um, that kind of need to be done. But it's there, you know, on some level, I think everybody can improve if they just understood the game they were thrown into, you know what I mean? Like, it's just, it's a, it's an unfair situation. It's almost like you're thrown out of a football field, in hockey gear. And, you know, you're like, I keep getting tackled, and I can't run. So you're wearing skates on grass. And I think that's how diabetes can feel. Sometimes they just don't, you know, you don't have the right tools. So anyway, how did you? How did you figure out like, what did you what the question should be is like, what made sense to you that led to all of this.

Aimee 35:47
Like, led to having success? You mean? Yeah. Yeah, well, I think I, so when I was diagnosed, my agency was so high. I was like, feeling like, terror. Like, I just felt like garbage for a long time. So I kind of right from the start, kind of had more of a fear of highs than I did have lows. I never really had that, like, hypo anxiety. More. So it was like, I don't want to be high, because I don't want to feel like I did before. Right. Like, I felt so terrible. And I do I feel if I get you know, I don't know what this is in American terms, like anywhere over like an eight 8.5 It's, you know, I feel thirsty and tired. And just all of those things again, so that was kind of always where I was coming at it from and I started listening to the podcast pretty early on, and I started from episode one, I honestly, like, constantly was listening to it while I was doing other things. And I think that I just, it made sense to me that what you were saying about being bold, and you know, just like little bumps and nudges. And I wasn't really afraid to give myself like just little micro doses of, of insulin throughout the day. Even when I was on pens, it just didn't really bug me. So yeah, I think, I don't know, it just totally made more sense to me to aim for a regular person's blood sugar levels. I've kind of always been like a perfectionist, so I guess I wasn't really willing to settle for anything less than that.

Scott Benner 37:33
Well, 8.5 blood sugar, by the way, for people in America and other places? Is like 153. Yeah, yeah. When you get over that you don't like the way it feels?

Aimee 37:45
Yeah, if I mean, if it just like sort of goes in high fives and comes back down. But if I hover there longer, or if, especially if I get into, like the double digits, you know, into, which would be like, 200 Plus, like, I feel terrible. So yeah, so I really tried to avoid that and kind of have from the start. So Well, yeah.

Scott Benner 38:07
So I'm orienting my mind. I don't know what happened. I just, like looked away for a second to look at that number. And then all of my thoughts escaped out of my eyes and felt like, where did all my thoughts go? So you don't subscribe to any specific diet, though, right? Like you eat pretty, you know, like, just regularly?

Aimee 38:29
Absolutely. Yeah. In the beginning, for sure. I tried to eat a little bit lower carb, like I you know, found breads that were lower carb, or, you know, I think I was, especially before I had my carb ratio, or was really trying to stick to like this many carbs per meal so that it would not send me crashing low with the sliding scale they gave me. So you know, but once I got my, my carb ratio, for sure, I eat whatever I want. You know, within reason, I've always been a healthy eater, but I certainly am not low carb. At all. Yeah.

Scott Benner 39:02
And you said that you're not not so much scared of low blood sugars. Have you ever had a low blood sugar? Like a frightening?

Aimee 39:08
Yeah. I've had a few. Yeah, definitely a few. Like more recently, I found since starting the Omni pod, I think it's just the way my body is reacting to using like human log as a Basal insulin. It's just absorbed differently. So I'm still just sort of trying to figure that out. I've definitely been low, more than I'd like, in the last month or so. So yeah, I've definitely had like moments where I've had a scary low and certainly I can see how that anxiety would come into play. Because, you know, I would be lying if I said, I wasn't like, I never thought about that again. Or, you know, there's been maybe a couple times where I've given myself a little bit less influence that I think I need following those sort of scary moments, but yeah, for the most part. No, I'm not. I have the Dexcom I watch it carefully. So I I think that is a huge factor.

Scott Benner 40:02
What do you call low?

Aimee 40:05
So low for me is anything under 3.9, which I think is like, I got it. 7070. Yeah. But like, that's like a mild low, like, sometimes I'll let that ride out. But then if it's like a straight arrow, right, but anything under a, probably anything under like 3.5, which is Hold on, I'm going to do it 63

Scott Benner 40:26
doing it. You're so quick.

Aimee 40:28
I calculator times eight. And so it's whatever. Like, my number is times 18.

Scott Benner 40:34
Amy gives you asked me where I'm doing it.

Aimee 40:37
On. Where? Oh, juicebox podcast.com? Yes,

Scott Benner 40:40
juicebox podcast.com. There's a link at the top says a one cm blood glucose calculator. And that's how I was doing it. Good job, Amy. Sorry, plug the website. That's all. I don't care if you do with a calculator with your fingers just mentioned that it's on the website. Okay. You listening to me? Come on. I do. I do. I have Questions You really went back to So you went back to the first episode started listening to this podcast? Are you caught up? Yeah. Yes. Bless you. Thank you so much. So Joking aside, because I feel like people are hearing me say like, wow, me, give me 650 downloads, which Trust me, there's a small part of my brain that is doing that right now. But the other part of my brain is that I've long believed that if you just listen through the podcast, you could put your agency in the fives.

Aimee 41:30
Absolutely. Yeah. And I listened to for sure, like the pro tips and, and defining diabetes, those are helpful. Absolutely. But I feel like by the time I got to those, I had almost already heard all of that information, just in the conversations you have with people. So I find those, you know, episodes like this just as valuable for me. There's, you know, when you listen through, there's little pockets of, you know, great information throughout all of them. So,

Scott Benner 41:54
so the, the pro tip episodes and that kind of stuff, I'm opening up my phone, hopefully, like it won't make a bunch of noise. They exist for this exact reason. So I'm looking at a message that I got last night, which I won't identify the person, obviously. But they start off very nicely asking like, you know, is there suggested episodes list that could be helpful, which I take as meaning I don't want to listen to your whole podcast. And then I scroll a little bit, and I was like, Yeah, have you tried the Pro Tip series? And, you know, then it becomes, can you please tell me what numbers those are. And then you realize that there are some people who just aren't going to do any of the work on their own, but it doesn't mean they don't deserve good health, you know, maybe maybe this person is busy or you know, has 1000 children, I don't know what their deal is. But then eventually they get down to like the real honesty of it. And they're like, you know, I send the link. And the answer is Thank you. Because I really do not have enough time to be looking through your podcast or listening to anything. That's not exactly what I need. And so I agree with you, by the way, and I did it on purpose. Like if you listen to the podcast, you'll just know how to take care of your diabetes. But I added the Pro Tip series and that other stuff, when I realized that there were going to be some people who just for a number of reasons, weren't gonna have the time to listen through. And then I think once the podcast got into, like the 200 episodes, I was like, What am I even asking of people, you know what I mean. And that's when that's why you see the the first pro tip pops up around to 10. But then you can also see how agile you can be with an organization, if you don't have to ask 17 people in a meeting, what we should do next, you know, I just looked up one day, and I was like, we've, I have too many episodes at this point to expect everybody to listen through all of them. I have to condense some of this information in a certain place. And that's when I went from helping people who had the time to listen to a podcast to help him people who had the time to listen to a podcast and people who did not have the time to listen to one. Yeah. And I think that's when it became more valuable. And now, of course, having this conversation. I think that I want to say the protests started in 2019. But ironically, I'm the worst person to ask about the podcast because I'm busy making it I don't I'm not a great historian about it. But I'm gonna look real quickly.

Aimee 44:22
Also, like, what year is it even do we none of us know? Yeah, at this point.

Scott Benner 44:25
Yeah. So that first pro tip went up in February 2019. And I think today, Episode Four or a second today, Episode 642. And yeah, yeah, so I can't you know, I think what you did will work yeah, and but I got to the point where it's like I don't imagine everybody can do that. So anyway, yeah, for

Aimee 44:54
sure. But I my my big listening times are cooking. I go for like a run or a walk with the dog. or grocery shopping. That's like, where it all happen

Scott Benner 45:03
and you have two jobs. I do. And two children. Maybe I should answer this person back and said, Hey, Amy don't don't cop out on me. It's uh, I mean, honestly, joking aside, the podcast is big enough now, like, if you can't listen to 650 episodes, it doesn't hurt me. You don't I mean, I wish you would. And I think there's something in every one of these. That's, that's fun, or valuable or entertaining, or, you know, educational. Somehow. Like, one went up today with like a mother and, and son.

Aimee 45:41
I saw that I haven't listened yet because it came up, right? While I was like sitting here waiting.

Scott Benner 45:48
Well, guess what, six months from now somebody's gonna be waiting to talk to me, and yours is gonna pop up in front of them. So there you go. Yeah. I just think that it's, um, it's too easy to say to people? Well, if you put the time in, you know, then then you'll get your your hard work will pay you back. And I'm not saying you shouldn't have to work hard to figure things out. But not not so much that if you don't have the time, that that's an actual impediment from you getting to the information. That's not fair. And shouldn't be.

Aimee 46:20
Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And I think like, I know, I've heard it so many times come up in conversations on the podcast, who like most people that you speak with in the medical profession, who are helping you with your diabetes don't, I mean, they don't know you really well. So they don't know that you're a person that, you know, wants to maybe do better than whatever the norm is, yeah. But I don't know, I just feel like, you know, even stuff like I've had to follow closer with my CDs over the last couple of months. Since starting the Omni pod, there's a we have a provincial pump program in Saskatchewan that covers it for you know, anyone with type one, which actually was approved, the, like, the month I was diagnosed, so that was lucky. But in order to be approved for that, you have to do a three month trial. And in those three months, you basically have to prove that you're like, making the effort and, and, you know, having appointments and all of that. And so I was having a meeting with my CDE just the other day. And every time I talk with him, he's like, I noticed that you like, you know, you say you set your Dexcom alarms, like quite low. Like, you might want to consider putting that up higher, so it's not annoying you all the time, like and he keeps going like, oh, you know, keep saying like, once you're out of honeymoon, and I like truly I think I am out of I don't think I really had much of a honeymoon. But I've

Scott Benner 47:45
I think Amy your good control is the only thing he can imagine. Yeah, and he keeps

Aimee 47:51
kind of like, he keeps kind of saying like one day that's gonna get really annoying, and it's like, but no, I like I want it to be annoying, so that I can act on it. Like I'm not just gonna, you know, so I just, it just irritates me. You know, it's like, well, what, what do you do? I'm not gonna can't argue it here, right? Yeah, exactly. I just don't. Okay. Yeah,

Scott Benner 48:10
I would imagine that you have, like, so you don't think you're in the honeymoon, right?

Aimee 48:16
No, I think maybe in the beginning a little bit. But I never had like, like, I was taking quite a lot of insulin right from the start. And I never had situations where I just randomly would be low all the time without explanation. And I've, like, especially recently, like, I don't have any free foods, like even things that are zero carbs, I need to take something for pretty much like I can't eat like a pepperoni stick without needing at least a little bit of insulin. So I don't think I'm in a honeymoon anymore

Scott Benner 48:46
at all. No, but it's funny because you've mentioned it a number of times, but I don't like from the outside looking and I'm like, I don't think this person in a honeymoon. But then you finally said it like you're the physicians telling you you are but yeah, they keep Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna tell you that the reason he thinks that is Hey, right. The reason he thinks that is because he doesn't see graphs like yours, unless the body's helping. Right, so you're gonna prove him wrong. He's gonna shut up about that one day.

Aimee 49:14
Yeah, I hope so.

Scott Benner 49:17
Why don't you tell him? Why don't you just say hey, I don't believe I'm honeymooning. I just think I'm very good at Bolus thing for my meals.

Aimee 49:24
Yeah, I did you know what that was like my driving force I had you know what, I guess my when I said my five to a once he was three months later, it was six months later because I had an appointment between those so every three months that I think my first one after diagnosis was 6.2 or something like that, which is still quite good, but I was like, visibly upset about that at the office and my endo was like, You seem disappointed. And I was like, Yeah, you know, like, I'm aiming for a five five and he basically was like, All right, like pretty much said like good luck, like you can but that's not very realistic. And then the next appointment. He remembered that I had said that. And we were just kind of laughing about it. I have a really great endocrinologist. I quite like him. But we were Yeah, we were giggling about it. Because I said, I told you I was gonna do it

Scott Benner 50:11
a little pat you on the head situation when he was like, well say, yeah, like, yeah, like you don't understand.

Aimee 50:18
It felt a bit like that, like, oh, well, you know, you'll have a realistic goal.

Scott Benner 50:24
I think we're gonna find these tables turn pretty soon, buddy, where you're gonna be the one who sees, and I'm gonna be the one patting you on the head. What do you think?

Aimee 50:31
Yeah. Yeah, no, but he was I mean, I think after seeing me a few times, he kind of he I think he kept referring to me as type A, he kept saying, a lot of my type a patients can do like to do this or

Scott Benner 50:46
this. So do you see yourself that way?

Aimee 50:50
No, I mean, in certain situations, yeah. But I'm also I can be quite impulsive with things, which I think sort of lends itself well, to diabetes management.

Scott Benner 51:00
Well, my question is, do you think you're doing well with your diabetes? Because you have a driving force inside of you that won't let you rest about anything? Or do you think you just have found a way that works?

Aimee 51:10
Yeah, it's a combo, but more than I've just found a way that works. Yeah. Yeah.

Scott Benner 51:15
Because I, I'd be concerned that people who are like sitting around right now going like, I'm more of a go with the flow person, like, I can't do this. But you could, I mean, yeah, I don't want to like, you know, go off on a tangent, but I will for a second, you know, there's not a whole lot to this, the longer I do it, the more I realized, there's just not that much to it. You know, like, You got to get your Basal, right, you have to Pre-Bolus your meals, you have to understand the difference impacts of different foods. And then you got to stay a little flexible afterwards, because things aren't always gonna go right. And, you know, I might add to that later, you probably need to understand the impact of fat and protein, you know, on your blood sugar. But it's not some, it's not something it's not calculus, you don't mean like, diabetes is portrayed as the some, you know, alien calculus that none of us can understand. But it's not like that at all. Like, I don't even think about the math of it. It's all about timing and amount and staying ahead of the blood sugar not chasing, it's super kind of intuitive. Once you see it, you just have to see it work, right, like after it happens. And you're like, oh, that went exactly the way the guy on the podcast said it was going to and then then you can be like, I could probably make that happen again. Is that about your expectation and your experience?

Aimee 52:35
Yeah. And, you know, in some ways, I think it probably is better to be a go with the flow person, because you do have like, if you're too stuck in a little bit last time, it was this way. Right? Like, I think you can't you have to be a bit of both. You can't. You can't be too rigid. So yeah, I don't think like, I don't think if you're a go with the flow person that you can't do it. Yeah, I think it was just kind of like, the way he was viewing it was that I needed to, like have control of everything. You know, I think that's what he was seeing. Well, I'm doing probably truthfully, he probably thought I was like driving myself crazy to get those results. I'm not. In fact, I think about it less when I'm doing well.

Scott Benner 53:15
Yeah, no, that's his improper interpretation of diabetes. Yeah, because I'm a completely like, go with the flow person. I don't have much rigidity about me at all, especially around this stuff. And I'm as good at it as I think anybody could possibly maybe be, you know, and so I just want people not to think that I'm that if you're not of a certain brain, you can't do it. Because that's not true, either. I you know, I mean, the truth is, I think you said it a second ago, if you're too rigid, that that will make it more difficult. Because if you're in this, if you're in this headspace that like, look, I weighed this food. I always feel like I feel bad for the people who live like, like travel with the scales or like a restaurant or something, you know what I mean? Like, I weighed this food and Dammit, this is 43 carbs. And my my meal ratio says this, and it didn't work. That I think must be maddening. Because it feels like you've been told the answer and the answer is wrong. Yeah, you know, whereas if you listen to me, what I'll tell you is, you know, put in the amount that you need. And then if it doesn't work, figure it out, you know, next time make an adjustment, and you'll see eventually, it'll just work out really well. That's it. Yeah. You know, my sound so trite to people who don't listen to the show. I imagine I apologize to those people. I'm not making light of diabetes. It's really difficult. I'm burdened by it just like everybody else's. But there's a way for it. Excuse me, there's a way for it to for people to have that that kind of experience that you just talked about, because I think the most important thing you've said in this last hour, is that when it's going well it's less work right? Yeah, it's going well, because of the effort. You put it up front. Right ahead of it. Is that all right?

Aimee 55:07
Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, like, I hear you say things like that, like, just well, like one day, it will just not feel this hard. You know, like, and I think there's probably a lot of people who have been diagnosed for a long time. And it still feels that hard, because they've never really been presented with the information to be successful. Yeah, you know, I'm really grateful that I found the information that I needed and found the podcast and, you know, didn't get stuck in that, because certainly, there were a few, like, it wasn't long. I want to say there were a few weeks where I really was like, Well, this is my life now. And like, I'm never going to eat pizza again. And I won't do this anymore. And yeah, I can see how it would just sort of feel so restricting. Like, you know, like, you have shackles on almost?

Scott Benner 55:58
Yeah. Well, I listen, I'm happy. Hold on a second, please. I said Saskatchewan, one too many times, and something I call

Aimee 56:09
my throat. Just wait till you hear the name of the city. I'm in.

Scott Benner 56:12
Oh, well, you tell me.

Aimee 56:14
Oh, well, I know laugh at me. Have you heard it? Maybe you've heard of it. The city I live in is called Regina.

Scott Benner 56:21
Yeah, I know this one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah. Canadians. Like, how would someone not hear that and go, Hey, we probably shouldn't call it that. Because it sounds like vagina.

Aimee 56:34
Let's at least pronounce it Regina. No, it's

Scott Benner 56:37
not. Yeah. I never understand. Like, did they not have someone like me in the room when they were making the sign up? You know, because I would have been like, Hey, guys, real quick. That sounds like vagina. Maybe we should do something else. You know? I mean, unless that's what we're going for. And then, yeah, let's keep

Aimee 56:54
going. Yeah, for some someone of British royalty, or princess or something you think?

Scott Benner 57:00
Sure. Great. And 100 years later, you live in vagina. So that's not helpful.

Aimee 57:06
They call it. They call it the city that rhymes with fun. is truly a slang. I didn't make that up. That's an actual slogan that they they say?

Scott Benner 57:19
Well, as a heterosexual man, I can't agree more. What do you think of it? Yeah. That's hilarious. All right. You got me off my thought there with that. But don't be sorry. I really believe that the amount of effort upfront is so much less than the amount of effort it takes, if you ignore upfront, you know, if you just Pre-Bolus your meals, like Jesus, like, you know, you want to day one seeing the sexes Pre-Bolus Your meals. You know what I mean? You get your basil, right? What does that mean? It means you're not getting low all the time and having to feed the insulin, feed the insulin, or you're not riding high all the time, and always Bolus and just get your basil, right. Doctors don't talk about that, like it's important at all. They almost talk about Basal insulin, like it's a throwaway. And, you know, here's your Basal insulin, well, we did a calculation and he's you're probably 11 a day, well, well adjusted.

Aimee 58:18
Yeah, that's basically just like, you take this, so you don't go into DKA. Like, that's what it was explained to it. To me as like, this is just so you always sort of have something and you're not gonna like get back here again.

Scott Benner 58:30
Yeah, and a person who would say that to you. Either doesn't understand the bigger picture, doesn't care about it, or it's just lazy. I don't know what it is, you know, but such an important tool, and then nobody tells you how valuable it is. And now you're suddenly I don't know if you can roll around all day with three or four units of Basal insulin too much or too little. And both are gonna cause you a different problem too much. And, you know, you go into your doctor's office and you're like, Hey, I can't lose weight, I have diabetes, and and they'll say to you like, oh, yeah, insulin will put the weight on you. But that's not true. Calories, puts weight on you. But if insulin is constantly making your blood sugar low, then you're constantly taking in calories. And then they got it's the insulin, you know, no, no, it's not the insulin. You're moron. It's the You didn't give me enough. Yeah, like you didn't give me enough information. You just you randomly pick this number, you're making me low all the time. I'm eating constantly. And, and, and when that happens, you don't see it as eating constantly because you see it as saving your life constantly. You see it as a medical intervention, not as great as a food choice. And because it is, but you know, just make the basil right? And that doesn't happen and the reverse of it is, you know, not enough Basal blood sugar's high all the time. You eventually you get fed up, you Bolus a whole bunch and you make yourself low. And then you eat a bunch of food and make yourself high get frustrated. Bolus a bunch make yourself low. All that is from Basal, you know, so All right, I can only say so much common sense on hearing me and then it's just it gets to be too much. What made you want to come on the podcast?

Aimee 1:00:16
This is gonna sound really weird. Oh, I

Scott Benner 1:00:18
hope so. Okay.

Aimee 1:00:20
I don't know if I have a true reason i So when I started listening to the podcast, like pretty much right away, I was like, one day I'm going to be on this podcast, and I just like thought it to myself. And I was like, Yeah, I need to be on this podcast one day. That'll be fun. And so then I just reached out to you, and you're like, Yeah, I hear you can book a time on here. I think you said but like, I can't get you until March. And this was maybe like, last summer? Yeah. And I was like, okay, cool.

Scott Benner 1:00:49
It's March now, if you want to be on now, I think it's December. Yeah. Like, every day, I record the show, like, every day at this point. And yeah, I'm we're booked out that far. So I'm just fulfilling like a,

Aimee 1:01:04
like prophecy.

Scott Benner 1:01:07
Making you feel good about your thoughts, that all this is really for, you?

Aimee 1:01:11
Know, I just thought, you know, I like talking to people. And I. Yeah, I just thought it would be fun to come on and chat with you about life and diabetes. And I just, to me, like, those are the episodes that kind of mean the most to me, and that it get the most out of is just these like, back and forth conversations where, you know, people might say just in passing, like a little sort of tidbit of something that I find helpful or can relate to. So

Scott Benner 1:01:38
I agree. Yeah, I'm a podcast person to begin with. So I agree with you, I would rather pull gems out of a conversation than be talked at for an hour, which I think is even why I had trouble even making the protests very, like they're not super. You don't I mean, like, if you if you put a company or a hospital in charge of making those protests, they wouldn't sound the way they sound coming out of my mouth, because I still want them to be conversational. Like, I just don't. The bullet pointing thoughts into people's heads, I don't find to be a great way to communicate with people. I'm waiting for someone to come on one day and offer themselves to me somehow, like is a I don't even know like, Hey, I Scott, I really appreciate this and to come to your house and clean once a week. You don't be mean or I mean, if I was single, even sexually, I mean, you know what I mean? Like, hey, but no, none of it ever goes that way. And by the way, sometimes I got off of are you giggling at me? Thank you. Oh, you love the podcast? Don't you?

Aimee 1:02:39
laugh all the time when I'm listening? Like my husband will be like, where are you listening to? Probably that podcast.

Scott Benner 1:02:45
Come to learn my name. Have a little respect and know, oh, what was I gonna say? yet? Oh, I was recorded with the person the other day. We got all done. I thought it went really well. And it ended. And they go, Hey, can I just tell you something real quick? And I'm like, Sure. And then they like passionately spoke about what I meant to them for two minutes. And while they were talking, all you think is no one's hearing this, but you and me.

Aimee 1:03:14
Couldn't have said that on the podcast?

Scott Benner 1:03:16
What are you doing? Like, I didn't want to embarrass you. And I was like, Oh, let me be embarrassed. Like it would be. I just I said afterwards, I was like, Look, I have a podcast. I was like, if I'm having a conversation, it's not being recorded. It almost feels like a waste of time at this point. You know, I need you to say that while I'm recording you, but it was very nice. And listen to their point actually, was kind of nice for me too. Because I do realize that some of my embarrassment comes from the fact that I know someone's going to hear it later. And so I could just let this person just tell me how they felt. And I could accept it nicely and say thank you and, and have like a normal conversation about it. Because I don't care how good of a job you think I do with this podcast. When you're being recorded. You're aware you're being recorded. Yeah, yeah. So it does. It does change you a little bit like I stopped myself five minutes prior from making the joke about someone offering themselves sexually to me. And then I while you were talking mulled it over in my mind to make sure that that's something people would hear the right way. Because obviously, I don't think that, you know, I don't think that should happen, right? Like it's a preposterous idea. That sounds funny. Then you say sex and sex is funny and blah, blah, blah. Like I don't have to explain the joke to people, but but when you're being recorded, you really do you think twice about things you say, you know, and you're and trust me when you're just freewheeling I think it's more valuable. So I do my best to go free. But there's times when I'm like, oh. Anyway, I don't know where that all went. But

Aimee 1:04:55
oh, yeah. And I think like people who listen regularly get your sense of humor and The people who might have that moment, be the one off time it looks to me like

Scott Benner 1:05:06
it is it has happened. Like, I know that for a fact that people sometimes just pick the wrong episode to start with. Because you imagine, if you just came into this one, and you're this far, and you're like, there's this guy, he doesn't have diabetes, he says he's so good at it, that people should offer themselves to her sexually. As a thank you. I think this guy sounds like a jerk. And I gotta

Aimee 1:05:26
admit, children that listen to this podcast. Heard that out

Scott Benner 1:05:30
of context, I'd think I might agree with you, you know. But yeah, I think if you know me a little bit, you'd understand i I'm joking. And and by the way, kids do listen to the show, which is tough for me, because I can't Yeah, you know, I mean, like, I can only be myself, but I'm assuming they either it's okay with their parents, or their parents don't know what it's all working out one or the other. I have no idea.

Aimee 1:05:54
And like, really, if they're listening, they're probably like, at least old enough that they don't know, why don't mature about.

Scott Benner 1:06:02
I have a photo on my computer somewhere of a little kid, like in a car seat, holding a phone up to their ear, listening to the podcast, right. And it's accompanied by a note, which I don't have any more. I wish I didn't I wish of all the things I wished I wished I could pay somebody to do a better like to do a better job than I do with my correspondence. But I remember this note, where the the mother and her friend were in the front seat, and they're talking and laughing. They're just out driving. And this young kid, like four or five, six years old, I don't know in that range, shushes them and says, I can't hear the podcast. And she's like, she was listening to your podcast. So I responded back and I'm like, really? And you know, like, she's Yeah, she's like, she's learning about her diabetes from it. And I'm like, wow, that's insane. You know? So anyway, what? One person can't just like make, I would say, No, I'm married, Amy, but it would still be nice, don't you think?

Aimee 1:07:11
If you know, just to feel wanted, or if one of you

Scott Benner 1:07:15
in grades would name your babies after me. Just one I so far, I got a dog, which I appreciated. I have a number of license plates throughout the country, which I think is very nice. Someone did name their their child Arden.

Aimee 1:07:30
I was just gonna say I saw that recently. But

Scott Benner 1:07:34
that just made me upset. So oh, she's like, that's my name. She was What if everyone starts doing that? I'm like, everyone's not gonna start doing that. Calm

Aimee 1:07:44
down. Oh, now you've made her name. The most popular name in

Scott Benner 1:07:47
America. I don't know about that. But I just want one baby named Scott. Like it wasn't that hard. What about one of you who've already just named your baby Scott. And it wasn't after me, just lying to me and saying it was like when

Aimee 1:07:57
that price? The timeline lines up enough?

Scott Benner 1:08:01
Why not? Amy? Why not do a nice? That's all I'm saying. Oh, my gosh, you have no idea. I would tell people for a week if that happened. Oh, I know. I know. He went longer a week. A month a year? Yes. 10 years now and the length of the podcast. I'd be like the last one. Let's go over everything.

Aimee 1:08:21
The last episode is you speaking to the Scott that you were named after?

Scott Benner 1:08:25
Whoa, Amy. This. You're very cute. Alright, so listen. So what does that mean? Somebody's got to get to it right now. It's a it's 2020. What is it? 22. You're right. I do not know what year it is. 2020 To make a baby right now, if you stop listening to the podcast and have sex right now, we could have a Scot nine months. And the kid would have to be I mean, I could probably, but then the kid would have to get diabetes, right or No, not necessarily. Yes. No,

Aimee 1:08:54
I think you're not necessarily it won't be the cherry on top. But you know,

Scott Benner 1:08:58
what a weird, weird statement from you, Amy, that what we really wish for is that a baby gets diabetes. So it can be on a podcast later and it would be a better story. I think that's what you're saying. Alright, so Amy's not wishing diabetes on hypothetical children. But I think this is like a 10 year plan. Right? I can have a reasonable conversation with a 10 year old. Yeah. All right. Well, everybody get to it, then. What am I like? I'm done. I can't have more kids. Yeah, I dropped out if I can eat well, if I tried to raise another baby. I think it would kill me.

Aimee 1:09:32
And what like, Yeah, well, I'm sure. I kind of feel the same.

Scott Benner 1:09:36
Yeah, I need to sleep. You don't I mean?

Aimee 1:09:39
Yeah, I do. Yeah. And also like, yeah, like, no, especially for you. But for me, like now, even with a three year old. Like, I feel like we're at this time where like, sometimes it's quiet for like 15 minutes. And you're like, Ooh, this is nice. But then we got a puppy. So that's like gone now.

Scott Benner 1:09:58
Amy, you listen to the podcast. I I told you listen,

Aimee 1:10:03
no, I love dogs. We already had a dog and then that dog died. And so then I felt we there was like an empty space. We needed a new dog.

Scott Benner 1:10:12
Got an ottoman, get an amen. Yeah. So nice to put your feet on would have been lovely. Yeah. Is there anything that we haven't talked about that we should have?

Aimee 1:10:24
I don't think so. No, I don't think so.

Scott Benner 1:10:28
All right. Well, Amy's bucket list is over that, I guess.

Aimee 1:10:31
Right. Yeah. I didn't have like a specific point. It was just like fulfilling my life's purpose to be on.

Scott Benner 1:10:38
What else is on this bucket list? Me because it sounds sad.

Aimee 1:10:42
Yeah, be on a diabetes podcast. I want to go to Ireland someday. That's on a bucket list. I don't know. I don't really like giving too much thought.

Scott Benner 1:10:51
Me either. I just want to get these kids out of college. Yeah, so tiring, paying for college. Oh, my God. Oh,

Aimee 1:11:00
my god. I can't imagine dude got enough saved for both of our kids to go to school, like one semester.

Scott Benner 1:11:06
Both kids one semester. You imagine that's all you get? Make them pay for it? Have you considered like that's sort of like a Bloodsport situation where you tell them look, we only really have enough money to send one of you to college fight. Like

Aimee 1:11:22
I'm banking on maybe University being free by the time we go. But I don't know if that's good news.

Scott Benner 1:11:29
Or maybe like a little Saskatchewan, like squid games situation where the kids have

I don't know where we feel us wheat and Saskatchewan.

Aimee 1:11:43
Oh, hugely. wheat fields all around canola, wheat X. It's all about it.

Scott Benner 1:11:49
Really? Well, you guys know. I just assume you live on a sheet of ice. So I don't know. Really?

Aimee 1:11:54
Yeah. Well, I kind of do right now. It's insane. But oh,

Scott Benner 1:11:58
well. Yeah, I can't live there. I'm sorry. Although I live in vagina. That'd be nice.

Aimee 1:12:04
You would. Yeah. And it gets really hot in the summer. The winter is is terribly cold.

Scott Benner 1:12:10
Amy, I just need you to tell me that. The place you live gets really hot in the summer, and I need you to use but I need you to use the name of the place.

Aimee 1:12:18
Yeah. Regina gets really hot this summer. Thank you. I appreciate that. A little bit sweaty.

Scott Benner 1:12:25
Oh, sometimes you get a little sweaty and a little bit. Yeah, you do. Yeah. I just need an episode title. And you know,

Aimee 1:12:32
oh, that's gonna be it. No.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
Just say no, you don't want it to be.

Aimee 1:12:39
I mean, it can be. I know. You're just going to name it whatever you want. So it's all fine. It can be whatever. But that's as soon as I said it. I was like, this is the episode title, isn't it? I knew it in my head.

Scott Benner 1:12:53
It gets a little hot in Regina in the summertime. It gets hot. I think I'd have to pare it down. Just Regina gets hot in the summer. No, I gotta be honest with you, Amy. That's gonna be the title of the episode.

Aimee 1:13:06
But good. I like it.

Scott Benner 1:13:09
There's no way it's not going to be that. Like, I'd have to sell the podcast to someone else who would then rename it. There's the only way it could happen. I would never in a million years not make it that. I really appreciate this. Everyone else who's thinking of coming on. This is the level of effort I need from you.

Aimee 1:13:29
Yeah. Okay.

Scott Benner 1:13:32
Yeah, she told a good story. She was honest. She came up with a title. Even though she didn't know she came up with it. She did. I just had to lead her to it a little bit. Yeah, for Amy, your delight. Thank you so much.

Aimee 1:13:46
Oh, thank you. That was so much fun.

Scott Benner 1:13:48
I appreciate that very much. Tell your husband learn my name. I didn't like it when he said

Aimee 1:13:52
well, I will hold on one second okay.

Scott Benner 1:13:54
A huge thanks to Amy for coming on the show and sharing her story. I'd also like to thank Omni pod makers of the AMI pod five and the Omni pod dash m remind you to go to Omni pod.com forward slash juicebox to get started today or learn more about the Omni pod five or the Omni pod dash. I also want to thank someone else. Oh I remember it's the Contour Next One blood glucose meter. It really is a super easy to use super easy to hold incredibly accurate blood glucose meter. That is inexpensive. Contour next one.com forward slash juice box you will not regret it. It's simply the easiest decision you can make today. Right next to getting an omni pod thanks so much for listening. I'll be back soon with another episode of The Juicebox Podcast.

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